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Ghengis Khan

Author File Description
Craig Morash
File Details
Number of Scenarios: 7
Difficulty: ?
Ghengis Khan. This campaign has its own custom .ai and .per files. Put the .per and .ai files in your AoE data folder. Then put the .cpn file in your campaign folder. This campaign consists of 7 scenarios, loosely based on Ghengis Khans rise to power. It is definitely not consistant with history. It starts with the gathering of ; forces through raiding villages to aquire troops. Then you must in later scenarios attack forces to gain control of the country. The scenarios wind through the attack of Greece and Rome and although not historically accurate are a lot of fun to play. In the later scenarios there are large pre-built cities and plenty of resources. There is quite a variety of types of victory conditions. I found that with the amount of units in certain scenarios the game will slow down, but is still quite playable. The final scenario is a grand attack on the Great Wall of China, which is very heavily defended.
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Map Design2.5
Playability: 4
Khan's Journey (or Ghengis Khan as it is named here at the Heavens) has not been a very original campaign. The scenarios were tough and held a lot of fun. Most times this campaign will challange you. There have been no bugs and everything worked out fine.
Yet for some unknown reason you change your civilization a few times. In the end you'll be Hittie which is quite a nice choice for the big battles. In scenario number 5 I had no chance how to take on a fully developed Greek and Choson empire. Still, I enjoyed this campaign.

Balance: 4.5
Balance has been nearly perfect. One scenario was too hard for me, the other ones were perfectly balanced. I had to reload sometimes because I've made a wrong step, in particular opening up a battle too soon when I wasn't really ready for it.
Good AI's, though.

Creativity: 2.5
There's nothing special about this campaign. It's a boring story with some common maps and withour any eye candy, special tactics or unusual gameplay. Basically most scenarios are build up and destroy some well-equiped empire.
Yet I pay some credit to the (wise) use of different victory conditions.

Map Design: 2.5
The designer used roads to make his cities a bit more realistic and the maps suit the scenario to make it a bit harder for you. So far the good points. now the bad ones:
ressources are clumped together, no mixed forests, no grass or cactee, no special units, most times not enough different players, cities still don't look good even with roads,...

Story/Instructions: 2
This campaign is about Ghengis Khan as it's name points out. Which is nice because otherwise you wouldn't recognize. The "story" was as boring as it was incorrect. There haven't been instructuion maps and neither has there been good help. At least, I always knew what I had to do.
I don't like using the standard videos.

Additional Comments:
download recommendation: Your choice. You will get some nice battles which will take soem time (I played 3 hours for the last scenario), but there's not much creativity about it.

[Edited on 10/02/06 @ 08:15 AM]

Map Design4.0
Playability: 3
The first couple of scenarios are quite fun, as with the final two. However, the other scenarios are actually too long. In one of these scenarios you are constantly attacking two cities with superior siege and towers, with your poxy yamato stone throwers.

Balance: 2
With the exception of the 4th and 5th scenarios, you are challenged in various ways. The earlier scenarios try to recreate hit and run tactics, and the final scenario is a huge siege of the Great Wall of China.

Creativity: 4
Some of the scenario objectives are very creative. As are the use of different terrain and map objects (like the roads in the second scenario).

Map Design: 4
Although not perfect, each map has been subject to a great amount of work. The overall shape of each map is good, and a good mix of roads, map objects etc has been added.

Story/Instructions: 3
The story is a fictional account of the Mongolian Empire, with attacks on both Greek and Roman cities being included in the story. Generally the story is okay, but I was confused on the 5th scenario (I believe that the instructions are wrong).

Additional Comments:
I would recommend for download. Not really to complete all scenarios, but to take a look at scenarios 1, 2 and 7 (the final). If you are familiar with AoK you may want to have a peek as some of the maps, as I beleive ES got some of their ideas from this!!!
Map Design3.0
Type: Historical
Scenarios: 7

Playability: 4
This campaign was a lot of fun. The early scenarios are not too difficult but steadily build up into very challenging battles. The first and last scenarios are very similar to the AoK campaign! The more difficult scenarios will take a long time, as the enemies are quite strong. There are various victory conditions across the campaign, so although they appear to be build and destroy you are not required to eliminate every house, farm, pit etc.

Balance: 4
The early scenarios are not too difficult but the later scenarios are very challenging. You seem to be given good resources and appropriate civs across all scenarios. However, 1 scenario has you battling dozens of Choson towers with Shang. Maybe a hint to have your catapults blast through the forest rather than losing hundreds of units.

Creativity: 4
Although this is based on Ghengis Khan, it does vary from history with campaigns against Greek and Roman cities. The victory conditions have been used to very good effect.

Map Design: 3
Although a lot of effort went into the maps, with some good eye candy in places, some areas were plain. Some of resource placement was excessive. A piece of wall is missing in scenario 1, which allows you to bypass some fighting to obtain a few extra units.

Story/Instructions: 3
The hints and instructions are clear, but possibly lacked a little. The history was missing.

Additional Comments:
This one is worth downloading, as some of the scenarios are perfectly balanced. Some of the scenarios appear to have inspired AoK. Although not historically accurate, it does play very well.

[Edited on 11/18/09 @ 08:20 PM]

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