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Topic Subject: HC Cards past HCLevel 10
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posted 09-10-05 10:58 PM EDT (US)   

I'm usually not a forum poster, but I throught I'd share this with the rest of you folks. I don't know if anyone has posted anything similar to this, and I'm sorry if this is a duplicate post. I checked previous posts to make sure.

Anyway... the topic: As some of you may know, you can edit your Home Cities supply of cards by going into your savegame directory (C:\Documents and Settings\Cameron\My Documents\My Games\Age of Empires 3 Trial\Savegame) into your sp_CITYNAME_homecity.xml file and adding in lines such as "<tech dbid ="2564">HCShipMusketeers5</tech>" into your "<activetechs>" area.

It is also true that most (if not all) of the cards in the HCLevel 10+ area are all non-functional. Infact, you can tell if a specific card in your "pack" is non-functional by looking at its pop-up description. If there is NOTHING WRITTEN below the comment "This card may be selected ONE time", or "This card may be selected INFINITE times", then it has nothing written in the HC Card script file.

The intention of this post is to help those who are interested to build HC Cards of their own, and fix the broken ones.

The HC Card and Tech Tree Database is located in the file found in the default directory "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Empires III Trial\data" (Your directory may be different). The name of the files you want to pay attention to are the "proto.xml" and "techtree.xml".

The "proto.xml" is a list of all available units and unit scripts in the game. Unfortunatly, the only merc's in the "proto.xml" are the Hessian Jaegers and Pirate Privateers! Sorry to all those who wanted to see the Merc Army.

The "techtree.xml" is a list of all the In-game techs and HC Cards available in the game. HC Cards are usually near the bottom of this large file, and usually contain "HC" as the first two letters in the name (EX: <Tech name ='HCRidingSchool' type ='Normal'> ).

How to change/fix a HC Card:

Simple example of fixing a HC Card...

Lets look at the example of the British "Summon Musketeer (16 Musketeers)" HC Card. This card gives a discription of being able to summon 16 Musketeers, yet the game will not spawn anything should you add this card to your deck.

Inside the "techtree.xml" you will find the entry for this HC Card as follows:

<Tech name ='HCShipMusketeers5' type ='Normal'>
<Cost resourcetype ='Ships'>1.0000</Cost>
<Icon>units\infantry_ranged\musketeer\musketeer_icon_6 4x64</Icon>

The DBID is the tech's tag for when you want to add this HC Card to your deck in your savegame file - something to remember for later. Also, you might notice there's nothing in the "Effects" catagory - this is why the card doesn't do anything at all.

To "fix" this card, simply reference a working "Summon Musketeer" card and augment the effects output, as such:

<Tech name ='HCShipMusketeers5' type ='Normal'>
<Cost resourcetype ='Ships'>1.0000</Cost>
<Status>UNOBTAINABLE</Status><Icon>units\infantry_ranged\musketeer\musketeer_icon_6 4x64</Icon>
<Effect type ='Data' amount ='16.00' subtype ='FreeHomeCityUnit' unittype ='Musketeer' relativity ='Absolute'>
<Target type ='Player'></Target></Effect></Effects>


A simple copy & paste from the effect of HCShipMusketeers1, except that the modifier, "amount ='6.00'" was changed to the fixed value of "16.00". Make sure all tags are accounted for, or else the game will exit to desktop - <Effects> <Effect> </Effect> </Effects>.

A more difficult example:

What if we wanted to fix the "Summon Privateer" HC Card? This is where the "proto.xml" file may come in handy. First, make sure the unit in question really exists! Find the Privateer unit in "proto.xml" and see if the unit tag is indeed, just a simple "Privateer". Then, find the entry of the HC Card you want to fix, such as in this example the "Summon Privateer Armada (+6 Privateers)" HC Card.

<Tech name ='HCPrivateers3' type ='Normal'>
<Cost resourcetype ='Gold'>1000.0000</Cost>
<Cost resourcetype ='Ships'>1.0000</Cost>
<Status>UNOBTAINABLE</Status><Icon>units\naval\privateer\privateer_icon_64x64</I con>

As predicted, nothing in the Effects. Copy and Paste from another unit summon HC Card, and modify the values needed to fix the card, as such:

<Tech name ='HCPrivateers3' type ='Normal'>
<Cost resourcetype ='Gold'>1000.0000</Cost>
<Cost resourcetype ='Ships'>1.0000</Cost>
<Icon>units\naval\privateer\privateer_icon_64x64</I con>
<Effect type ='Data' amount ='6.00' subtype ='FreeHomeCityUnit' unittype ='Privateer' relativity ='Absolute'>
<Target type ='Player'></Target></Effect></Effects>

Note what was changed: amount, and unittype. "unittype" must lead to a valid entry in "proto.xml", to the best of my knowledge.

Lastly, a two more difficult examples:

Lets try and fix the HC Card "Extensive Fortification" in the Cathedral section of the HC Card Deck. The Description states it increases the build limit of Outposts & Blockhouses, yet as some may have noticed, the HC Card doesn't work! There's nothing below the "This card can only be used ONE time", and for good reason - the Effects entry for the card is empty in the "techtree.xml" file.

How to fix this HC Card:

Firstly, lets find something similar to this HC Card - there's one HC Card which has a similar effect called "Admirality" (Increases build limit of naval ships). Using the previously written code from that HC Card...

<Effect type ='Data' amount ='2.00' subtype ='BuildLimit' relativity ='Absolute'>
<Target type ='ProtoUnit'>Galleon</Target></Effect>

...we can change it to fit the needs of our broken HC Card, as such:

<Effect type ='Data' amount ='3.00' subtype ='BuildLimit' relativity ='Absolute'>
<Target type ='ProtoUnit'>Outpost</Target></Effect>

We don't know the actual build increase limit from the short description of the HC Card In-game, but I made a guess that it'll change the build limit from 7 to 10, hence the "amount ='3.00'" reflects the change of "Base 7" + 3. I guessed at the ProtoUnit tag (from "proto.xml") in this HC Card, but you may need to check that file from time to time.

Last Example:

Let us now fix the "Cavalry Combat" HC Card in the Military Academy section of the HC card deck. The description states that this HC card will increase Hussar and Dragoon attack and hitpoints, and, of course, the card is broken.

The fixed HC Card:

<Tech name ='HCCavalryCombatBritish' type ='Normal'>
<Cost resourcetype ='Ships'>1.0000</Cost>
<Icon>ui\techs\hc_cavalry_combat\hc_cavalry_combat< /Icon>
<Effect type ='Data' amount ='1.25' subtype ='Hitpoints' relativity ='BasePercent'>
<Target type ='ProtoUnit'>AbstractCavalry</Target></Effect>
<Effect type ='Data' amount ='1.25' subtype ='Damage' allactions ='1' relativity ='BasePercent'>
<Target type ='ProtoUnit'>AbstractCavalry</Target></Effect>

In this instance, "amount" modifier is a precentage increase, so 1.25 is the same as a 25% increase. "relativity" modifier signifies that the 25% increase is off the base stats of said unit. The "ProtoUnit" here is AbstractCavalry, which according to the "proto.xml" will apply this increase to all units classified as AbstractCavalry (All Cavalry, in this example). Notice that you may have two or more <Effect></Effect> modifiers contained within a single (and always a single!) <Effects></Effects> catagory. You can have a large amount of single <Effect></Effect> within a single HC Card, if you wish.

Other things of note:

As I mentioned, there is no reference to the other Merc's in the HC Card Decks, unfortunately. No Scottish Highlanders, Barbary Corsairs, Swiss Pikeman, Hackapells, Stradiots, or Mamelukes (to the best of my knowledge, mind you). Only Privateers (Pirate Ships!), and Hessian Jaegers.

Also, for fixing the resource crate HC Cards (+600 Wood/Coin/Food, +1000 Wood/Coin/Food, etc...), note that "CrateofWood" contains 100 Wood, and a "CrateofWoodLarge" contains 500 Wood for that HC Card's "unittype". So to fix the +1000 resource, you would need 2 "CrateofWoodLarge" delivered.

I hope this helps many of you as a short tutorial on fixing the HC Cards. I prefer to "teach a man to fish" and feed them for life, rather than just throw out a file. Hopefully many of you can come up with more creative ways in fixing the cards present in the demo.

I'm sorry if this is one of those "Well Duh!" posts, or if it's been posted before. I made an effort to check before making this post, though.


posted 09-10-05 11:09 PM EDT (US)     1 / 42  
nice. when ES said that none of the level 10 and up cards would work I'd thought that would have meant taking all the extra data out to save space. Here's to being wrong! Thanks for the detail especially.

NerVe Clan
SMF AoE3 Recorded Game Data Mod
icq: 118526591 «¦¤¦» msn:
posted 09-10-05 11:11 PM EDT (US)     2 / 42  
Your very welcome!

Unfortunately, some of the HC Cards will remain a mystery since the specific <Effect></Effect> commands are too far from guessing, and with zero examples already listed. Not to mention missing data and units in the "proto.xml".


posted 09-10-05 11:14 PM EDT (US)     3 / 42  
OMG post of the day!

Thanks for this!

However a file consisting of all the changes you made could be helpfull for those who aren't to comfortable editing files.

[This message has been edited by Ceres629 (edited 09-10-2005 @ 11:18 PM).]

posted 09-10-05 11:16 PM EDT (US)     4 / 42  
That's extremely awesome. Thanks for the info!

And doesn't this mean we can "create" our own cards, by making a card, say, summon a massive army of cannons, musketeers, and cavalry?

posted 09-10-05 11:28 PM EDT (US)     5 / 42  
Vuredel, in theory, yes. You can change the "Summon 2 Settlers" card effect to something like....

<Effect type ='Data' amount ='20.00' subtype ='FreeHomeCityUnit' unittype ='Musketeer' relativity ='Absolute'>
<Target type ='Player'></Target></Effect>
<Effect type ='Data' amount ='20.00' subtype ='FreeHomeCityUnit' unittype ='Hussar' relativity ='Absolute'>
<Target type ='Player'></Target></Effect>
<Effect type ='Data' amount ='10.00' subtype ='FreeHomeCityUnit' unittype ='Rocket' relativity ='Absolute'>
<Target type ='Player'></Target></Effect>

...but the summoned units will use up your Pop. Cap. So if you used this card right at the beginning, you would be at like 100/10 population and unable to build any other units. It would be funny, though! You can also add in modifiers that persist throughout the game for all your units, like +HP, +Attack for AbstractCavalry, AbstractGunpowderTrooper, etc...


[This message has been edited by Ironsc (edited 09-11-2005 @ 01:34 AM).]

posted 09-10-05 11:41 PM EDT (US)     6 / 42  
80 pikes on the way baby!

posted 09-10-05 11:41 PM EDT (US)     7 / 42  
Awsome job, i went thru some of the cards too with the level patch i made, only a few worked too, glad you could clarify.

Thanks again.

posted 09-11-05 00:07 AM EDT (US)     8 / 42  
I guess this is going over pretty well, so I'll post more examples from the fixes I did in my techtree.xml file to restore the HC Cards.

Note: The "HCShipSurgeons" card will allow you to build field hospitals once used in-game to get the 2 free Surgeon units. The Surgeons themselves build the field hospital.

<Effect type ='Data' action ='Gather' amount ='1.50' subtype ='WorkRate' unittype ='LivestockPen' relativity ='BasePercent'>
<Target type ='ProtoUnit'>Herdable</Target></Effect></Effects>

<Effect type ='Data' amount ='1.25' subtype ='Hitpoints' relativity ='BasePercent'>
<Target type ='ProtoUnit'>Grenadier</Target></Effect>
<Effect type ='Data' amount ='1.25' subtype ='Damage' allactions ='1' relativity ='BasePercent'>
<Target type ='ProtoUnit'>Grenadier</Target></Effect>
<Effect type ='Data' amount ='1.25' subtype ='Hitpoints' relativity ='BasePercent'>
<Target type ='ProtoUnit'>Musketeer</Target></Effect>
<Effect type ='Data' amount ='1.25' subtype ='Damage' allactions ='1' relativity ='BasePercent'>
<Target type ='ProtoUnit'>Musketeer</Target></Effect>

<Effect type ='Data' amount ='1.20' subtype ='Hitpoints' relativity ='BasePercent'>
<Target type ='ProtoUnit'>AbstractWarShip</Target></Effect>
<Effect type ='Data' amount ='1.20' subtype ='Damage' allactions ='1' relativity ='BasePercent'>
<Target type ='ProtoUnit'>AbstractWarShip</Target></Effect>
<Effect type ='TextOutput'>41885</Effect>

<Effect type ='Data' amount ='2.00' subtype ='FreeHomeCityUnit' unittype ='Surgeon' relativity ='Absolute'>
<Target type ='Player'></Target></Effect></Effects>

<Effect type ='Data' amount ='9.00' subtype ='FreeHomeCityUnit' unittype ='Grenadier' relativity ='Absolute'>
<Target type ='Player'></Target></Effect></Effects>

This isn't all the modifications I've made, but it'll provide more examples to the more creative individuals in hopes of repairing the techtree.xml to its full glory! (Until the final release of AoE III, that is...)

There's a weird tech in the "techtree.xml", by the way. <Tech name ='UniqueJoeIsTehSuX' type ='Normal'> Just thought I'd share that with those of you who are sifting through that file so you can do a text search for it.

Also, for those of you interested in the Merc Armies - there are "unittype" tags for the Mercs, but I've yet to have one work for me. Maybe I did something wrong, or the fact that they are missing from the "proto.xml" file makes it faulty. The "unittype" tags for the Mercs that I've noticed: MercHighlander, MercJaeger, MercHackapell, MercBarbaryCorsair. The HC Card names are variations of "HCMercsHighlanders", "HCMercsSwissPikemen", etc...


[This message has been edited by Ironsc (edited 09-11-2005 @ 01:35 AM).]

posted 09-11-05 00:33 AM EDT (US)     9 / 42  
Link to how to edit a Settler's build menu ("proto.xml" editing)to include a "Fort". It's the 6th post/reply in the message.,23924,0,10

Wonder what else we can tweak?


posted 09-11-05 00:47 AM EDT (US)     10 / 42  
Would it be possible to make the mercs use a model for another unit?
posted 09-11-05 00:52 AM EDT (US)     11 / 42  
Doggiedoodle, I believe so. Just Copy & Paste the unit info for the Jaeger in "proto.xml" and change the stats, name and the Unit ID, then just reference it into the "techtree.xml" under the proper HC Card. Add the card to your active card deck and try it.

Works in theory, atleast! Haven't tried it, though. Should have the same model as the Jaeger, but different name and stats.

I don't know if the models for the other Mercs are in the demo, though. Don't know how I would find out that information.


posted 09-11-05 02:01 AM EDT (US)     12 / 42  
Ask ES.

Hey how do you get past lvl10 or do you just do all that and get the cards a different way then spending points?

[This message has been edited by Belesarius_WHT (edited 09-11-2005 @ 02:05 AM).]

posted 09-11-05 02:08 AM EDT (US)     13 / 42  
Anyone have a copy of the fully edited protoxml and techtreexml files? I don't want to do it myself because I'm afraid I'll screw it up :|

Feel free to email it to

posted 09-11-05 02:15 AM EDT (US)     14 / 42  
Belesarius_WHT, I'm still HCLevel 9, but I edited my "sp_New Zion_homecity.xml" in my savegame folder (\My Documents\My Games\Age of Empires 3 Trial\Savegame) to give me the cards that require HCLevel 10+. I can still use the cards even though I'm HCLevel 9.

There was a mod floating around to get rid of the demo level cap on this messageboard, too (,23800,30,10 Reply #12). If you use that mod, then be sure to go into your savegame file and change the "<skillpoints>0</skillpoints>" to something like "<skillpoints>100</skillpoints>" so you can pick up all the cards once you level with the mod.

To edit your savegame file you basically need to find every single HC Card's unique ID in the "techtree.xml" in your game's /data folder and then use that unique ID in your savegame folder under <activetechs>, like such (British only! Spanish have a slightly different selection of cards available. Does not include all techs, by the way... only ones I wanted and edited myself):

<tech dbid ="2183">HCShipSettlers1</tech>
<tech dbid ="2206">HCShipSettlers2</tech>
<tech dbid ="2572">HCShipFoodCrates1</tech>
<tech dbid ="2184">HCShipFoodCrates2</tech>
<tech dbid ="2573">HCShipWoodCrates1</tech>
<tech dbid ="2190">HCShipCoveredWagons</tech>
<tech dbid ="2207">HCShipSettlers3</tech>
<tech dbid ="2208">HCShipSettlers4</tech>
<tech dbid ="2567">HCShipSettlers5</tech>
<tech dbid ="2209">HCShipFoodCrates3</tech>
<tech dbid ="2210">HCShipFoodCrates4</tech>
<tech dbid ="2211">HCShipWoodCrates2</tech>
<tech dbid ="2212">HCShipWoodCrates3</tech>
<tech dbid ="2213">HCShipWoodCrates4</tech>
<tech dbid ="2574">HCShipCoinCrates1</tech>
<tech dbid ="2214">HCShipCoinCrates2</tech>
<tech dbid ="2215">HCShipCoinCrates3</tech>
<tech dbid ="2216">HCShipCoinCrates4</tech>
<tech dbid ="2088">HCExplorerBritish</tech>
<tech dbid ="2448">HCShipSheep1Team</tech>
<tech dbid ="2219">HCShipSheep2</tech>
<tech dbid ="2220">HCShipCows</tech>
<tech dbid ="1810">HCFatterSheepTeam</tech>
<tech dbid ="489">HCShipBalloons</tech>
<tech dbid ="2242">HCShipSurgeons</tech>
<tech dbid ="2309">HCShipLongbowmen1</tech>
<tech dbid ="2187">HCShipMusketeers1</tech>
<tech dbid ="2247">HCShipMusketeers2</tech>
<tech dbid ="2305">HCShipGrenadiers1</tech>
<tech dbid ="2192">HCShipFalconets1</tech>
<tech dbid ="2078">HCImprovedLongbows</tech>
<tech dbid ="2310">HCShipLongbowmen2</tech>
<tech dbid ="2311">HCShipLongbowmen3</tech>
<tech dbid ="2675">HCShipLongbowmen4</tech>
<tech dbid ="2313">HCShipMusketeers3</tech>
<tech dbid ="2314">HCShipMusketeers4</tech>
<tech dbid ="2564">HCShipMusketeers5</tech>
<tech dbid ="2566">HCShipGrenadiers2</tech>
<tech dbid ="2637">HCShipGrenadiers3</tech>
<tech dbid ="2235">HCShipFalconets2</tech>
<tech dbid ="2236">HCShipFalconets3</tech>
<tech dbid ="2232">HCShipHussars2</tech>
<tech dbid ="2317">HCShipHussars3</tech>
<tech dbid ="2318">HCShipHussars4</tech>
<tech dbid ="2565">HCShipHussars5</tech>
<tech dbid ="2237">HCShipMortars1</tech>
<tech dbid ="2238">HCShipMortars2</tech>
<tech dbid ="2084">HCCavalryHitpointsBritish</tech>
<tech dbid ="2085">HCCavalryDamageBritish</tech>
<tech dbid ="2086">HCCavalryCombatBritish</tech>
<tech dbid ="2315">HCMusketeerGrenadierDamageBritish</tech>
<tech dbid ="2316">HCMusketeerGrenadierHitpointsBritishTeam</tech>
<tech dbid ="2083">HCMusketeerGrenadierCombatBritish</tech>
<tech dbid ="2228">HCShipPikemen2</tech>
<tech dbid ="2319">HCShipRockets1</tech>
<tech dbid ="2320">HCShipRockets2</tech>
<tech dbid ="2321">HCFastHousesTeam</tech>
<tech dbid ="2571">HCFrontierDefenses</tech>
<tech dbid ="814">HCUnlockFort</tech>
<tech dbid ="2030">HCExtensiveFortifications</tech>
<tech dbid ="625">HCUnlockFactory</tech>
<tech dbid ="2568">HCNativeLore</tech>
<tech dbid ="881">HCNativeTreaties</tech>
<tech dbid ="1993">HCPioneers</tech>
<tech dbid ="1992">HCColonialMilitia</tech>
<tech dbid ="2096">HCAdvancedMill</tech>
<tech dbid ="2104">HCAdvancedMarket</tech>
<tech dbid ="469">HCFishMarket</tech>
<tech dbid ="1950">HCIronmonger</tech>
<tech dbid ="2607">HCStockyards</tech>
<tech dbid ="2613">HCFullingMills</tech>
<tech dbid ="2447">HCRumDistilleryTeam</tech>
<tech dbid ="474">HCCigarRoller</tech>
<tech dbid ="1081">HCAdmirality</tech>
<tech dbid ="465">HCPrivateers</tech>
<tech dbid ="2605">HCPrivateers2</tech>
<tech dbid ="2612">HCPrivateers3</tech>
<tech dbid ="2223">HCShipFrigates</tech>
<tech dbid ="2224">HCShipMonitors</tech>
<tech dbid ="2597">HCShipMonitors2</tech>
<tech dbid ="2185">HCShipCaravels1</tech>
<tech dbid ="2221">HCShipCaravels2</tech>
<tech dbid ="2222">HCShipGalleons</tech>
<tech dbid ="2225">HCNavalCombat</tech>
<tech dbid ="2323">HCNavalGunners</tech>
<tech dbid ="2611">HCMonitorCombatTeam</tech>


[This message has been edited by Ironsc (edited 09-11-2005 @ 02:33 AM).]

posted 09-11-05 02:29 AM EDT (US)     15 / 42  
Wow thanks alot your frickin sweet and this is a hell of alot of fun messing with these things.
posted 09-11-05 09:23 AM EDT (US)     16 / 42  
Dude you should really post the actual files you edited, if you cant find a host I'm sure one of the mods will host the fill on heavengames for you because this is discovery of epic proportions!
posted 09-11-05 01:06 PM EDT (US)     17 / 42  
Ironsc, if you have fixed all possible cards, could you please make it possible to download your techtree, because I cant find any of the units I want to fix.

Thanks in advance.

posted 09-11-05 01:42 PM EDT (US)     18 / 42  
yes and stick the thread!

Death is sorrowful... Being alive is even more sorrowful...
posted 09-11-05 02:14 PM EDT (US)     19 / 42  
Wow, I didn't think it was possible to repair the cards! I did know about how to get the lvl 10 and 25 cards for the campaign. I also made them so they can be used infinitely(every single one including 1-9 cards). But those cards never worked(10-25s). But now I can repair them now and make them work!

If any body wants me to post how to make cards work infinitely, I'll be glad too. Again only for campaign, I'll see if I can make it work for Skirmish Mode.

posted 09-11-05 04:56 PM EDT (US)     20 / 42  
love the pirates!
I have edited files like these before to other games but you (Ironsc) knows a lot more then me
aoe3 is quite easy to edit, thats good in a way that we can have a bit fun with it, like sending 100 musketeers but I realy hope ESO2's anti cheating software checks all files before launching a game online...
posted 09-11-05 05:04 PM EDT (US)     21 / 42  
Thank you for your in-depth posting!!

I unlocked the Advanced Trading Post card and am still tweaking it's ranged attack, but I did make it cost cheaper and build faster(because I saw those effects already listed for mills and just copied and pasted and edited the advanced mill code to work for the Trading Post).

I agree this really should be a sticky thread, because now I'm going to have a way to mod my demo myself until I can get the full version.

Ok, I do have one question for you: Do you know where can I go to turn off the fog of war? (I only want to do this when playing against AI, just like you could in random maps in AOE II..)



[This message has been edited by Khya_Ashur (edited 09-11-2005 @ 05:13 PM).]

posted 09-11-05 06:26 PM EDT (US)     22 / 42  

I haven't seen anything so far for the Fog of War. But there is something else you could do that would be almost as useful...

In Age V, when you build your Capitol, you can research a tech called "Spies" that will allow you to see the enemy positions.

You can look in the "Proto.xml" to find the tag for this tech and Copy & Paste it to your Town Center.

<Unit id ='210' name ='TownCenter'>
<Tech row ='0' page ='1' column ='1'>Spies</Tech>

Then go into the "techtree.xml" and change the Age Requirements, Cost, etc.

<Tech name ='Spies' type ='Normal'>
<Cost resourcetype ='Gold'>0.0000</Cost>
<Effect all ='true' type ='SharedLOS'></Effect>

Not quite a Fog of War remover, but close enough.


posted 09-11-05 07:44 PM EDT (US)     23 / 42  
After looking at Ironsc's idea for removing Fog of War, I have another idea you might like:

This involves the same procedure as the one for Spies, but it edits the Gas Lighting tech that you can get at the Church in the Colonial Age.

search the line:
<Unit id ='210' name ='TownCenter'>

as before, and in the <Tech row=' ...> areas add the line
<Tech row ='0' page ='1' column ='3'>ChurchGasLighting</Tech>

(I put column='4' there because columns 1 and 2 are taken by the Set HC Rally Point and Ransom Explorer buttons.)

now, in the techtree.xml file, search the line:
<Tech name ='ChurchGasLighting' type ='Normal'>

then edit 2 of the rows as follows:
<Cost resourcetype ='Food'>100.0000</Cost>
<Cost resourcetype ='Food'>0.0000</Cost>

<Effect type ='Data' amount ='4.00' subtype ='LOS' relativity ='Absolute'>
<Effect type ='Data' amount ='40000.00' subtype ='LOS' relativity ='Absolute'>

or some other obscenely huge number.

Yes, this will use a tiny bit of TC time, but it's good enough for what you want, as long as you don't lose all your buildings (which would mean you were pretty much dead anyway). I tested this (w/o the 0 food change, I assume that works), and it reveals the whole map.

Gamespy nick: _AFO_Forsaken
All For One
All things considered, leaving the plunger in the toilet before going was probably a bad idea...
There are 2 kinds of people: those who try to install light bulbs, and those who make jokes about the people that try to install light bulbs.
If life throws you a lemon, make lemonade; if life throws you lemonade, make sure it doesn't throw it in your eyes.
posted 09-11-05 11:50 PM EDT (US)     24 / 42  
I am working on making a card mod myself, just to let people know, but it does take quite a bit of time (and a little bit of guessing). I'm hoping to have it done by tomorrow or Tuesday; we'll see. Probably have modded 20 of the ones that can be...many left, but hopefully the send units ones will go faster (haven't gotten to them, mostly the Advanced buildings stuff so far). I'll keep working when I get back though; fun to do for some reason :P

Gamespy nick: _AFO_Forsaken
All For One
All things considered, leaving the plunger in the toilet before going was probably a bad idea...
There are 2 kinds of people: those who try to install light bulbs, and those who make jokes about the people that try to install light bulbs.
If life throws you a lemon, make lemonade; if life throws you lemonade, make sure it doesn't throw it in your eyes.
posted 09-12-05 11:43 AM EDT (US)     25 / 42  
I do hope that if you make it you make it so that the cards are like they are meaned to be, no extremly cheap mills, just the cost it was meaned to be reduced with.
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