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Modding Discussions
Moderated by Alexastor, MosheLevi, Mister SCP

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Topic Subject: Warhammer 40,000 Civ Mod!
posted 05-31-06 03:33 PM EDT (US)   
I'm thinking of starting a new civ mod based of of Warhammer 40,000, a tabletop strategy game that I've been getting into lately. If you've got no clue what Warhammer 40k is, check out Their Site.
Without furter ado, here are the civs I'm going to add:
Space Marines
Imperial Guard
Chaos Undivided
I've already got an idea for the Space Marines:
Barracks=Chapter Armory
Primary Hand Infantry:Assault Marine
Primary Ranged Infantry:Tactical Marine
Elite Infantry: Marine Sergeant
Artillery Foundry=Devastator HQ
Instead of producing artillery, which the Space Marines don't have, this building will produce Devastator Marines, the Marine's primary Heavy Support force, as well as tanks.
Devastator Marines Produced:
Dev. w/ Heavy Bolter, Dev. w/ Heavy Flamer, Dev. w/ Rocket Launcher, Dev. w/ Plasma Cannon
Tanks Produced:
Razorback Transport
Vindicator Siege Tank
Factories are replaced by Imperial Manufactorums. Although they can still produce resources, they create Gun Servitors, which are basically cyborgs equipped with heavy bolters, or standard Servitors(aka Worker Drones).
Instead of an Explorer and Explorer Party, you will recieve a Space Marines Chapter Master (Commander of a Chapter of 1,000 Marines) and his Honor Guard of elite Assault Marines.
Villagers can be replaced with Servitors, which are produced at the Manufactorum after the Worker Drone Card is unlocked and sent.
The Space Marines and Imperial Guard share the same home city(Terra), although they still use different cards and upgrades. The city will include a Starport(Dock), the Grand Manufactorum(Foundary), Imperial Academy(Military Academy), the Sanctorum Imperator Deus(Cathedral), and the Imperial Warehouse(Market).
It's a pretty big mod, and I already know which units to use for most of the mods. If anyone is willing to help, or has any ideas, I would be more than willing to recieve them.
PS:Please refrain from any 'this is way to serious to be accomplished' comments-I know it seems a little ambitious, but with a little help, i'm sure it'll be a great mod for everyone

lol it's all green looking
posted 05-31-06 06:30 PM EDT (US)     1 / 10  
I played Dawn of War and that was really fun though I'm not a tabletop fan. GL on the mod, I must remind you though that we haven't yet got a way to import new models to the game

Leader of Liquid Fire. Animator Seb C.

One does not simply leave HG
posted 05-31-06 07:37 PM EDT (US)     2 / 10  
I know we can't import/edit models (Without paying $12,500 ), but by changing the anim files, we can change the attached acessories, weapons and whatnnot. For example, To turn a War Wagon into a poor excuse for a vindicator, we can take off the horses, re-texture it, and replace the cannons with the barrel attachment from the mortar unit. The mods i've got so far are: Dante, Master of the Blood Angels Chapter, Lemartes, the Blood Angels' Lead Chaplain, and a Blood Angels Assault Marine. Right now, I'm trying to make a Sergeant out of a Janissary(The Sergeants use a Chainsword/Powersword AND boltpistol), and I have plans to use the Abus Gun's cannon for several different Devastator Marines. A lot of these guys aren't included in Dawn of War. Also it's too bad we can't import models, 'cause you're really missing out on
They're one of my personal favorites
------------------------------------------------------------ *
Also, if anyone has any experience in civ design, or would like to help with some of the other aspects of development, feel free to post!

lol it's all green looking

[This message has been edited by Lemartes (edited 05-31-2006 @ 07:56 PM).]

posted 06-01-06 07:49 AM EDT (US)     3 / 10  
Sorry but I dont think that an AGE game can become some wiered space game...... GOOD LUCK.. YOU WILL NEED IT

"Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets." Napoleon Bonaparte
posted 06-01-06 08:18 AM EDT (US)     4 / 10  
He actully have a point there, I don't think aoe3 will be a good game for a warhammer mod.

But i know a game that is! Civilizations4 is just like Warhammer,just other units! And much more mod-able then this game.

Through the gates of Insanity, to the edge of Humanity...-The Rasmus
posted 06-01-06 09:58 AM EDT (US)     5 / 10  
I wouldn't mind seeing this actually; its quite different from the smae-age stuff we have now And yes the object stacking could work.

Leader of Liquid Fire. Animator Seb C.

One does not simply leave HG
posted 06-01-06 11:34 AM EDT (US)     6 / 10  
@Hohenstauhen:40k really isn't a 'space game' per se- not to mention that a number of 40k units are melee units, making them easy to mod by just changing the textures.
@CheddarCheese:Sid Meyer's Civ4? Isn't that a TURN BASED RTS game? Bleagh... those bore me to tears

Here's my progress so far:
My Marine and Dante texture mods are now unusable, because I forgot that the particular unit I used (Alain) was on horseback. Still, my Sergeants and Assault marines turned out fine, an I've figured out the animas for the Devastators-I'm going to put an abus gun's cannon in a Swiss Pikeman's weapon slot to make it look like he's carrying a plasma cannon/hvy. bolter, etc. I finally connected my gaming PC to the internet, so i'll be able to get some screens later.

lol it's all green looking

[This message has been edited by Lemartes (edited 06-01-2006 @ 11:42 AM).]

posted 06-01-06 03:36 PM EDT (US)     7 / 10  
Yes i know, i also get bored by those :P

But i mean, isn't it the same thing?

Through the gates of Insanity, to the edge of Humanity...-The Rasmus
posted 06-01-06 04:42 PM EDT (US)     8 / 10  
Tabletop games don't compare with Civ 4-There's a lot more in depth strategy involved, and turns are a lot quicker-not to mention that walking down to the hobby shop is a heck of a lot easier than establishing an LAN connection :P
Besides, doesnt "I'm gonna go to HobbyTown and play 40k with my friends" make you sound a little cooler than "I'm going to go stare at my monitor for a few hours, and spend half of said hours waiting for the next turn"?
EDIT:Plasma Cannon screens coming soon!

lol it's all green looking

[This message has been edited by Lemartes (edited 06-01-2006 @ 04:45 PM).]

posted 06-01-06 08:56 PM EDT (US)     9 / 10  
Good luck man, but if you are successful, then sweet. I used to play WarHammer 40k tabletop as the Space Marine Blood Angels with the Deathsquad, a Dante, a biker squad and everything, but that was like 3 years ago. The computer game is fun, but my comp won't read the disk anymore so yea.

Give us screenshtos when you can.

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posted 06-02-06 12:02 PM EDT (US)     10 / 10  
I play Blood Angels, too! I'm going to have Dante and a generic Commander as the two explorer choices. I'm thinking of having Death Company as a home city card that gets sent in the middle of the game. The plasma cannon that I'm still working on looks pretty realistic- after putting the finishing touches on the cannon, I just recolored the cannonball and explosions with a nice neon green-the ball has a a more detailed texture added to it to make it more like a 'ball of white-hot compressed matter' than a green beach ball For the Assault Marines and the Sergeant, I noticed that some Imperial Guard chainswords had a scimitar-shaped frame, so I put a Chainsword texture onto the Janissary's scimitar because both of the new units use a chainsword and a boltpistol.

lol it's all green looking
Age of Empires III Heaven » Forums » Modding Discussions » Warhammer 40,000 Civ Mod!
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