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Mountain Route

Author File Description
Markos A
File Details
Game Version: TWC
This large map has a high snow covered mountain in the middle. The terrain is steep and varies a lot in height. A trade route passes through the mountainous region. If you follow it, you will find your enemy at the other side of the mountain! A low pitch trigger has been integrated to have the camera angle set at 30 degrees to bring out the topography. The lower lands have several large lakes and a 'great plains' style terrain. Comanche and Lakota tribes can be found in the low parts of the map.

This map has a high degree of irregularity incorporated in the landscape, which makes the map look more realistic.

As per usual, put the files into the folder:

C:\... \My Documents\My Games\Age of Empires 3\RM

Then tick the 'custom map' box when you play on skirmish mode.

Note: A side effect of the low (30 deg) pitch is that if you go to the 'options' screen while you're playing, when you go back to the game the camera angle goes back to the default 45 degrees. This map is more fun if you play it at a lower camera angle (you get to use the camera zoom and rotation a lot...!), but if you want to get rid of it all together, ask and I'll post instructions.

If anything doesn't work, or if you have any suggestions for improving this map please post your comments...

Have fun with Mountain Route!

(Special thanks to monty python for the low pitch camera trigger...)
AuthorComments & Reviews   ( All | Comments Only | Reviews Only )
pabsthooligan The low-angle trigger was a brilliant addition. I'd love to see more maps with this feature - it shows the game in a totally new light and seems like an easy thing to add.

Other map designers, whaddya say? More where this came from?
Map Design5.0
Playability: 4
(Insert Playability analysis here)

Balance: 4
(Insert Balance analysis here)

Creativity: 5
(Insert Creativity analysis here)

Map Design: 5
(Insert Map Design analysis here)

Detail/Accuracy: 3
(Insert Detail/Accuracy analysis here)

Additional Comments:
Hey man hats off to u... a simply superb map... but can u tell me how did u get tat huge mountain n hw did u get to tilt the camera angle to 45 degrees man.. pls do tell me.. it would be of very gud help... kindly oblige thank u
Senki Never mind, someone helped me.
I'm writing a review right now.

[Edited on 08/05/10 @ 10:50 PM]

Map Design5.0
Playability: 5
It was very easy to play this map, it was lots of fun and I liked the view of the camera and the actual mountain route. Fun map!

Balance: 4
I liked that they would attack every once and a while, which at the beginning I didn't expect, cause most maps don't have that (good thing that yours does). But when I final got to the point where I wanted to attack their base, it was a little to easy.

Creativity: 5
I really liked this map cause of the mountains, and lakes. It was very creative!

Map Design: 5
Same as above^^ The map design was great.

Detail/Accuracy: 5
I'm not sure exactly what this is, cause I'm new to rating RM's. But I'll put a 5. I have a feeling it means how much detail the map had and how close it was to something real. If that is correct, I would put a 5.

Additional Comments:
Awesome map! Keep up the good work and I'll be looking for maps by you. Expect to see me again. xD

[Edited on 08/05/10 @ 10:57 PM]

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