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Transcontinental TWC

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Game Version: TWC
Transcontinental TWC
A random map script for AOE3: The War Chiefs
by RF_Gandalf

Transcontinental TWC is a new random map for Single-player or Multiplayer use. This map script is an update of the AOE3 version with new natives and additional terrain patterns, and a few minor other changes. The map starts opponents on opposite shores of a continent, which you must cross to engage the enemy. The setup is a little like the old AOK map Scandinavia, except that the map is rectangular. The players occupy the more distant ends of the longer dimension, which is 2.35x the shorter dimension (and size varies, like the standard ES maps, by player number). This gives a lot longer distance to the enemy than on standard maps. Player starting positions will randomly vary among 4 starting quadrants, as the direction of the orientation of the rectangle can vary along 2 different axes. The map is significantly larger than the standard ES maps - for example in a 2-player game it is well over twice the area of Carolina. Because of the size, players with slow computers or connection problems should attempt playing with larger player numbers at their own risk.

The script includes a wide variety of randomly chosen terrain patterns possible (28 patterns total), each with fauna, treasures, and decorations to fit the theme. In crossing this 'continent' to attack the enemy, you can encounter a wide variety of different terrain features, including rivers, forests, lakes, ponds, cliffs, plains, deserts, jungles, valleys, mountains and ridges, which will vary from map to map (not all of these on the same map - it does not represent a real continent!). On this map there can be more variation in elevation than on the standard ES maps, and the above listed terrain features are not just included for appearance - their presence can influence gameplay by acting as natural barriers (but there is never a complete barrier to land passage across the map).

The Native Americans also roughly fit the terrain patterns as well, with some 'artistic license' to give more options for NA combinations. There can be one or two types of natives per map, in varying number and location. There are always at least 2 NA villages, but there can be as many as 6 on a 2-player map or 12 on an 8 player map, partly depending on player number and partly on the pattern randomly selected. The NA villages can be placed one or two per player or at certain places along a map axis or per side of the map. This gives a great variety in possible map play and strategies. The native villages are placed roughly symmetrically for the purpose of fairness in gameplay.

Trade Routes randomly vary between 10 different types of routes, each with a few possible patterns of Trade Post placement. For example, there can be a pair of long routes from shore-to-shore, there can be 1, 2 or 3 routes that travel from side-to-side, or a single loop which travels around the map.

The food resources on each map can vary slightly. There are always 4-5 'herds' of some type per player - the numbers vary randomly but herds are placed at the same number per player, and types will vary per map theme. Given the size of the map some of the herds are quite distant from start areas. Most of the maps have sheep, cows or llamas (but not in the arctic or jungle). Most of the terrain patterns have some berries (not the snow patterns) at the start area, and extra on the some of the maps. All of the maps have some fish and whales in the neighboring sea (numbers vary a little and are also scaled per player), which provides a protected place for resource gathering (the enemy would have to send a villager the entire length of the map to put up a dock to get warships into the sea at the opposite end). Note that fish will appear in larger central lakes and in some of the central river patterns, though not in great numbers, and there are no fish in the smaller ponds. All maps have 2 silver mines per player near the start area (though the second is just out of the starting screen), with an additional few per player further off. Occasionally some of the distant mines will be gold mines rather than silver mines, which provide much more coin. Forests are placed fairly and are scaled better than on the large ES maps, and all players have a few small clumps of trees near the start area to be sure initial wood access is equal; forest can also vary in amount per map.

Treasues or nuggets are placed in increased numbers and are keyed to the map type or pattern - always 2 of the easy ones nearby, and 4 or more of increased difficulty further off.

This map has an amazing number of randomly chosen variations possible - each of the 28 terrain patterns or 'skins' can have 2 lighting sets for a variety of appearances, at least 2 different patterns of fauna choices, and each has at least a few variants in the possible terrain features. Each map has the above-mentioned multiple variations in Native and Trade Route patterns, and the player starting positions vary. Other features that have been randomly varied include the number, size and shape and height of cliffs, the size, density and underbrush of forests, the size and number of lakes, forested hills or elevation, and many other features.

In my testing this map produces extremely fair, balanced maps for 2 team play with a wide variety of possible strategies. Effective play involves scouting the various resources, Native types, Trade Routes, map terrain, and of course, the enemy. Being a much larger map, scouting is slower, and rushing is changed and delayed significantly, affecting gameplay and causing the need to consider new strategies. It is much easier to take to the water for fishing on this map due to the lessened effect of a rush and the safe haven noted above. On maps with increased numbers of NA villages, the opportunity to use larger numbers of native warriors is a lot of fun. I find that on larger maps like this, an effective cavalry strike force is more valuable than on smaller maps, and is helpful to respond to attacks in different locations. Some of the map variations allow for the possibility of a defensive stance, walling off choke points around cliffs or mountains or lakes, although the size of the map may make it difficult.

Although this map was designed for 2-team play, you can attempt to play FFA. However, players in FFA are spaced randomly in an oval about the map, not lined up along the coasts as in 2-team play. Play FFA at your own risk, as there is the possiblility of unfair player placement or even dropped starting resources.

To play this map, the two files (Transcontinental TWC.xs and Transcontinental TWC.xml) must be placed in the folder: My Documents\My Games\Age of Empires 3\RM2. Please do not place them in the game's install folder - that will not work. When you start up a skirmish game in Single-player or Multiplayer, use the small blue 'Custom Map' button, which allows you to then select one of the random maps in that My Games folder from the drop-down window. The files will transfer in Multiplayer if your allies or opponents have not downloaded the files. Please do not edit the files or you will have compatability problems in Multiplayer.

Special thanks to Felix Hermansson for demonstrating in his King of the Valley map a technique for making impassable mountains which I have expanded on for one of the terrain variations on my map.

Feedback appreciated!
AuthorComments & Reviews   ( All | Comments Only | Reviews Only )
(id: ashwin13)
I haven't played AoE3 in months, and simply reading this makes me want to pop in the disc! Downloading now!

[Edited on 06/03/07 @ 10:43 PM]

Map Design4.0
Playability: 4
Easy to play

Balance: 4
Both sides were balanced

Creativity: 4
Very Creative, no rush due to size of map

Map Design: 4
Good design, large size of map

Detail/Accuracy: 4
Detailed write up on map before I downloaded it

Additional Comments:
I played 1 vs 1, took 2 hrs 25 mins. Good skirmish map single player or MP
Map Design5.0
Playability: 5

Balance: 5

Creativity: 5

Map Design: 5

Detail/Accuracy: 5

Additional Comments:
Lots of fun with Gandalf´s maps. and this one rocks.
Thanks Gandalf

[Edited on 06/14/07 @ 05:07 PM]

Zeisien Brilliant Layout, Sent you a request via email:)
lukipuk Sorry for being a bit silly, but when I place the documents in the right folder (My Documents\My Games\Age of Empires 3\RM2), I cant find the "small blue 'Custom Map' button, which allows you to then select one of the random maps in that My Games folder from the drop-down window."
Can you please tell me exactly where and how to find it - I would love to play this scenario!
File Author

This is a custom random map. When you start AOE3 you get a choice of Scenario or Skirmish - pick Skirmish. Then on the right side directly above the drop down window where the name of the standard random maps routinely occur is the button to select custom random maps. This will let you select between any custom maps in your folder.

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