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Random Map Scripts » 1v1 Obz Great Plains v2.0

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1v1 Obz Great Plains v2.0

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Game Version: AoE3
Due to the extent of the updates I made in this version, I have decided to make a new post rather than update the previous file (v1.1)

" 1v1 Obz Great Plains V2.0"

by Aizamk for AOE3 (Non expansion-pack).

Special thanks to Mister SCP and Neur0n.

v1: 9th August 2013
v1.1: 12th August 2013
v2: 22nd August 2013

TAD adaptation: Starting on it soon.


Place the .xml and .xs files in My Documents/My Games/Age of Empires 3/RM


The "You Abandoned Your Colony" text will now always be hidden when you are observing.

Instead of two separate versions for recording, there is now only one, " 1v1 ObZ Great Plains v1.1"

Recording is off by default. To record the game, you now need to set the difficulty to "Expert".

Fixed a minor help text issue.

Fixed an issue with the 'console' re-appearing when viewing homecities.

The map will now auto-reveal when the game ends.

VERSION 2 (Will most likely be final. If there is a good response I may release a map pack.)
The map should be shown at the top of the list as " 1v1 Obz Great Plains v2" . Note the lowercase "z".

Slight aesthetic change to console and how it handles commands.

Console and stat viewing can be disabled using the command 'no updates'. To enable, use 'enable updates'.
Try not to use these commands too much as it can affect your resource tracking display.

Added a display for technologies being researched (phew! lots of work!).
It will only display techs being researched for the player whose resources you are viewing.
Control-5 will toggle this 'main player', without changing the LOS state.

Added commands for listing technologies researched and shipments sent.
Note some of these may not be in an easy to understand form.

If a player is aging up, the tech will show up as something like "PoliticianGovernor" in the display area.
For a description of the ageup bonuses, type the full name into the console (e.g. 'politiciangovernor' or 'governor').

The format for displaying technologies researched is "list" by default. To toggle between this and "paragraph", use the 'format' command.
Note that while "list" will usually show the localized (translated) version, "paragraph" only displays them in English.

Added a few lighting commands to play around with (lighting <day, sunset, nightlight, night, snow>)

A random message of the day (from 30) will be shown to observers several seconds into the game.
These include gameplay tips, trivia, and sometimes some publicity generating messages.

Information more relevant for casting:

The 'garrisoned' command allows you to see the number of units garrisoned inside a building or ship.
This will be shown in the centre of your screen and will change each time you click on a different unit.
Note that while this is enabled, you cannot select units near the centre of the screen.
Typing in 'garrisoned' again will toggle this feature off.

The 'fps' command toggles the aoe3 frames-per-second display.
Note that if not toggled off before the game ends, its effects will continue.
Restarting the game will reset any changes made by the map, including the fps display.

Some commands also have a shortened form:

updates 1 -> u1
techs 1 -> t1
ships 1 -> s1
garrisoned -> g
Find Unit Hotkeys:

New to version 2 are the "Find Unit" hotkeys. These are similar to the default ones for the english version of the game.
They function for the 'main player' whose resources you are viewing.

ctrl-b : Barracks
ctrl-c : Church
ctrl-d : Dock
ctrl-a : Artillery Depot
ctrl-i : Mill
ctrl-k : Bank
ctrl-l : Plantation
ctrl-m : Market
ctrl-e : House
ctrl-p : Trading Post
ctrl-q : Field Hospital
ctrl-r : Arsenal
ctrl-s : Stable
ctrl-o : Outpost
ctrl-v : Livestock Pen
ctrl-w : Wall Connector
ctrl-y : Factory
ctrl-z : Capitol
ctrl-f : Fort
ctrl-/ : Hero
ctrl-' : Ship
ctrl-. : Idle Villager
ctrl-, : Idle Military
ctrl-; : Wagon
ctrl-t : Town Center


ES Great Plains set up for 1v1 observer mode.

Start the game in FFA. Using a flare activates Admin mode.

When in Admin mode, press ctrl+ 1-3 to set line of sight.

ctrl-4 (or strg-4 if you have a German keyboard) will toggle fog of war/blackmap.

ctrl-5 changes the status of the resource viewer.

"Record game" explanation:

Setting the game to expert difficulty will auto-record the game.

You will not need to check the record game feature - rather, it will automatically record and rename as necessary.

The record game format is as follows:


where x,y,z denote the civilization ids for Players 1,2,3.

1: Spanish 2: British 3: French 4: Portuguese 5: Dutch 6: Russians 7: Germans 8: Ottomans

This means that you can identify the recording by making Player 3 choose a different civilization each time.

"Console" explanation:

As an observer, 5 seconds after the game starts you have the ability to enter what I call "Admin" mode.

To enter it at any time, simply flare on the map using the flare button (found in the bottom left).

Alternatively, click on the flare button and press the 'escape' key.

In order to use various commands in the 'console', do the following:

WITHOUT opening up your chat box, type something in. It should be displayed in a black area at the bottom of your screen.
Once you are finished with the command, press tab.

---------COMMAND LIST----------
'help': Explains some features.
'x' or 'exit': Hides the console.
'help music': Gives an explanation of a feature. Currently the only working helptopic is 'music', i.e. 'help music'
'weather <snow,rain,clear>': Sets the weather on your screen.
'updates <1,2>': Enables a resource counter in the top right of the screen which displays statistics for player 1 or 2.
The format is as follows: PlayerName | Population | Food | Wood | Gold
'fog <on,off>': Toggles fog of war.
'music <on,off>': Turns on/off the game music.
'help v2': Describes some of the new features found in version 2.
'enable updates': Enables resource tracking.
'no updates': Disables resource tracking.
'techs <1,2>': Lists all the technologies researched by said player.
'ships <1,2>': Lists all the shipments sent by said player.
'format': Toggles between list format and paragraph format for technologies.
Note that list format will auto-translate while paragraph will not.
'playlist <1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9>': Plays the said file.

Type '=' to enter playlist mode, then select a number from 1-9.

For this to work, you will need to:
Move your files to a new folder called 'custom' in the 'Sound' folder.

(i.e. the location should be something like:
'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Game Studios\Age of Empires III\Sound\custom')

Rename the files as Track1.mp3 ... Track9.mp3


If you have any custom triggers installed, they might cause the map to fail (though this is not always the case)
In such a situation, the "You Have Entered Admin Mode" message fails to show. The map will then only function as a normal observer map.

If it takes too long for a player to record the game, then like in all other observer maps the map may fail.


You can send any suggestions to Aizamk@yahoo.com
AuthorComments & Reviews   ( All | Comments Only | Reviews Only )
robin_jaaan Aizamk.. Thanks to u, for ur great work.
Interjection I reviewed this observer map and its features on YouTube - excellent work Aizamk!


[Edited on 08/25/13 @ 06:59 PM]

robin_jaaan civ code is 516, palyed total 2 game. But 2nd game replaced 1st game's rec. any fix plz.
sorry for my bad eng.
File Author
Basically you need to first understand how the rec naming system works.


So for both your games you probably had Player 1 as Dutch, Player 2 as Spanish, and Player 6 as Russians.

If you wanted to not record over the previous rec, then you should get Player 3 to choose a different civ. So, basically any civ other than Russians would have been fine. For e.g, if he chose Germans then the rec would have been 517, since 7 is the civ code for Germany.
robin_jaaan Thanks, for ur tips.
hopefully, we r looking forward to ur map pack... :) :)

[Edited on 09/09/13 @ 06:55 AM]

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