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Health Potion Trick

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Version: The Conquerors 1.0c

How it is achieved:

To start off you have to put 2 projectile units with the same negative ID into the unit you choose. To do this, place an arrow on the map, change it to an archer in AoKTS, then go back into the editor and place 2 more arrows on the map. The result should be that 2 units have the same negative ID and you can delete the other one. When these 2 units are garrisoned into another unit, you can unload them indefinitely. Play around with this.

Now make an object in area trigger for the projectile you put in your unit. The effect can be whatever you like, +attack, heal, anything! Make sure to task (patrol effect for projectiles) the projectile away from the area so the trigger doesn't keep going off.

To heal a unit back to full no matter its current hp, refer to this
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Jan dc
(id: Den cekke)
Wow that's really cool. I think it's very useful for scenario's. Good job.
How did you come up with this trick?
Findig Interesting discovery! Especially the possibility to unload garrisoned units endlessly.
Unfortunately for some reason the "healing"-trigger itself doesn't work; but maybe I'm doing something wrong.
File Author
@Den cekke I discovered this a while ago on accident when messing around with projectiles. I used this trick in my dodgeball map but that map is very buggy and poorly made and I don't like it. I might remake it one day.

@Findig I dont know why it wouldnt work, did you look at some of the triggers? many of them reset if you open them.

[Edited on 03/23/11 @ 03:07 PM]

Findig Yes, that's, what I did. Too curious ... ;-) Tried it again, whithout looking at them, and now they worked fine. Great job!
Ultrareal Im still not understand how u did just explain....
more :p
if u explain more i can understand...plz
expalin fully or make any video n send link


when i try to place arrow by aokts it just crash n give arror aokts encountered a problem n--closed

What is the chaning aokts explain clearly

I got abt makin negative same id n i made it same ids......just dunoo how to addd this both units means garrison in other unit.........!

i got it now!!
now no need:)
thanks for this trick
i done it by finding :P its very cooooooool!!!
nice trick

[Edited on 04/18/11 @ 11:54 PM]

File Author
Glad you got it to work, in a couple days i'll release a more helpful tutorial on how to do this trick and a lot of other tricks you can do with double negative units.
Lobster_Emperor So, how do you actually garrison the unit inside?
WizardBoy I downloaded this to see how it works. Because I want to have buttons on my unit too so I can make a cast spell effect for combat reasons.
I saw that the Emperor in a barrel is garrisoned inside the player 1 unit. I checked the triggers but in there. I see a trigger condition:
object in area, player 1. But I dont see it specifically detecting if there is an Emperor in a barrel unit in the area.
So it then should fire the condition already because my player 1 unit is already in the area. But somehow only after I click the emperor in a barrel icon to unload it will the "use pot" effects happen.
Am I missing something? This requires me to have all units unhide in editor?
I am using Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition. Not sure if it is required for that game too.

Thanks in advance

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