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Basses Advent Calendar

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Version: The Conquerors 1.0c
Basses Advent Calendar

Hello everyone!

As you all might know, I'm quite active in designing multiplayer maps. And as usual, for every finished map, there is about 10 unfinished maps. Not counting the ones dropped during planning or basic designing process.

Well, anyway, I've been going through all of my unfinished maps I have laying around and thought I should release them, just in case someone wants to see them. Some of them are very much playable, while some aren't.

I was looking through my 2 scenario folders, one consisting of 2000+ scenarios and one with around 100 scenarios. Not all are mine ofcourse, but a whole lot of them are! Then I got this crazy idea of making an Advent Calendar for Christmas, releasing 1 map for every day until christmas.

So, I started picking out the 24 best maps (also happens to be the number of maps being at least halfly playable). And I got a list of maps ready for releasing.

I will try to get map-shots for every one of them with descriptions when I update with a new map.

1:st of December: Adventure of two Heroes
2-player RPG set in a fictional world.
I spent a lot of time on this map, and it was started well over a year ago and was going to finish it this summer, but plans changed.

2:nd of December: Battle for Helms Deep
A 4-player search and destroy type of scenario. Inspired by the battle of helms deep from the movies.

3:rd of December: Blood NoName
8-player blood map. As most of the maps, I worked quite ambitiously on this one to later just drop it at it's final stages.

4:th of December: Crater Blood
8-player blood map. Can't remember much of this map, except that I tested it quite a lot on GameRanger. One of the countless bloods I made.

5:th of December: Dead Island
My attempt for an entry for the Horror Competition. Originally a puzzle/horror singleplayer map. An island meant for experiments where scientists experiment with humans and animals. Mutants takes over the island and kills everything alive. You travel to the island to rescue the final survivors and annihilate the mutants. Later made into a multiplayer map. Merely started project, pretty much only map design done.

6:th of December: Demon Hunters RPG
A classic style RPG. You start with a unit depending on your civ. Archer civ starts with archer, infantry civ with infantry and cavalry civ with cavalry. Every civ will evolve differently than another civ. You kill units for gold and to level up. With gold you can train (evolve) in to a better unit by training in the capital. Only testing and bug-fixing left to do on this one, but as with every other project, the motivation is gone.

7:th of December: Demons of Hell RPG
A classic style RPG. You start by choosing your unit, then you kill other units for gold. With gold you can train your unit to a better unit. Map design - 100%, story - 50%, triggers - 75%.

8:th of December: Gladiator Blood
A quite experimental blood where you fight in rounds. After each round you get gold to buy units and upgrades. 6players + 1 computer. Unfinished, but I believe it's playable.

9:th of December: House Blood
One of my first bloods I made. A quite good one to be honest. Late testing stages with only minor bug-fixing and possibly balansing left to do. 8-player blood where you build houses on the unit you wish to spawn.

10:th of December: Income Wars
I believe this was my first try for a blood map. It was inspired by a map with same namefrom StarCraft II and I used the income system by simon and sadoor. You buy units that spawn as computer units, so all you do is spawn units that counter the enemy and try to defend your base. P1,3,5 vs P2,4,6. P7 and P8 are computers with a simple AI, but the AI requires the UserPatch to not freeze the game, unfortunately. Which is the main reason I quit the project.

11:th of December: Mazebuilders
Also a StarCraft II inspired map. Use your siege onager to make a maze in the forest. Use villagers to build a base. In every corner there is a shop, two for preys (p1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and7) and two for hunters (p4 and 8). Hunters can be computer players, but need UserPatch to not lagg out the game. Only bug-fixing and minor balansing left on this. Relatively new map, so I might pick it up again and finish it. But at the moment, it's on hold.

12:th of December: Melee Blood
A small blood I made a while back. Only melee units, no ranged units. Very simple map.

13:th of December: Militia Star
An 8-player blood map that originally only were meant for experimenting with some ideas. It was supposed to be archers in it too, but I never added them.

14:th of December: Nalio
Nalio is an RP/Diplomatic map set in a fictional world. The game is RM-styled on a giant detailed map. Quite ambisious project with random (sort of) starting positions. My best RM-styled map to be honest (probably my only too :p). It's playable with AI's as well, but if you want to play with AI's, I suggest using the UP 1.1.

15:th of December: Infantry Madness
A blood map with only infantry units. 4-player map with infantry as main units, but other units as specials. A nice blood, and I enjoy playing it. It's playable to 100% :)

16:th of December: Novus TD
My best TD so far. Lot's of new ideas implemented to this. I sometimes call it "Snake TD, the second", since it's like Snake TD, but a lot better. There's 2 modes and 3 difficulties. Coop mode is not 100% completed and it crashes when you lose. The rest should work fine.
17:th of December: RPG NoName Apocolypse
This was originally a map where I tested different RPG stuffs and tricks. I later wrote down a story for it (which was lost, can only remember the plot) and I worked quite a lot on it, to later just abandon it. One of the things I was experimenting was amunition for different units, and I managed to get triggers to detect projectiles, but only if shot from long ranges.

18:th of December: RPG PTC Entry
Huge RPG project I had. Had story and everything written down. Estimated triggers: 4000+. Reason why dropped? CRASHES!! Aaargh! So frustrating! I used the triggers for another RPG though, that is still in the making :)

19:th of December: RPG Unfinished
Title says it all. Old RPG in progress. Inspired by classic aok/aoc RPGs. Story was pretty much completed, and most of the triggers and map design was planned out when the project died.

20:th of December: Spiral TD 2
A spiral TD map. After playing the same unfinished Spiral TD on GameRanger over and over, I got bored and started on my own. I thought it went out pretty well until I stopped working on it, like with most other projects :(

21:st of December: Square TD
I worked eagerly on this one solo-TD. Ever player had their own square, and enemies spawn constantly. Original idea was that when you had 100 enemies on your square, you lose 1 life every 10 seconds, and you start with 100 lives. I had plenty of awesome ideas and tricks in my head when I started on this. I wrote all triggers and shops down so it was pretty much only a few hundred triggers to make. As usual, I stopped working on it when I was still only working on the first triggers. I wish I still had all my plans for this one :p

22:nd of December: UDP Prisonbreak
Unfinished UDP map. Yes, I attempted to create a UDP map! It started out as a small project, but after some time the map got bigger and bigger. I gave up after I experienced huge crash issues with the map.

23:rd of December: Unit Defence
Unfinished TD-like map, but with units instead. Playable, only thing left is balancing and civ-bonuses.

24:th of December: Zombie Valley
A small mini-game map I made on a 50x50 map. A random play becomes zombie at starts and will try to kill all the humans. The humans gets a randomized unit too that they will use. All units are auto-healing, but the minions only have 1 HP, so they die to 1 hit. There was a strange bug with P2 that I couldn't fix whatever I tried. So I stopped working on it, when it was only in the bug-fixing stage.

25:th of December: RPG in Progress
An RPG, developed from the RPG PTC Entry. Since the old RPG crashed, I decided to keep all triggers and redo the map design. This map is still on progress, and I hope to finish it as soon as possible. Experiencing some random crashes, but nothing gameplay related yet, so I don't think I'll give up on this for a while :)

Now it's the twentyfifth of December, twentyfifth map released!

Merry Christmas :D
AuthorComments & Reviews   ( All | Comments Only | Reviews Only )
(id: Mashek)
Official Reviewer
Wonderful map design. It's a shame you've decided to discontinue the project. I assume you will be updating this title to include the other 23 maps?

[Edited on 12/02/11 @ 01:40 AM]

Draconian Devil
(id: DraconainDevil)
Nice scenario!

[Edited on 12/13/11 @ 05:26 AM]

(id: Mashek)
Official Reviewer
For some reason Gladiator Blood crashes. Don't know what might be causing it.
File Author
Yeah, something happened when I changed name on some maps. I'll replace it with a working map (same map version)
lunascii yeah bugs always eat my scenarios, I started saving each save with a unique file name so I can revert if I ever notice one, of course when I take this precaution, no bugs...
Official Reviewer
Rating: 4.5
In the lead up to Christmas 2011 AOKH was granted it’s very own advent calendar full of surprises. The Santa Claus who gifted us with these present was non other than forummer Basse.

A successful designer of multiplayer scenarios, Basse has made many popular multiplayer scenarios that have circulated the realms of AOK’s multiplayer community. Basse has been forever designing and coming up with new ideas for scenarios but like all designers, not all of these have gone on to become fully playable epics. That’s where this utility comes in. Basse has taken 24 of his favourite incomplete scenarios and uploaded them here in this pack for us to use as we please, either to play around with or try to complete ourselves. What made this so creative is that it was done in the form of an Advent Calendar. Every day in December, Basse updated this file with a new unfinished scenario so by the time Christmas Day arrived, we had 24 scenario we can play with. While the novelty of the Advent Calendar has now worn off, there’s nothing outdated about the brilliant scenarios found within.

The 24 scenarios in the pack vary in style and quality but all of them are worth checking out. From RPG, to Blood Games to Tower Defences, all of these games are well designed and definitely look fun to play once completed. While some are very near completion others are almost bare with just map design completed. All of them are playable to an extent but the idea is for you to continue Basse work and either finish the scenarios themselves or take inspiration from their concepts or even borrow elements of the map design. For example I once designed to create a single player scenario based on the Battle of Helms Deep and used the Helms Deep scenario in this map to form the basic map design, building my scenario on top of it. Everything that you will see in the map, while incomplete is made with exceptional quality. The map designs are exquisite, beautifully designed with lots of attention to detail in the RPG, and laid out well and thoughtfully to fit their desired purpose in the Bloods and TDs. Triggers are also complex but easy to navigate. Multiplayer scenarios are some of the hardest to design due to the repetitive and complex trigger work needed, and what’s found in these scenario is no exception, but and skilled designer can learn these and continue them to finish these scenarios off.

Overall this is an exceptional pack of unfinished scenarios and definitely worth checking out, either to try and complete at least one of them, or to take inspiration from them. A highly recommended download.

Thanks Basse

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