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Utilities » New units and new objects template v.1.1

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New units and new objects template v.1.1

Author File Description
Enrique Orduno
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Version: The Conquerors 1.0c
The template has been created by Enrique Orduno

This is a template bringing back a lot of hidden units. Copy/paste them in the scenario editor. It has been done using Constant numbers.

Thanks to :

-Vampire_Slayer for telling me about the relics.
-CC Honochio for telling me about the scorpion change of the PMANG
-J_C_A for creating ModPackStudio the tool I used to change the Random Maps
-Raymond Tukker for writing the list with all the Constant number used to create units
-Ensemble Studios for forgetting to remove some units

Here is the information I collected about the units :

STRBO(perhaps Small TRansport BOat) : This is a very small ship. When moving, it becomes a kind of canoe. It can attack docks easily, but it's harder to make him attack other units. When he attacks them, he disappears and you can't select him anymore untill the dock is killed. It can be a good timer.

OMTBO(perhaps Ore MerchanT BOat) : This ship looks like a big shipwreck. It can only move when grouped with an other unit close to him. You can't force him to attack when he is not with an other kind of units. Also, it seems that its attack process is very weird. It can attack docks under certain circonstances and it can attack units under other circumstances. He disappears when attacking and is unselectable. It's better to use it as a shipwreck than anything.

Sea tower : This is a tower with 500 hp, 7+2 attack point and that can only be putted on water.

Sea gate : It's a gate going on water only.

Church 4 : I really don't know what it is. Perhaps a test for the cathedral, who knows ?

POREX(It may be some kind of ORE resource, it was the fifth one) : When a villager mines that gold, he becomes invisible as long as he is not tasked to perform an other task. It contains 1 gold.

OREMN(Ore mine, it was supposed to be the fifth resource in aok) : Those are gold piles with 400 gold in them but they cannot be mined.

Deers : These deers can be killed by any non-villagers unit. But, they can't be hunted for food.

Pile of Resource : Those resources(berries for food, gold mine for gold, stone mine for stone and stumps for wood) contain only 1 of their respective resource type and can be walked on.

Port : They are looking like their respective docks except for the Aztecs and the Vikings. They have no real utility except being nice eye candies.

Cobra car : The same one as the cheat. A very powerful car going really fast and quite funny to have.

VMDL(Villager MoDeL) : The same one as the cheat. A naked villager going very fast and useless.

Weird gray rocks : I think they're part of an explosion animation.

RFARC(R Foot ARCher) : An archer with 35hp, 0 attack points and 1000 of armor class.

RCARC(R-CavalryARCher) : A cavalry archer with 35hp, 0 attack points and 1000 armor class.

RCSWD(R-Cavalry Soldier-WD) : A light cavalry with 75hp, 0 attack points and 1000 armor class.

RFSWD(R Foot Soldier-WD) : A militia with a Man at arms logo, 45hp, 0 attack points and 1000 armor class.

PMANG(Packed MANGonnel) : A trebuchet with a mangonnel logo. When it unpacks, it can crash the game. If it doesn't, it becomes a mangonnel. When the mangonnel moves and you stop it, it can become a Scorpion or an Old Academy(invisible building with a black logo). I think it can crash the game after a certain amount of time and when it dies.

Monk with japanese relic : It has a relic on him. When you drop it, the relic is next to him and he becomes an Aztec monk again. When you take the relic back, he becomes a normal monk with Japanese relic.

AOE Trireme : No utility and it disappears after 5 minutes.

Parts of furious : The small brown things are part of Furious, the monkey boy when he blows.

The civilizations relic transform the monk who carry them into a "monk with "Civilisation" relic"

The VDML unselectable seems to walk very very slowly without moving.

The two other cobra cars are not selectable.

The purple square seems useless and only works in the editor.

TWAL : The beta western european walls and wall corners(towers).
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Al_Kharn allow me to be the first person and say...

agebug wow! good job,Enrique Orduno . Just one Question: how you do it? i've been trying to get the constant units in a map but i could never get it right!
Akumu_Ryu First thing I would like to say is awsome job with it all.
Second, I am new at all of this and I was wondering how to do the copy/paste thing,please reply so I can use some of your stuff on here.
theconqueror It is an awesome template. But like other player who had submitted comments. How do you copy/paste into the scenario editor?
Silent Ninja
(id: LoRd_YuRi_NiNjA)
Enrique: STRBO is actually STRange BOat, because it strangely changes to a different graphic when moving, and disappears when attacking (as you mentioned)
Ingo van Thiel
This utility gives designers access to a collection of unofficial units which were taken out of the game before its release and which cannot be accessed normally with the editor, but which are still hidden deep down in the game code.

USEFULNESS: Top. Many designers have already used the units in this utility for their scenarios, and they provide an interesting addition to fan scenarios. The units are neatly packed onto a small island, so that map copying them into other scenarios is more convenient.

CREATIVITY/ NOVELTY VALUE: “Hidden units” belong to the templates where it’s hard to judge creativity, as the designer did not create those units by himself. Therefore, it may be fairer to judge such utilities whether they provide something fresh and new – and indeed, it excels there. On a side-note, there is a very creative aspect about this template: EO discovered the units with a new method, by random map scripting.

INSTRUCTIONS: The functions, abilities, names and shortcomings of the hidden units are explained very well.

OVERALL IMPRESSION/ SIGNIFICANCE: Undoubtedly, one of the most popular and helpful utilities that have made it into the Blacksmith, and a valuable addition for scenario designers.
SharpJoseph HOW THE HELl do you do it(sorry I'm late) PLZ tell me, is it possable 2 make anything as long as AOK has the grophics??
Dark_Sabre12 This is great!!!!!!!! Ill remember to include you in my credits for scenarios with your new units you say the creators of aok just forgot to take these out or something? how do you do this? hope to see more utilities from u ;)
Fattybryce I always wondered how people got sea gates and sea towers ect. And now i know. Thank you very much.
d0rynpl Hey, I am no computer wiz. Can you make a giant map with all these new things?
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