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Cinematic Scenarios » A Dream of Conquest - Teaser

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A Dream of Conquest - Teaser

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Lord Basse
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Version: The Conquerors 1.0c
A Dream of Conquest - Teaser

Evening in a small town in Scotland, 2077
An old man sits thinks over his life
He has decided to write a book of all he has
encountered during his 85 years old life
He grabs his feather pencil and starts
writing his biography. A book who was
going to be a very famous book in the
future, and the proudness of the Glasgow

"Many long years has passed since this war began... years of death.... of evil... and of vengeance
The warlords of the world has fought each other as long as enyone can remember... the warlords of Earth... warriors fighting for rights, for monye, for fun, for death and for glory and honor.
But this isn't the Earth we know.

During the Hundred Years war, scientists from another galaxy started researching about time travelling and they tamed the forces of nature. They could now control massive weapons and tools to manipulate the Universe.
They used Earth as a project. They copied it into their galaxy, but someone had written in the wrong coordinates.
The New Earth crashed with the scienteists planet, Muugarxi, and erased life on it. Earth was however protected, as its original version never feeled the crash
At least thats what the scientists say... no one really knows how Earth managed to survive the crash

Anyway, life on the new Earth eveolved normally, except for the human history. They never discovered electricity, and most of the machiones from the Industrial Revolution. They where stuck in the 16th century, forever...

Though, some cities and places where given same names as they have on real Earth, such as Sweden and cities in it.

This story is about one of the great warlords, the one I have followed since he once entered the battlefield in 2014
His name is Lord Basse."

The Old man looked down on what he had written.
'It has been a long day' he thought.
He went to sleep
'I'll continue tomorrow'

This teaser takes place in the new Earth, described above.
Lord Basse leads his people, called the bassians, into times of war and peace. His dream has been the same since he started fighting. A Dream of creating a large empire, to be famous and feared, respected.
A Dream of Conquest
His search for an empire on Earth leads nowhere. He never manages to take more citites than his hometown, Tyringe, making the other warlords seeing him as a loser, a complete failure
But when he finds a dimensional portal in Scania, everything totally changes. He can now start creating his empire in real. His dream is coming true...

medium resolution (above 800x640)
no background music
sound effects to maximum volume
play on standard difficulty
do not move the cursor
do not use marco polo
DO not use marco polo
do NOT use marco polo
do not USE marco polo
do not use MARCO polo
do not use marco POLO
if you find any bugs, report to me via the Blacksmith

This is a plain cutscene, 12.39 minutes long. Its an intro for the full version of ADOC and will be included there too
This is the first and only teaser for ADOC that will be released. Then you can only wait for the full version, who hopefully will come this year

Comments and reviews are warmly welcomed, as I really want this campaign to be as good as possible


UPDATE to Version 2
I followed your advice and made the cutscene better. What I changed:
- Trebuchets attacks the towers at the siege
- Lord Basse doesn't immediately run to the leaders
- More bassian soldiers iat the siege

If there still are big bugs, or irritating things left, please comment and I'll do what I can to fix it
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FinalMaps There seem to be a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes in your scenario, you might wanna fix them. Sometimes it's difficult to understand.
The level looks good though.
Lord Basse
Official Reviewer
File Author
Any examples please?
Hussarknight Basse, the cutscene stops at 10:30. And why would the Portal Guards let Basse walk into their base? Why didn't Basse use his trebuchets?
Official Reviewer
The game settings read standard difficulty and the cut-scene plays without a bug. :) The game stops when you let the cut-scene run on a higher difficulty level.

For the trebuchets, I believe they are not triggered which they should be.

Examples for spelling and grammar,

Instructions: cut-scene for cutscene, relax for realx.

History: A book, which was... or A book that was... for A book who was..., pride for proudness, anyone for enyone, money for monye, traveling for travelling, scientists' for scienteists, felt for feeled, that is or that's for thats, evolved for eveolved, machines for machiones.

There are more spelling and grammar faults in game.
Lord Basse
Official Reviewer
File Author
I had problems with the trebuchets, as they didn't fire even if I used task object at the castles

Why Basse could simply walk in to the leaders...well... I will fix that

As swedish is my first language, there is many grammar mistakes. I'll try to fix as many as I can find
(id: Mashek)
Official Reviewer
I think it's because the trebs are too far from anything to fire at, thus they will not attack.

Nice cutscene by the way! ;)

[Edited on 06/20/06 @ 05:09 AM]

Lord Basse
Official Reviewer
File Author
The Cut-scene is upgraded according to most comments
Its now ready for reviewing, if someone has time
Map Design3.0
A Dream of Conquest - Teaser is an introductory cut-scene to a fictional story set in Scania, Sweden. It tells the story of Lord Basse, a warlord who is trying to realise his dream of creating a great empire.

This cut-scene has fair playability, and kept me fairly interested throughout the development of the story. Good use of sounds and music helps enhance the playability, and I particularly enjoyed the battle and ending sections with regard to this. 3

According the review guidelines, this cut-scene rates 5.

Most of the creativity I felt stemmed from the story, and the idea of a portal leading to other worlds sounds quite exciting. There were also some nice trigger effects used, mostly during the battles (I liked the stone piles behind the trebs ;) and I also like how you've used the heroes Constable Richmont, Duke d'Alencon and Alexander Nevski to bypass renaming the units once they've mounted their steeds. 3

This scenario shows promising use of the map editor features. Parts like Basse's base and inside the Iunari city I thought were quite well designed but could be easily improved. The first opening skirmish looked pretty good, but be careful not to overdo the use of flowers. It's tempting to cover the ground with them, but use them sparingly and cleverly and you'll acheive a much better look.
Also some parts, particularly the second skirmish and the area outside of the Iunari city I thought lacked a bit of diversity in the terrain and looked a little bare. A few added shrubs or rocks combined with mixing of grass and dirt, and this would enhance your map design greatly. 3+

Story/Instructions: 4-
The story I felt was the highlight of this scenario. Good use of the different colored texts between narrator and heroes and the different tribes, allows the player to easily identify who's speaking.
However it's never easy to organise the text in such a way so that it comes out fluently and I think it shows a bit with this scenario. For example, there were multiple parts where the dialogue has been displayed on levels 1 and 2 and then more dialogue displayed on level 0 while the text was still visible elsewhere. This can make the story hard to follow if the player doesn't know which line of text fits in where. Keep in mind that this is where the clear instruction effect comes in very handy.
Also there were still a number of spelling and grammatical errors, but seeing as English is not your first language I have not penalised you very much for this. If you like you can email me and I'll do up a list of all the corrections to make. 4-

OVERALL: A very nice cut-scene which will hopefully be the prelude to a great campaign.

SUGGESTIONS: My main focus here will be to provide some suggestions on improving your map design.
Firstly roads. It's quick and easy to make a road out of one style of terrain yet I'm sure you'll agree that taking a little bit extra time and adding a bit more variety will easily enhance the experience. On designing most roads I use a base like leaves or dirt 3 (especially through outdoor areas like forests), and then proceed to place diffent layers of the road terrain on top of this. Try not to cover your whole base terrain though, leaving some showing will help make the road look more realistic.
In the second skirmish you've used a lot of dirt 3. My suggestion here would be to mix in mostly dirt 1 and 2 and perhaps even a little grass 3 near the edges. The palisade walls actually look a little out of place, but instead of removing them, try adding a few rocks or even some piles of stone near them to make them fit in better. Also instead of using large clumps of trees, spreading them out and making them gradually clear towards the edges makes the forests look more realistic. Mix in with the oak trees some pine ones even some of the GAIA trees will also improve your forests.

Unfortunately that's all I have time for at the moment. With some more practice at mixing the terrain, I think you'll have a very bright future ahead of you :)

[Edited on 02/04/07 @ 09:33 AM]

Lord Basse
Official Reviewer
File Author
Thanks a lot for the review Von :D
I'm n ot sure if I will update this cut-scene more until I will release the full campaign, including this scenario. I will follow advice on mapdesign, and clear instructions. Thanks for those :)
But I hope you wont be disappointed if you dont see an update soon. The full campaign will come next year propably, if not amiracle comes to me ;)

Glad you all enjoyed it, and many thanks to you VonCorgath :D
VonCorgath That's fine Lord Basse, take your time with the update and make it as best as you can. ;-)
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