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Utilities » Elevation 10 Improved

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Elevation 10 Improved

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Version: The Conquerors 1.0c
Hi Everyone,

This file has been updated. Elevation 10(counting from Elevation 7)starts on top of Elevation 2 instead of 1. It includes 3 files. 1 is the SCX file and 2 is a Hex 2 file. You need a hex editor preferably Cygnus to open it and see what I did to the data. The 3rd file is a NotePad file and informs you of how to use the Hex 2 file and open it. It also has some extra information included.As of now there is NO way I could tell you how to do it as the scenario was saved under the name Hex and any other name changes the data.Please report any bugs or glitches. Thanks for downloading and all the info:)

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Official Reviewer
Wow, how did you do that?

I've tested it and it is still elevation 10.
oliver I'm not sure if it's elevation 10, but it sure is one elevation above the higher-than-highest elevation found in some map copy templates here in the 'smith. Good find, it'll definitely come in handy. =)

May I ask how you did? Hopefully we can make even higher elevations.
File Author
I would love it if this was rated.

Hey Oliver. What i did was open a scenario file under the Cygnus Hex Editor and changed the right side. I simply put an "e" in front of some of the middle data and when i opened the scenario in the game editor there was black lines. I map copyied those lines to a normal place on the map and voilah! there was higher elevation. I changed a little more data and got it up to number 12 but it didnt seem to be that stable. That is you couldnt map copy it easily to other places. Yeah, i noticed that it is Elevation 1 everywhere so that would only make it 9 or 8 in height. But i did manage to copy it on top of elevation 2 and counted each step up to 10. Unfortunately i cant find where i put the changed data. I'll try and get it back to where i had it again. I'll inform you of more changes as it progresses. But i did get elev. 12.

I remeber now that it was a blank scenario(no objects or different terrain) and in the hex data on the right side it was about 3 to 5 lines down and 2 to 5 digits across. Hope that helps. I placed an "e"

[Edited on 12/10/06 @ 04:12 PM]

Lance O Lot (for me) you can't map copy it and just put one down and it's 10 (it's only eight), you have to put a cuple down then keep map copying over it and some 10 pop up.

Great find! I'm definatly using this!
File Author
Not sure if file is immediatly updated so dont download unless Tanneur99 says it has been updated.Thanks.

Official Reviewer
The file updated, this time without the great Marlin on top. ;)

Map copy worked for me, I copied it twice. First, I added like steps elevation 6, 5, 4, 3 in front of the seven and it is definitely elevation 10 or higher by comparing the differences of 7 to 10 and 6 to 7 for example. With the second map copy, I used elevation 2 on 7 to have an elevation 10 surrounded by 2 and decorated the top with Mountains, looks cool.
oliver Hi TeutonicCrusader, and thanks. =) I've done some experimenting now on my own using HexWorkshop and DiGiT's AoK Trigger Studio. I found that the limit of how high elevations can be if done with hex editing should be equal to the highest 4-bit byte there is (F or 16). Testing with higher 8-bit bytes (e.g. 5F, 3D or 29) didn't bear any fruit. Unfortunately pure hexing will leave you with a lot of black spaces which will cause the game to crash. These spaces *can* be eliminated, but that will require a lot of tedious work. Map copy worked up to elevation 12 for me, but theoretically we should be able to map copy up to the hypothetical limit.

Once again, good work. =)

[Edited on 09/08/06 @ 04:09 PM]

File Author
Are you kidding me?! Thats great! I didnt know it could get that high and stay stable at Elev. 12.! It must have filled up the entire map on elev 17. It must take a worker a whole minute to get to the top. Good Work! I have managed to get Shallows to be shoreless like Angel's Shoreless water but lost the scenario.
Oh well.

Hmmm.. In my email it says you got to 17 but here you tell something different. Some changed function that the email didnt get. Doesnt matter. I just hope that you did get to 17.

[Edited on 09/08/06 @ 04:57 PM]

oliver Yes, in the mail you received it said 17 but it was a mistake so I edited my post. I thought I had got elevation 17 but now I'm pretty sure it was 16. Also, I said elevation 256 could be possible, well, that was a mistake too. Elevation 16 *should* be the highest possible, but don't quote me on that. ;-)

[Edited on 09/09/06 @ 01:28 PM]

File Author
Well this is a great find anyways. But how do you know so much on hex editing? Did you take classes in it? If you can figure out how to make elevation higher just like that, then you must know how to modify other aspects of the game, right?
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