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Single Player Scenarios » Wolfcastle 2 - The Silence of the Clowns - v 1.0

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Wolfcastle 2 - The Silence of the Clowns - v 1.0

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Version: The Conquerors 1.0c
Style: Role Playing Strategy

Wolfcastle 2 Mod

Download Wolfcastle 2 Campaign

por Andres_age

Created by Andres_age

The Conquerors para ser jugado.

The Conquerors Expansion Pack needed.

¿Estás cansado
del típico escenario para Age of Kings? ¿Estás aburrido
de construir y atacar, construir y atacar? ¿Quieres probar algo

Si es así, juega a..

Are you tired of the typical AoK scenario? Are you bored of build and
destroy, build and destroy? Would you like to play something new and exciting?

Then you are ready for


Wolfcastle 2: El silencio de los payasos

Wolfcastle 2 ~ The Silence of the Clowns



Como agente
corrupto del servicio federal, deberás seguir las órdenes
del más que vil y cruel emperador Hoover, un déspota insaciable
de dinero, poder y gloria.

El escenario empieza en la mansión de Jefh Wolfcastle, tu personaje.
Después de que se corte la luz, debes acudir a la presencia del
emperador para que te encomiende una mortal misión.

Krusty "Teletubbie Asesino" se ha fugado, y su grupo terrorista
ha secuestrado la central nuclear en la isla de la Roca. Tu misión,
desembarcar en "la Roca", rescatar a los rehenes, y matar sin
compasión a los crueles terroristas.

Pero eso no es todo. Después tendrás que investigar una
serie de atentados con coche bombas, descubriendo así una inimaginable
trama de corrupción política, asesinatos, y violencia donde
no te podrás fiar ni de tu propia sombra...

Play the fascinating role of a corrupt policeman, who will have to obey the orders
of the wicked Emperor Hoover, a tyrant dictator with a lust for money and power.
The scenario starts at your character's -Jefh Wolfcastle- luxury flat, and after the light goes out, you must go to his imperial presence to receive a dangerous mission.
Krusty "The Killer Teletubbie" has escaped and his terrorist group has taken control of the nuclear plant, on "The Rock" island.
Your objective is go to "The Rock," and eliminate the evil terrorists, rescue the hostages, and return the plant to safety.
After, you are called to investigate some terrorist attacks, and stumble on a complicated plot of political corruption, and deadly intrigue.
You are thrown into a violent world of murder and greed where you can trust no one, not even your own shadow.

que tiene este escenario

Stuffs ´n` Features

- Arrasa las bases enemigas con vehículos blindados.

- Crush your enemies positions with armored vehicles.


- Desactiva coches bomba

- Deactivate
deadly car bombs.

- Investiga en lugares realistas como discotecas, aeropuertos, empresas,
puertos, centrales nucleares, etc etc...

- Investigate in realistic settings of discos, airports, embassies,
and a nuclear facility.

- Asalta las mansiones de los políticos con agentes SWAT

- Launch assaults on the guarded mansions
of the powerbrokers with SWAT teams.

- Escenarios realistas con vehículos militares y civiles como
grúas, patrullas de policía, ambulancias, etc

- Fascinating and realistic game play with military and civilian
vehicles such as; tow cars, police patrol cars, ambulances, and more.

- Disfruta de un guión apasionante de cine.

- Juega contrareloj: ¿Podrás detener a los terroristas
antes de que estalle la central nuclear? ¿Podrás desactivar
los coches bomba?

- Investiga, decide como actuar, recibe chivatazos y recolecta pistas
para solucionar el caso.

- Mod Pack opcional.

- Ordena a tus antidisturbios que carguen contra los hippies apestosos.

- Mensajes subliminales

- Y sufre con chistes malos y un humor pésimo!

- Find danger, excitement, and intrigue in this action adventure.

- Play against time: Will you be able to stop the terrorists before
the nuclear central explodes? Will you be able to deactivate the car

- Investigate, use strategy, receive tips, and gather the clues to
solve the case.

- Optional Mod Pack

- Order your riot policemen to charge against the stinking hippies.

- Subliminal messages

- And suffer with bad jokes and a terrible



El instalador se encargará de todo. En caso de que te hayas equivocado de carpeta,
o haya algún problema, tienes que mover los archivos *.mp3 a la
carpeta Sound/Scenario de tu AoK. Y el archivo *.cpx a la carpeta Campaign
de tu AoK.

Una vez instalado, inicia el Conquerors y elige "Un jugador"
/ "Campaña personalizada" y elige Agente Wolfcastle II de la lista.

If the installator fails, extract the [ .cpx ] file to folder:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Empires II\Campaign or the folder
where AoK is installed

Extract the [ .MP3 ] files to folder:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Empires II\Sound\scenario or the
folder where AoK is installed

Then, start The Conquerors, select Single Player / Custom Campaign, and select
Wolfcastle II in the list.



- Pregunta: ¿Que necesito para jugar?

- Respuesta: Necesitas el AoK y su expansión The Conquerors.
Recomendada la versión 1.0b o la 1.0c. Con versiones anteriores
puede que tengas problemas, especialmente al final.

- Question: What do I need in order to play?

- Answer: You need AoK and The Conquerors. (1.0b or 1.0c version
recommended). If you have problems at the end of the scenario (specially
when you have the tank), then update your AoK

- ¿Y para ver las unidades nuevas como tanques, aviones, etc?

- Necesitas bajarte el Mod Pack y tener el programa Mod
Pack Studio instalado
o el Mod Installer.

- Q: What do I need in order to see the new units as tanks, planes, etc.?

- A: You have to download the Mod Pack and have Mod
Pack Studio
or Mod Installer installed

- No quiero el Mod porque
/ soy un vago y no me lo bajo / mi conexión es muy lenta / tengo
manías persecutorias / etc... ¿Influye en algo?

- Para nada. Si juegas sin mod, tan solo notarás que el tanque,
el avión y el APC son un poco extraños... si después
ves el mod, te sorprenderá de todos los detalles que incluye. Simplemente
añade realismo al juego. No influye PARA NADA en la jugabilidad.
Aún así lo recomiendo...

- Q: I don´t wanna download the Mod ´cause / I am to damn lazy / my connection
is very slow / I am paranoid / , etc., Can I still play?

- A: Yes, no problem. If you play without mod, you will only notice
that the tank, the APC and the plane is a little bit strange, nothing
else. Then, if you play with the mod, you will be surprised about all
the details it has. Simply put, the Mod adds realism to the game, yet
it doesn´t modify the playability. However, I recommend to play
with it...

- Cuando juego otra campaña o un mapa aleatorio el juego se ve extraño con el mod...

- El mod fue realizado para jugar con el escenario "Wolfcastle
II", no para jugar un mapa aleatorio u otros escenarios. No es un
mod de conversión total, no solo por el tamaño que ocuparía,
sino por el trabajo que conlleva. Además el mundillo de Wolfcastle
es una mezcla entre medieval y moderno: tanto en Wolfcastle I como Wolfcastle
II esa fue mi intención. Incluso al principio "El silencio
de los payasos" NO llevaba mod, se lo agregué posteriormente.
La única función que realiza el mod pack es añadir
y aumentar el realismo del juego, pero manteniéndose con el engine
básico de Age of Kings. Por eso, te recomiendo que solo uses el
mod para jugar a este escenario.

- Q: Whassup, when I play a random map or another scenario with the mod pack the game
looks weird...

- A: The mod wasn´t made to play another scenario or a RM,
but to play Wolfcastle II. Wolfcastle´s world is a mix of the Middle
Ages and nowadays, and I made both Wolfcastle I and Wolfcastle II with
that purpose. In any moment I wanted to do a total conversion mod. The
only purpose of it was to add realism to the scenario, but with Age of
Kings´engine. So please, use the mod only to play this scenario!

- La versión inglesa de tu escenario deja mucho que desear... tiene un montón de faltas de ortografía!!
- Ya lo se. Mi inglés no se puede decir que sea muy bueno, y fue muy complicado traducir el escenario del castellano al inglés, especialmente porque la mayoría de diálogos están en argot.
Intenté hacer lo que pude, pero la traducción no es totalmente perfecta. AnastasiaKafka y otros me ayudaron a corregir errores, pero ten en cuenta que hay más de 850 desencadenadores, y corregirlos
uno por uno es realmente difícil! Al menos espero que se pueda entender...

- Q: Your scenario is plent of gramatical and spell mistakes!
- A: Yah, I know it. My English isn´t very good, and it was very complicated for me to translate the scenario from Spanish to English, specially ´cause almost all the dialogues were in slang.
I tried to do the minimum number of mistakes, but the translation isn´t perfect. AnastasiaKafka and the other testers helped me a lot, but in a scenario with 850
triggers is really difficult to correct them all! At least I hope it´s understable...

- ¿Aparece Osama
Bin Laden en el escenario?

- Por supuesto que sí!!

-Q: Does Osama Bin Laden appear?

- A: Yes, of course!

- Tu escenario es muy
bestia y muy violento, careces de sentimientos por hacer escenas salvajes
y explícitamente violentas. Creo que los menores de 18 años
no deberían jugar porque hiere sentimientos.

- Entonces no juegues al AoK porque matas a cientos de enemigos y
civiles inocentes de forma aún más salvaje...

- Q: Does it have mature content and explicit violence that may be upsetting to
younger viewers?

- A: Yes, just as playing a game that consists of killing your enemy with
sword and arrows, and murdering innocent villagers should. :)

- ¡Tu escenario
es buenísimo! Eres mi ídolo!!

- Si hay mucha gente como tú, abro una cuenta bancaria es
suiza y empiezo a aceptar donativos...

- Q: The scenario is great! It rocks! You are my idol! How can I repay you?

- A: I have opened a secret Swiss Bank account to avoid any ES royalties.

- Tengo problemas con
el audio. Se cuelga / se mezcla /etc...

- Asegúrate de haber puesto los archivos MP3 en la carpeta
Sound/Scenario. Si juegas en velocidad rápida sin pausar el juego
puede que se mezcle ligeramente la música. Recuerda que cuando
pares la música deberás esperar a que termine el audio (de
1 a 80 segundos). Y como no, desactiva la música del juego!

- Q: What if I have problems with the Audio? It crashes / mix / etc.

- A:

* Be sure the MP3 files are in the Sound/Scenario folder.

* If you play on high speed and you never pause the game, perhaps the

will mix a little bit.

* Remember that when you stop the music, you must wait until the file

Music will stop when competed (1- 80 seconds).

* And of course, be sure you have turned off the original game music!

- El juego me va colgadísimo
y llega un momento en que se pone la pantalla de colores y tengo que reinicar.

- Es un escenario muy cargado, por lo que te recomiendo que tengas
mucha memoria RAM y un buen PC. Si se te sigue colgando, prueba a jugar
sin Mod Pack y salva la partida con la música desactivada. Si desactivas
la música el juego te irá más fluido.

- Q: The game has a terrible lag! The screen goes black / multicolor / and I have
to restart the computer! What can I do to correct this?

- A: This scenario is very complex, so I recommend you to have a
powerful PC with loads of RAM. If the lag continues, try playing without
the Mod Pack and save your game with the music off. Finally, if you deactivate
the music altogether, the game will go much faster.

- ¿Has hecho tu solito el escenario?

- Así es. Yo solito! Sin embargo, debo agradecer a todos los
testers que han colaborado, y en especial a Josef Bugman por su ayuda
en el Mod Pack, al hacer el rascacielos y la central nuclear. Cabe mencionar
que le avión lo saqué de la página web de Boeing.
El resto del mod también fue hecho por mí.

- Q: Did you design the scenario alone?

- A: Yes, I have designed it exclusively. However I must thank, all
the Testers for their invaluable support, and special thanks to Josef
Bugman for his incredible designs in the Mod Pack (the nuclear reactor
and the skyscraper), and to Anastasia for translating the text messages.
NOTES: I took the plane from the Boeing web page. Additional Mods were
designed by me... .

- ¿Cuanto es la
raiz cúbica de 125?

- 5. Pero eso no viene a cuento.

- Q: How much is the cubic root of 125?

- A: Use a calculator!

- Me lio un montón
con el argumento...

- Tienes que prestar mucha atención a los diálogos.
Al contrario que otros escenarios, la historia transcurre principalmente
DURANTE el juego, y cambia mucho...

- Q: I don´t understand the story, and I am confused! What am I to do?

- A: You must pay close attention to the dialogue, as the adventure
story exist primarily in the game. It is of vital importance to follow
the story, as unlike other scenarios the instructions and hints for what
to do next is there in the game plot.

- Tengo una web y quiero poner tu escenario en ella.... ¿puedo, puedo?

- Claro que sí! Pero por favor pon el escenario completo con
TODOS sus archivos, y NO modifiques la campaña. De a ser posible,
también pon un enlace a la page del ELD ;)

- Q: I have a web site and I wanna put your scenario in. Please, can I?

- A: Of course! Although, please, put the complete scenario WITHOUT
CHANGES, and be sure to include all the files! Please, If possible, put
a link to the LTD site. ;)




Escenario creado por Andres_age

Scenario made by Andres_age

Si tienes dudas en cuanto a los escenarios, visita mi web

Visit the Latin Design Team page

Gracias a los testers Josef_Bugman,
Roman_Legionarie (Rolando), FEDCER; Trike; SUD_Collision, daniel leon,
Gawain, Bon, ElfTheHunter, Shiva, The Kestrel, Danath, Cknchaos, TheiceTiger,
The Editorbuilder, Black_Templar4, AnastasiaKafka, Belgarath, Lt_Blood_Bath,
CD_Paladin_C0 y The_Who.

Thx to the testers Josef_Bugman, Roman_Legionarie (Rolando), FEDCER;
Trike; SUD_Collision, daniel leon, Gawain, Bon, ElfTheHunter, Shiva, The
Kestrel, Danath, Cknchaos, TheiceTiger, The Editorbuilder, Black_Templar4,
AnastasiaKafka, Belgarath, Lt_Blood_Bath, CD_Paladin_C0 y The_Who.

El Mod Pack fue creado por
Andres_age, con la colaboración de Josef_Bugman para el reactor
nuclear y el rascacielos, y el modelo del avión fue sacado de la
página web de Boeing.

The Mod was created by Andres_age, with the collaboration of Josef
Bugman. The airplane was taken from the Boeing web

And thx to "Patagones" for her voice in the meltdown alarm.


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AuthorComments & Reviews   ( All | Comments Only | Reviews Only )
Official Reviewer
As I recall, they are mining camps. If you're using the modpack, they will look different.
mangusto hi!

this is a fantastic scenario. and i am just at the beginining...

but i have a question somehow complex!
- to play with "the full capacity" of the game it seems that one needs to install the wolfpack mod, which, by it's turn, needs that either "mod pack studio" or "mod installer" alredy being installed. that's it?

... ok, now there it goes:

- there is no program in the blacksmith called "mod installer".
- the 3 versions of "mod pack studio" displayed the error message: "this aplication requires that either Age(...) be instaled".

...well, obviously i have the game installed!

and i guess that the "mod installer" could avoid this problem...

so here is my points:

-does the wolfpack mod realy is needed?
-does the "mod installer" realy exists? where can i get it?
-why the "mod pack studio" does not work?

thank u!
Official Reviewer
You can definitely play without the mod, I did. One or two things look slightly odd, but nothing major.

I can't help with your technical questions though.
Edsonmilan oye Andres hola quisiera saber q programa utilizaste para crear tu campaña pasamela porfa enviame un mensaje!!!
martin fighter Cool scenerio!! But I have one problem: When i lead wolfcastle back home with a suitcase full of money, I get shot! By two killers. I can't pass that! Can u tell me how to get pass this??
Official Reviewer
Map Design4.0
Wolfcastle 2: The Silence of the Clowns is a unique scenario created by Andres_age which combines the medieval setting of AOK with modern concepts such as cars, tanks, nuclear power and soldiers. The scenario comes with it's own Mod Pack to add these modern units into the game. The Mod is recommended to be used alongside the scenario but is not necessary.

Playability: 4
I found Wolfcastle to be a highly enjoyable campaign, packed with alot of creativity and humour. The action is adrenalin pumping and keeps you on the edge of your seat. There are a number of different missions ranging from puzzle-solving, to RPG style gameplay, to fixed force assaults. The scenario was highly enjoyable and the novelty of the Mod Pack and humours dialogue just made it more enjoyable. There's something for everyone in this scenario. However, there is a problem with lag in the scenario, mainly due to the scale of it and maybe the mod Pack might also have something to do with it. The lag makes the game difficult to play, especially during missions that are against the clock and when there is lots of walking involved. Another thing that got annoying was the fact that alot of the map reveals never got removed after they were created which to me was annoying.

Balance: 4
The game was very well balanced. There were alot of challenges in it, but ultimately I found it to be on the easy side. I don't think I had to restart much, and the only times I did have to restart was due to a lack of understanding the objectives. I found the hardest parts were the missions that were against the clock, as I didn't know where I was going so I had to search for it, and by the time I found it the time had run out. Some more hints or clearer instructions would have helped with this. Other than that I found the balance to be quite good, just rather easy for me.

Creativity: 5
Without a doubt Wolfcastle 2 is a very creative scenario, if not one of the most creative scenarios in the AOKH Blacksmith. This is the first, and probably only scenario to be set in the modern age, equipped with modern buildings, tanks, and other modern concepts. The Mod Pack allows for this modern concept to come fully to life by adding modern graphics like tanks, buildings, electric street lamps, and other bits and bobs. Its certainly possible to play this scenario without the Mod Pack as alot of what makes it unique comes through in the humorous dialogue and clever trigger tricks, but I would recommend playing with the Mod Pack is possible. There are many ideas that come out of this modern concept that has been done even without modded graphics and that's what makes this scenario so clever. Overall there is probably nothing as creative as this around.

Map Design: 4
Wolfcastle is built on a very pretty map, which is mostly covered by a large city. I found that the map design was well above average and shows clear knowledge of how to use the editor. However, I found that the map seemed quite bare in a lot of places and unattractive to the eye in other places. The city lacked terrain mixing, making it look boring and bland, and the buildings seemed to be clumped together and more effort could have been put into their placing. Narrow streets between some of them would have looked good. The new graphics from the Mod are quite different from the graphics of AOK but somehow still seem to fit in well and you don't seem to question them. The map showcases the creative concept of blending medieval and modern together. The better part of the map design was definitely the outside of the city which showed more ses of terrain mixing and use of GAIA eye-candy. The outlines of the forest bushes scattered around the map were unpleasing to the eye and I was not a fan of them as they looked as though they were randomly placed without thought.

Story/Instructions: 5
Wolfcastle has a plot that seems to come straight out of a film. I focuses of Jefh Wolfcastle, a corrupt police officer whose tasked to track down the terrorist clown known as Krusty. The plot is very funny and the dialogue is well written. There are a few typos and spelling errors but these can be forgiven as English is not the authors first language. The story has twists and turns as you solve the puzzle and work out the location of Krusty whilst not really understanding who your real friends or enemies actually are. The story is excellent. The instruction suffer a little as I have said before, lacking clarity in places, but it is nothing that is worth detracting the score for. Overall Wolfcastle has an epic, well written and extremely funny story, that parodies much of modern culture, whilst incorporating a medieval style at the same time.

Additional Comments:
It's important to note that the Mod Pack for Wolfcastle has been uploaded as a separate file to the Blacksmith, with a link given at the top of the page. However, being an old scenario the Mod Pack was released as an AKX file. Using Genie Converter by Vardamir it is now possible for anyone to install this Mod Pack and play this wonderful game again.

I recommend this scenario along with it's Mod Pack. Download it now!

martinfighter1 Any chance this will be re released for the DE version?
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