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The Hanseatic League v3

Author File Description
four hundred babies
(id: Lord_Fadawah)
File Details
Version: The Conquerors 1.0c
Style: Mix
Number of scenarios: 4

This campaign spans the history of the most infamous trading association of the Middle Ages: the Hanseatic League. From the early days of the German trading settlements, to the 1227 war for independance against Denmark, to the legendary trading expeditions to Novgorod, to the Hanseatic League's involvement in the 30 Years' War, this campaign details the treachery and intrigue of the organisation that led to the rise of the European merchant class.

The campaign has four scenarios, all of which are B&D (don't be scared off! I've made it as streamlined and fast-paced as possible, so you're not sitting on your ass building stuff for 3 hours) with elements of other styles.

As with Wanton Destruction, cutscenes and exposition are kept to a minimum. There are multiple custom AI files ensuring realistic computer opponents and allies.

One of the things I like about AoK is it isn't just about decimating everything in your path. You can trade, and build wonders, and collect relics, and negotiate alliances with other players. This is a side of the game I feel is often neglected, and I always wanted to make a campaign that emphasised it. it is.


The Village of Lubeck in 1100 AD
Map editor screenshot
The town of Visby in 1300 AD
Map shot of the Jutland peninsula during the 30 Years War
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AuthorComments & Reviews   ( All | Comments Only | Reviews Only )
lobstar That was a great game but there was a bug on level three.When you use a warship to attack the sea gate.Then,suddenly a report will come out saying there is a bug.
rocknsteink Good historical campaign
(id: Sword_of_STORM)
Official Reviewer
I got the same bug, and reported it in the thread as well.

Please fix it, it is an excellent campaign.
vindicator7834 fun campaign, i i r winner'd level 3 though. thought it was really good and pretty hard.
four hundred babies
(id: Lord_Fadawah)
File Author
The crash bug is fixed.
lobstar There is a new problem for the third level.When Novgorod asks you to tribute 200 gold for you to be able to trade with them.When I tribute the amount to them nothing happens.
four hundred babies
(id: Lord_Fadawah)
File Author
Okay, fixed! Scen 3 is hopefully bug free now.
Hambone2010 I liked it. Great story and instructions especially.

[Edited on 01/24/08 @ 06:23 AM]

John Mendl I played the first scenario till I captured back Lubeck from Vikings and then I went to western part of Holstein. An envoy said they would join us if tributed 1000 food 500 gold. I tributed a little more than that. I had 1300+ food and 700+ gold and tributed everything (In tribute bar it showed 1017 food and 524 gold; no coinage). But they didnot join. I had deleted all villagers and one TC destroyed, another under severe attack. When I quitted I found a weird thing that the aftermath showed that I tributed a total of only 1483 to Holstein. Hmmm... Somewhy, All the 70% doesn't reach them. (Somebody pickpocketed Hehe!). I will have to reload or may be just try to attack Vikings with my trained units. This has a good map design.

Another Problem: Since you didn't mention that a monastery must survive, I let it be destroyed by the enemy and I have no place to keep the relic which my monk picked up. I Used the auto-win code to get to level 2. Second scenario is good too, with a good map design. I chose to defy the Denmark king and they crushed one of my allies with tons of paladins. Raiders have their stance set to ally to player 1. Is that a bug?

[Edited on 01/23/08 @ 02:54 AM]

four hundred babies
(id: Lord_Fadawah)
File Author
Thanks for the comments. Scenario 1 should work. 1000 food 500 gold is the required amount and there are no tributes away from Hamburg. I'm not sure what's happening. Try replaying the scenario.

"Raiders have their stance set to ally to player 1. Is that a bug?"

No, it's a feature. The AI wouldn't work properly any other way. If they are set to enemy they just gang up on player 1 and don't bother attacking your allies like they're supposed to. I figured that it makes sense that an band of raiders wouldn't attack an army, but WOULD attack unarmed villagers, so I set their stance to player 1 to ally.
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