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Topic Subject: Splash Splash screenplay 2, special edition
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posted 09-13-03 08:54 PM CT (US)   
Welcome to the Third splash splash screenplay thread! In this thread, you will find everything you need to know, including footnotes written by me and special edits and the complete story of the village of splash splashville! comon in, and enjoy!

Splash Splash screenplay 1 can be found here
Bitter past (screenplay II) is here. This thread is also that screenplay, the edited version.

I am currently contacting zyx about the original screenplay.

And by the way, pay a visit to the ancestor of the screenplay

My edits

Written by Danthered
Splash Splash Screenplay II: The Bitter past

Part I


A lone figure stands in front of a memorial statue reading the names on the tablet it holds:

“Dedicated to the brave people from AoKH who died fighting Fearless Leader”

Crystal Crown
Ghost of Caesar

As his eyes travelled down the list of names the driver walked over from the waiting car.

Driver: A big storms coming in off the coast sir.
Figure: Ok, I just want a little longer.
Driver: Very well, sir.

The driver walked back to the car.
The figure looked down at the words on the base of the statue:

“See the little Angels rise up”

Figure: *sighs*

The song, the song had been his idea. He’d remembered it from a Discworld book and started singing it. Gradually everyone else started singing it.
They sang it as they went to fight Fearless Leader for the final time.

Figure: See the little angels rise up, rise up,
See the little angels rise up high.

Flash back


Newsreader: Our main news tonight, Fidel Castro the leader of Cuba has been over thrown. The man known only as fearless leader infiltrated Castro’s HQ early this morning and seized control. It is not known what happened to Castro.
We will bring you more on this later.
In other news…

AoKH Forums
Town Crier
Splash Splash III: A new beginning

Danthered: Has anyone seen the news?
DM: you mean about fearless leader?
Danthered: Yeah
Ghost of Caesar: I thought he was just something on here
Zyxomma100: How the hell could he escape from a computer
Danthered: What I want to know is, what is he doing in Cuba?

Part II

Figure: How do they rise up, rise up, rise up
How do they rise up, rise up high.


Nav_2004: How did he even get to Cuba?
Danthered: It might not necessarily be the same one that was on here.
Kevingamer_ACX: Hey, have you seen the news? Fearless Leaders made some demands!

Sky News Website
Main Story

Today the new ruler of Cuba, Fearless Leader demanded that he be made supreme ruler of the world and that some forumers from a computer game forum be handed over. Unless the demands are met he says he will destroy cities on the US mainland. The group of forumers are from the Age of Kings Heaven forum. Fearless Leader said they know who they are. Why he wants these people is unknown.

AoKH Forums
Towns Crier
Splash Splash

Ghost of Caesar: He wants us!
Zyxomma100: But why?
DM: The hell...
Danthered: What should we do?
Ornlu: Should we try and stop him
Aro: How can we stop him?
Ok, ok, Danthered, not funny at all, ok? ok.

By zyxomma100
The splash splash militia has reached the final lair of FL. Slowly, they advance on him. They all raise their guns...

CC: We've got you now!
Dark_Aro: CLOSED!

The whole place turns black.

zyxomma100: But... what the...
Dark_Aro: CC's dialogue was the 2500th line in this screenplay. Sorry, guys.
GoC: But isn't saving the world a bit more important than saving bandwidth?

This was basiclly a great beginning to an installment. This is a diss to Zen's decision of setting a 2500 post limit and making the reowned "Splash Splash" be closed. After this, many people, including I and railroad scrambled to make a new one. But in the edn, zyx got the honors. As described in this installment

Dark_Aro: Be right back. I'll check with Zen.
Joe: So now what?

zyxomma100: Damn the mods! (*lightning bolt hits me*) Let's start a new story!
Others: Yeah!

Thus the second splash splash militia is formed.

View changes to FL in his secret hideout.

Confused Deer: Oh fiendish one, you were very lucky to escape...
Confused Deer: So sorry to have induced your wrath, O mighty sir, fiendish one, master...

FL shines headlights in Confused Deer's eyes. CD stands still.

Pauken: O great one, when will you free your obedient underling?
FL: I don't know, but I think I'll fatten him up a bit...

Back at the new thread.

zyxomma100: Perfect! Do you like it guys? I decorated it myself!
Yugi: What's that smell?
zyxomma100: The cookies! Here, someone take this paintbrush for a second!
Lawngnome: You know, it was a mistake letting zyx control this thread.
CC: That doesn't matter. It's our base nonetheless. We need to start over from the beginning and find out how to get to Fearless Leader.
Joe: Maybe we should send the HG army out to scout. Their treb may not be the fastest, but at least they can see far...
The Adder: Is it smart to trust them with anything? They'd just end up trebbing OD... Never mind, good idea.
AoC_DaVe: I'll go send the message.

Dave runs out the door only to be lifted into the air by a net.

Dave: Aiiiiiii!
zyx: Sorry 'bout that...

zyx brings Dave down from the net.

zyx: Here, take this map. You need to follow these complicated dance steps to get through the booby traps I set up.
Lawngnome: Told ya.

Dave waltzes away.

Adder: So, how many villagers should we allocate to each resource in preparation for our attack?
Dark_Aro (busting in, panting): Whew... some mechanical dogs were chasing me, but I managed to get them on the scent of Dave instead.

Outside, a scream is heard.


zyx: Let me shut off their power...

zyx leaves to go to the basement.

Aro: Zen said no.

Narrator: Is the HG staff always this slow? How will this screenplay survive without the colorful character of Nabrimn? Have I changed identities since last screenplay? Will zyx turn off the power in time to save Dave? Yes, for purposes of future installments!
(zyx wrote the next one too)

Narrator: We continue to find the splashers making important decisions at their new thread...

Lawngnome: So it's agreed. We'll ditch zyx's cooking and secretly order pizza.

Lawngnome is Kelar's old name, for you stupid ones

GoC: Pepperoni!
Adder: Cheese!
Joe: Anchovy!
Regis: Oh, the humanity! By the way, I say sausage.

"Oh the humanity" is Regis's main line in Splash Splash screenplay 1. He dies, but huh, I guess he made a cameo appearence?

Darkmaster: We need more time to think about this! Regis, how much time do we have left.
Regis: You mean he actually believes that old Millionaire show is on the air? Heh, I'd say we have another 5 seconds befores he returns from the old studio...

Are you tired of great classics like Ulio, 100 Year's War, and TKBM? Well, then buy Great Tips for Scenario Designing, by musiclover482! Learn the basics, like how to task a unit, and how to edit your messages! Get it free, at the incredibly low price of $13.37! Available at all minor bookstores.

Musiclover 482 is an 'annoying scenario designer at the least. Making about 5 threads a day in SD for a while. People started getting annoyed and Luke actually trolled him

zyx enters.

zyxomma100: Hey guys! Hey Lawngnome, what's that you have on that sheet of paper? Pepperoni, cheese, anchovies... Great idea! I'll add them to my stew!
Dave: Whatever happened to chicken soup?
zyx: Too old-fashioned. See you guys later!

Narrator: What's up with the short update? Has zyx run out of ideas, or is it something more fiendish?
FL: What's that I hear?
Narrator: Where exactly IS Fearless Leader's hideout? How did Regis get into this installment? Stay tuned...

Written by me, kevingamer, who was banned at the time. I would like to thank The Adder for posting this for me

kevingamer enters

kevin: Hi all!
Adder: umm.....
Kelar: Hi?
kevin: Why the weirdness?
CC: umm... kevo', hate to break it to you, but........

CC holds up poster:

kevingamer _AcX_
Reward 7500 cyber bucks
for the grave crime of bugging Phil
and pertending to be a Seraph
Dead or alive, 55% of body must be recognisable after the
Beating, torturing, and mutination for reward to be earned.

Any information, please report to the Seraph, Philip Dunscombe

Aro: sieze him.
kevin: Hey guys! don't you remember how we used to be friends?
Tanneur99: I can remember whatever I want.
Adder: I'll remember you, after I get my 7500 bucks.
kevin: acckk!
splashers raise guns
kevin runs

narrator: Will kevin get away? well, you know he won't now, don't you?

why is zyx's cooking worse than my mom's?
How did kevingamer enter without getting killed by zyx's traps?
Dont put down that remote! Come back after these commercials!
An epic land, a desert of dummies, A story spanning of epic

This summer, prepare to be stunned.

musiclover482's latest classic.
Made with the Aok editor, directed by musiclover.
Critics say
"I want to pull my hair out at this storyline. yuck."
"The jokes just want to make one weep"
Those are authentic lines form a review

"One star and five thumbs down!"
Download "Desert of Morons" now!

and forever remember, don't do any of the things exhibited in this scanario.
Rated "R" for retarded
I got that idea form Vice City


narrator: when we last left, kevin was running away from the splashers
hq, what will he do now?
kevin runs to street in front of HQ
kevin: TAXI!
Dave runs up to kevin
Dave: HELP!!!
dogs catch up to Dave
The sound of Uzis break out from zyx's thread
Dave's body absorbs bullets heading for kevin
Dave: ARRRGGGGGG!!!!! *dies*
taxi comes
Kevin jumps in
driver: where to?
kevin: INTL
Interesting none the less, a forum. It is wild. If you are a n00b, don't go there

driver: ok
driver takes off in other direction
kevin: hey!
driver turns around
driver turns out to be Phil
kevin appears before tribunal, Jayhawk is the judge and Philip is the charger.
Jayhawk: is this true, kevin? did you really pertend to be Phil, tie him to a stake and throw shoes at him?
kevin: Wha? I did not-
Phil: Now, AJ, your not going to listen to him, eh?
kevin: hey don't I have-
Phil: no. and Jayhawk, after he threw shoes at me, he also tried to set
me on fire.
Jayhawk: Um..... ok..... two weeks
Phil: Why not a month?
Jayhawk: well, ok........
kevin: HEY!!!
kevin dissapears

That was a big diss on Phil for the reasons and sentenceing of my bannment. Now I'm over it, but the word is still there
narrator: If kevin is banned how is he writing this? (Bribing Adder with cyber money? -Edited by Adder) Ha ha
kevin: prison walls and a rock, FYI
narrator: shut up, anyways. Will kevin get out? How did kevo' get across the lawn twice without being killed?
will kevin come back? Where are my underwear? I wonder what spelling errors there were. Find out next time!

Nice no?

by zyx
Narrator: We continue to find the splash splash militia poring over maps looking for where Fearless Leader's hideout might be.

Darkmaster: Ugh! Hours of searching maps and nothing to indicate anything!
Adder (looking at Darkmaster): Uh... That's the pizza we ordered.
CC: Yes, but he appears to have arranged his pepperoni into shapes resembling continents.
Darkmaster: No, that's a map I made of Venus. We must explore all possibilities...

Lawngnome comes busting in.

Lawngnome: Hey, guys! HG's rush found a strange cave located in Bosnia. It was highly defended, and it is only because buildings don't auto-target sheep that we found it... Unfortunately, we lost all contact with the sheep soon afterward.
zyxomma100: Cool!
Joe: What, the cave?
zyxomma100: No, I'm waiting for these dinner rolls to cool.
Adder: Seriously, though, we need to get an attack ready as fast as possible. Where's Nabrimn when you need him?
Nabrimn: I know, he's never there when you need him!


Nabrimn: So... why am I chained to a wall again?
GoC: Use the head pointer we have given you to plot an attack against Fearless Leader, currently in a previously unknown cave in Bosnia. The coordinates are being downloaded to the microchip we have implanted in your shoe, to make sure we know where you are at all times.
Joe: Why the shoe?
GoC: It was easier than the foot.
Nabrimn: Done.
Adder: Ok, you can leave now.
Nabrimn (taking shoes off): I'm outta here!

Nabrimn runs out of the thread, only to be chased by Barney the Dinosaur.

zyx: hey! what you doing here Barney?
CC: The teletubbies are here too.......
Adder: target practice? *everyone cocks guns*
DM: cant that wait till later? nambrim is running without his shoes....

GoC: Wait... Did I say shoe? I meant sock.
Adder (looking at paper being printed out): Nabrimn's plan is to nuke all of Bosnia.
zyx: Sounds good. Let's do it.
CC: Haven't you heard of international relations?
Joe: Well technically we aren't a nation...
CC: I guess you're right.

Narrator: Does HG have nuclear missles? If so, isn't that against international law? Would the splash splash militia use them if given the chance? Whatever happened to Kevin? What is the meaning of life? Tune in next time...

By kevin, thank you, KeLar for posting this

narrator: We join our splashers as they wonder what Nambrim is doing. Well, technicly we know but nambrim has a secret.

Nambrim runs into broom closet.

Crazy pyromaniac Nambrim is actually.....

A crazy pyromaniac that knows karate!

Phase one of nambrim's plan involves going to the Algerian city of In Salah and buying a sitar.

Nambrim: Hey all! I'm new to In Salah! Can I have a sitar?
sitar salesman: Here *hands nambrim sitar*

Nambrim goes to Algerian Mafia forums and asks for entry by knocking on a door.
The Algerian Mafia first made an apperance in Sceenplay 1. I foubnd it was nice to use then again

Door slot opens.
Guard: |n vv t2 j00 vv4|\|t ??/
Nambrim: to get in
Guard: |-|U|v?????/////
Nambrim: *sigh* 2 g3+ 1|v
Guard: 0, 7_3|v d0 +3|n /-\c5355 c0D3

translated to english, the ubb code says:
Guard: what do you want??
Nambrim: to get in
Guard: huh?
Nambrim: *sigh* to get in
Guard: oh, then do the acsess code
Nambrim: ok, *plays complicated algerian sitar piece*
Door opens

AlgerianMafia_Leader: what do you want?
Nambrim: well, I want to know how to nuke Bosnia
AlgerainMafia_Leader: Ok, all of it? then you can do the ICBM solution *hands nambrim brochure*
Nambrim: ahhh..... Nuclear it......

Narrator: Will nambrim nuke bosnia? What happened to kevingamer? Why the hell did nambrim jump into a closet? find out, next time!
Too much of a forum goody goody? Want to have some fun and get banned? well, then buy Kevingamer _AcX_'s "10 steps to getting banned"
Avalible for the incredibly cheap price of $6.66!
Get this now!
The next one is also by me, and Kelar posted it agan. thank you, kelar. This installment is by far the funniest I have ever written. Observe:

Narrator: While Nabrimn is planning to obtain nukes by visiting In Salah, the splashers do some sluthing on thier own.

Joe Henderson: So.... zyx, why did we come to Washington D.C. again?
zyx: so we can get control of some nukes, dammit.
GoC: Look! its the washington memorial!
zyx: hmmm... I remembered it was a more whitish...... and taller..... and not made out of yellow bricks....
Adder: umm... I think we accidentally flew to Egypt.....
zyx: WHAT??? hmm... I thought it was a little warm.....
*everyone slaps forehead*

nav_2004: good, now we are in washington, now what?
zyx: we wait for night

narrator: meanwhile, we join nabrimn in Rise of Nations Heaven......
Nabrimn: How much for an ICBM?
dealer: 2000 Knowledge 750 Oil
nabrimn:umm.... how does that transfer into Aok?
dealer: umm..... 3000 wood, 1500 gold
nabrimn: What? wow, well... I need to nuke all of Bosnia, how many do I need?
dealer: umm.... about 5
nabrimn: i dont have 15000 wood and 7500 gold... got anything cheaper?
dealer: Gravity powered H-bomb short range, 10000 wood and 7000 gold for a set of 3, enough to blow Bosnia.
nabrimn: too expensive....
dealer: well, A-bomb, short range, 1000 wood 500 gold, you need about 10.....
nabrimn: what can I get for 10 gold?
dealer: firecracker, very short range, needs 770000000000 to blow up bosnia.

narrator: night sets in washington.

zyx: ready all? *hands out black suits and guns*
adder: are you sure this will work?
zyx: of course! we have mission hq to talk to in these walkie talkies, right?
railroad: can we use secret code names?
Dave: yeah, names like Team Alpha and code blue are cool
Kelar: //team alpha, this is mission hq, are you ready for the raid?\\
zyx: //code blue, affirmitave\\
adder: see? told you we are cool

scene switches to White House
adder: dang, high security, and this is just the lawn....
zyx, dont worry, after MY lawn, this is nothing, look, theres a flaw.
Dave: oh, I see, those lasers are kill, not alarm trippers
zyx: Joe, go first
Joe: ok
adder: //mission control? could you find a flaw before zyx kills us all?\\
a scream is heard
kelar: //fine... do a right side scissors chop over the lawngnome, then do cartwheels until you get to the inner fence. After that, summersault over the rose bushes and do a tornado kick over the picket fence.\\
zyx: k, Goc, go first.
Goc starts to do a scissors chop, is annihalated in midair
So dies Ghost of Caesar

kelar://oh, did I say right? i meant left\\
*everyone slaps forehead*
Narrator: after going through secturity, they start a raid on the white house

kelar: //zyx, 2 goons, heading your way!\\
zyx hides behind corner
goons approach
zyx bursts out, does tae kwon do kick and knocks both out

kelar: //adder, goon, left\\
adder hides in closet
goons approach
adder suddenly opens door, door knocks out goon.

kelar: //dave, 3 goons, coming behind\\
dave opens fire, goons killed in fire fight

zyx: //ok, lets roll\\
splashers burst into green room

Colin Powell: Acckkk!! *is knocked out by dave*
zyx: attack!

splashers quickly take out people in room

dave: is everyone through?
zyx: no, the adder is having and intense judo duel with Donald Rumsfield and John Ashcroft
Rumsfield is the US secratary of War, and Ashcroft is the Attorney General

Adder: Yah! yah! take that *throws punches and swipe kicks*
Ashcroft and Rumsfield use lighting quick Kung fu moves, they pin adder to a wall and start beating on him
Adder: help!!!! ow, ow, help!! ow, ow,
zyx: well?

*several gunshots heard*
Rumsfield: yiiaaaa!!! *dies*
Ashcroft: aacckckk!!! *dies*
zyx: ok, ok, to the Oval office!

spalshers brake into oval office

Bush (into telephone): Yes, send all our troops to west nile to stop the origin of the virus. wha? no I am not a dipsh!t! wait, I have visitors...
Bush: Can I help you?
zyx steps forward
zyx: no *knocks out bush with the butt of his uzi*
zyx: ok, now wheres the nuke button?

dave: Here, next to a copy of Empire Earth *presses button*
Radio: //Washingston, this is the USS natilus, you have pressed the nuke button, access code?\\
dave: umm... "i r winner"?
Natilus: Confirmed, select target
zyx: Umm, can you ship them to HG?
Natilus: Target, Heavengames LCC, Lake Villa Illinois, 122 N Cornell Ave. Affrimitive, Launching ICBM...
zyx: no! no!
natilus: On the way, time until impact, T minus 21 minutes, 34 seconds.
*everyone slaps forehead*

Narrator: How will they stop the missiles? Will this be the end of HG? ..and bush's presidency...? What does wood have to do with missles? tune in next time!
Need help with your karate? well not anymore! just get the new "kicking serious whoppas$" by Donald Rumsfield and Philip Dunscombe!
Improve you kicks! and learn how to kill people! Buy now!

For more books by these authors...

By Philip Dunscombe:
1-2-3 seraph, tips on bribing Zen and getting gold
Beating people in Chess and destroying egos, a beginners guide
Juggling dangerous things, how to kill yourself
Photoshop for dummies, forging screenshots to pertend you made....ermm...
The best of 'Dear Phil'
Phil actually laughed at this one


by zyx:

Narrator: We continue to find the splash splash militia carefully plotting how to stop the nuke from hitting HG. Let's check in how they're doing...
*splashers are running round in circles screaming*
KeLar: Panic!
Darkmaster: What can we do!
CC: Where's the exit!
zyx: Over there!

CC runs into a television monitor.

zyx: My bad. Seriously guys, how do we stop that ICBM...
Darkmaster: Nuke!
zyx: Yeah... nuke from hitting HG?

Everyone magically calms down.

Joe: We could just let the nuke hit HG and be done with OD. After all, it won't affect us, seeing we have formed an independent country.
Kevin: Nah, we can't do that. GSD and SD would get destroyed too.
zyx: You're back!
Kevin: That's right! C'mon, gimme a hug!

Later, at a hospital wing.

Kevin: Geez, guys, when I meant hug I didn't mean to squeeze me to death.
CC (mumbling to others): Good, he's out of the way.
Darkmaster: Great, so we have how long? About 15 minutes until the nuke hits?
Doctor: What! A nuke is about to hit! Panic!

The scene instantly turns into a riot in the hospital, leaving the splashers open mouthed.

Joe (pulling CC out of riot): CC, stop it, you know the nuke isn't headed this way.
Doctor: It isn't?

The riot subsides.

This message brought to you by Enron. That's right, we're still here, and now we're into financial advice!

zyx: I just had a great idea! We could steal the helicopter from the hospital and chase down the nuke!
KeLar: Although I see no reason to do it other than committing suicide, why not?
All splashers: Yay! We're going to chase a nuke, we're going to chase a nuke...

2 minutes later, or 11 minutes, 56 seconds until nuke strike. The splashers are all at the heliport at the top of the hospital.

CC (to pilot of helicopter): Move it!

CC pushes pilot and crew out of helicopter. The splashers jump in.

Darkmaster: Uh... does anyone know how to pilot a helicopter?
Joe: Hey, there's a guy in critical condition back here!
Kevin: Yeah, it's me.
CC: What happened!
Kevin: I was injured again in that riot.
KeLar: So how did you end up here? You were already in a hospital bed!
Kevin: True... The bed did come down with me in that 17 story fall.
CC: Out you go!
Kevin: Wait! I can pilot the helicopter!

Sure enough, Kevin is able to pilot the helicopter using only his feet. 2 minutes later...

zyx: There's the nuke!
Darkmaster: Kevin, bring the helicopter side-by-side with it!
CC: Almost there... We're right next to it! Everyone jump now!

All the splashers except Kevin jump on the missile.

KeLar: So... why did we jump again?
CC: It sounded like the cool thing to do.
Darkmaster: You know, we might be able to stop this thing. Just open the control panel on the side...
zyx: Don't be stupid, nukes don't have control panels on the side...
KeLar: Found it. You know? I could redirect this thing to Bosnia and blow it up.
Darkmaster: Go ahead.

KeLar redirects the nuke.

CC: Now what?
zyx: Let's jump.
KeLar: Ok.

The splashers jump... They fall... and land in Kevin's helicopter.

Kevin: w00t!

Back at Bosnia...

Nabrimn (whistling, planting firecrackers): What's that sound?

The nuke explodes after hitting Nabrimn.

Narrator: What will become of Nabrimn? Why did the nuke have a control panel? Do you get the feeling this installment has been composed of random actions by the splashers? Did FL get hit in the blast? If Kevin was in critical condition, how could he pilot a helicopter? Find out next time...

Narrator: We continue to find an atomic bomb has just exploded by hitting Nabrimn... What happened? Let's go see...

The smoke clears. Nothing is seen but a single finger sticking out of the rubble...

Nabrimn: Damn it! That's no finger!

Nabrimn runs to get some clothes.

Nabrimn: Good thing I was wearing a helmet.

Back at the splash splash thread....

Adder: *cries* (inside joke)
Kevin: Look at this, guys! The atomic bomb has made world news!
CC (sarcastically): Wow, really? I thought the world would just ignore it.
KeLar: You know, that bomb did come from a US ship... No one knows it was us who ordered the launch.

Back at the White House.

Bush: Hmm? I don't remember a thing!
Powell: Well you'll have a lot of explaining to do! Launching a nuke at Bosnia, no matter how much it was needed, may cause you to lose the presidency!
Bush: *splashes Powell*
That last line just made my day. Period

Back at the thread...

Darkmaster: I'm hungry. zyx, when will those cookies be finished?
zyxomma: Soon. I'm making personalized cookies for everyone! For example, here's the beginning of mine!


zyx: For me to finish everyone's cookies, I'll need your passwords. *laughs fiendishly*
Joe: You're not zyx! *gasp* That can only mean...

Joe pulls mask off zyx's face. FL's face is seen.

FL: Drat, for lack of a swear filter! You have seen through my disguise! But this won't be the last you see of me!
Makes no sense whatsoever

Fearless runs out the door, only to be catapulted back to Bosnia.

CC: If that was FL, where's zyx?

A knock comes from the closet.

zyx (muffled): Let me out!

After zyx is let out...

zyx: Whew, I was afraid these cookies would get cold while I was in there. Anyone want one?

Narrator: Why would FL attempt something so foolish...
FL: The word is fiendish.
Narrator: to enter the enemy's lair? How did he...
FL: AHEM!!! SHE!!!
Narrator: find the splasher's thread? How did Kevin magically recover from his several bone fractures...
Kevin: Hey! It was mostly the internal organ failures!
Narrator: ...that quickly? Tune in later...
All: NEXT TIME!!!!!
Narrator: find out! Whew...

New thread, but the same screenplay. Slight change in characters...
Narrator: We continue to find the splash splash militia pondering their next course of action.

Adder: So one-third of Bosnia has been destroyed, but we know FL is unaffected.
Simmy: Move over Adder. I'm giving this place a new paint job. How could you survive with these awful colors?
zyx: I never got around to painting. I was too busy baking. But now that you control the thread...
Simmy: I get to choose the paint job. Move over.

CC manages to sneak some blue dye into the red paint can.

Darkmaster: What's that smell?
Simmy: Oh my! The cake must be burning!

Simmy rushes to the kitchen.

Joe: Hey guys, I got this great deal on the black market on weapons. I have weapons of every sort: guns, grenades, knives, swords, for the old fashioned people...
zyx: Are you thinking what Im thinking...
Joe: I know! I got these so cheap, we could sell them and make a huge profit!
zyx: I know! We could gain what, 200, maybe even 300%!
Adder: Maybe we could play war!

Adder grabs a grenade and pulls the pin.

Darkmaster: Or better yet, we could use these weapons to make an assault on FL's hideout!
Adder (tossing grenade behind back): Great idea!

The grenade explodes. As the smoke clears, a figure is seen...

Nabrimn: Who's the wise guy? As if being hit by a nuke wasn't enough... What was Bush thinking?
Lawngnome: Actually, that was u...
GoC (placing hand over Lawngnome's mouth): What was he thinking?
Lawngnome: But GoC, it was u...
CC (tackling Lawngnome): ...uber stupid! Yeah, how uber-stupid can you get?
Lawngnome: But it wasn't B...
Adder (pointing gun at Lawngnome): ...Beatles. The Beatles didn't do it, of course.
Lawngnome: Oh, now I get what you guys are trying to tell me! Nabrimn, it wasn't us that broke into the White House and accidentally redirected a nuke to land in Bosnia. (gives fake smile)
Nabrimn: What the )&*^$&^))^%&%...
zyx (knocking Lawngnome out): We're so sorry, Nabrimn. We didn't mean to...
Nabrimn: If you didn't drop the nuke on me, who did?

Genius. Pure Genius

Darkmaster: Damn it, Simmy! Your awful paint job chased Nabrimn away! He's the best military expert we have...
Simmy: Back on topic...
That is sooooo simmy like

Everyone tackles Simmy.

Joe: The next time you try to go on-topic in this off-topic thread, we kill you.
Simmy: Fair enough.
CC: Hey guys, I found us transportation into Bosnia. I commandeered some Battering Rams from HG...

Narrator: So the splash splash militia has a new housekeeper. What new changes will SImmy bring to the thread? Will he redo the paint job? If he does, what color will it be? Who makes better cookies: zyx or Simmy? Why is Lawngnome listed as Lawngnome and not KeLar? When will the next moderator make an appearance? And what of the battle to come? How long will it take for the splash splash militia to get to Bosnia via Battering Ram? Is HG Mongol? If so, do they have Drill? How will the attack be initiated? What kind of defences does FL have? Will these questions never end? Tune in next time... [/w]

...and here are a few little things, here's some responses to the complaint of people not being in.....

[whisper]Meanwhile, in a pretty dull region of the universe...

Yugi: Hi.
Dr Peppa: Hey.
Railroad: Hello.
DaVe: y0.

railroad: Hey look!
Dave: huh?
Ornlu: Candy for sale!
Dr Peppa: hurrah!
Yugi: lets go! I got quarters!

And a mini installment by Danthered:
Danthered: We need a marching song
Simmy: Like what?
Danthered: "When duty calls me I must go,
To stand and face another foe.
But part of me will always stray,
Over the hills and far away"

Joe: "When evil stalks upon the land,
I'll nyther hold nor stay me hand.
But fight to win a better day,
Over the hills and far away."

& Joe: "If I should fall to rise no more,
Like many comrades did before.
Ask the pipes and drums to play,
Over the hills and far away."

Danthered: "So fall in lads behind the drum,
With colours blazing like the sun.
Along the road to come what may,
Over the hills and far away."

Danthered:*carries on humming the tune to over the hills and far away.

Zyx: I hope he stops humming by the time we get to Bosnia.

Narrator: When will the Splash Splash militia get to Bosnia? and will Danthered ever stop humming that annoyingly catchy tune. *Starts humming over the hills and far away.*


And now, all the doo doo that I get TC in

Part II
Meanwhile, the splashers are still on the way to Bosnia.

Kelar: so, simmy where are we?
Simmy: well, I plan on driving east across the USA. We start in Chicago, because thats where the servers are. We have driven for around 4 hours, and at the ram speed of 30 mph, we are 120 miles from Chicago. Thats sets us at cleveland.
DM: so, danthered sang all through the Ohio Turnpike?
Simmy: well....yeah
Kevin: arrgg.. *throws Danthered out of the ram*
Danthered: AIIEEE!!!!!
zyx: *is bored*
nav2004: hey! lets play the lisence plate game!
DM: no. *throws nav out of ram*
Gaiseric: now the ram is lighter!
KeLar: *throws Gaiseic out of ram*
*gaiseric dies*
kevin: well, theres another name on the tombstone
zyx: hey, why are you making everyone die, kevin?
kevin: well I wanna *takes off mask*
Khan Man: end this screenplay!
*everyone gasps*
zux: thats why the spelling iz s0 bad!1
Khan Man: yes, Goc is already dead, now gaiseric is gone. just a couple more...
Ornlu: then where's kevin?

*scence switches to the floor of the Atlantic Ocean*
kevin (tied to block of cement at bottom): dang j00 Khan Man!!!

That personally is my favorite part

*back to the ram*

*Ornlu and Manaxter dies*
zyx: tackle him!
*zyx dies*
*Aro, Crystal Crown, Darkmaster, Kelar, Nav, and Railroad dies*
Khan Man: hahahahah!!!!
*screenplay ends*

Meanwhile, in a dull region of the universe....
Dark_Blade: I am practicly the only one still alive. Due to the fact that no one knows me and I am unpopular. Now, It is my destiny to save the splashers!
Dave: and I will help!
Yugi: Us three will save the spashers! *uses quarters to model wormhole*
Back at the ram:
Khan Man: Now I have the power!! *makes Philip close thread*
eveywhere goes dark
Khan Man: ha ha!
*Armies of Set invade TC, now nearly empty*
Khan Man: BURN!! PILLAGE!!! RAPE!!!
*Armies of Set proceeds to burn, pillage, and rape the few people alive and inatimate objects*
Philip: hey! what are you doing? get out of my office, don't touch that! that's french! No! stop burning the building! hey no put me down!! why are you taking me to a dungeon? no not the Grafitti! not the Grafitti! I am the Seraph of Age of Kings heaven put me dow- ahhh!!!!!!!!!
*fade out*

narrator: now, how will the three forummers save splash splash now? Why does kevin give Dark_blade such a huge part? Couldn't Philip just ban Khan Man? FYI, the armies of set do NOT rape Philip. Originally, they do, but I came to my senses and changed it Now they simply sprayed grafitti all over him. Not very interesting, I know And why am I, the narrator rambling on? well..... find out next time! sorta....

Narrator: we come back to find our- acckk!! *dies*
Khan Man: ha ah! now I will make this place a n00b cental!!1
narater2: n00oo0@!!
DanthR3ed: teh spEalling Iz geattIng Wo0rs3!
kahn man; jah ha han!11

naroa0r2: m3anwHi1e.....
da12k_blsade: woah... look what happened 2 this fo0rum!
yoogi: com0n, lets h1de s0 we don geat killed
ornloo; g00d 1dea

yug1, da12c_131ade, nad ORnulk0o hIde in an deserteed therad, suddenly, sum set warriorz coem bye.

warr10r1:0mfg! philz gotsz guD stuf in hiz offoce
warir2: yha
wrior3:hay, l0ok!, some peeple
wraorior2: geet them
warriores: CHEAGE!@!!!111
narrator2: and a intese karatee mathch ensuez, and teh wrrioz win

*scene swuchts 2 dungen, the 3 slapshers r chanied 2 wal, next 2 phi1*
yUg1: *cries8
kAHN man: haha u thinc u cna get teh beats uv mee??/ worng, i r teh rox0rz, u r futile!!!11 l0ok who i also got!
*scenne swithces 2 adjacent wal, chined there r Fearles leder and confuzed dee12*
09nuou: 8gasp*
khan man: ur suposed 2 B ded
0nulu: o yea *dies again*
KM: ha ha! now begin teh m00vie!
*movie scerren plays "eXit wounds" and "finding nem0"
every1: npoooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
*fade out*

Nambrim: hmmm... The splashers should've came already....
narrator2: yes! they are in big trouble!
Nambrim: I think I hear something.... nah....
narrator2: yes you do! save the splashers!!!
nambrim: hmm... I have a feeling that something is wrong *takes out laptop* types in "" *gasp! "409 error; site has been taken over by evil armies of set and needs your help!"
nambrim: This can only mean one thing!
narrator2: yes....
nambrim: the sites down, well, I'll just have to wait!
narrator2: *slaps forehead* wait that doesn't help, *slaps nambrim*
nambrim: ow!
want to advertise? order a commercial!

I finally had a time to use mispelling

Now, zyx's attempt to get them out of this mess:

NaI2Rat0r2; Vve cO0T|nVe T0 fIn|) N@bRiMn tRInG t0 SaVe aOKI-|
Nabrimn: All right! My automatic spell checker has finally been loaded! Now I can actually read what's going on!

Narrator2: Hey get AoM... Ack, NO!!!!!!!!
*Narrator2 is killed by the splashers*

Nabrimn: Why can't I get into the site... D'oh!

Nabrimn types in "" instead of" The website pops up.

Nabrimn: Now to contact Zen.


Zen: Ok, Nabrimn. I've agreed to help you free your friends for one reason.
Nabrimn: Namely, the fact that I've threatened to introduce my evil Kman clones all over HG if you don't help.
Zen: Well, yes...
Nabrimn: Couldn't you just ban Khan Man?
Zen: Yes.
Nabrimn: Why don't you?
Zen: Why should I?
Nabrimn: Because banning him solves our problem right away!
Zen: What problem?
Nabrimn: That AOKH has been taken over!
Zen: Oh yeah, that problem!
Nabrimn: So just ban Khan Man!
Zen: Why?

Wow, zyx's screenplays rock. That is exhibit J, right there.

Narrator3: How will this conversation end? Will Zen ban Khan Man? Or will another method be devised? How can two people stand up against the entire Army of Set? Stay tuned...

Now lets see if zyx can finish.

Here's part one of his desperate attempt
Narrator: We continue to find Nabrimn and Zen talking.

Nabrimn: Since you have absolutely no clue of what's going on, give me your mod powers so I can ban Khan Man.
Zen: No, no, no... I can't do that. Only the most mature foummers can handle the awesome responsibilities of being a mod. For example, you must follow some basic ethics, and you can't abuse your powers, such as changing people's names without their consent...
Narf: Give me the mod powers.

Narrator: Thus Nabrimn becomes a mod.

Nabrimn: Now to ban Khan Man.

Narrator: But as Nabrimn enters the website, he begins to get ideas...

Nabrimn: What exactly goes on in the staff forums?

Narrator: Nabrimn goes to the Staff Forums, as if you couldn't predict that.

Nabrimn: hmm... strange amounts of wet yellow paint stained dirty clothes here.... Oh hey, Phil!

Philip: *spews coffee and runs out of the forum screaming*
Oh god!!! save my soul and stop my laughing!! I'm barly typing this and think I'm getting brain damage!!

Nabrimn: What surprised him? Oh well, now to check the threads. Whoa, DSoD is a secret mod? The staff has formed an anti-splash splash organization? And musiclover was deliberately added to the forum by the mods to disrupt the community? Tsk tsk... I'll have to use my halo powers and ban them all for violation of the CoC.

All the mods get banned.

Nabrimn: Perfect. Now to ban Khan Man.

Nabrimn starts typing.

Nabrimn: What!? Access denied!? (thinking) Wait a second, this was the best thing that could have happened! This is an excuse to do a raid on Khan Man's lair! Zen, get over here! I need your help.
Zen: Uh uh. I'm not going to be part of your plan.
Nabrimn (typing): That should do it. Now are you going to come, or do I have to do worse?
Phlegm: Damn it.
Nabrimn (dancing with Phlegm): We're going on a raid, we're going on a raid...
Phlegm: Yay?

Narrator: So how in the world can two people stand up to the Armies of Set? Where exactly IS Khan Man's lair? What surprises lay in the archives of the staff forums? How did Phil escape the dungeon? How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll pop? Paper or plastic? Tune in next time...
Nabrimn: ok, ok, now we just need to raid Khan Man's base.
Phlegm: Oh great.......

Narrator 4: so then, Nabrimn and Phlegm march off....
Meanwhile, near the Azores Islands off the coast of Africa in the Atlantic Ocean......

Fisherman 1: I think I got something....
Fisherman 2: Lets hope its not another shark.
Fisherman 4: Remember what happened to 3 last time?
Fisherman 3: Of all the places for that shark to bite me....
Fisherman 1: that's what adoption is for. *gets punched*
Fisherman 4: hey the reel is spinning, lets pull it in.
*fishermen pull in Kevin, tied to a cement block.

Kevin: thanks for saving me guys! Good thing I had my goggles on!
Fisherman 2: umm.....
Fisherman 3: lets go back to the Azores....

Narrator: later....

Fisherman: so.. You want our fleet of fishing ships to save AokH?
Kevin: yes.


Kevin: Why, they didn't have to throw me out! Well, they told me the Norway fisherman have a space in thier time, I bet they'll help me.

*Back in the states*

Kevin: Look Phlegm, I didnt fly the Concorde back here for nothing, I want to help.
Phlegm: No, of all the people, you. No way.
Kevin: you made Nabrimn one!
Phlegm: so?
Kevin: that's it *kicks Phlegm in the nads*
Phlegm: mommy..... *gets punched in stomach*
Phlegm: ok, ok! I'll make you a Halo!
Kevin: yeah! *types*
Zen: I'm warning you if.... hey! I'm Zen again!
Kevin: You're Welcome. *runs off*

In the mod forum....

Philip: ok, phil, you are not going crazy, maybe the spray paint fumes got to you.... Namrimn can't become a halo... Just get a cup of coffee...
Kevin: *walks in* Hi phil!
Philip: *spews coffee and runs out of forum screaming, again*
Kevin: hmm... Strange fellow Phil is.. I wonder why he's a mod. oh well.

Narrator: How will kevin save the forums? Now that hes a halo, are we all doomed? How could a fisherman line reach the bottom of the Atlantic? Find out, next time!

Narrator: We continue to find Nabrimn and Kevin collaborating to break Khan Man's tyrantical rule.

Kevin: King me.
Nabrimn: Wait, no, no, no. You can't do that.
Kevin: What do you mean I can't!? I jump over this piece, I become a king.
Nabrimn: You can only have one king.
Kevin: Since when?
Nabrimn: Since we decided to play chess.

Narrator: Uh... maybe we'll get back to them. Meanwhile, in Khan Man's lair...

Khan Man: Hmm, there have been rumors of AOKH growing. They might come back to defeat me. I must not let that happen! Soldiers! Go and kill the AOKH supporters.

The soldiers leave. Back at the Staff Forum...

Kevin: Ok, it's settled. We go together, you in charge of the military operations, I'll be comic relief.
Narbimn: Perfect...

Narrator: What's up with the super short update? Do Nabrimn and Kevin know where Khan Man is? Will they get to him before his soldiers get to them? Is there a way to combine chess and checkers into one game? To be or not to be? Stay tuned...

Narrator: We continue to find Nabrimn and Kevin marching on Khan Man.

Nabrimn: C'mon, you're comedy relief. Do something.
*Kevin drops anvil on Nabrimn*
Nabrimn: Oww... I was thinking more along different lines...
Kevin: Okay. *makes funny faces*

Narrator: Later, in a random field in Burkina Faso...

Kevin: Told you we should have invested more money in maps and less in weapons...
Nabrimn: YOU try making a military budget with only 5 gold.
Kevin: Didn't your days at GSD teach you anything? Trash units -- Hussars, Halberdiers...
Nabrimn: Shut up.
Kevin: So anyway, we're stranded in Burkina Faso, and we have absolutely NO clue where Khan Man is...

*Kevin falls into a large hole in the ground*

Nabrimn: Good job, Kevin! You found Khan Man's base! I knew I brought you for a reason!
Kevin (dazed): You're... welcome...

Have you forgotten the counter units? Do you need to know how to take a screenshot? Need to know how to make a villager? Then get the AoK Player's Bible, also known as the game manual! Free, with every purchase of a new game! Get your copy now!

*inside the base*

Nabrimn: Strange... no one here...

Narrator: Suddenly, the Armies of Set appear.

Random Soldier: You shall die!
Kevin: That's cliche. WHy not try something more original, like...
*Nabrimn knocks Kevin with a moose head*

Narrator: The Armies of Set advance slowly on the duo...

Nabrimn: You got that reading light?
Kevin: Good idea. *starts reading The AoK Player's Bible*
Nabrimn: Give me that.

Nabrimn pulls an AoK CD out of his pocket. He shines the reading light on it, reflecting the light into the soldiers' faces.

Nabrimn: You shall feel the wrath of our 0 HP units, infidels!
Soldiers: Argh... no...

The soldiers melt.

Kevin: Give me my light back. *continues readin game manual*

Narrator: With the Armies of Set destroyed, what challenges lie ahead of Nabrimn and Kevin? Is there a chance the other splashers could have an influence on the future battle? Why does Kevin carry a reading light with him? Is it in you? Stay tuned...

Narrator: We join our heros again as they continue to try to defeat Khan Man.

Kevin: Ok, see here the manual says that in case you are hunting for an evil forummer in Burnka-Faso, you should click the "find evil forummer button" in the university.
Nabrimn: There's a "find evil forummer button"?
Kevin: This is what you get if you don't read the manual.

Narrator: So, this way, they are able to locate the evil Khan Man.
Khan Man: No! you found me! now I must kill you! Charge reserve Armies of Set!
Nabrimn: QUICK! kevin, where's that reading light?
kevin: the energizer ran out. It was arrested for Battery.
nabrimn: *slaps forehead*
Narraotr: Our heroes are surrounded! What will they do?
*Norwegian fishermen charge into lair*
khan man: what?
kevin: oh yeah! I forgot about those dudes!

So, the battle rages on, but in the end, the fisherman are all distracted and khan man and 5 set warriors charge kevin and nabrimn

kevin: ahh!!
nabrimn: nooo!!!
Regis: Oh the humanity!
*blade flies out of nowhere and kills a set warrior*
khan man: huh?
Standing at the entrace is none other than... the silouette of Philip Dunscombe!
and there was much rejoicing!

Everyone: (mildly) yay....

Phil, not knowing what to do, pressed a bunch of buttons on the control panel. Setting off 5 volcanic explosions around the world, sending an doomsday astroid towards Earth that will hit in 3 weeks, and starting an atomic bomb that will blow in 40 minutes.
kevin: no Phil, press some more buttons!
*disco ball comes down and starts spinning*
nabrimn: try the blue one!
*Khan man magnifies to 5 times his size and strength and proceeds to kill nabrimn*
nabrimn: (his last words) arrgg... the yellow one...
*Atom bomb timer drops to 20 minutes and starts ticking*
kevin: *slaps forehead*
Phil: Look, I'm doing my best! *presses orange button*
Narrator: hence, Phil presses the "Steel cage free-for-all Judo Deathmatch button"

floor melts into lava and kevin and khan man(x5) are lifted into the air in a steel cage. The two begin an intense judo deul

kevin: you *throws punches* can't win *kicks* this!
Phil: go kevin! *presses another button*
*music plays*
Music: Everybody wants kung-fu-fighting! didididididididi Those boys are fast as lightning! didi.....

Khan Man: How appropriate....
kevin: look elvis!
khan man: i aint faliing 4 taht
kevin: dang spelling gettingworse n0w tat nmambrim is ded
kevin; umm.... bambi?
khan man: i hate bambi
kevin: look! a distraction!!
khan man: where?
kevin: 8kicks khan man*
khan man: oww!!
music: everybody wants kung-fu fighting! dididi,.....
Out of nowhere, CD and FL appear. CD throws a stick, knocking khan man out of teh ring
kevin: what?
FL: htat will show joo to imprison me!
khan man (melting in lava) : N0O0o0o0o
CD: hahaha!
FL: come, CD, we will go back to bosnia!
kevin: hey guys!
FL: no! the only reason I aint killing you too is because I can't fly across lava and jump into the cage. ciao.

Narrator: So the day is saved! Thanks to: CD, FL, and kevin!

*all forummers are resurected*

Part 3, back in the hunt for Fearless leader.

Narrator: We join our heros again as all the splashers appear in the steel cage....
Kevin: ok, now they locked us in with an atom bomb that will blow up in.... 5 minutes
*everyone panics*
CC: AHHH!!!!
zyx: what will we do??
railroad: I didn't get resurected just to be killed again!
Aro: hey railroad, shut up
railroad: *cries*
DM(fromacross the cage) : AHHH!!!
Phil: ok, ok, I am the offical leader here! Adder, kevin, ornlu and Dave! Put DM down! we are not throwing people into the lav- Hey! put me down! ahhh!! *Phil lands on a piece of land floating on lava*

Kevin: hey! alright Phil! you can defuse the bomb!
GoC: no he can't
Phil: hes right I dont even know how Khan Man's terror-pro 500txx works....
Danthered: ok, I will help him *throws self into lava*
A scream is heard, all forummers look away

kevin: Ok, I will go!
CC: no! me!
kevin: CC...
CC: what?
kevin: c2=a2+b2-2ab cosC
CC: *is plunged into deep thought*
kevin: *throws self onto Phil's chunk of drifting rock*
Phil: hey kev!

Narrator: so, Phil and kevin float out of Khan Man's lava pit and climbes onto land.

Phil(climbing off of rock) k, how much timedo we have?
Kevin: 1:02
Phil: uh oh...
kevin: comon, *opens bomb lid*
phil: ok, kevin, that right....
kevin: *sweating* lets see... the circut comes here,then goes here... hmmm....


kevin: I got it!
Phil: you did?
Kevin: yeah! this is a radio! the real bomb is over there!
Phil: *slaps forehead*

kevin: *takes lid off bomb* hmm.. U235...
Phil: that blue wire connects the circut board to that router.
kevin: right, so that means... hm... the pallets are perfectly balenced, Red or orangs or blue, or green....

kevin: Got it! We cut the rainbow wire!
*the bomb is diffused*

and there was much rejoicing!
everyone (mildly) :yay....

Phil: Yeah!
kevin: w00t!
zyx: Ok, now to get out of here, hey lets use that exit!
DM: good idea!

10 days laterm, back at the splash splash HQ...
kevin: ok, now to just stop the astroid about to hit earth in.... 17 days.
CC: I know, we could use FL's ubber1337 mega laser!
Dave: Right!
Ornlu: all right, now to get to Bosnia, get in the ram, all.
zyx: We can't go to Clevland, it was destoryed by one of the 5 volcanic blasts.
nav: Oh, yeah, what cities were destoryed by Phil again?
Phil: well... I indirectly set off Mt St. Helens, talking out Seattle. Mt. Fuji, taking out most of Japan. Vesuvius, taking out Rome and Herculanius. I also took out Hawaii and Indonisia. Cleveland was taken out by the previously unknown "Mount Cleveland"
nabrimn: then why odnt we just fly?

Thus, the splashers fly to Bosnia.

Nabrimn: Ok, we got a third down. We just need to scrounge the rest.
Kevin: Why don't we just use "find evil forummer"?
Nabrimn: Oh yeah...

Feel free to try a hand at this

"i get more IM's from AOL System Message than from everyone else"-Anonymous

[This message has been edited by kevo (edited 07-05-2005 @ 11:32 PM).]

posted 09-13-03 09:21 PM CT (US)     1 / 38  

posted 09-14-03 03:30 AM CT (US)     2 / 38  
Who's fearless leader?
posted 09-14-03 03:47 AM CT (US)     3 / 38  
My name is only there 4 times .

None of us are free, one of us is chained.
posted 09-14-03 09:55 AM CT (US)     4 / 38  


Who's fearless leader?

Beats me, I only knmow that its the name of some forum bad-guy

"i get more IM's from AOL System Message than from everyone else"-Anonymous
posted 09-14-03 01:28 PM CT (US)     5 / 38  
yeah, but was he a real user at heavengames?
posted 09-14-03 01:53 PM CT (US)     6 / 38  
Nice Special edition

Adder |
"I would like to wonder if Adder always acts like a stuck up asshole?" - Coldviper
posted 09-14-03 03:44 PM CT (US)     7 / 38  


“Dedicated to the brave people from AoKH who died fighting Fearless Leader”

Aro Crystal Crown Darkmaster Gaiseric Ghost of Caesar Kelar Kevin Ornlu Manaxter Nav Railroad Zyxomma

*fears fearless leader*

Tsunami's most notorious designer
posted 09-14-03 03:56 PM CT (US)     8 / 38  
Mine didn't turn out like a screenplay... but everything by everyone else is great!!

"Blasted Paradoxes!, They get absoloutely everywhere!" - Danthered
Current Project:None
Proud Member of DGDN
Faded Glory LARP
Completed Projects: Dark Happenings
posted 09-14-03 06:27 PM CT (US)     9 / 38  
I remember Fearless Leader being Steven Spielberg, from the first screenplay.

No. Bad Jarl. Bad Bad Jarl. NO Penis ASCII.
posted 09-16-03 00:05 AM CT (US)     10 / 38  
Actually... wasn't there a mooooooooo screenplay a long time ago?
Ack, it was a soap opera. Still, it's worth mention...

zyxomma100- Age of Kings Heaven forumer
Proudly thwarting Dark_Aro's evil plans since 2002
"There is nothing more sad than watching a teutonic knight chasing a petard."
posted 09-16-03 02:56 AM CT (US)     11 / 38  
posted 09-16-03 10:43 PM CT (US)     12 / 38  
I was bored and wrote a screenplay installment during typing class yesterday/today, but I didn't submit it. I'll try to salvage it from memory...

Narrator: We continue to find Nabrimn and Zen talking.

Nabrimn: Since you have absolutely no clue of what's going on, give me your mod powers so I can ban Khan Man.
Zen: No, no, no... I can't do that. Only the most mature foummers can handle the awesome responsibilities of being a mod. For example, you must follow some basic ethics, and you can't abuse your powers, such as changing people's names without their consent...
Narf: Give me the mod powers.

Narrator: Thus Nabrimn becomes a mod.

Nabrimn: Now to ban Khan Man.

Narrator: But as Nabrimn enters the website, he begins to get ideas...

Nabrimn: What exactly goes on in the staff forums?

Narrator: Nabrimn goes to the Staff Forums, as if you couldn't predict that.

Nabrimn: Cool! Oh hey, Phil!
Philip: *spews coffee and runs out of the forum screaming*
Nabrimn: What surprised him? Oh well, now to check the threads. Whoa, DSoD is a secret mod? The staff has formed an anti-splash splash organization? And musiclover was deliberately added to the forum by the mods to disrupt the community? Tsk tsk... I'll have to use my halo powers and ban them all for violation of the CoC.

All the mods get banned.

Nabrimn: Perfect. Now to ban Khan Man.

Nabrimn start typing.

Nabrimn: What! Access denied!? (thinking) Wait a second, this was the best thing that could have happened! This is an excuse to do a raid on Khan Man's lair! Zen, get over here! I need your help.
Zen: Uh uh. I'm not going to be part of your plan.
Nabrimn (typing): That should do it. Now are you going to come, or do I have to do worse?
Phlegm: Damn it.
Nabrimn (dancing with Phlegm): We're going on a raid, we're going on a raid...
Phlegm: Yay?

Narrator: So how in the world can two people stand up to the Armies of Set? Where exactly IS Khan Man's lair? What surprises lay in the archives of the staff forums? How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll pop? Paper or plastic? Tune in next time...

zyxomma100- Age of Kings Heaven forumer
Proudly thwarting Dark_Aro's evil plans since 2002
"There is nothing more sad than watching a teutonic knight chasing a petard."

[This message has been edited by zyxomma100 (edited 09-16-2003 @ 11:29 PM).]

posted 09-17-03 03:44 AM CT (US)     13 / 38  
Some things in that installment were pretty funny.

posted 09-17-03 06:26 PM CT (US)     14 / 38  


Nambrim: Cool! Oh hey, Phil!

Philip: *spews coffee and runs out of the forum screaming*

Congradulations, zyx. You win. Period.

"i get more IM's from AOL System Message than from everyone else"-Anonymous

[This message has been edited by kevingamer _AcX_ (edited 09-17-2003 @ 06:38 PM).]

posted 09-20-03 09:19 AM CT (US)     15 / 38  
Nabrimn: ok, ok, now we just need to raid Khan Man's base.
Phlegm: Oh great.......

Narrator 4: so then, Nabrimn and Phlegm march off....
Meanwhile, near the Azores Islands off the coast of Africa in the Atlantic Ocean......

Fisherman 1: I think I got something....
Fisherman 2: Lets hope its not another shark.
Fisherman 4: Remember what happened to 3 last time?
Fisherman 3: Of all the places for that shark to bite me....
Fisherman 1: that's what adoption is for. *gets punched*
Fisherman 4: hey the reel is spinning, lets pull it in.
*fishermen pull in Kevin, tied to a cement block.

Kevin: thanks for saving me guys! Good thing I had my goggles on!
Fisherman 2: umm.....
Fisherman 3: lets go back to the Azores....

Narrator: later....

Fisherman: so.. You want our fleet of fishing ships to save AokH?
Kevin: yes.


Kevin: Why, they didn't have to throw me out! Well, they told me the Norway fisherman have a space in thier time, I bet they'll help me.

*Back in the states*

Kevin: Look Phlegm, I didnt fly the Concorde back here for nothing, I want to help.
Phlegm: No, of all the people, you. No way.
Kevin: you made Nabrimn one!
Phlegm: so?
Kevin: that's it *kicks Phlegm in the nads*
Phlegm: mommy..... *gets punched in stomach*
Phlegm: ok, ok! I'll make you a Halo!
Kevin: yeah! *types*
Zen: I'm warning you if.... hey! I'm Zen again!
Kevin: You're Welcome. *runs off*

In the mod forum....

Philip: ok, phil, you are not going crazy, maybe the spray paint fumes got to you.... Namrimn can't become a halo... Just get a cup of coffee...
Kevin: *walks in* Hi phil!
Philip: *spews coffee and runs out of forum screaming, again*
Kevin: hmm... Strange fellow Phil is.. I wonder why he's a mod. oh well.

Narrator: How will kevin save the forums? Now that hes a halo, are we all doomed? How could a fisherman line reach the bottom of the Atlantic? Find out, next time!

"i get more IM's from AOL System Message than from everyone else"-Anonymous

[This message has been edited by kevingamer _AcX_ (edited 09-20-2003 @ 09:20 AM).]

posted 09-20-03 09:36 AM CT (US)     16 / 38  

Quoted from kevingamer_AcX_:

Philip: ok, phil, you are not going crazy, maybe the spray paint fumes got to you.... Namrimn can't become a halo... Just get a cup of coffee...
Kevin: *walks in* Hi phil!
Philip: *spews coffee and runs out of forum screaming, again*
Kevin: hmm... Strange fellow Phil is.. I wonder why he's a mod. oh well.


That just seemed so funny!

"Blasted Paradoxes!, They get absoloutely everywhere!" - Danthered
Current Project:None
Proud Member of DGDN
Faded Glory LARP
Completed Projects: Dark Happenings
posted 09-20-03 10:43 AM CT (US)     17 / 38  



Congratulations. You lose.

posted 09-20-03 10:56 AM CT (US)     18 / 38  

"i get more IM's from AOL System Message than from everyone else"-Anonymous
posted 09-20-03 12:42 PM CT (US)     19 / 38  
LOL. Poor Phil. But it's fun knocking him around in the screenplay, isn't it?

zyxomma100- Age of Kings Heaven forumer
Proudly thwarting Dark_Aro's evil plans since 2002
"There is nothing more sad than watching a teutonic knight chasing a petard."
posted 09-21-03 05:40 AM CT (US)     20 / 38  
Congratulations. You lose.

Stop being so American.

posted 10-01-03 01:09 AM CT (US)     21 / 38  
Narrator: We continue to find Nabrimn and Kevin collaborating to break Khan Man's tyrantical rule.

Kevin: King me.
Nabrimn: Wait, no, no, no. You can't do that.
Kevin: What do you mean I can't!? I jump over this piece, I become a king.
Nabrimn: You can only have one king.
Kevin: Since when?
Nabrimn: Since we decided to play chess.

Narrator: Uh... maybe we'll get back to them. Meanwhile, in Khan Man's lair...

Khan Man: Hmm, there have been rumors of AOKH growing. They might come back to defeat me. I must not let that happen! Soldiers! Go and kill the AOKH supporters.

The soldiers leave. Back at the Staff Forum...

Kevin: Ok, it's settled. We go together, you in charge of the military operations, I'll be comic relief.
Narbimn: Perfect...

Narrator: What's up with the super short update? Do Nabrimn and Kevin know where Khan Man is? Will they get to him before his soldiers get to them? Is there a way to combine chess and checkers into one game? To be or not to be? Stay tuned...

zyxomma100- Age of Kings Heaven forumer
Proudly thwarting Dark_Aro's evil plans since 2002
"There is nothing more sad than watching a teutonic knight chasing a petard."

[This message has been edited by zyxomma100 (edited 10-01-2003 @ 01:10 AM).]

posted 10-02-03 11:34 PM CT (US)     22 / 38  
Just wondering... Does anyone care about this anymore?

zyxomma100- Age of Kings Heaven forumer
Proudly thwarting Dark_Aro's evil plans since 2002
"There is nothing more sad than watching a teutonic knight chasing a petard."
posted 10-02-03 11:49 PM CT (US)     23 / 38  
Not ever since it came out of Splash Splash...

posted 10-04-03 10:23 AM CT (US)     24 / 38  
Narrator: So in conclusion, everything is back to normal and the screenplay goes back to splash spalsh the end

"i get more IM's from AOL System Message than from everyone else"-Anonymous
posted 10-04-03 07:08 PM CT (US)     25 / 38  
I enjoy reading it,zyx. It doesn't really matter to me which thread it is in.

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