posted 09-21-08 02:47 PM CT (US)   
Indeed my friends, it is that time of year again. So dust off your Print Screen button, fire up that Map Editor and get to work!

Traditionally the pinnacle of beautiful screenshots with fierce competitiveness, the stage is set for some of AoK's best designers to battle it out and make the best looking screenshot known to man (and woman)! Normally hosted by zyxomma100, but as he has gone AWOL the task has fallen to Thunder77 to host this year's competition.

The competition is open to anybody and all you need to do is email your entries to Thunder77 when you have made them.

The deadline is October 18th, 2008 at 11:59pm forum time (EST) and with seven categories to enter (if you wish to enter all of them) you have enough time to create a masterpiece – but the clock is ticking.

So what are you waiting for? For more information and competition related chit-chat, get over to The Sixth Annual AoKH Screenshot Competition thread in the Scenario Design Forum and start slaving away on your entries!

[This message has been edited by Scud (edited 09-21-2008 @ 02:48 PM).]