posted 07-26-05 12:48 PM CT (US)   

1.) Proofread script

2.) Check Player Start Areas
- TC, Vills, Scout
- other unique start objects

3.) Check player_lands placement
- location and spacing
- shape and edges
- relationship with other 'lands'
- reproducability

4.) Check unique geographic areas
- location and spacing
- shape and edges
- relationship with other 'lands'
- reproducability

5.) Check terrain placement
- evaluate location, spacing, crowding, scaling, number, adequate size for:
* forests
* patches
* special terrains such as islands, ice, shallows and ponds

6.) Check connections
- size and position
- unintended terrain replacement
- failure to replace necessary terains

7.) Check rest of object placement - number, location, consistant & fair distribution
- forage
- player start area trees
- sheep or turkeys
- gold and stone
- deer and boar
- wolves or jaguars
- scattered trees
- fish
- relics
- gaia units or buildings
- eye-candy

8.) Elevation
- proper base_terrains for all terrain patterns
- adequate level space for building
- no elevation in water

9.) Aesthetic Qualities & Realism

10.) Repeat above with varying map sizes and player number and do multiple starts