PTC 2002 Results

Pretty Town Contest 2002

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Fire up the scenario editor and see if you can create a feast for the eyes!

Judging Process And Results

It wasn’t easy, to say the least. In the scenario editor related contests I’ve
been involved in, there are generally a handful of horrid entries, usually
consisting of a nearly blank map or something that looks like it came out of
a random map generator. This field of entries was of extremely high quality,
so I’d like to extend an extra thank you to all who entered!

Unfortunately we could only have one winner, so with seventeen great
entries to sift through the first step was to make sure all of them met our
requirements. All entries were examined for the basics instructions, a scout
unit, a town. They were awarded a score out of ten which included a basic score
for beauty and originality. Those nine entries that scored 8 or better were
then examined in greater detail by both judges and awarded scores out of ten
for their town’s buildings and another score out of ten for the terrain, which
includes eye candy such as flowers and the like. The following are the scores
our winner, runner-up, and honourable mentions:


Adenburg Captial by Cknchaos

Just an amazing city that spans a mainland area as well as a few islands. The
tour is extensive and this entry struck both judges as very well crafted.

Buildings 9/10 – 9/10
Terrain 9/10 – 9/10
Total = 36


Meron Taul by Dark_Warrior_1_

This town is also so large that it spans several islands, and is divided
into sections by walls as well. Each island has a separate look and feel to
it, which kept things fresh.

Buildings 8/10 – 8/10
Terrain 10/10 – 9/10
Total = 35

Honorable Mentions

Here we have a strong group of contenders for top spot. For the most part,
their unique look and design strongly appealed to one judge, but not both. As
far as contests go, this is probably the best group of entries not to walk away
with prizes.

Dragonfly by Anastasia

A fantastic Japanese themed town with a lush green look to it. Perhaps an
example of “less is more”? Open green areas are left untouched by any sort of
eye candy giving it a groomed appearance.

Buildings 9/10 – 7/10
Terrain 10/10 – 8/10
Total = 34

City of Actium by magna gb

An enormous city that spans both sides of a river. There is lots going on in
this town, a bustling place to explore.

Buildings 7/10 – 10/10
Terrain 8/10 – 9/10
Total = 34

Avaris by Lighthouse Creations

A stunning kingdom with many wonderful monuments to behold. Outside the city,
a less wondrous scene and more realistic life of the lower class.

Buildings 8/10 – 8/10
Terrain 9/10 – 8/10
Total = 33

Two Flower Tours the Discworld by BrandNewCar and Qazitory

A town that is unveiled by land and sea. A lovely winter landscape and a unique place to explore.

Buildings 9/10 – 7/10
Terrain 9/10 – 8/10
Total = 33