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Topic Subject: The God Powers thread
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posted 10 November 2001 11:20 PM EDT (US)   

This is a thread about God Powers. Post comments, ideas, and anything that is related to God Powers. I'll start off with these:

- What is your most favorite so far?
- What God Powers would you like to see in the game that hasn't been included? (Maybe Tornado? How about flood as a godpower?...and no! Flying Purple Hippo is not a god power . Be serious!)

If you have any ideas relating to God Powers that you think is cool, please put them here!

GOD POWERS that we know are in the game:

- Earth quake (haven't seen yet)
- Great Hunt - increase animals
- Inferno (same as brush fire?)
- Meteor Shower
- Undermine (seen in the Nov. AoM movie #2)
- Lightning


Suggested God Powers:


- Twister (or tornado) - rips up bits of buildings, unroots trees, lifts up units and leaves them on the other side of the map, like in the movie Twister!! (idea from Cheezy_Monkey)


- Drought - it affects farms by taking off food from each farm, and maybe even drying up ponds and the fish in them. (and dry up trees, making their wood units decay like in deers/pigs! Idea from SchmucK)


Seven Plagues of Egypt:

- plague # 1, Scarabs plague - bands of flesh-eating, man-killing, farm-destroying bugs that kill and eat everything within their path (This is also like in the movie The Mummy. Awesome huh? )

- plague # 2, Undead Warriors

- plague # 3, Sand Storm (Did I hear someone chanted " Immhotep...Immhotep "? )

- plague # 4, Hail Storm - effective vs. farms, animals, trees, and buildings. It causes small damage but over a large area. (very cool power…literally! Idea from Last_Knight)

(I know it's a bad picture . If you have a link to nice one, I'll post it.)


- Whirl Pool (idea from Clarissimus)

- Tidal Wave - cause massive damage to units and buildings. Available under Poseidon. Can be casted only near a large body of water.



- Blizzard - unique for the Norse, it would freeze food resources and units, damaging them a bit each time it is casted. (very cool and useful power to have along with an army of Frost Giants! Idea from Disgruntledworm)

- Chaos - Casted from a distance and affect over a small area. The affected units will turn against their owner and allies. The power stops when: a) the units are killed or b) after time
(idea from Cheezy_Monkey)



Jan 14/02 *Some new, unofficial info* - you can call down a god power without a hero (relatively new) , you can call it down anywhere in your LOS (*new*). - info by Real
Any more ideas? Keep them coming! If there is a god power that you think is not reasonable for the game, please let me know. I'll update the chart as we get more ideas. Thanks! I hope you enjoy the post.

1000101001100010 SYSTEM FAILURE001010011000101001

[This message has been edited by Alexandergreat3 (edited 01-14-2002 @ 04:00 PM).]

posted 10 November 2001 11:32 PM EDT (US)     1 / 78  
Hey Heyyy
Well one thing is for sure..I would love for the sand storm to be included. I have my fingers crossed for that
My favorite is meteor shower so far I might change my mind once i see earth quake but who knows?
posted 10 November 2001 11:43 PM EDT (US)     2 / 78  
We also know that there is animal increase and decrease and I think rain to fertilie farms.

A . R . R . A . N . G . E . D . E . A . R . T . H
posted 11 November 2001 00:02 AM EDT (US)     3 / 78  
I just added a few more. I think they would be really fun for the game. Any other ideas? Post here please!
posted 11 November 2001 00:17 AM EDT (US)     4 / 78  
Hurrayyy for buggies bugss rule
posted 11 November 2001 00:38 AM EDT (US)     5 / 78  
I recall something about a shifting sands god power that would teleport units (obviously Egypt), and a rainbow bridge god power for the Norse that would bridge water. I think they're from the Gamespot preview.
posted 11 November 2001 00:55 AM EDT (US)     6 / 78  
Shifting sand like that in The Mummy? COOL! Just like the shifting sand that Immhotep uses! Very nice.

I hope they will show us something like that in the next screenshot.

posted 11 November 2001 01:08 AM EDT (US)     7 / 78  
How about a maelstrom? It could suck enemy ships under the waves, down to Davy Jones's locker

"It may come as a shock to you . . . You can have fun and be serious all at the same time."
posted 11 November 2001 01:12 AM EDT (US)     8 / 78  
A tornado, but only if it effects terrain, like it rips up bits of buildings, unroots trees, lifts up units and leaves them on the other side of the map.

In the next screenshot i'd like to see a tornado sucking up purple flying hippos like those Cows in the movie "Twister"

posted 11 November 2001 02:20 AM EDT (US)     9 / 78  
I just added some more God Powers and images . Keep them coming please!
posted 11 November 2001 05:44 AM EDT (US)     10 / 78  
Plague of locusts
they destroy farms and other food sources, then they attack all enemy units nearby.

"slaughter is optional, Victory is optimal!!!"
"It's a double bladed sword - both blades are on the same side!"
posted 11 November 2001 07:06 AM EDT (US)     11 / 78  
thunder said they also included a god power that if you use it on yourself it gives you more deer and if you use it on your enemy it creates wolves near their villagers

this will be one of my coolest, i only pray its norse, it would be helluva annoying to see a load of wolves coming out of nowhere and chewing on your farmers

It's like watching a flock of clown-like apes trying to navigate a ship, even though the ship has in fact been stranded on some kind of reef for about 7 years and none of the apes have noticed it yet. -Drahnier on OD moderation.
posted 11 November 2001 08:08 AM EDT (US)     12 / 78  
A drought curse would be pretty economically damaging, if it effects farms by taking off 100 food from each farm, and maybe even drying up ponds and the fish in them.

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posted 11 November 2001 08:13 AM EDT (US)     13 / 78  
Did you know that scarabs still exist. Except for two things, they don't eat flesh and we call them dung beetles

What noise is this? Give me my long sword, ho!
-Lord Capulet, speaking to his wife. Romeo and Juliet; Act 1 Scene 1 line 76.
posted 11 November 2001 09:28 AM EDT (US)     14 / 78  
I would love to see a blzzard as a power unique to the norse.It could freeze food resources and damage units.It would be awsome to watch as well.
posted 11 November 2001 09:48 AM EDT (US)     15 / 78  
- Seven Plagues of Egypt:

Let's see: (seven?)
1. Blood (water ot blood): kills fish population in a radius, lowers morale of sailors (ships have weaker attack, etc).
2. Frogs: giant purple maneating frogs! (in other words: cute, but useless in AoM)
3. Lice: units will scratch themselves to death!
Seriously, maybe it will effect unit's fire rate/attack power (because the lice are annoying.
4. Beasts: already in AoM. (wild animals @ enemy's town)
5. Plague: probably in AoM in one way or another; a must have.
6. skin ulcers: same as plague, just doesn't kill, but leave the affected unit with 1 hitpoint.
7. Hailstorm: effective vs. farms, trees. small damage to units.
8. Locust: very effective vs. farms. Doesn't do any other damage.
9. darkness: probably caused by sandstorm, and has the same effect (hides your units from the enemy LOS, decrease units LOS, enemy archers' accuracy decreases....)
10. Death of first born: maybe causing units' production to be slower. Random deaths don't sound cool

The Last Knight
Grasshoppers are cheap, nutritious, tasety,Kosher and easy to dissect

[This message has been edited by Last_Knight (edited 11-11-2001 @ 10:33 AM).]

posted 11 November 2001 10:24 AM EDT (US)     16 / 78  
8. Locust: very effective vs. farms. Doesn't do any other damage.

A decent sized plague of locusts (about 40,000) could smother the humans in wast numbes

"slaughter is optional, Victory is optimal!!!"
"It's a double bladed sword - both blades are on the same side!"
posted 11 November 2001 11:51 AM EDT (US)     17 / 78  
I think god powers are unique for al 9 civs.
Or maybe only for the 3 civs.

Maybe there is a god power for all greeks and for every greek civ a special god power!
I hope so!

And I'd like to see geysirs (SP?) as a norse god power.
Maybe own and allie units would heal faster standing next to them. And they could destroy enemy units and buildings when coming out of the ground suddenly!

But I'd also be happy if they'd only be there as gaia objects!

And my favorite from the yet included ones are the meteors!

posted 11 November 2001 12:13 PM EDT (US)     18 / 78  
WEll, since Poseidon was god of Sea & earthquakies, he'll probably do the quakies; If you can choose between multiple god powers for 1 god, i guess, he'll be able to do a storm on sea... OR he could do quakes in landmaps and storms in sea maps
posted 11 November 2001 01:27 PM EDT (US)     19 / 78  
Did you even see my post?

One power will calling in a bit of rain to give your farms a food boost. The other is very unique. It's used to increase the number of animals in an area. You may use it to give yourself more Pigs (similar to sheep in AoK) or on your enemy to increase the number of wild animals near his town. Wild animals, like the wolves of AoK, with attack villagers who stray out of town.

A . R . R . A . N . G . E . D . E . A . R . T . H
posted 11 November 2001 01:31 PM EDT (US)     20 / 78  
A decent sized plague of locusts (about 40,000) could smother the humans in wast numbes

Nah, why would the Locusts mess with the humans when they have all those tasty plants all around?

The Last Knight
Grasshoppers are cheap, nutritious, tasety,Kosher and easy to dissect
posted 11 November 2001 01:36 PM EDT (US)     21 / 78  
Hey guys
Well LK i love your ideas dude i really do.. but umm i soo do not like number 3, 9, 10. i think they will kill the game because i dont think they can balance it out
posted 11 November 2001 03:56 PM EDT (US)     22 / 78  
tornados are in the ES person said so (forget who but i know they are)

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posted 11 November 2001 04:04 PM EDT (US)     23 / 78  
idea # 1 better, death of first born: first "born" (created) of every type of unit of enemies civ will automaticly die (you wont know you've been cursed by this god attack until you realize your first units have died...)

idea # two better: how about a certain % of your pop dies (nothing big, maybe 10%)... this would mean if you had 200 units 20 would die... and that 20 would be dealt out to the diffrent types of units (if you have 20 types of units in your pop, then 1 unit of each type would die...)

i like idea # two better.

At my signal unleash HELL.
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posted 11 November 2001 04:12 PM EDT (US)     24 / 78  
Great ideas guys! Ok, I've just added some more god powers to the chart . I'm still searching for more.

Edited: Just saw the Death of 1st Born God Power... . That's so funny - in a good way, of course . Sounds cool, but could be not easy to implement for a balance gameplay. I'll try to think if we can modify it a bit.

[This message has been edited by Alexandergreat3 (edited 11-11-2001 @ 04:19 PM).]

posted 11 November 2001 04:14 PM EDT (US)     25 / 78  
the Tornado IS in the game, i remember them commenting about it!

At my signal unleash HELL.
God Bless America, Land of the Free!!!
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•••••••Another Fabulous Post by WhoAskedU!!•••••••
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posted 11 November 2001 04:16 PM EDT (US)     26 / 78  

One power will calling in a bit of rain to give your farms a food boost. The other is very unique. It's used to increase the number of animals in an area. You may use it to give yourself more Pigs (similar to sheep in AoK) or on your enemy to increase the number of wild animals near his town. Wild animals, like the wolves of AoK, with attack villagers who stray out of town.

A . R . R . A . N . G . E . D . E . A . R . T . H
posted 11 November 2001 04:22 PM EDT (US)     27 / 78  
Actually I think the maelstrom was a Norse thing.

And please, please, please could you get a better picture for it? That one looks, well, wimpy

"It may come as a shock to you . . . You can have fun and be serious all at the same time."
posted 11 November 2001 04:33 PM EDT (US)     28 / 78  
Quoted from Steve Butts, of
Other effects include "fluid ocean waves, waterspouts, infernos, lava, TORNADOS , earthquakes, and smoke."

so you can put "Tornados" under the "known god powers"...along with infornos and volcanoes (lava).

At my signal unleash HELL.
God Bless America, Land of the Free!!!
•••winner of "2002 AoM Forum's Coolest Name Award"•••
•••••••Another Fabulous Post by WhoAskedU!!•••••••
People just complain about other people's Signatures because
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posted 11 November 2001 04:50 PM EDT (US)     29 / 78  
Thanks WhoaskedU, I'll update it . Oh, by the way, we haven't had many Greek or Norse God Powers. We need more!

(Is any images above broken? Please let me know, thx)

[This message has been edited by Alexandergreat3 (edited 11-11-2001 @ 04:54 PM).]

posted 11 November 2001 04:53 PM EDT (US)     30 / 78  
DeadlyDentures sez....

That God Powers should only be offensive.
I dislike the idea for increasing farm nutient. I just do.

Some that i could or want to see.

1) Meteors : in
2) Whirl Pool
3) Tsunami (sp)
4) Fog (Enemy can't see units or buildings
5) Earthquake (taking them defences down)
6) Tornado : I want to see villagers sucked up into it and get hurled high throught the air. Cows would be funny too. (no offence Insane_Cow )
7) Volcano : it'd be cool to see Hot lava seep down upon a city. and then freeze.
8) Lightnning
9) Parting the water. Who needs a transport when you have that?
10) Thunda!! I just like that word. No offence Thunder
11) Moby Dick :
12) Giant Sandyman attack : Crushing your town and eating your villagers
13) Reverse Transformations : Turns all Flying Purple Hippos back into Martins.

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