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Halls of Valhalla
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Topic Subject: "Osama" visits George WB
posted 06 September 2007 07:28 AM EDT (US)   
NUBIANS. (lacking some god powers)

usually depicted as a Ram-headed man at a potter's wheel, with recently created children standing on the wheel, although he also appeared in his earlier guise as a water-god, holding a jar from which flowed a stream of water. God of the source of the Nile River. Since the annual flooding of the Nile brought with it silt and clay, and its water brought life to its surrounds, he was thought to be the creator of human children, which he made at a potter's wheel, from clay, and placed in their mothers' wombs. He was later described as having molded the other gods, and he had the titles Divine Potter and Lord of created things from himself.
GP- Swamp Line-barrier impassable only to enemy ground units. If used in Archaic- 2 wall sections long, multiplied by 2 so if used in Mythic, 16 sections long.

god of defensive war, Slayer of Enemies. Anhur was depicted as a bearded man wearing a robe and a headdress with four feathers, holding a spear or lance,
Wonder- Meroe pyramid
Nubian lion & lioness gods of offensive war
A lion-headed man, sometimes shown standing on elephants or holding lions and elephants on leashes.
She was believed to ride ahead of the armies and cut down their enemies with fiery arrows, Her name depicts this warrior status, as it means (she who) massacres.

GP- Beast pox (anthrax, glanders) -enemies caravan/cavalry animals die in target area
Priest, illuminates trees & animals into beacons for same price as obelisks.
tuuedden =to hunt
colghi madanaghi- to dig a vein of gold
ghognossum- to build
bannaghognossum- to build a wall
ghiridesom- to attack
anchsossum- to heal others
Favour gaining- granite statue of each god, each age.

Patron of: the home, childbirth, infants, humor, song and dance.
Appearance: A fat bearded dwarf, ugly to the point of being comical. He is often shown sticking out his tongue and holding a rattle. When carved or painted on a wall, he is never shown in profile, but always full-face, almost unique in Egyptian art. There are also depictions of Bes with feline or leonine features.
Description: Bes is a very unusual god. He does not appear to be Egyptian at all, but where he does come from his largely unknown. He resembles gods found in central and southern Africa, and his function is very much like that of the Fool Shaman. Bes was primarily the protector of childbirth. During the birth, Bes would dance about the room, shaking his rattle and yelling to frighten away demons that would otherwise put a curse on the child. After the child was born, Bes would stay by the cradle entertaining the child. When a baby laughed or smiled for no apparent reason, it was believed that Bes was somewhere in the room making funny faces.
Bes' role as demon-queller also extended to driving off mischievous beings that were believed to cause minor misfortune, like tripping people and souring food. Bes was so ugly that even a statue of him would frighten away wicked creatures. Thus, many houses would keep a statue of Bes near the door to guard it.
Worship: Though there are no temples to Bes, and no formal ritual, shrines to him were found in many homes, especially those with children or pregnant women.
MU-Land Besite- tendon-cutting, burrow-hiding gnome
----Sky Besite- archer on vulture
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Patron of: protection against snakes, scorpions and other dangerous animals.
Appearance: a woman with the head of a cheetah, her hair braided and ending in scorpion tails. Sometimes she wears a headdress of snakes.
Description: The ancient Egyptians revered felines as sacred for many centuries apparently, as Mafdet-Menhit is a very old goddess, dating to around the First Dynasty. She was prayed to for protection against scorpion stings and snakebite, and invoked in healing rituals for those who had been afflicted by such.
Mafdet, "the runner", was a cheetah goddess whose ferocity prevails over snakes and scorpions. the scratch of her claws is lethal to snakes, so symbolically the harpoon of the king becomes Mafdet's claws for decapitating his enemies in the Underworld. When Mafdet-Menhit is described as leaping at the necks of snakes, the imagery seems to suggest her form takes on that of a mongoose. In one epithet, Mafdet wears braided locks, probably a reference to her displaying the jointed bodies of the scorpions which she has killed.
Worship: As her cult was incredibly ancient but supplanted by that of Bast, it is unknown how widespread Mafdet's cult was.
MU-sacred cheetah ridden by knife-wielding green monkey
gained aspects of a creator goddess, since she was the mother from which the cosmos emerged. Vulture winged goddess of adoption.
GP- Vulture dread- unkillable flocks of vultures appear ,reducing enemies will to fight
MU- siege ram sphinx
Seremnogiaamaachi- (barracks)

siaghgiom (archer)

was a Nubian god worshipped since at least 2400BC. There is much uncertainty about his original nature, the earliest known information indicates that he had become a god of incense. Since incense was, at this point in history, an extremely expensive luxury commodity, and Nubia was the source of much of it, he was quite an important god. The wealth that the trade in incense delivered to Nubia lead to him being the god of prosperity, and wealth in particular.
god of incense, and so associated with funerary rites, Dedun was protector of deceased (Nubian) rulers.
MU- smoke genie, chokes enemies

GP -choke, massive smoke cloud
Other Names: Ma'at

Patron of: truth, law and universal order.
Appearance: A woman wearing a crown surmounted by a huge ostrich feather. Her totem symbol is a stone platform or foundation, representing the stable base on which order is built.
Description: Maat was the personification of the fundamental order of the universe, without which all of creation would perish. The primary duty of the pharaoh was to uphold this order by maintaining the law and administering justice. To reflect this, many pharaohs took the title "Beloved of Maat," emphasizing their focus on justice and truth.
At any event in which something would be judged, Maat was said to be present, and her name would be invoked so that the judge involved would rule correctly and impartially. In the underworld, the heart of the deceased was weighed by Anubis against Maat's feather. If the heart was heavy with wicked deeds, it would outweigh the feather, and the soul would be fed to Ammit. But if the scales were balanced, indicating that the deceased was a just and honorable person in life, he would be welcomed by Osiris into the Blessed Land. Maat's presence in all worlds was universal, and all the gods deferred to her.
Worship: Worshipped and revered widely throughout all of Egypt. Even the gods are shown praising Maat.
MU- axex -Egyptian gryphon
GP- Frog Drop- rain of healing frogs, twice area & speed of Greek healing
The skin of African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) produces peptides called magainins that assist in the natural healing of cuts and bruises.

was the deification of the floods of the Nile River. One of her titles was She Who Runs Like an Arrow, which is thought to refer to the river current, and her symbols became the arrow and the running river. Satis was pictured as a woman wearing the conical crown of Upper Egypt with antelope horns, as a gazelle, or with a gazelle's head, sometimes having a headdress of feathers (thought by most Egyptologists to be a detail deriving from Nubia).
To the Egyptians, the frog became a symbol of life and fertility, since millions of them were born after the annual inundation of the Nile, which brought fertility to the otherwise barren lands.
Other interpretations say her primary role was that of a guardian of Egypt's southern (Nubian) frontier and killing the enemies of the Pharaoh with her arrows.
She is also usually depicted as holding an ankh, due to her association with the life giving flooding of the nile. Consequently, it is true that Satis acted as a fertility goddess, thus granting the wishes of those who sought love. Satis is also described as offering jars of purifying water.
MU-Heqet giant toad- jumps on ,poisons & eats enemies amphibious.
GP- Divine Flood- thunderstorm drowns enemy units.
luhaccirghi seremno- axeman

Camghigiaamaachi- egheren-naluch (horseman)
[GIF, (336.88 KB)]


(castle)- catapult
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was the deification of magic. Heka was said to have battled and conquered two serpents, and was usually depicted as a man choking two entwined serpents. Medicine and doctoring were thought to be a form of magic, and so Heka's priesthood performed these activities.The one who activates Ka He helped Re on his daily journey across the sky by keeping monsters away who wanted to hinder him from getting forward.
Commoners turned their prayers to him to fix their problems when other gods had failed. His regalia was two snakes and these animals are mentioned in the Bible as used by Egyptian wizards at the court of the pharaoh. Even today the symbol of medicine is a snake. He was son of the war goddess Menhit and Khnum and those three formed the triad of Latopolis (Esna) in Upper Egypt. He also had a temple in Heliopolis (north of today's Cairo) where he was said to be son of the local creator god Atum.
MU- serpopard, leopard with serpent neck
GP- Granite god statues come to life
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Babi was a fierce, bloodthirsty baboon god who was ancient even in the realm of Egyptian gods.Babi can use his immense power to ward off dangers like snakes and control turbulent waters. Understandably in the Book of the Dead the deceased makes the magical progression to become Babi who in turn transforms into the "eldest son of Osiris".
MU Giant baboon
GP- Sandstorm-chokes units, buries & collapses buildings
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The Great Female - was the ancient goddess of maternity and childbirth, protector of women and children. Like Bes, she was both a fierce demonic fighter as well as a popular deity who guarded the mother and her newborn child.
She was depicted as a combination of a crocodile, a pregnant hippopotamus standing on her hind legs with large breasts and a lioness. Unlike the composite demoness Ammut, her head and body were that of the hippo, her paws were that of the lioness, and her back was the back of a crocodile. All of these animals were man killers, and as such she was a demoness.
All three animals were regarded as fierce creatures who would kill to protect their young.
MU -AMMUT: Destroyer of the souls of evil people. Appearance: Head of a crocodile, mane and front legs of a lion, and hindquarters of a hippo.
GP- Stampede- siege units quadruple
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-filghighiridesom war-elephant, carrying rider & 2 lancers'
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----haborchi Ballista

Titan , Werelion

[This message has been edited by gadunnz (edited 09-27-2007 @ 08:48 AM).]

posted 06 September 2007 07:09 PM EDT (US)     1 / 7  
Saw that on the news. Right before school, I actually went to school laughing since it was so funny. That really was kind of sad though, how easily regular comedians could get that close.

posted 06 September 2007 07:12 PM EDT (US)     2 / 7  
Didn't a guy dress up as Osama with a fake gun on a highway?

I never asked for this.
posted 06 September 2007 07:54 PM EDT (US)     3 / 7  
This is entirely needed.

(is not as helluva drug as pepe)
posted 07 September 2007 02:05 AM EDT (US)     4 / 7  
Well Yes Chas And Juilan from The Chaser were both charged i love that show

|Black Machismo|
|HG's Most Immature Member.|
posted 07 September 2007 04:33 PM EDT (US)     5 / 7  
Rofl at the Dr. Seuss deal. Anyways, I heard an interesting take on the war from my debate teacher:

The U.S. needs oil, and Iraq has oil.

We need a reason to invade Iraq for oil. Something that the public will encourage us into war for.

During the Cold War, we gave Iraq weapons of mass destruction. We have the paper work. Therefore, we know that Iraq has the weapons. This could be presented to the public as: Iraq has weapons that they shouldn't. We need to get them.

The government knew they had the weapons, they gave them to Iraq. But the weapons got used. Therefore, they had the weapons, but not when we invaded. Now look where we are.

posted 14 September 2007 05:58 AM EDT (US)     6 / 7  

"Im a man of few words... Any questions?"
posted 15 September 2007 00:34 AM EDT (US)     7 / 7  
Hell Yeah Go Andrew Craig Chas Julian Chris Dominic Charles

|Black Machismo|
|HG's Most Immature Member.|
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