posted 15 September 2007 10:51 AM EDT (US)   
Hi guys!

I've just uploaded part 1 of my AoMod and it should be available soon:
It's a support AI for the player that does some basic tasks for him.

Here's a copy of the readme:

#AoMod_PlayerAI 1.01
#by Loki_GdD

This mod consists of 2 AI files (AoMod_PlayerAI01.xs and AoMod_PlayerAI02.xs) that are meant to support the player, allowing him to focus on the military side of the game.
AoMod_PlayerAI01 sends idle villagers (after 31 secs.) to a random resource (wood or gold) and repairs your damaged buildings.
AoMod_PlayerAI01 sends idle villagers (after 31 secs.) to a random resource (wood or gold), repairs your damaged buildings and builds walls around your other bases.

This mod only works in single player mode as I haven't found a way to enable the AI in multiplayer games.


Unzip the files to "...\Age of Mythology\ai2"

To enable the AI you have to edit your player profile (the default profile is called default.prf).
You can find your profile in "...\my documents\my games\age of mythology\users".

Open your profile (e.g. default.prf) with an editor (e.g. notepad) and edit the playerid 0 data:

a) insert "aomxai091 AoModPlayerAI01" or "aomxai092 AoModPlayerAI02" as the aiscript value
b) set the type value to 1
c) set the civilization value to the civilization you would like to play (e.g. 2 is Hades, 9 is random)
Your playerdata section for playerid 0 should look like this:
<aiscript>aomxai091 AoModPlayerAI01</aiscript>
d) save the file
e) start the game

Bugs, feedback and feature changes/requests:
Please send them to

Legal stuff:
If you want to modify this mod, please feel free to do so, but if you want to release it, you have to give it another name.
If you want to contribute to this mod, please contact me via e-mail:


Version history:

AoMod_PlayerAI 1.01

a) added a second AI file (AoMod_PlayerAI02.xs) that builds walls around your other bases (NOT your main base)
b) increased the minInterval of the collectIdleVills rule to 31

AoMod_PlayerAI 1.00
-initial release