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Style: Role Playing Strategy
# of Scenarios: 10
Version: AoM: The Titans
This a great campaign by Celstur's Productivity. Hopefully after you play this game you might want to join my team huh? http://cp.quicksotick.com/

OK ITS FIXED AND IT should be working now so have fun playing and im sorry i couldnt get the campain to show up in the menu for some reason it just isnt showing i tried it two times and reinstalled age of mythology. then did it again and it didny work. so i dunno but the order of campains to play is in there and im just wondering, have any of you actually got this to work? If there are more errors tell me and im sorry if you downloaded the faulty vcersion.
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(id: X_MOSS)
Map Design1.0
Playability: 1
The game is not very user friendly. As mentioned above, you need to open each file individually. This would have been avoidable if you downloaded the AoM Campaign Maker (Here: http://aom.heavengames.com/downloads/showfile.php?fileid=4351).

One of the big problems in your map was lag. I don't know if it was just my computer yesterday (probably not), but there was extreme lagg in many of the scenarios (Mainly the Prologue and Level 3, when I was fighting). You had wayyyyy to many units in one small area for the Prologue. And to be honest, it was ugly (but I'll save that for Map design).

There were a few bugs with your scenarios. The bug in level 1 is the most serious. This was by far the easiest level to beat. I just sent out all my units to fight, and then took the hero (forgot his name, sorry) and walked around the edge of the map into the docks. Very easy level beat in 3 minutes tops. I suggest you build some natural boundaries to prevent this. Some examples, rivers, mountains, forests, maybe even another wall. Something just to stop me from going around the map.

Another bug I encountered was in Level 3. You had made a big base and surrounded it with Troy Walls. However, you seamed to have forgotten the Wall Connectors. These are very important because they prevent units from walking though the gaps between walls. I can provide a picture if you want.

The next bug I also encountered in Level 3. I destroyed the building in the center of the map, like you said, but there was a problem, I didn't win. So I thought, maybe I need to destroy ALL the buildings in the center, so I did. No, I still didn't win. So, I just went on the destroy everything (with the aid of "WRATH OF THE GODS" because I was running out of units). Then, only after I killed every last unit did I win. So, I opened up the map in the editor to see how you triggered it and to try to find the problem. I found out why it didn't work. You had "army dead" as the condition. When I destroyed the building in the center of the map (Town center), I destroyed the Town center, but not the settlement underneath it. The trigger was thinking the building was still alive because the settlement was still there, even though the towncenter was destroyed. To solve this, you should use a different building. Or, if you really want to use the town center, you should use a different condition. Something "Units in area" to check if the towncenter is still there should work.

Balance: 2
The balance was way off for some of the scenarios. As mentioned above, I didn't play most of Level 1, but if I did, I am positive I would have run out of units very fast. Other levels as well were unbalanced, namely Level 3 and 4. Level 3, it was unbalanced in my favor (I killed the towncenter and I had only moved about one-third of my troops. Level 4- although I didn't play the whole thing, seemed to unbalanced in the other players favor. They had a LOT of units. I suggest you use the "modify prounit" effect more often, to either make my units better, or theirs worse, or both. Or, to make the game go faster, just use less units in general.

Creativity: 2
Not a very creative map. In level 1, the directions were: get from point a to point b alive. Level 2: Kill these people for no apparent reason. Level 3: Kill these people for no apparent reason. Level 4: Defend the attack that is coming for not apparent reason. You need to add a little more spice to your map.

I liked the custom dialogs you made for your map, which is why your bumped up a score in this category. However, all your ideas have been used just too many times before. Also, your obvious lack of triggers, eyecandy, and overall prettiness bring this category down.

Map Design: 1
I'm not trying to sound mean, but it looks like you really rushed to release this scenario. I saw no eyecandy whatsoever in any of the maps. The obvious lack of rocks, trees, bushes, terrain mixing, and elevation brought this category way down. One thing I'm always looking for when playing maps in pretty, natural looking landscapes. Although I would not consider myself and eyecandy expert at all, I would like to prove you with a few tips to make your maps better:

-Use rocks! There is a very wide selection of rocks that they provided for us with the game, you should use them to make your landscapes look more natual.
-Terrain Mixing! All of the maps were domonated with "Grass TypeA". There are so many terrains that shipped with game that you should have no excuses as to why you didn't mix any of the terrans. (For a guide, see here: http://aom.heavengames.com/scendesign/basics/terrain2)
-Elevation! Most of the maps were flat, flat, flat. You should add some varying elevation. I know, maybe your aim wasn't to make this campaign realistic, but think about it. How boring would it be if the whole world was perfectly flat? Boring, right? Well, so is a scenario that is flat. (For a guide, see here: http://aom.heavengames.com/scendesign/basics/elevation)

Story/Instructions: 3
There was a story included which was expressed by the dialogs and for that, good job! However (there always seems to be a 'however', doesn't there?) the story didn't tie into the story much. Especially the last mission. In the first mission, yes, I understand. I needed to get to the docks (which for some reason my enemy felt the need to defend so greatly). However, after that I needed to destroy their docks (don't know why, you never explained). Then in the next mission I needed to destroy their base (once again, I don’t know why. I assume I just all-out hate these people?) Then in the last mission the whole story suddenly twists. Now all of a sudden they are attacking me. Maybe I missed something during the cinematic, but why are they suddenly attacking me, from this base of mine that just suddenly appeared?

You did usually give clear instructions on what to do, so that is another reason why you got higher points in this section. I would of liked to have seen the objections screen used a little bit though. Although I didn’t make you down the for using it, I would have liked to have seen it.

Additional Comments:
I made a very long review and I hope your happy and have learned something from it. I am getting very tired now though, so I’ll finish off this review with a list of guides that I suggest you read to help expand your skills with eye candy and making good-looking maps in general.


There are many more guides to read, these are just a few that I suggest.

Thank you for taking the time to read all of this, and good luck to you in your future of scenario designing!

Official Reviewer
Citrus Caesar
(id: The Guarding One)
I think Papaya wins the best review ever award!
(id: Cirruis)
I agree!
Krambo 34 MBs for this shit?!

i'd rather go suck my dogs ass.
The Silent Storm Playability: 1
Well what can i say, i have never played a campaign like this before, i guess it's rare in the bad way.

Balance: 2
It had a some-what okay balance, it just lacked time and dedication.

Creativity: 1
(Hardly anything, i noticed no eye candy, just plain simple "Place and do it quick" not very good.)

Map Design: 1
Well, this is also as i typed above, There is no eye candy.

Story/Instructions: 3
Preety easy to follow, quite a simple story-line, but nothing special. This screams at me, it says= "I need A Campaign maker!"

Additional Comments:
One word


But dont give up, keep trying, hopfully you can learn from these reviews, better luck for the future.

[Edited on 02/24/07 @ 04:51 PM]

sir Olaf can someone convert this to normal aom as vista cant run titans
champion999 i am gonna test. if u have problems not knowing what to do with all files, then only select the scx and cinimatics and stuff like that ( like u can play and see)
extract all the playable stuff in yer scenartio map
champion999 Playability: 3

Balance: 3

Creativity: 1

Map Design: 1

Story/Instructions: 1

Additional Comments: sorry but this isnt really a good campaign. everything is bad. im really sorry to say.
btw i now lostalmost an hour to download and what i get? almost full space on my hard drive.
for only a few peices of crap.
if ur gonna make another campaign then make it much better with sound.

[Edited on 12/04/08 @ 10:30 AM]

champion999, your review has been deleted because it does not comply with the review guidelines. Please read them.


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