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The Relic of Water

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Version: AoM: The Titans
The Relic of Water

Single Player Scenario

This is a "puzzle" scenario containing different effects, triggers and puzzles I founded out and created by myself. Do you have enough patience to solve them?
- Plot summary: Cirrow and his men have sailed to a mysterious place to find the lost relic of water.

* New trigger ideas
* 5 different moments to complete. (both easy and hard ones)
* 3 of them are unic puzzles to solve.
* Button functions and sounds (step on/off sound)
* Detailed scenery
* Over 250 triggers

Cirruis - tester
Mr_Kitty - tester

The Relic of Water, by Geniet
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(id: Cirruis)
That review sucks. The map design is a 4+ and the balence is a 4 or 5.
File Author
Actually I don't like the large map... It's way to big and if I try to fill it, I'll get bored after a couple of days.
But I could maybe have used the big one without using all the area if I later would need more space. Well, to late ;)

I'm not really sure about what to do with the spotlight... Should I use it to give game information or is it for the story (background information)?
(id: gummyWorm)
Map Design5.0
Playability: 4
The puzzles on the map were mostly fun to play, and there was some combat with various monsters to liven things up. There was only one bug that I noticed, which is that in the Automaton Maze, if you load a savegame the view won't be pitched at the right angle. Again, not a problem that is particularly significant (I'm not sure if it's even fixable). My only gripe here was the annoying black-region puzzle where, due to the angle of pitch, it's very hard to keep the characters on the path (on certain parts your click tends to register on the wall segments rather than the path). That was the only puzzle that was frustrating, the others were fun.

Balance: 3
In terms of a staircase-difficulty (that is, puzzles get harder as you go on), this scenario is excellent. The problem is that the earlier puzzles tend to be too easy and the latter ones tend to be too hard. The puzzle to get the catapult, for example, included strage things like a random button sequence in the first room (I'm not sure if there's a pattern, but it looked arbitrary to me). Then, later in that puzzle, the hints said I should search for another combination in that same room. Without the hint, I don't think I would have ever tried at. On the easy side of the spectrum, the first ones were simple because you just had to collect a number of automata. The priest puzzle and automata mazes were the ones I think worked best in terms of balance, although the hint to the priest puzzle threw me off for a while.

Creativity: 5
This is a richly different map than almost anything published for AOM in a long while, and is a refreshing change from the standard fare. Puzzles have been included in scenarios, don't get me wrong on that, but an entire scenario devoted to it is a fairly novel concept. As soon as I read the descriptor, I thought 'this will be interesting,' and I was most certainly right.

Map Design: 5
Eye candy was well developed and the map was full of it. The fortress area was probably the best in terms of eye candy, but the whole map had it, so good job all around. Meshing was done well, embellishments were used quite a bit, and the landscape itself made the map look good, so excellent work here.

Story/Instructions: 4
The story was good and the instructions were fine. I would say it's a mix of spelling/grammar errors and hint/instruction wording that got you here. Especially with puzzles, wording is everything, and if everything isn't worded right, it can send the solver on the wrong trail for a good long time. In the automaton maze, for example, I spent 30 minutes thinking I needed to get one of the automata to the flag. In the priest puzzle, the hint made me think I had to put the priest on one of the pads (I was missing an automaton but didn't realize it). Again, nothing significant, but enough to cause me some problems on the puzzles. The other problems were small grammar and spelling mistakes (not enough to ruin anything, just kind of unpleasant) and the story, which while good and a welcome addition to the scenario (so that we weren't just solving puzzles randomly for no reason), wasn't particularly fleshed out, and all we knew is that the relic would save the world in some way. However, the puzzle instructions for the most part were top notch, and I almost always knew where to go next (at the end I kept trying to take the relic to the shore you begin at, but I completely missed the torches in the water so that's just me being stupid). So overall, excellent.

Additional Comments:
An excellent scenario and a well designed game. To anyone who downloaded this, if you enjoyed this scenario, The Relic of Darkness is a must-download (even if you didn't like it, give RoD a shot). I hope you continue the series even further with new puzzle-filled maps.
(id: ninjapenguin)
I was slightly annoyed to find out that i needed four men for one of the puzzles...as i thought the part where i needed four men had passed, i didnt bother looking after them but apart from that...great game
Sniper1988 Playability: 5
Completely marvelous. Never seen a scenario which is so interesting to play. Puzzles were creative and difficult too. Absolutely great gameplay.

Balance: 5
Puzzles, map, characters all nicely balanced.
Puzzles are easy,medium and get harder as to approach the end.

Creativity: 5
Very creative. I liked those button triggers the most. Puzzles were nicely planned and perfectly executed.

Map Design: 5
Simple yet perfect and matches the theme beautifully. I couldnt find anything that i didnt like about it.

Story/Instructions: 5
What i liked the most about this scenario is that how you gave hints to solve puzzles, Very helpful. I completed the scenario without any difficulties so i am pretty satisfied with Instructions.

Additional Comments:
This is one of my favorite Scenario !! I will like to see another one. Good Work (^_^)

[Edited on 08/23/08 @ 02:59 PM]

eare it amazing well done
david_blue13 I cant do the first one!
I can find all but 2 automatons, and after a lot of looking, i conclude that there is something else to do. I click on the green statues, notice they have numbers, have an idea to click them in numeric order, but i can only find 2, 4, and 5! I cant do it!!!!!!!11
Alex Pan All my other units except Ajax and Arkantos died, so I couldn't finish the game >.
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