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The Beginning of Time Campaign

Author File Description
Milkman Matty
(id: Khan And Steak)
File Details
Style: Mix
# of Scenarios: 12
Version: AoM: The Titans

This campaign is focused around a warlock that was sent by the Norse gods to conquer all other races but most of all worship them. This campaign is 12 scenario's long, however it shouldn't take very long to complete as all of the scenario's are quiet small.

The campaign starts off slow and bare, but... as the world grows and matures so does the atmosphere (eyecandy) and gameplay. The story is patchy so that your imagination can take a place in the campaign, however it doesn't leave you stranded for information either.

Playing on different difficulties... not only changes the enemies but also the environment and ultimately what you do. Most players will play on Hard without too much trouble. However I urge for players to play on Titan, for the main fact of trying to find all of the secrets hidden in the scenario's. All except two secrets are unlocked only when playing on Titan, so after finishing the campaign once go back to see if you can unlock them all.

These maps where made way back in 2005 and my abilities have advanced beyond what is shown even in the secret level.
I would like some feedback on the secret level so that I can continue to further my abilities. Please comment and/or review. Also Have fun ~ Khan
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You've always reviewed my stuff, so I'll try and pull myself away from Ripto tomorrow to give this a shot and a review ;).
Milkman Matty
(id: Khan And Steak)
File Author
That'd be really good, this campaign doesn't (shouldn't) take long to complete ~ Khan
king_thoma18 Um in the instuctions it only says to install both but where do I put the files?
braxus This looks very interesting. I'm going to try it.
shortstuff9192 do i have to get that winzip thing to download these cool looking files?
Achilles1 sounds cool, but how do i get it? and also i have 2 more things (if i cant get it now) I cant wait for it to come out and How do you make campaings?
Milkman Matty
(id: Khan And Steak)
File Author
@ Achilles1, to make campaigns download this file: http://aom.heavengames.com/downloads/showfile.php?fileid=4351

@ shortstuff9192, if you are using Windows XP, you can use Windows XP's built-in zip facility. However you can download an excellent zipping program for free at www.winzip.com.

@ king_thoma18, you can extract anywhere, open up the *.exe's and complete the installation then play. If you ever need any help with the file extensions then this page is very useful:
skyrocket45 There's a glitch on the first level, you can't teleport up to the next monument!
Milkman Matty
(id: Khan And Steak)
File Author
That's not a glitch that's just your level of understanding of how the god power works. You have to move you villages so that they LOS of the mountains and move your Military units away from your villages ~ Khan
Map Design2.0
Playability: 3
The campaign is playable..untill it's not playable any more. I appreciate the fact that you've made dificulty levels for scenarios and that alone would be 5. But some of the triggers don't work, cinematic cameras jump around, one of the scenarios doesn't load the next one even after the game says ''The victory is yours'', and the goal of every scenario is killing all enemy units. This last thing made every scenario feel like I was playing the same scenario over and over again. Also it's very short and the maps are very small so the whole campaign can be completed really fast. Many RPG scenarios take longer to complete. So I'll give you 3 here only because of the simplicity of gameplay and dificulty levels.

Balance: 4
I've already mentione the dificulty levels and that's the reason for a high score here. Making dificulty levels for every scenario shows dedication to that segment of the campaign. But again there are some small errors. Some of the scenarios were just too easy and some of them were near to impossible. I've played it on both Easy and Hard to get the right impression and 4 is the right score in my opinion.

Creativity: 4
Creativity is one of the things I've really liked about this campaign. Though you've failed to express it properly trough scenarios I could still feel the ''spirit'' of the campaign and I don't mean the spirit that acts as a narator. You've come up with some good ideas for this campaign and if you had dedicated it more time or waited with the release, it could have turned out really good. This way you've wasted something really good.

Map Design: 2
Why? The special scenario has a great map design, It's one of better maps, if not the best map released lately. But the rest of them are all the same. They're all flat with ocasional cliffs and lakes/rivers. I asume you wanted to make them look like the world has just been created but in order to do that you should have used grass 50% or 75% terrain instead of default grass terrain. Also a couple of canyons, rocks and a bush here and there wouldn't hurt. The world would look more realistic.. but I guess you know what I mean when you was able to make that one diamond of a map. So basicaly it's 11-1 with eleven bad maps and one diamond. Unfortunately it can't cast light on the campaign scenarios so 2 is the best I can give you.

Story/Instructions: 2

I can't belive the day has come when I can tell someone there are grammar/spelling errors in their scenario. Also the objectives were very rare and some of the maps didn't have them at all. The basic story was pretty good but you didn't explain it trough the cinematics or chats. The transition between the egyptian and norse part of the campaign is too fast and not explained at all. The cinematics have failed to impress me and make me ''feel'' the story. The story must be explained better, not just: the gods are fighting, kill everyone.

Additional Comments:
Finaly, a chance for me to review something big, or what was suposed to be big. 12 scenarios was suposed to look like a big campaign with an interesting storyline and quality gameplay. Unfortunately, things went wrong somewhere down the line. So here is my opinion of this campaign. I just hope I won't see a ''Dope, your review has been deleted because it doesn't comply with something I just came up with'' message the next time I check the downloads section. So I'll just write something random here to make it at least three line long. Well, I think this should be enough not to get it deleted, or maybe it's not.
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