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Zeus vs loki

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File Details
# of Players: 2
Map Type: Savannah
Map Size: Normal
Game Type: Supremacy
Handicapped: No
Shared Resources: No
Shared Population: No
Cheats Allowed: No
AoM Version: AoM: The Titans
Player 1's Name: Arus_II
Player 2's Name: loki_teams (or so)
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aZeusdude2 Tell about the game...
Major_Rackham Hmmm...painful to watch, lol, but your skill will develop in time so this is not an issue.

First of all, you shouldn't have built that granary by the chickens at the beginning. Just gather while looking for hunt. Also, instead of shift-clicking your scout at the beginning, just send him right away in the dark right outside ur LOS. Then go in a line around your base when your micro time allows it.

As soon as you saw those giraffes at the bottom u should have set your gather point there. Also, you didn't get hunting dogs at the right time. On such a high-hunt map like that get hunting dogs as soon as you see your first hunt.

Then, your wood & gold camps were placed poorly. You want to be able to fit your villagers between the mine and your camp nicely instead of walking around each other and causing poor pathing. Same with wood: you built it in a spot that would cause long walking towards the end of that forest being depleted. Also, vills had trouble going around each other to get back to the camp.

Also, get pickaxe and handaxe during age advance as zeus.

When you hit Classical have your temple already selected and aq minos vs norse. Also, during that early battle you should have had slightly better micro. When he is moving his MU away from your melee hero just attack what is attacking you and force him to turn around and attack you or face losing a unit in that battle. Also, when lost Jason you should have rebuilt him again immediately as he is very good in early game.

Next, you shouldn't have built that barracks right away and should have done two archery ranges instead and just AQed tox. The minos would do the hack damage for buildings if you microed the tox on the hersir and such appropriately.

Hmmm...in that one early battle you should have fought it and made him fight resto. Well, this is matter of preference, tbh. Idk, nvm, doesn't really matter as this matchup is lol anyways, you wouldn't quit need it.

Moving those tox over to attack those ravens was lol, waste of time. If I saw you do that I would attack with you being short quite a few tox in that battle.

Hmmm...you only need 4 houses around each tower, not 5-6. Also, build them on forward towers first if you can.

Well, you also did plenty of good things but I won't go into those as they don't exactly help you.

Hmmm...gg Arus, i will add you and maybe we can work on some stuff together sometime. Keep posting :)
(id: BlackSun88)
harder eco imo

[Edited on 10/20/08 @ 03:16 AM]

(id: BlackSun88)
lol gg tho xD
BlackSun88, your review has been deleted because it does not comply with the review guidelines. Please read them.


clout Major Rackham, you don't want to just generally use minos against all norse as zeus. Minos are terrible against Loki; they are just big, meaty, food wasting, targets for hersir. You can use hippikon as meat shields if you need them to protect archers, and if you are fighting a good loki, knocking out his buildings isnt going to be you immediate problem. Actually, i almost never go through athena vs. loki, because i find centaurs are good vs his mu's (myth units) and the ceasefire severely damages a quick rush. BTW i shud stress u need heroes vs loki. The minotaur rush does work well against odin and thor, tho (actually better than just well).
U can get the pickaxe improv in archaic, you dont have to just get it while you are advancing. You will end up with more gold with a very small food loss that in most cases will not slow your advance.
If you see chickens and hunting in the very beginning, you should build a granary by each of them. It won't lag any vills and you'll find when you need that extra 100 food later quickly from the hunt you kept, you will have it.
Anyways, sry if it sounded like i was flaming you rakham, i didn't mean anything by this. Just want to make sure this guy has even more information.

[Edited on 10/21/08 @ 02:38 AM]

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