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Cinematic:The Nidhogg v.0.6

Author File Description
Guard of Olympus
File Details
Version: AoM: The Titans
This is just a short cinematic scenario featuring:

*13 minutes of cinematics
*45 quality camera tracks
*Some fitting music

The Nidhogg flew over the village, watching the forces of Hel slaughtering the men and women who lived there. He flew slowly towards the town center, breathing fire at it. The towncenter collapsed, sounds of screaming men sounding all over the battlefield. Little did the Nidhogg notice that one person survived... that would be his fall.

v 0.5: No eyecandy, no music at the end.

Versions to come will contain more eyecandy and some music at the end.

I would appreciate reviews, so I'll know what to improve.

How to review this:
This is a cinematic, therefore no playability. but just because of that it shouldn't receive a lower score in the "Playability" field.


Some things that should be taken into account when reviewing watchability are:

Was the cinematic exciting?

Was the cinematic compelling?

Did the cinematic capture your attention for the duration?

Would you watch the cinematic again?

Was the cinematic unique?

Balance:Some points to include in this category are:

The amount of lag.

The jumpiness of the camera track.

The zoom and pitch level.

If the track/cuts made you dizzy or not.

Creativity:Some things to keep in mind when reviewing creativity are:


Trigger Tricks.

Sounds and Units used.

Anything that specifically caught your attention from its uniqueness or something you hadn't seen before.

Originality can also be judged here.

Map design: Well, just the map design...

Story: Just the story, without the instructions.

Thanks to Khan and steak for this information.


~Guard of Olympus
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Valuax This wouldnt follow the review guidelines would it?

Anways im going review this later
Guard of Olympus
File Author
Yes, it would. You can keep the oridginal names, but since it's a cinematic it has no playability, so judge the playability as watchability.

Thank you for reviewing this.

EDIT: Oh, and i just noyiced that the new review guidelines has been realesed.

[Edited on 07/31/09 @ 05:46 AM]

Map Design3.0
Watchability: 3
The Watchabillity is a three because the cinimatics wasnt very exciting because it was just about a Nidhogg egg hatching then killing lots of people and theres two armies fighting.(I thought that was incredibly boring and some other people might.) Also the Cinimatic didnt really catch my attention for a long time because it was too long and it just semmed very boring because all it was about is a dragon hatching from a egg and killing and two armies, that didnt seem very exiting and it didnt catch my eye for that duration maybe if you made it shorter it may of been more fun to watch also very only like three units types of the two armies theres the nidhogg,regenlief and myth units and a few soldiers. Also at the end it was a bit rushed because the soldiers won and there wasnt much fighting just talking.
Im sorry to say that i wouldnt want to watch this cinimatic again unfortunely. The cinimatics were very unique because it featured a dragon as the main charater and not manny cinimatics do that and that idea was very unique and also it seemed a bit like ragnarok. So the cinimatics is a three.

Balance: 3
The Balance is a three because there wasnt a large amount of lag although the Camera Tracks were horribly done because on some of the camera tracks you featured the end of the map and at the side of the map and it was blackness and bits of lava terrain and that spoiled the whole scenario for me because it made it look very ugly and a eyesore, you could of put a sky or something its like you rushed the camera tracks. I thought the zoom and the pitch was very well done because you didnt zoom too far in or too far up you zoomed it just right for a person to see the terrain and units etc and also the pitch was well done because you didnt kept changing that pitch and you know what pitches to do you did put like -100 pitch or just 45 pitch you atchully changed it, so the pitch was good. The tracks made me seemed dizzy at the end because it went black for some reason when i was watching and then it said some randoms words and that made be feel more sick because i was quite sick at the time lol. So it is a three again. (I thought the camera tracks and the zoom was good.)

Map Design: 3
The Map Design is a three because there was alot of eyecandy and rocks and trees and a few animals but at one point there was just hades and lava and a few trolls or something and that made it look like a eyesore unfortunely. Btw i liked the way you placed Regenlief's army and odin tower but the town was just all one type of terrian so you didnt really mix terrains apart from hades and snow and lava. (The terrian of the town was norse road. Also the units was squashed together and it looked like you didnt place them very well and that ruined the part of the two armies fighting. So the Map Design is a three.

Story: 2
The Story is a two because it was incredibly poor because the mythology was all wrong it had the nidhogg with odins tower or something and regenlief was a follower of odin she was a valkery and that was horribly wrong also the nidhogg doesnt hatch in a egg and it hatched in the norse underworld and its not a phoenix egg. (Maybe you didnt base it on mythology and stuff but it was still wrong.) Also the Story was quite interesting because i liked the fight bit with Regenlief and the Nidhogg but they wouldnt of won because there was loads of myth units and for some reason Nidhogg looked like he worshiped Hel And Odin. Also why would Regenlief be in a town? she is a servent of odin who lives in Valhalla.

Creativity: 4
The Creativity is a four because i thought that is was very creative because it was very unique like the idea of the nidhogg. Also the triggers were good but not perfect because of the camera tracks and the way you randomly fired a event wasnt so good. So the Originality & Uniqueness is very very good because it was original because no one else made a cinimatics like it but sept you so that was a great idea also the cinimatic was very unique like i said there is a dragon what kill lots of people! and i think that was quite good. So the creativity was a four. (There was no objectives. Btw it wasnt really funny to my liking maybe that because im english? lol

Additional Comments: Sorry For My Bad English, Sorry for reviewing it bad. Also the music was very well done and im happy that you used various of types of music that idea was brilliant also dont leave comments saying it is wrong! its very annoying because i did read the review guidlines and it says nothing about Creativity.

Spanish Version:
Watchability: 3
El tres es un Watchabillity porque el cinimatics wasnt muy emocionante porque era casi una Nidhogg incubar huevos matar a mucha gente y la lucha contra los theres dos ejércitos. (Yo pensaba que era increíblemente aburrido y algunas otras personas.) También la Cinimatic realmente didnt captura mi atención durante mucho tiempo porque era demasiado larga y sólo semmed muy aburrido porque todo lo que se acerca es un dragón de una eclosión de huevos y la matanza y dos ejércitos, que parecen muy didnt salir y didnt capturas mi ojo para que la duración tal vez si lo hizo más corta de mayo sido más divertido ver también sólo como tres tipos de unidades de los dos ejércitos theres la nidhogg, mito y regenlief unidades y unos pocos soldados. También en la final fue un poco apresurado porque los soldados y se ganó mucho wasnt sólo la lucha contra la trata.
Im sorry decir que i wouldnt desea ver este cinimatic nuevo unfortunely. El cinimatics eran muy singular, ya que presentó un dragón como el principal charater y no alejandrasiano cinimatics y hacer que esa idea era muy singular y también parece un poco como Ragnarok. Por lo tanto, el cinimatics es un tres.

Saldo: 3
El equilibrio es un tres, porque no era una gran cantidad de retraso, aunque la Cámara de pistas fueron horriblemente hecho porque en algunas de las pistas que la cámara, con la final del mapa y en el lado del mapa y se negrura y pedazos de lava terreno echada a perder y que todo el escenario para mí, ya que hizo ver muy feo y una monstruosidad, puede poner de un cielo o algo así como que su prisa pistas de la cámara. Pensé que el zoom y el campo fue muy bien hecho porque didnt zoom demasiado lejos o demasiado lejos hasta que el zoom sea lo bastante buena para una persona para ver el terreno y las unidades, etc y también el terreno de juego está bien hecho porque el cambio que mantiene didnt campo y que sabe lo que hacer lanzamientos que hizo poner como tono -100 o 45 que atchully cambió de tono, por lo que el campo fue buena. Las pistas me parecía mareado al final fue negro porque por alguna razón cuando lo estaba viendo y luego dijo randoms algunas palabras y que se hizo sentir más enfermo, porque era muy enfermo en el momento lol. Por lo tanto, es un tres de nuevo. (Yo pensaba que la cámara y el zoom de las pistas ha sido buena.)

Mapa de diseño: 3
El diseño es un mapa de tres porque había un montón de eyecandy y rocas y los árboles y algunos animales, pero en un momento se acaba de hades y lava y algunos trols o algo y lo que ha hecho como una monstruosidad unfortunely. BTW me gustaba la forma en que el ejército coloca Regenlief y Odin torre, pero la ciudad era sólo un tipo de todos los terrian lo que realmente didnt mezcla de terrenos, aparte de hades y la nieve y la lava. (El terrian de la ciudad fue Norse carretera. Además de las unidades fue aplastada junto y parecía que le didnt lugar muy bien y que arruinó la parte de la lucha contra los dos ejércitos. Por lo tanto, el diseño es un mapa de tres.

Historia: 2
La historia es de dos porque era increíblemente pobre porque la mitología es todo el mal que había nidhogg con odins torre o algo regenlief y fue un seguidor de Odin era valkery y que también fue muy mal el nidhogg doesnt escotilla en un huevo y que nacieron en el inframundo nórdico y su huevo no es un ave fénix. (Tal vez didnt basarlo en la mitología y cosas así, pero todavía era errónea.) También la historia es bastante interesante porque me gustaba la lucha con poco Regenlief y la Nidhogg pero wouldnt de ganado debido a la carga de las unidades de mito y por alguna razón Nidhogg parecía que Odin Y adoraron Hel. También la razón por la que se Regenlief en una ciudad? ella es una servent de Odin, que vive en Valhalla.

Comentarios adicionales: Lo siento por mi mala Inglés, Lo siento por la revisión de lo malo.

French Version: Watchability: 3
Le Watchabillity est un parce que le wasnt cinimatics très excitant car il était juste un Nidhogg l'éclosion des oeufs de tuer beaucoup de gens theres deux armées et des combats. (Je pensais que c'était ennuyeux et d'autres personnes pourraient.) Aussi n'avons pas vraiment le Cinimatic capture mon attention pendant longtemps parce qu'il était trop long et ça semmed très ennuyeux car il était sur le dragon est une éclosion de l'oeuf et la mise à mort et les deux armées, qui semblent très didnt de sortir et il didnt catch mes yeux pour que la durée peut-être si vous avez fait, il court de mai, il a plus de plaisir à regarder aussi très seul à trois types d'unités des deux armées theres la nidhogg, regenlief et le mythe d'unités et de quelques soldats. Toujours à la fin, il a été un peu précipitée, car les soldats et il a gagné beaucoup de combats wasnt juste de parler.
Im désolé de dire que i wouldnt veulent regarder ce cinimatic nouveau unfortunely. Le cinimatics ont été tout à fait unique, car il présentait un dragon comme le principal charater et manny cinimatics pas le faire et cette idée est tout à fait unique et il semble un peu comme Ragnarok. Ainsi, le cinimatics est un trois.

Bilan: 3
L'équilibre est un trois wasnt parce qu'il ya une grande quantité de décalage de l'appareil photo même si les pistes étaient horriblement fait parce que sur certains morceaux de l'appareil vous en vedette à la fin de la carte et sur le côté de la carte et il est noir et des morceaux de lave terrain et que l'embarras tout le scénario pour moi, car elle a l'air très moche et une honte, vous pouvez de mettre un ciel ou quelque chose comme sa vous hâte de l'appareil photo pistes. Je pensais que le zoom et le terrain est très bien fait parce que vous didnt zoom trop loin ou trop loin de zoom, il vous suffit juste d'une personne pour voir le terrain et les unités, etc et aussi le terrain a été bien fait parce que vous didnt tenus de changer cela hauteur et vous savez ce que les emplacements de faire comme vous ne l'avez mis ou -100 hauteur de 45 emplacement atchully changé, de sorte que le terrain était bon. Les pistes de vertige me semblait à la fin car il est allé en noir pour une raison quelconque, quand je regarde et puis il a dit quelques mots et randoms qui a fait se sentir plus à être malade parce que j'ai été très malade à l'époque lol. Ainsi, il est trois fois. (Je pensais que l'appareil photo et le zoom pistes était bon.)

Map Design: 3
Design de la carte est de trois, car il y avait beaucoup de eyecandy et les rochers et les arbres et quelques animaux, mais à un moment il y avait juste hades et de la lave et quelques trolls ou quelque chose et qui a l'aspect d'une honte unfortunely. Btw i aimé la façon dont vous avez placé l'armée et Regenlief odin tour, mais la ville est tout simplement un type de terrian de sorte que vous didnt vraiment mélanger les terrains en dehors de hades et de la neige et de la lave. (Le terrian de la ville a été la route des Scandinaves. Aussi les unités de concert a été écrasé et il semblait que vous didnt place très bien et qui a ruiné le cadre de la lutte contre les deux armées. Ainsi, le design est une carte de trois.

Story: 2
L'histoire est à deux car il est incroyablement mauvaise, car la mythologie a tout faux, il a eu l'nidhogg avec odins tour ou quelque chose et regenlief a été un adepte de odin, elle a été valkery et qui a été mal aussi le nidhogg doesnt éclosion des oeufs et dans un il éclos dans les Scandinaves pègre et de ses pas un phénix oeuf. (Peut-être vous didnt base sur la mythologie et d'autres choses mais il est encore mal.) Aussi l'histoire est assez intéressante parce que j'ai aimé la lutte avec peu Regenlief et la Nidhogg mais ils wouldnt de gagner parce qu'il y avait beaucoup de mythes et d'unités, pour une raison Nidhogg regardé comme il adorait Odin et de Hel. Aussi, pourquoi Regenlief être dans une ville? elle est une servent de odin qui vit à Valhalla.

Autres commentaires: désolé pour mon mauvais anglais, Désolé pour l'examen de ce mal.

[Edited on 08/01/09 @ 10:06 AM]

Guard of Olympus
File Author
Thank you for the review, but I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to edit it. You havn't made any motivation for the creativity, so that's needed.

The reason why the nidhogg egg is a phoenix egg is that there's nothing better to use for it, and people wouldn't download if I included mods. I don't think you should lower my story score just because of a object.

If the phoenix egg wasn't a phoenix egg in AoM, it wouldn't recived a lowered score, am I right?

If you dislike my use of phoenix egg you should mention that in the creativity field, not in the story field.

Well, the reason why Reginleif has a village is that the story isn't fully based on mythology, it's a fictional story.

I do agree with you in the watchability and map design score, I also agree with the balance score.

Thank you for taking time to make a review, I apreciate it and will update the file today.

And one question, what did you think of the music?
Guard of Olympus
File Author
And, your review was excellent, the grammar ok.
So don't say it's a harch review, it's fair.
Guard of Olympus
File Author

*Added terrain mixing to Reginleifs village

*Added some rocks, ruins and terrain mixing to the underworld scene.

CharlieDog Well I think its a harsh review. He hasn't included the creativity except for marking it as one....
Guard of Olympus
File Author
Yes, I hope he'll update, or I'll have to request it deleted.
Valuax Btw you quite annoyed me because its a personal opinion and also i did read the review and ive been reviewing for years your the only one to complain tbh
Guard of Olympus
File Author
i thought i said it was an excellent review, didn't I. I updated the map design, I'd apreciate if you updated your review. I espeacialy concentrated myself on the underworld scene, since you think it ruined the scenaerio.
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