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A Concise Trigger Tutor

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Version: AoM
I know I wrote that this is for AoM but the effects and conditions are from AoM and the AoM expansion. This folder has a guide on the function, and uses of every default effect and condition in the games.
It also has a few bonus folders that I've collected in the nine to ten months that I've been designing scenarios.
It includes: AoM sounds, AoMX sounds, and Icon list for both games, an additional file with two extra parts, and the unit action list.

I did not script the condition or the effect in this file, however. Please don't sue me. They are: Unit action, and QV modify protounit all. It also has instructions on where to place these two trigger parts. I would put scripting credits here for them but I do not know who wrote them. If you did, speak up and let me alter the file.

I would have put Nottuds famous transform effect here (Almost did) but that it is an incredibly simple effect to use. With any practice using the effect I did list, one should be able to figure it out with ease.

I would be remiss if I did not mention and thank all the people who've helped me to understand the conditions and effects. But yet, I must also keep some of this credit to myself. I learned most of them by using them. This list should impart this knowledge to you, the down-loader.

H. E. Billings,and his Sexy Assistant

Update: The Additional File now has three more effects in it, the tutor is now in alphabetical order, and a few of the effects have been clarified, as have some of the conditions.
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WinstonShnozwick AH! Very good. I wondered when you would put this up, I kept hearing you talk about it. So then, I hope it does a good job of explaining everything.

And I probably am not the first to ask, but I must get this out of my head; WHO the hell is "my sexy assistant?" , or "sexy"? You talk about this concept alot in your designs, is it your imaginary friend, or someone really helping you with designing the files??? I must know.

Not being rude, pure questioning there. :p
File Author
It? IT??
Mind your pronouns, man.
My Sexy Assistant really does help me with my designs. She catches half of my trigger problems before they become trigger problems. And she helps with spelling, remembering the name of the trigger I'm looking for (I swear... I must have renamed every trigger in that game. I go in there looking for set player active time and again, when it's player set active.)

No, she's not imaginary. But she IS Sexy. ;) Thus the nickname.
WinstonShnozwick is it like, a friend? or a family member?

OH and I will definately download this and review. Its the kind of thing since Combination Effects that I really think we need to help people learn triggers.
WinstonShnozwick In the process of reading it. It contains lots of helpful stuff on information.

-You should explain those other files with the lists, of like animations and portraits and stuff.

-Some of the triggers arent explained well enough. I can help with that, when I completely go through it very well, I can tell you the ones that need to be fixed more clearly.

-I would suggest for the triggers very unclear, or ones that dont work, provide the code for them to work. Like unit create multi, there is a working one that hailtotheoboe made. And others, like player set active, and sound timer, those arent clear as to what they are.

-More very helpful triggers for the game, are found in my extras bonus pack(NOT advertizing). They are the most helpful extra scripted triggers I use. I suggest you look into them, and maybe include some.

And most important. You need to clean it up majorly. It wasnt very pretty reading for me. But I am persistant, and I read it all. Others may not be like that.

Like, put them in strain up alphabetical order, as the triggers go in order in athe game, easiest for people to find them. And put colors and titles for the different sections, to outline them, and make it easier on the eyes. Also, put all those extra explanations like armies and such at the begininng or end. Keep all the triggers by them self.

[Edited on 12/08/09 @ 07:53 PM]

File Author
-You should explain those other files with the lists, of like animations and portraits and stuff.

What do you mean?

-I would suggest for the triggers very unclear, or ones that dont work, provide the code for them to work. Like unit create multi, there is a working one that hailtotheoboe made. And others, like player set active, and sound timer, those arent clear as to what they are.

Good idea.

-More very helpful triggers for the game, are found in my extras bonus pack(NOT advertizing). They are the most helpful extra scripted triggers I use. I suggest you look into them, and maybe include some.

What do you mean?

And most important. You need to clean it up majorly. It wasnt very pretty reading for me. But I am persistant, and I read it all. Others may not be like that.

What do you mean?

Like, put them in strain up alphabetical order, as the triggers go in order in athe game, easiest for people to find them. And put colors and titles for the different sections, to outline them, and make it easier on the eyes. Also, put all those extra explanations like armies and such at the begininng or end. Keep all the triggers by them self.

I put the triggers down as they came up in the type test, but alphabetical is a good idea.
Thanks for the input. Will try to update.
Milkman Matty
(id: Khan And Steak)
Regarding the "What do you mean"'s

1) Winston means the lists found in nottuds Superpack which come from Reyk's "New X Editor 3" - http://aom.heavengames.com/downloads/showfile.php?fileid=3320

In the trigger menu, they can be found near the bottom.

2) He means add some more explanations of the popular custom triggers - like nottuds infamous "Transform Trigger". :)

3) Make it easier to read by organising the text document. Basically what he said right after the quoted text :)

Hope that helps :) ~ Khan
File Author
Um... the additional file in this download? I listed the actions, icons and I believe the sounds for both aom, and aomx. Those files? If so, what's to explain?

And if I added the Transform trigger (Which I started to do) I'd have to add the AG triggers. Which I do not understand well enough to give instruction on how to use. I'd be left simply quoting someone else. I don't want to do that. This is my work.

[Edited on 12/14/09 @ 11:12 PM]

WinstonShnozwick hammer, it doesnt matter there. I put in a bunch of text documents explainning in Combination Effects, and they explain the transform and antigrav

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