Mercenary (Infantry)

Mercenaries are extremely powerful units, units that have ‘no true counter’. They are trained almost instantly and take no pop slots, and are useful for when you are fighting near a Town Center. However, be careful when using Mercenaries as they cost a lot of gold and die after 40 seconds.

Age: Archaic
Trained at: Town Center

Strong against:
  War Elephants

Weak against:
  Chariot Archers
  Throwing Axemen


Cost: 90
Population: 0
Hack Damage: 8
HP: 85
Hack Armor: 45%
Pierce Armor: 30%
Crush Armor: 99%
Speed: 4.3 meters/second
Line of sight: 20 meters
Training time: 1 second


Armory technologies:

  • Copper/Bronze/Iron Weapons +10% attack
  • Copper/Bronze/Iron Mail -10% hack vulnerability
  • Copper/Bronze/Iron Shields -10% pierce vulnerability

Worship Hathor to access this technology:

  • Medjay Increases lifespan by 30 seconds