Trigger Tutorial: Effects

Effects are the result of condition. When the condition is evaluated as TRUE the effect will fire.

Effects new to The Titans Expansion

  •  Damage Unit Percent: This effect will damage a unit based on the chosen % of it’s maximum hit points. So 100% is always guaranteed to kill a unit. You can do negative damage to a unit to heal it.
  • Damage Unit: This is like Damage Unit Percent but does an absolute value of HP adjustment.
  • Damage Units in Area: This is like the above Damage Unit triggers, but applies to all units in an area, as represented by a reference unit and a radius. It can be modified to affect only a specific type of units.
  • Change Units in Area: This effect will cause all the matching type units in an area to transform into the selected alternative unit. It can be used to switch players at the same time.
  • Change Name: This effect will override the name of the selected unit. It does not affect other units of that same type.
  • Move From Area: This effect will cause all the units in the selected area to move to a chosen destination It can be filtered on type (to move, say, all Priests only).
  • Forbid And Disable Unit: This effect is the missing converse of the existing Unforbid and Enable unit trigger, and does a similar effect to manually choosing a Forbidden unit in the editor.
  • Set Civilization Name: This effect will override the “major god” name of a player. It does not affect any actual gameplay.
  • Grant GP at Position: This effect can be used to give a GP in a specific “slot” in the UI. Note that there cannot ever be “empty” GP slots, so if you try to grant in slot 3 while slot 2 is still empty, it will fill the first empty slot.
  • Send Chat to Player: This is just like the Send Chat effect, but only goes to a specific player.
  • Send Spoofed Chat to Player: This is just like the Send Spoofed Chat effect, but only goes to a specific player.
  • Clear Chat History: This effect will erase all the chat lines. It is mainly used in conjunction with the “Chat Contains” condition, but can also be used to clean up after complex chat sequences.
  • Echo Stat Value: This effect allows you to monitor the stat values used in the “Stat Value” condition.
  • Disable GP Blocking: This effect an be used to disable gameplay systems that would otherwise block God Powers from going off.
  • Show Image: This effect will pop up a dialog with the chosen piece of artwork, and a subtitle.
  • Choice Dialog: This effect will pop up a dialog that gives the player the choice of two options. The specified triggers will fire based on the player’s selection.
  • Modify Protounit: This effect will let you make global modifications to all units of a given type, for a specific player.
  • Overlay Text: This effect will let you create floating text onscreen. It is best suited for use in cinematics.
  • Quest Var Set: This effect lets you set a named Quest Var to a specific numeric value.
  • Quest Var Copy: This effect will copy the value of one Quest Var into another.
  • Quest Var Modify: This effect will perform basic arithmetic operations on a Quest Var.
  • Quest Var Modify 2: This effect will perform basic arithmetic operations on a Quest Var, using another Quest Var as a parameter.
  • Quest Var Randomize: This effect will allow you to set a Quest Var to a randomly chosen value. The range specified is inclusive, so choosing from 1 to 10 will include both 1 and 10 as valid possible values. Setting the “Round” checkbox will cause only integer values to be chosen.
  • Quest Var Echo: This effect will simply chat the current value of a Quest Var, and is useful for debugging complex Quest Var sequences.
  • Gaia Lush: This effect can be used on a pre-placed Gaia building to cause it to project Lush terrain as if it were built normally by a Gaia player.

AoM Effects

  • Advance campaign: Advanced to another campaign.
  • Advance campaign progress: Advances to the next scenario or transition cinematic.
  • Advance campaign scenario: Advances to the next campaign scenario.
  • AI Func:  Tells the ai what to do, don’t worry if you don’t know how to use it, it involves AI commands than can be activated with triggers. Useless to us since we don’t know what those commands are or what they do.
  • Army build building: Makes the specified army build a building.
  • Army change type: Changes the army into different units.
  • Army convert: Converts the army to another player.
  • Army deploy: Deploys the army to the designated area.
  • Army destroy: Destroys the selected army.
  • Army flash: Makes the selected army flash for the entered time.
  • Army garrison: Garrisons the army to the building.
  • Army heading: Makes the army face a certain direction.
  • Army highlight: Highlights the specified army.
  • Army kill: Kills the army.
  • Army move: Moves the army to the selected spot.
  • Army move to unit: Moves the army to the selected unit.
  • Army set animation: Makes the army perform a certain animation such as kneel or walk. Only some units have useable animations.
  • Army set stance: Sets a stance for the army, such as defend, stand ground, or aggressive.
  • Army teleport: Teleports the army from one area to another.
  • Army work: Makes the army work on the selected spot. For example, you can make an army of 10 villagers mine gold.
  • Blockallambientsounds: Blocks out all of the ambient sounds.
  • Blockallsounds: Blocks all of the sounds.
  • Branch scenario: Doesn’t work (?)
  • Camera cut: Changes the camera view
  • Camera track: Performs a camera track. Note, you need to create a camera track 1st.
  • Campaign dialog: Unknown
  • Change unit type: Changes the unit type. For example, you can change a Toxote to a Hoplite, a Chariot Archer to a tree, an Axemen to a Fortress, or an Ulfsark to a Medusa. Anything is possible.
  • Chat status: Turns the chat on or off.
  • Cinematic mode: Enters cinematic mode. Warning, you must have another trigger exiting cinematic mode (by clicking the on button to off) or you will be stuck in cinematic mode and unable to exit the game.
  • Convert: Converts the unit to another player. For example, you can make a player 1 Jarl turn to player 2.
  • Counter stop: Stops the counter.
  • Counter add timer: Add a countdown timer. For example, you can create a timer that says “Sunrise” and after the counter hits zero, make sunrise occur.
  • Counter add unit:  Adds a unit at the end of the timer
  • Destroy: Destroys the selected object.
  • Diplomacy: Changes diplomacy between any two players.
  • Disable trigger: Disables another trigger. Note, you need to hit enter on your keyboard after typing in the name.
  • End game: Ends the current game.
  • Fade to color: Fades the camera to another color. Warning, you need to have it also fade out (by clicking the in button to out) or the camera will be stuck on the faded color.
  • Fadeoutallsounds: Fades out all of the sounds.
  • Fadeoutmusic: Fades out the music.
  • Fake counter clear: Deletes any “fake” counters you have running. NOTE: Any effect that has “fake” in it means that the effect has nothing to do with the condition.
  • Fake counter set text: Creates a fake countdown with text. Imagine having a counter say “Time until destruction”, then the counter reaches zero and nothing happens J
  • Fire event: “Activates” an inactive trigger.
  • Flare minimap: Flares a spot on the map and minimap.
  • Flash UI: Flashes the interface.
  • Flash UI category: Flashes the specified interface category.
  • Flash UI tech: Flashes a technology icon on the interface.
  • Flash UI train: Flashes a unit-training icon on the interface.
  • Flash units: Flashes units on the map.
  • Force non-cinematic models: Forces normal unit models in cinematics, rather than the special models used for units such as Ajax or hoplites.
  • Go to main menu: Exits to the main menu.
  • Grant god power: Grants the player a god power. You must grant one before invoking it.
  • Grant resources: Grants a player a resource (favor, gold, wood, or food).
  • Hide score: Hides the score. To permanently remove it, make the trigger loop.
  • Highlight units: Highlights units on the map.
  • Invoke god power: Invokes a god power at the specific spot. Some GPs such as lighting require you to select a unit, not an area. Some, such as the Underworld Passage require two areas to be selected. Note, you must grant a god power before invoking one.
  • Kill: Kills the selected unit.
  • Message: Sends a text message box to all players.
  • Move by name: Moves units by their set name.
  • Move to point: Moves a unit to a point selected on the map.
  • Move to unit: Moves a unit to another object on the map.
  • Music filename: Plays a music file.
  • Music mood: Sets the type of music played, like fighting or quiet. I think 0 stands for standard and 1 for battle, dunno about quiet…
  • Music play: Plays music, stops any currently playing music.
  • Music stop: Stops music.
  • Objective: Adds a new objective to the objectives menu. You will need to insert them to the menu 1st, and then use this trigger. Only the 1st objective will appear at the start of the game, so to get more to appear, use this by entering the ID number (1, 2, 3, etc) of the objective you want to reveal.
  • Pause game: Pauses the game.
  • Pause in objective window: Pauses the game when the objectives are viewed.
  • Pause on age up: Pauses during age advancement.
  • Play dialog: Plays a dialog during a cinematic mode. Enter the speaker’s name before the message, like this: “Priest: Welcome to the temple”, this will put the speakers name (in this case, the priest) in yellow letters above the text so you can see who the dialog is coming from.
  • Play movie: Play a movie file in the AoM folder.
  • Player destroy all buildings: The selected player’s buildings all get demolished.
  • Player destroy all units: The player’s units all die.
  • Player kill all god powers: The player loses all of the god power he has at the current time.
  • Player LOS change: Allows a player to see another players line of sight. You can also not allow them to view it.
  • Player reset all black map: Resets the black map over the parts of the map which you have explored for the specific player.
  • Player set active: Sets the current player to be active (not defeated). Useful for making a defeated player appear to be still playing.
  • Player tech tree enabled god powers: Enable a god power to be received.
  • Play next music track: Plays the next music file.
  • Rate construction: Sets the rate of construction. So you can make building be built slower, or faster.
  • Rate research: Sets the tech research rates. So you can make them be researched slower or faster.
  • Rate training: Sets the unit training rate.
  • Rates normal: Sets all of the rates back to normal.
  • Relic force: Forces the selected relic to be a certain type rather than random. An example is that you can make a certain relic always be “Boots of kick everything” rather than random.
  • Render fog/black map: Can get rid of the fog of war or black map. Can also reset the black map or fog of war.
  • Render sky: Renders the type of sky shown during ground-view cinematics or camera angles. The types are SkyBlue, SkySunset, SkyStormy, and SkyWinter.
  • Render snow: Makes it snow on the map. The higher the number you enter (from 1-6), the more it will snow.
  • Reset all black map: Resets all of the black map on the explored areas of the map.
  • Reveal map: Reveals the whole map.
  • Send chat: Sends a chat message from a certain player.
  • Send spoofed chat: Sends a messed up chat message.
  • Set animation: Sets the animation for a unit. All units don’t have animations that can be used.
  • Set current music set: Sets the current music.
  • Set lighting: Sets the lighting for the map. It’s useful to make it dark when walking into a dungeon area, or for cycling day and night.
  • Set player defeated: Defeats the selected player.
  • Set player won: The selected player wins.
  • Set tech status: Researches a technology. This is the most useful trigger. This is what you use to start a player in a later age, or give better troops, etc. Research a unit upgrade tech multiple times, and it will keep getting benefits, thus you can get an ulfsark that does 30 damage by researching bronze weapons # times. This is a work-around for the lack of a stat editing trigger.
  • Set idle processing: Sets the amount of idle units.
  • Set obscured units: Sets unit outlines (that show when they’re behind an object) on/off. You’ll want to use this trigger for cinematics
  • Shake camera: Shakes the camera. Cool effect, especially when used with an earthquake.
  • Sound filename: Plays a sound file.
  • Sound play paused: Pauses the sound.
  • Sound timer: Shows the sound timer.
  • Teleport units: Teleports units from one spot to another.
  • Tribute: Tributes resources from one player to another.
  • Unblockallambientsounds: Unblocks all of the ambient sounds (if you blocked them).
  • Unbockallsounds: Unblocks all of the sounds (if you blocked them)
  • Unforbid and enable units: Unforbids and enables any units which were forbidden.
  • Ungarrison: Ungarrisons units in a certain building.
  • Unit build building: Makes the designated unit build a building.
  • Unit create: Creates a unit at the specific spot.
  • Unit create multi: Doesn’t work.
  • Unit garrison: Garrisons certain units into a building.
  • Unit heading: Makes designated units face a certain direction.
  • Unit immediate garrison: Immediately garrisons units to the selected building.
  • Unit work: Makes units work. (mine gold, pray at a temple, trade, etc)
  • User controls: Allows you to turn on or off user controls. When off, the player can’t do anything. When on, they can do anything as normal.
  • Win/loss message: Sets the winning and losing messages.
  • Write to log: Writes to the log file.
  • You lose: You will lose
  • You win: You will win

Next Page: Final Notes
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