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AoW1 Play By Email (Turn Logs)
Moderated by Enginerd, Ziggurat Mason

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Topic Subject: Text colours for turnlogs
posted 08-13-04 11:56 PM EDT (US)   
Can anyone suggest what colours are suitable for each race when writing a turnlog? Some of the "standard" colours don't turn out that well at all. Suggestions?

Oh, and I'd like to see at least one for each race, not just arguments about which are better, unless it is an issue abobut which display best on these forums

===================================== Alphax =====================================
============= LASFS Operative #4 =============
The VoW Inn
"I'll bribe you to change the inn link in your sig." -- TDK
posted 08-15-04 06:03 AM EDT (US)     1 / 11  
You'll get a few starting ideas here:
posted 08-15-04 10:44 AM EDT (US)     2 / 11  
Thanks I tried using DevEd to get the player colours (that are used in the events log) but I couldn't find them - All the colours in the "Races" window are black, so it's not there. Ideally I'd get them from the event log to confirm this. Ah well.

===================================== Alphax =====================================
============= LASFS Operative #4 =============
The VoW Inn
"I'll bribe you to change the inn link in your sig." -- TDK
posted 08-15-04 02:10 PM EDT (US)     3 / 11  
I guess you could take screenshots and find out the RGB color by using a graphics program like photoshop or paint shop pro. Perhaps even MS paint can do that?
posted 08-18-04 10:28 PM EDT (US)     4 / 11  
A few years ago I found a program called FeelTheBase which lets you convert binary/decimal/hex/ip addresses/colours and has a colour picker.

1. Open AoW
2. Scenario/Single/First scenario in directory with 12 players (Chain Lightning II), simultaneous, exploration off
3. Start
4. Ctrl-Shift-C, fog
5. Wait a few turns until all players have something in event log
6. Alt-Enter to windowed mode, open FeelTheBase, get colours for each race
7. Write them down and post them here.

And here they are:

Humans - c=3030E0
Azracs - c=FFA060
Lizardmen - c=2FCFAF
Frostlings - c=80DFFF
Elves - c=40EF60
Halflings - c=FFFF10
Dwarves - c=E0C0A0
Higmen - c=FFFFF0
Dark Elves - c=BF70B0
Orcs - c=EF5050
Goblins - c=BF6040
Undead - c=9F7F7F

Hope I typed them in ok...

===================================== Alphax =====================================
============= LASFS Operative #4 =============
The VoW Inn
"I'll bribe you to change the inn link in your sig." -- TDK
posted 08-18-04 10:47 PM EDT (US)     5 / 11  
Urgh! I don't suppose we can have those colors put as the defaults on AoWHeaven?

If I type c=purple I always get this which is incredibly hard to read, IMHO.

Or is it all browser dependent?

It is roaming the depths in eternal hunger, devouring all and everything, far from the light, lost in the shadows, alone, wandering, searching, evermore...
posted 08-19-04 10:54 PM EDT (US)     6 / 11  
It should render the same on all browsers according to the SRGB spec; however different monitor types (CRT, LCD, Plasma) will display them differently.

BTW, I realised there was an easier way to get the colours - Open AoW, Scenario/Single, map with 12 playable races, screenshot.

===================================== Alphax =====================================
============= LASFS Operative #4 =============
The VoW Inn
"I'll bribe you to change the inn link in your sig." -- TDK
posted 08-20-04 01:54 AM EDT (US)     7 / 11  


Urgh! I don't suppose we can have those colors put as the defaults on AoWHeaven?

I'm afraid not. The same forum code is used in all the HeavenGames sites.


If I type c=purple I always get this which is incredibly hard to read, IMHO.

Or is it all browser dependent?

I don't think it's browser dependent, but it is dependent on your graphics card/screen.

[This message has been edited by Nojd (edited 08-20-2004 @ 01:54 AM).]

posted 08-20-04 03:00 PM EDT (US)     8 / 11  
So, what, am I the only one who thinks that the build-in purple is very hard to read in the logs?

Anyway, if it's fixed across all sites it won't change.

Can we get a purple2 color? Or a lightpurple, since we have a lightblue?

It would be more convenient, though I've found it almost as easy to record the color code (once I've found it!) in my PBEM Log page

It is roaming the depths in eternal hunger, devouring all and everything, far from the light, lost in the shadows, alone, wandering, searching, evermore...

[This message has been edited by ZombieEater (edited 08-20-2004 @ 03:03 PM).]

posted 08-20-04 03:59 PM EDT (US)     9 / 11  
That light purple does look much nicer than the default purple(and on my moniter, dark colors are very difficult to see during the day. This forum's background doesn't help that.)

If the BBcode colors can't be changed, I don't mind using the html codes instead though.

posted 08-20-04 10:13 PM EDT (US)     10 / 11  
These are the ones I like to use

Elves color=greeny not color=green
Frostlings color=aqua
Dwarves color=pink
Orcs color=ff3333 not color=red
Highmen color=white
Humans color=lightblue or color=blue Ugh
DarkElves color=9966ff this can bright sometimes
Lizards color=lightgreen
Undead color=black
Halflings color=yellow
Azracs color=orange
Goblins color=663333 or color=brown both are bad IMO

I'm quite glad to see some other codes out there that folks are using so I may give them a try too in the future.

posted 08-20-04 11:57 PM EDT (US)     11 / 11  
humancollor= c=3399ff
Goblins= c=996666

[This message has been edited by Damon Rellik (edited 08-21-2004 @ 00:01 AM).]

Age of Wonders 2 Heaven » Forums » AoW1 Play By Email (Turn Logs) » Text colours for turnlogs
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