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Scenarios » Gates of Elocin - Part I v.2e

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Gates of Elocin - Part I v.2e

Author File Description
The Groll
File Details
Ruleset: AoW: SM - Unofficial Patch 1.4
Map Size: M
Levels: 3
Single Player?: Yes
Co-Op vs. AI?: Yes
PBEM/Hotseat?: Yes
Multiplayer Online?: Yes
# of Wizards: 8
# of players: 8
Skill Level: Any (depends on AI difficulty setting)
Password Protected: No
Surface Minimap:
Cavern Minimap:
Shadow Minimap:
04. Jan. 2011 - Update

There was a heavy script error when you try to open the dungeon pass to the surface from the dungeons side playing Undead, Nomads or Dwarfes.
This is changed and works now.

20. Feb. 2010 - Gates of Elocin hit a mark.

Update to version v.2c1

I have fixed a heavy new bug that let´s the game crash in turn two when humans are played by the AI. I´m very sad that this happens. I realy hope there is no other new bug like this one but I don´t have the time/chance now to play the map maybe 120 turns before many people have downloaded this (v.2c) buggy version. I want to help you fast and hope there is no other bug like this one. I´m very sorry.

Update to version v.2c

Gates of Elocin - Part I v.2c (by The Groll)Bugfixes by Fire Golem & The Groll

To see what we have changed in this update, please take a look into the document file, that is attached to the map file.
It´s to much to write it all down here.
Open the document and scroll down to No.11 Update.

Original version was v.1v
Gates of Elocin - Part I v.1v (by The Groll)

Proudly presenting: "Gates of Elocin", winner of the map-making contest (Novenber 2005 - January 2006). This is my 2nd map for UPatch 1.4 (the 1st being "Secrets of Marlenia", which comes with the patch).

This is a multi language Scenario Map. All texts are bilingual, with the English version appearing first, followed by the German version.
On every sign, in every event, and for every Hero and Wizard the text will appear in this order.

The complete text to this map is to be reread except in the enclosed Readme file but also in the map. With beginning of play scroll into the completely right, lower corner. There is a single visible hexfield with trees. In these trees a sign is located to this map on that the entire info text is contained.

I recommend you to play this map first with the preset Orcs. In addition, all other races are play- and selectable. I would like however to advise against to select, the Shadowdemons in the first games. Because they are the ultimate evil and and should strik against all other races. It would miss the sense of the map, if you select this race. Perhaps a good choice in Multiplayer games against all other races.

Technical Specifications:
Scenario Size: Medium Map
Level: 3 Level Map (Surface, Dungeons, Shadowland)
Races: 8 (2 Good, 3 Bad, 3 Neutral). All wizards with new pictures.
The 8 Races are:
1. Archons
2. Elves
4. Undead
5.Shadow Demons
6. Humans
7. Dwarves
8. Nomads
Heroes: Many (about 60) new Heroes with new pictures
Difficulty Level: Advanced - Expert
Details of Map: Very High
Language: English and German
Map for: Single Player, Multi Player and Hotseat
Working time: From Nov.2005 - Feb.2006
Maybe 300 Hours of work

Der vollständige Text zu dieser Map ist außer in der beiliegenden Readme Datei auch in der Map selbst nachzulesen.
Dazu scrolle bei Spielbeginn in die ganz rechte, untere Ecke. Dort ist ein einzelnes Hexfeld mit Bäumen sichtbar. In diesen Bäumen steht ein Schild auf dem der gesamte Info Text dieser Map enthalten ist.

Ich empfehle dir, diese Map zuerst mit den voreingestellten Orks zu spielen.
Aber auch alle anderen Völker sind spiel- und wählbar.
Ich möchte jedoch davon abraten, in den ersten Spielen, die Schattendämonen zu wählen.
Denn sie sind das ultimative Böse und sollen die Map ein wenig auf den Kopf stellen. Es würde den Sinn der Map verfehlen, wenn Du dieses Volk wählst. Vielleicht ein gutes Volk um in Multiplayer Spielen gegen alle anderen Rassen anzutreten.

Technische Hinweise:
Scenario Size: Medium Map
Level: 3 Level Map (Surface, Dungeons, Shadowland)
Races: 8 (2 Good, 3 Bad, 3 Neutral). All Wizzards with new pictures.
The 8 Races are:
1. Archons
2. Elves
4. Undead
5. Shadow Demons
6. Humans
7. Dwarves
8. Nomads
Heroes: Many new Heroes with new pictures (round about 60)
Difficulty Level: Advanced - Expert
Details of Map: Very High
Language: English and German
Map for: Single Player, Multi Player and Hotseat
Working time: From Nov.2005 - Feb.2006
Maybe 300 Hours of work
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AuthorComments & Reviews   ( All | Comments Only | Reviews Only )
Chat Noir
Map Design5.0
If you download only one map this year, this is the one!

Not only is the design beautiful, as was pointed out by one of the judges, it has a good background story and engaging stories within stories. Not a scenario for the Hack'n'Slash fiend (although there is plenty of that in here, too), but THE scenario for everyone who enjoys a beautiful landscape created by a master, enjoys engaging stories, cares for the characters involved (even for those you're supposed to hate), and enjoys challenges other than "Kill everyone in sight".

[Edited on 02/22/06 @ 09:53 PM]

Map Design5.0
This map sparks with a creative force that sometimes hurts your eyes! Its a monster of a map that will take months to play and shows off what is possible with the AoW-SM Editor when pushed to it's limits! It's overdone in quite some areas, cluttered and you can even say that it bursts with too many ideas!

The biggest issue with this map, however, lies in the playability that will not appeal to everybody. For a pure multiplayer like me, its not always fun to take on non-moving independents and the game has a tendency to drag.

Despite these points, this map simply leaves all others behind in terms of amount of content, replayability, mapmaking techniques and different storylines! When I pushed through the beginning (day 30/40... ), there was a world to explore that had no limits and the AI DID become a challenge! Events are everywhere and it makes the world alive and gives the player goals!

It made a big impression on me and it works inspiring to me as a mapmaker. This map stands strong as a rock and alone provides for days and days of playvalue!
Map Design5.0
Playability: 5
Loved it..have only played the Orcs to turn 80 but dying to try the other races

Balance: 5
So far so good
Creativity: 5
What can i say breathtaking map and great storyline

Map Design: 5
Simply wonderful

Story/Instructions: 5
Really enjoyed the storyline here..keeps things and a challenge

Additional Comments:
Well the Groll has done it again, beautiful map crowded with events and quests (perhaps a little too crowded at times?) a throughly engaging storyline which will hold your attention right through to the end.
However there are still a couple of bugs..i couldnt raise my research bar above 80 as soon as i exited the screen the bar reset to previous value, very annoying for a research buff like me, and also i found i couldnt trade with some of my alliance partners, the option is there and the sent message comes up but no return message not even a refusal, again a small thing but most annoying (i NEED that healing spell as i being bombardrd with Angels from the south!!!)
Any clues Kay?
Other than these small niggles this is another benchmark set by the Groll...ah if all naps were this good i would never return to World Of Warcraft.
Cheers Groll
Chat Noir To skin: when you don't get a reply from an AI wizard, that's not a bug of the map, but standard behavior when the AI can't execute the trade (lack of gold or mana, whatever is needed for the trade). Annoying that they don't admit to being too poor, but that's what you get when hanging out with such haughty characters :-))
skin Cheers Chat that kinda explains things :)
However one last question (for now anyway) is it purposeful that only flying units can attack the Dragon in the valley?....because playing Orcs it is going to be a LONG time before i can produce decnt flying units...
Any clues
Chat Noir I'm not sure that I understand your question correctly, because it's in the game-mechanics that only flyers can attack flyers (and ground-based units with ranged attack, of course).

"Any clues"

Rather not :-)) I've played this map so often my clues would spoil it for you. Sowwy.
skin Thanks to Kay for the E-Mail, damn that man is cunning well the gate is open and now the ultimate evil spills forth...great great map
Chat Noir To skin again:

somehow I missed the second "complaint" in your post re the resetting of the research allocation.

That, too, is standard behavior (i.e.: independent of the scenario) once an enemey wizard has cast "Power Leak". Once this happens, your only options are to move the slider all the way to either end, depending on your needs, to get a marginal increase in allocation where you want it, and/or to dispell the Power Leak (which usually p**es off the Spirit of Magic, but that's a small price to pay).

[Edited on 02/28/06 @ 08:26 AM]

Brennus I'm rather new to the AoW-Forums, especially to the scenario threads - and still astonished by your ratings.
I already tried to play some of the top rated maps and sooner or later quit because of the nearly unmatchable "challenges".
Unfortunately this is also true for the Groll's technically superbe scenarios (Secrets of Marlenia and his other Marlene-maps), because most of the inbuilt "challenges" are not to foreseen, they simply happen. As I see it, this kind of "surprises" is NOT especially compatible with a strategy game.. Furthermore I'm more than irritated because the Groll uses to flame against those who are complaining about those "difficulties". I admit, he (and all the other mapmakers) have done a LOT of work but then again - what are comments and critique for? To give you an example: on NWN-Vault the modmakers are trying to argue at least with their critcs!

But to change to a simplier question: the map description here lists 3 good (incl. Archons), 2 neutral and 2 bad (incl. Undead) races. Unlisted is the 3rd evil race (the Orcs) which is recommended to start with, I assume.
One line above is stated though, there are "2 Good, 3 Bad, 3 Neutral". Kind of confusing, don't you think? Or should I say confused? But nobody here seemingly did even notice it. Even worse - evaluations are given by some who didn't even complete the map...

So I'm really wondering what kind of evaluation this is!?
Chat Noir To Brennus:

may I suggest that discussions of a more general nature like yours be held in a forum thread? There is even one dedicated to this specific map.

That said:
"...most of the inbuilt "challenges" are not to foreseen, they simply happen." Ain't life a b*h? ;-) Do you really expect to be able to walk through a world of the AoW kind unchallenged? That you will be challenged is rather predictable, I'd say. The only real surprise being: who/what is challenging you how?

"Furthermore I'm more than irritated because the Groll uses to flame against those who are complaining about those "difficulties"."

Now that is where the discussion definitely should be moved to the forums. I would like to comment on this, but this here just is not the place.

"To give you an example: on NWN-Vault the modmakers are trying to argue at least with their critcs!"

As they do here, if you look at the forums.

[Edited on 03/02/06 @ 03:20 PM]

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