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Revenge of the Magic Servants SM

Author File Description
(id: Roger the Rampant)
File Details
Ruleset: AoW: SM - TS Standard Rules
Map Size: S
Levels: 2
Single Player?: Yes
Co-Op vs. AI?: No
PBEM/Hotseat?: No
Multiplayer Online?: No
# of Wizards: 2
# of players: 1
Skill Level: Average
Password Protected: No
Don't be fooled by the fact that this map is small, there is a lot of gameplay packed into a small area. This is a slightly updated version of my AoW2 map of the same name, but this one is only playable in AoW:Shadow Magic (sorry guys). I've listened to the constructive criticisms that people made when they reviewed my original map at, and I've tried to make it slightly easier to work out how to complete the map. ALL AREAS OF THE MAP ARE ACCESSIBLE, as they were in the original map, so if you can see it there will be a way of reaching it. If you are really struggling, please email me ( and I'll be happy to give you a few hints. Make sure your email includes AoW in the title, as Hotmail will probably put your email in my junkmail folder ;) Thanks to everyone who took the time and trouble to review the original map, and hopefully one or two of you will post comments or reviews of this one too. Here's the story:

Robin Bars-Tird was not a popular leader, and was widely reputed to be a very cruel man. He was feared within his presidential palace, and not just by his senior ministers. Various young serving wenches from respectable family backgrounds had unexpectedly fallen pregnant, and been paid to keep quiet about who the father was. Male members of staff that ended up on the wrong side of Sir Robin's vicious temper also had a habit of mysteriously disappearing. The Ancient Order of Druids refused to have anything to do with him, after he desecrated Stonehenge by using the stones to rebuild his brewery. In fact it had become so difficult to recruit domestic staff from the local community that his secretary of state, Lord Lucan, had finally resorted to desperate measures. He had arranged a meeting with the local wizard, Heineken, to discuss whether he could be of any assistance to Sir Robin

Now it should be made clear here that Heineken had no great desire to be of assistance, and to be perfectly frank was extremely sceptical. Sir Robin had made no great secret in the past of his disdain for magic, and his lack of respect for those that practised such arcane arts. There was only one way to rule, according to Robin Bars-Tird, and that was by the sword. However, Lord Lucan did appear to be offering some excellent financial incentives for Heineken to become involved, clearly believing that Heineken could reach the parts that other wizards couldn't reach

Eventually they came up with a solution that appeared to be mutually beneficial. The presidential palace would be completely staffed by magic servants. The monthly wages bill - a significant amount of gold - would be paid directly to Heineken, and as the magic servants did not receive wages that was very good for Heineken's financial situation. From the viewpoint of the palace, and in particular the chancellor of the exchequor, Mo Nandgroan, it was beneficial because the magic servants didn't need feeding, which in turn saved the palace a small fortune on the food budget. So it appeared to be an excellent solution, whereby everybody was happy

Or at least, everybody would have been happy if Sir Robin could have paid a little more attention to the niceties of life. Magic servants are very undemanding employees, but even they have a limit to what they are prepared to put up with! As they became increasingly despondent at the disprespectful way they were being treated, they became increasingly rebellious. Eventually they formed their own secret guild, calling itself the Select Secret Society of Servants, and started to plan a rebellion

They were not just cross with Sir Robin, they were also very disgruntled with the wizard Heineken, who they saw as a puppet of the tyrant. They had discussed their concerns with Heineken, but he could not afford to lose his large monthly allowance of gold from the palace, and they quickly realised that it was pointless discussing their concerns with him. In the end they stopped mentioning their frustration to Heineken, and concentrated instead on finding a way of resolving the problem themselves

They hated direct confrontation because they were servants, that was their sole reason for existence, and their natural instinct was to do what they were told. So instead they waited until Sir Robin and Heineken were out horse riding, then walked out of the palace en masse. The magic servants had gone on strike!

They headed off to another local wizard, called Grolsch, and offered their services to him. Needless to say he was delighted to have a group of volunteers working for him that needed minimal upkeep, whereas Robin Bars-Tird was outraged at the rebellion. He declared war on Grolsch, and swore that all the magic servants would feel the sharp edge of his trusty sword, Ebenezer
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