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High Tides - Sabres Drawn! 1.1

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File Details
Ruleset: AoW: SM - TS Standard Rules
Map Size: L
Levels: 2
Single Player?: No
Co-Op vs. AI?: No
PBEM/Hotseat?: Yes
Multiplayer Online?: Yes
# of Wizards: 4
# of players: 4
Skill Level: Advanced
Password Protected: No
Surface Minimap:
This is a multiplayer map with a focus on maritime combat.The general layout is somewhat symmetric, while all of the independent settlements are populated by humans (and defended!). Numerous small islands are spread throughout, while a major landmass dominates the central island, Myriadia, which is the richest of these lands.

With the AI being incapable of fleet interaction, I strongly recommend playing with all four wizards under human control. SM1.3 has done some good work for curing this, but humans are plain better.

The magic power level is intentionally kept low with each player stating with no nodes and just two nodes in total on the map.

So it will take blood&steel to win this one... and wooden ships with iron men!

Notes on the SM Rev1.1 version:

Player Wizards/Themes:

Sigurd Eriksson, Warthane of the Shardsea Raiders
From the fjords of the north you lead your kinsmen against the weakling southerners. May the halls be filled with songs praising your great deeds as you plunder the Myriad Isles!

Warthane Sigurd Eriksson, mighty leader of the norsemen, he who hunted the great Narwhale and killed it singlehanded, bane of the southern folk, conqueror of Plythnia a decade ago, scourge of the freezing seas...

Septimus Superbus, First Consul of the Tikratian Republic
The wealth of the Republic rests on free commerce, which in turn rests on keeping the sea lanes open. For too long have you allowed anarchy to prevail, the time has come to carve out an empire and restore order!

For more than 30 years Septimus has build his power in the senate of the Tikratian Republic, disgracing rivals, striking alliances only to abandon them at an opportune moment, sponsoring great carnage in the arenas, raining grain and gold on the impoverished when it suited his course only to withhold needed foodstuffs when he wanted to raise the price of bread to new heights. Now, he has no equal in the senate, and has been appointed First, and sole, Consul of the Republic, an act unheard of before. But his ambition extends beyond Tikratia, across the seas...

Alyuryian, the Grand Mystificator of Arxexis
The daemon goddess has ordered her followers to crusade against the unbelievers and bring them their deserved fate: A bloody death at the feet of her idols!

Alyuryian, Grand Mystificator of Arxexis, oracle of the dark goddess, the voice of darkness, he who has risen to the Great Skull Throne after years of backstabbing and betrayal, archfiend, daemonlover, hellraiser. Beware, people of the Myriad Isles, for should he prevail a fate worse than death awaits...

Dietrich, Prince of Haldarvale
For long decades your brave people have suffered under foreign raids and oppression. It is time to take heart and fight the outsiders!

Two centuries ago, Haldarvale was a great kingdom that ruled over most of the Myriad Isles, lording over the great island of Myriadia and forcing vassaldom on the fierce northmen. A series of civil wars and secessions have brought low the great realm, and those who once paid homage to the throne are now raiding the unprotected coasts. The last heir of the old kings died decades ago, and it seemed that the people of Haldarvale had given in to their suffering.

But now hope has returned. A young warrior has united the warring fiefdoms, rallying the best and bravest to his cause. Peasents speak glowingly of his noble demeanour, his sense of justice and great deeds, while scholars claim that he is of royal blood. This man is noble Prince Dietrich.

From the ashes, Haldarvale has risen once more...

A word of warning: There are many patrolling pirates and sea monsters out there, be careful! And worse, new dangers are sighted on the seas occasionally...beware!

These threats aren´t restricted to the seas necessarily, as there are many tales of monsters raiding coastal settlements, levelling watchtowers and devastating the countryside. You were warned... so watch your back!

More gold-producing structures were added to the map, plus booty in the independent cities. The caves below the central island should be interesting... for those who dare!

Players are at war with each other at the start of the game for maximum conflict.


Added marine arsenals in the from of 4 more cities with marketplaces nearby. These are heavily defended (includes Area Guards!) but will provide players with a well-stocked weapons cache and an ideal positions to expand towards Myriadia and elsewhere.

Tweaked player spheres, no more water spheres for anyone.

Changed initial spells to Zephyr Bird and Wind Walking for everyone, nothing else. I felt uncomfortable with those hordes of water-walking troops and cutting the nodes plus offering Wind Walking should allow heroes to get the enchantment while leaving sea transport as the only option for larger armies.

Sigurd Eriksson Earth2 Fire 2 Air2 Conqueror

Alyuryian Fire3 Death3 War Mage

Septimus Earth1 Life1 Fire2 Air2 Merchant

Prince Dietrich Earth2 Life2 Fire2 Constructor

Created some messages and spawns for the underground just for fun... watch out for angry dragons if you disturb them!

Added quest stones in easy player reach, though well-guarded.

Added magic vaults to give everyone a lvl3 flyer (if they can cough up the mana!)

Added shipwrecks and watchtowers in strategic locations for convenience.

Brushed up Scimitar and Sabre Islands, feature trails and fortified passes now.

Bolstered Myriadia defenders.

Created advanced spawns for later days (starting on the 15th) with groups of dangerous monsters or Air Galleys laden with Cannon and Swashbucklers, these will attack settlements, be warned.

Increased amount of random storms.

Changed Eriksson´s flag to black... they are reavers after all!

Added a few ghost ships (galleys laden with spectres), stolen straight from KD´s Race to Death

Put a few structures near the capitals to simulate a harbour area, more opportunities to spend your gold.

Implemented trade routes, players allied or at peace with each other and holding a string of settlements gain daily random extra income, more when the players are allied.
The routes will cease to yield income if one player owns structures very far "down the line" as this represents trade between powerful nations and not tribute from a vassal...

Routes are (maximum revenue shown in brackets, peace/alliance)

High revenue routes: (45/60)
Tordarhavn - Zorgasgrad - Ellenlake - Styranon Pass - Charunnar - Shr´kaar - The Temple
Tordarhavn - Zorgasgrad - Darranat - Ssaronoss Pass - Dar´Serom - Shr´kaar - The Temple
Tikratia - Ailonias - Allemnor - Ellenlake - Darranat - Rugdad - Al´Onney - Haldarvale
Tikratia - Ailonias - Allemnor - Charunnar - Dar´Serom - Rugdad - Al´Onney - Haldarvale

Medium revenue routes (40/50)
Tordarhavn - Tolenok - Osbora - Zorgasgrad- Ellenlake - Drumnok - Allemnor - Ailonias - Terpinton - Olumek - Tikratia
Haldarvale - Tolenok - Terrek - Al´Onney - Rugdad - Sartosa - Dar´Serom - Shr´kaar - Grizzat - Olumek - The Temple
Tikratia - Galvik - Ailonias - Allemnor - Charunnar - Dar´Serom - Shr´kaar - Haruk - The Temple
Tordarhavn - Elgoron - Zorgasgrad - Ellenlake - Darranat - Rugdad - Al´On´ney - Ashburon - Haldarvale

Low revenue routes (30/40)
Haldarvale - Torvennok - Asburon - Sartosa - Haruk - Galeitar - The Temple
Tordarhavn - Whaler´s Point - Osbora - Galboran - Terrek - Torvennok - Haldarvale
Tordarhavn - Whaler´s Point - Elgoron - Drumnok - Galvik - Gavrosh - Tikratia
Tikratia - Gavrosh - Terpinton - Lofnak - Grizzat - Galeitar - The Temple

A message will appear on every day that a given route is open.

Created garrisons for the wizard towers to protect against assassination attempts and roving indies. These will appear directly south of the tower, and trigger only once, so you better keep some troops around after getting saved by these!

Sabre´s Drawn 1.1 Update
A test unit for the underground Dragon´s Lair chain of events was overlooked, leaving Eriksson with a Fire Elemental in the caves and an unguarded Lair next to it. No way. My apologies and thanks to the observant player who spotted that one!


Fair Winds, and may your foes end in a wet grave!


I´ve made a pretty map of the trade web but a zip with the additional .jpg included wasn´t accepted for download, so feel free to mail me via chromancer /at/ gmx /dot/ net
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