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2v2 ROTWK Replays » Rt/Jr vs Wof/OMG

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Rt/Jr vs Wof/OMG

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Total Game Time: ~20 min
Player 1's Name: [Rt]Nemesis(Me)
Player 1's Faction: Dwarves
Player 2's Name: JR|LordofWar
Player 2's Faction: Men of the West
Player 3's Name: OMGJustDie
Player 3's Faction: Goblins
Player 4's Name: WoF|Dark
Player 4's Faction: Angmar
Victor: JR and Rt
A pretty even game for the most part.

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Official Reviewer
Rating: 3.5

Buckland 2 v 2

[Rt]NeMeSiS (Dwarves)
BO>>>mine>>>mine>>>hall>>>guardian>>>mine by outpost

starting power- rallying call
Pros [+]
[+]Good use of the mine system, allowed you to keep pace with the fast goblins
[+]early brand
[+]god a mid-late game gloin
[+]steady flow of units

average [=]
[=]stances used most of the time

cons [-]
[-]very little diversity in army composition, try adding ax throwers or battle wagons to support your army.
[-]lost a builder early

Additional Comments:
Other than the army composition, you played very well. 3.5/5

JR|LordofWar (Men)

starting power- rallying call

Pros [+]
[+]stances :)
[+]used block formation as an early resistance against cavalry.
[+]early boromir
[+]steady flow of units
[+]good use of Tom to cripple enemy army

[=]KoDAs (Knights of Dol Amroth)are fantastic to see on the battlefield, but it is more worth it to invest in Aragorn when you have the lead you had. the time to get your late game kodas could have allowed aragorn to be created and leveled up using the troll by the signal fire

[-] like your ally, you did not diversify your army except with the KoDAs, which came too late to do any real work.

additional comments
you superbly countered the enemy raids, but as I said before, you should diversify your units, what if Angmar had gone for dark rangers instead of thrall spam, your infantry would be slaughtered. 3.5/5

WoF|Dark (angmar)
BO>>>mill>>>mill>>>hall of kings men>>>mill>>>orc thrall

starting power- fell wind

[+]steady flow of units
[+]sold mills rather than allowing them to be destroyed
[+]early cavalry caught LordofWar off guard
[+] Hwaldar
[+] good use of summon orcs, should have used it on brand though. it would have killed him

[=]attempted to raid enemy resources
[=] mixed up priorities- always go for the builder before the structure. builders cost 500 and time and training time, where as farms cost 300 and require a shorter build time
cons [-]
[-]don't queue several units at the start, building resource producers are more vital than early units.
[-]did not diversify to rangers or to the wolf/troll den
[-] did not expand

additional comments
you were very defensive and your raids were not successful, try using fell wind more often to keep your mills alive. you also let too many mills get destroyed, which crippled your econ.

OmGuStDie (goblins)
BO>>>tunnel>>>tunnel>>>cave>>>tunnel>>>goblin warriors

starting power- cave bats

pros [+]
[+]destroyed outpost to deny the Dwarves cash
[+]tried a unit producer cripple on the dwarves
[+] few successful raids of mines.

average [=]
[=]did not use cave bats at the beginning to scout
[=]did not pay attention sometimes; did not use poison blades for goblins
[=] very little diversification in army
[=] did not use the tunnel system to get a jump on the enemy
[=] mixed up priorities- kill the builder, not his building

cons [-]
[-]lost a builder that could have been saved
[-]crippled your early economy with 3 caves!!!!
[-]build a spider pit when you were limited for resources
[-]did not expand
[-] no hero

Additional comments
you crippled your early game with too many unit producers. also, you lacked command points for a proper goblin spam to work you must expand for those needed resources. half-trolls were a good idea but you had too few resources to make enough of them. also remember that heroes such as Azog and the Goblin King can turn the tides and handle almost any enemy hero. work a little more on your strategy. 2/5

overall score: 3/5 neither side tried to diversify units so it was infantry vs infantry almost the whole time.

Official Reviewer
if you beg to differ with my review, please tell me why and I may change the score.
File Author
I know what you mean about diversifying units but we didnt have much of a hold on either of the opponents so it was too risky to invest in an archery range. Id have to sacrifice units that I needed to defend from possible double team attacks to build that archery range. I supposed I couldve build the range over gloin but it was just a personal choice I guess.

Thats my explanation but I still really enjoyed your review. Thanks nenya =]
Official Reviewer
you are welcome. I think you did the right thing by getting Gloin but I meant that by getting another unit producer, preferably archery range or forge, you would be pumping out units 2x as fast.

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