The War of the Ring (Part II)

by Aeneas2

Continuation of the War

On January 8, the Fellowship of the Ring reaches the region of Hollin (also known as Eregion). Following this, they try to climb over the mountain of Caradhras on the 11th and 12th. However, the Fellowship is forced to turn back by the heavy snowfall that blocks their passage. With Caradhras lost to them, the Fellowship is left with two ways to cross the Misty Mountains: the Gap of Rohan or through the Mines of Moria. As Saruman’s treachery would make it very difficult (if not impossible) to use the Gap of Rohan; the Fellowship reluctantly decides to go through the Mines of Moria.

On the 13th of January, the Fellowship is attacked by wolves on its way to Moria. Fortunately the wolves are driven away, and the Fellowship reaches and enters the West-gate of Moria at dusk. This is also the night when Gollum begins to follow the Fellowship. January 14 is spent traversing the Mines, night falling as the Fellowship comes to Hall Twenty-one. On the 15th, the Fellowship crosses the Bridge of Khazad-dûm. At this time, Gandalf destroys the Bridge to prevent the Balrog from passing, but is taken down with it. The Fellowship reaches Nimrodel in Lothlorien by nightfall.

The next two days are spent traveling to Caras Galadhon which is reached by night on January 17. On February 14, Galadriel shows her Mirror to Frodo and Sam. Sam sees the devastation of the Shire, while Frodo sees the Eye of Sauron. After staying in Lothlórien for over a month, the Fellowship departs on the 16th of February. Their departure is noticed by Gollum who is hiding on the west side of the river.

Meanwhile, Gandalf has been busy with the Balrog. On January 23, he pursued it to the peak of Zirak-zigil. Following a fierce, three day battle, Gandalf manages to defeat the Balrog on January 25. However, in the process, Gandalf is killed. Luckily for the Free Peoples, he is returned to life on February 14. Gwaihir the Wind-lord carries Gandalf to the woods of Lothlórien on February 17.

The Fellowship had traveled on the Anduin for about a week when it is attacked near Sarn Gebir on Febuary 23. However, the attack does not stop the progress of the Fellowship, which reaches the Argonath and then camps at Parth Galen on February 25. Also on this day, the First Battle of the Fords of Isen occurs. During this battle, Théodred, son of Théoden is slain.

February 26 is a bleak day for the Free Peoples; on this day occurs the breaking of the Fellowship of the Ring. Boromir is killed, and Merry and Pippin are captured. Frodo and Sam take a boat, and decide to go to Mordor without the others. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli set out in pursuit of the Orcs that have captured Merry and Pippin.

Meanwhile, Eomer learns of the orcs. The next day, in defiance of Théoden’s orders, Eomer sets out in pursuit of the Orcs. On the 28th, Eomer overtakes and surrounds the Orcs. At dawn on the 29th, he attacks and slaughters the Orcs. Merry and Pippin escape into Fangorn, and meet Treebeard, the Ent. Also on the 29th, Frodo and Sam meet Gollum, and Faramir sees the boat that bears Boromir’s body.

On February 30, the Entmoot begins. Eomer meets Aragorn and his companions on his return to Edoras. The Entmoot continues on March 1, as well as Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli meeting Gandalf, now called the White. Together they set out for Edoras. Faramir leaves Minas Tirith for Ithilien, and Frodo and his companions enter the Dead Marshes on the same day.

On March 2, Aragorn and his companions reach Edoras, and Gandalf heals Théoden. Théoden then leads the Rohirrim west to fight Saruman. Also on this day the Second Battle of the Fords of Isen occurs, ending with defeat for Erkenbrand, and his warriors are scattered. The Entmoot ends and the march of the Ents on Isengard begins. Frodo, Sam, and Gollum leave the Dead Marshes.

On March 3, Théoden leads the Rohirrim to Helm’s Deep. The Battle of the Hornburg begins, and the Ents destroy Isengard. The next day sees the conclusion of the Battle of the Hornburg with the defeat of Saruman’s army. Théoden then leads a small company to Isengard to parley with Saruman. Also on this day Frodo and his companions reach the slag-mounds near the Morannon.

Next- Part 3: Telling of the remainder of the War of the Ring.