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Topic Subject: I would like to join the 50,000 club with an original map
posted 07-30-09 12:51 ET (US)   
Either career or CCK, unchanged in any way (definitely NRSW). What's my best maps to go for and housing blocks to use?

I've never made a map of more than 21,000 people, so i quite fancy this fresh challenge. Any advice would be fantastic.
posted 08-02-09 12:29 ET (US)     1 / 9  
I guess the big city threads are full of advice. Most of the really big ones were produced on custom maps, CCK Valentia seems like a good existing one.
posted 08-02-09 13:12 ET (US)     2 / 9  
The CCK Tarraco has lots of farmland and some pretty good wharf locations.
posted 08-02-09 13:48 ET (US)     3 / 9  
Well folks, i'm currently working through CCK Tarraco. It was a tossup between that, CCK valentia and Career Londinium.

Currently 35,000 folks made up of casas, tents and Large Villas, running low on space and farmland now.
posted 08-02-09 18:30 ET (US)     4 / 9  
Normally when you max out on population the walker and building sprite limit are the bottlenecks, not farmland or building space. On a given map that may be different of course. My guess is still you can get in (much) more people by going for (large) insulae. You might have a look at the small city challenge, the max number of people on a tiny map. What additional criteria are you using, no unemployment, self-sustainability?
posted 08-06-09 11:36 ET (US)     5 / 9  
It also depends whether you want to win the mission. I can't think of any career map that would allow you to have 50,000 while also winning the mission. Mediolanum and Lindum would seem to be the closest, both will support well over 30,000 while meeting mission requirements, but this is a long way short of 50,000.

Of course you can get very close to 50,000 in any map with enough room just by building large tents. How close depends on how many reservoirs, temples, fountains, prefects, engineers and doctors you decide to have.
posted 08-06-09 12:39 ET (US)     6 / 9

^^that should be the download link for my 50,000 Tarraco CCK. Let me know if there's any problems with it.
posted 08-21-14 10:48 ET (US)     7 / 9  
Any advice would be fantastic.
Hi DDR Jake,

As far as late replies go this might be one of the latest after 5 years but I see that you haven't received any advice after you uploaded the city. I'm glad that you still play Caesar 3 so here is some advice.

The game has 1999 buildings limit. You are at 1969. The easiest way to count your remaining building limit is to use as many warehouses as you can. Each warehouse counts as 9 buildings. In your city I can build 3 whole warehouses and one with 3 tiles. So that is 30 buildings left in total.

#1. A 1x1 house or a 2x2 house both count as a single building. To increase population I suggest that you delete all 1x1 houses and use only 2x2 or bigger.

#2. In your small casa blocks you have fountains in the middle. To maximize fountain usage, there can be 9 tiles space between two fountains. In many of your small casa blocks fountains have 7 tiles gardens between them. Build them a little further apart so they have 9 tiles space.

#3. The Empire you have chosen is not ideal for high population cities because it has limited farmland, fishing grounds and plain land. The best thing to do would be to create your own map using the map editor.

In the map editor:
> Choose a northern province so you won't have to use prefects.
> For empire selection I suggest either number 7 Tarraco or number 11 Valentia.
> Give yourself 99.999Dn starting money and 99.999 rescue funds.
> Set target culture to 100 to prevent finishing the map prematurely.
> Don't forget about water tiles for reservoirs and clay, trees for timber, farmland for olives and vines.

#4. If you want detailed feedback the best thing would be to regularly upload files and ask for feedback along the way. I recommend using or for these 'work in progress' uploads.

With these suggestions I think you should be able to easily improve on your score. There are a few more ideas to go to the next step but I will leave those for later.

I think buildings those villas in a difficult city was great. You are definitely a talented player and you could build much bigger cities if you wanted.

[This message has been edited by Philon (edited 08-21-2014 @ 10:52 AM).]

posted 10-26-14 23:32 ET (US)     8 / 9  
With these suggestions I think you should be able to easily improve on your score. There are a few more ideas to go to the next step but I will leave those for later.

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[This message has been edited by irag12 (edited 11-14-2014 @ 05:17 AM).]

posted 10-26-14 23:51 ET (US)     9 / 9  
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Caesar IV Heaven » Forums » Caesar III: Game Help » I would like to join the 50,000 club with an original map
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