Military Bribe Costs

Pecunia has provided detailed information on bribe costs.

Bribe Costs

When you aren’t ready to fight, or don’t want to lose soldiers in battle, you can choose to bribe the invaders off, if you have enough money in your treasury. The amount of money you pay to bribe depends on enemy army size and the difficulty level on which you play. The enemy army size however doesn’t depend on difficulty level.

The bribe costs also give you an estimation of how many soldiers appear on the map when you choose to fight.

This table shows you how the bribe depends on difficulty level (values taken from the file Military.txt)

DifficultyBribe multiplier
Very Easy5
Very Hard20

The price to bribe a single soldier is the ‘bribe multiplier’ times the ‘base rate’ of that soldier type.
Something new in Emperor is that your army can also be bribed when you try to attack another city. The money your soldiers get as bribe goes into your treasury. The amount of money you get as bribe doesn’t depend on difficulty level, and is listed in the following table under ‘NPC’ (non-player city; what the NPC has to pay to you).

Bribe costs for the different types of soldiers:

Soldier type‘base rate’NPCV.EasyEasyNormalHardV.Hard

I see you wonder at the ‘Hero’ on the last row. Yes, you can be attacked by a bunch of soldiers and maximal 1 hero with them..