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The Dragon Cult 1.1

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Style: Mix
# of Scenarios: 4
Version: R&F: Retail Version

"In the second century BC while Rome and Carthage were fighting the Punic Wars, in East Mediterranean Greece and Asia Minor were divided in several hellenistic small states shaped by the carving-up of Alexander's empire after the death of the great Macedonian general. Among them there was Pergamus, a little mountainous and rich kingdom in western Anatolia, ruled by a wise and powerfull dynasty. But in 149 BC, king Attalus III suddenly died and his heritage, instead of passing to Diaces, Attalus' son and rightful heir, was forcefully taken by Creones, king's half-brother. The usurper, supported by aristocracy, came to the throne and Diaces was forced to leave the kingdom and banished for life from his motherland. But he wasn't alone, in fact a bunch of faithful companions leaded by Gallaucos, a veteran soldier in Attalus's army, were with him in his exile and they followed Diaces in all the adventures and heroic deeds that would have let him go back to home with his head held high to reclaim what was due to him by right."

"The Dragon Cult" is a fantasy and entirely fictitious mini-campaign composed by 4 playable maps.

-extract the "The Dragon Cult.ssa" file from the zip archive;
-place "The Dragon Cult.ssa" file in Data-->Campaigns directory.

***Important notes
-This map has been created and playtested with a 1.67 GHz, 512 MB ram, 128 mb video card computer experimenting no lag keeping all the options set on medium, so if you have a less powerfull pc this map could be laggy and you should lower further the video options (some missions require a good video fluency/frame rate to manage in the best way the game).
-The 2nd, 3rd and 4th maps are big and full of objects so your pc could take a long time to load them.
-Save the game often.
-I've tested several times the maps of this campaign but some bugs/problems could remain and if you get stucked during a mission and you can't go on because of an error simply reload the game.
-In the first map please don't ram any enemy ship that is very close to another one otherwise your ship can very easily got stucked.
-In the second map try to keep your hero in the middle of the chariot to avoid a weird problem that I have never figured how to solve.
-all the cinematics are skippable pressing "esc".
-you can freely choose your favourite difficulty level but your choise will be irrilevant: the real difficulty level of the camapign can't be changed.
-Read the objectives carefully and... well sorry for my bad English ;)

Campaign created by Oscar Baldessari (quoelet@katamail.com)
A special thanks to all those people of raf.heavengamers.com that with their guides, comments and suggestions have provided me with help and support.
Every comment/criticism is welcome, above all to develop a better and updated version of this campaign in the next days.

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File Author
-in the second map when the persian chariot is destroyed (few seconds later) your chariot sometimes remains stuck and you can't go on. If this happens please reload the map or a save game before that mission to continue the scenario.
This bug could happen more than once...
-the 4th and last map is reallly too easy because the hero should be 5 level and not 10.

I'll update a new version soon...
scross I really enjoyed playing it...there are just a few problems:

---First Map:
* The enemy ships never attack the Roman main ship
* It is easy to move away from the battle...you can win without even taking part :) There has to be something which stops the player from being able to do this
* It's a little bit too simple...perhaps have more waves of attack, with small groups of reinforcements arriving every so often, until all waves of attack have been defeated
* You can see the sailors on the reinforcement ships before they officially 'arrive'
* My ship kept trying to ram the wrong ship and so it would just stop...try spacing the ships out a bit

Other than that this scenario was reasonably ok and I found it was well balanced in terms of difficulty (assuming the player takes part in the battle).

---Second Map:
This map was really well done, I only had a couple of problems with it:

* Chariot movements make it difficult to aim the bow but I'm not sure whether you can help this
* When you go to find the daughter, objects such as fountains get in the way making it hard to get in and out of there

---Third Map:
I loved this map, it was nicely set up and I liked how the people were recruited from the villages. The massive amount of archers on the buildings in the villages was quite annoying but I guess that's part of the game.
I didn't review the final map because I forgot to save this map and I lost right at the end (stupid me :)) and I didn't have time to play it again. I'll probably replay it tomorrow night...

In conclusion it's a really great campaign, there are just a few improvements to be made. One thing I really took note of was the good map design, everywhere you look there is something interesting, you haven't left any obvious blank spaces in the maps and so they look quite realistic.
aberkae This was the best Senerio i played thus far i give it a 5/5 for map design and story plot i enjoyed playing it it took me 5 hrs playing all 4 maps with errors and constantly starting off from the last save. Yes the seen with the chariot can be overcome so just keep on tryin its a fun map i hope we see more like these in the future A++++++.
Map Design5.0
Playability: 5
(Insert Playability analysis here)

Balance: 5
(Insert Balance analysis here)

Creativity: 5
(Insert Creativity analysis here)

Map Design: 5
(Insert Map Design analysis here)

Story/Instructions: 5
(Insert Story/Instructions analysis here)

Additional Comments:
File Author
thanks aberkae and by the way a review should respect the review guidelines: http://raf.heavengames.com/downloads//review_guidelines.php

"The enemy ships never attack the Roman main ship"

I always try to make my life easier :p and setting the enemy AI to board or to ram a flagship is not easy task, also because the flagship is not supposed to be a playable ship (except for a couple of maps in the official campaigns) and game crashes occour often.

"It is easy to move away from the battle...you can win without even taking part :) There has to be something which stops the player from being able to do this"

In the first version of the map I made some time ago a victory condition was to keep the bireme in the line of sight of the flagship but for a player it wasn't an easy thing to understand if his ship was in or out the allied los so I removed this feature.

"Its a little bit too simple...perhaps have more waves of attack, with small groups of reinforcements arriving every so often, until all waves of attack have been defeated"

The difficulty of the first map depends on the behaviour of the allied AI: if the allied Romans behave good and all their ships survive amost untill the arrive of reinforcements the mission will be easy, on the contrary if the Roman escort dies too early it will be an hard job to survive.

"You can see the sailors on the reinforcement ships before they officially 'arrive'
My ship kept trying to ram the wrong ship and so it would just stop...try spacing the ships out a bit"

Unfortunately I can't fix these 2 things: the first is a bug of the task area effect and the other one a bug of the game.

Anyway really thanks for the comment and I'm still looking for a nice defeat condition to not let to the player to not fight in the 1st map.
1.1 version is now ready: I haven't yet found a solution to the chariot bug in the second map (in which one of the 2 chariots could remain stuck after the death of the Persion chariot, plz reload the map if this problem occours) but now hopefully all the advisors/hero upgrades problems have been fixed so now for example in the 3rd map the human player can just build siege rams and siege towers and nothing more and the last map is more difficult as it should be.

[Edited on 12/18/06 @ 12:27 PM]

DrakoMako I had a fantastic time playing The Dragon Cult 1.1 campaign. It is just as good if no more than the RF original campaing! DC 1.1 has an excellent story line and a challenging quest.

File Author
thanks DrakoMako for the comment :)
Actually The Dragon Cult was just the first of the three chapters of a bigger campaign I planned some time ago (in the second chapter Diaces fight Creones and in the third one he defends Pergamus from the Roman invaders some years later) but finding free time to design is a very hard job for me...

[Edited on 01/08/07 @ 06:53 AM]

Map Design5.0
Playability: 5
(Insert Playability analysis here)

Balance: 5
(Insert Balance analysis here)

Creativity: 5
(Insert Creativity analysis here)

Map Design: 5
(Insert Map Design analysis here)

Story/Instructions: 5
(Insert Story/Instructions analysis here)

Additional Comments:
this was a great game! i really liked the hero mode levels. i myself have just made a game and will soon post it, hope you give me as good of ratings as i have givin you!
emman_gens very nice map, but there's something i want to get on the first map, space lol, , but "really" the map is VERy VERY detailed, i like it, if u have time. please make another map for us, ur maps are CooOOOOL! *clap clap* **********(10 STARS!!)

[Edited on 04/04/07 @ 01:51 PM]

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