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RoN Strategy for Beginners

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Topic Subject: How to defeat Great Britian
posted 05-08-04 12:00 PM EDT (US)   
I've been wondering how to defeat GB in the Napolean campaign, considering its territory strength and the fact that its an island.
I already managed to get its "Continental System" card and I plan on taking the Dutch before GB. But, when attacking the actual island from Paris, what do I do? First knock out their docks, then their defence on the English channel?
posted 05-10-04 01:37 AM EDT (US)     1 / 11  
Just knock out their defences first and hurry up transport ur units across the river

Alexander the Great, Belisarius, Caeser...... The Great K(BloodBath). They are all great generals
posted 05-10-04 12:59 PM EDT (US)     2 / 11  
I always took out Portugal first, because they will send reinforcements, thus you are 2 vs 1. Also, you can take Ireland first, then come over through Scotland and the down to London.
posted 05-14-04 02:50 PM EDT (US)     3 / 11  
I spent 125 tribute to make a grand navy, so I had naval superiority for the first 10 minutes at least of the game, and after that, the sea got heavily contested. With my grand navy i made about 6-7 bomb ketches, which i used to bomb english installation, and I captured the first 2 cities without too much trouble, as they had been heavily bombarded from the sea. Then, I took london, and the rest was a long trek upwards...
posted 05-15-04 04:47 AM EDT (US)     4 / 11  
The only war ever occured in Great Britian is in the 1st century against the Roman Empire. After then, no one ever dare to invade and conquer the British Empire.
posted 05-15-04 04:48 AM EDT (US)     5 / 11  
posted 05-15-04 05:42 AM EDT (US)     6 / 11  
romans, vikings and normans took over britain several times. britain was safe when they build up their huge fleet and defeated the spanish armada in 1588.

Britain: 197 ships

Spanish: 130 ships

posted 05-15-04 09:14 AM EDT (US)     7 / 11  
In 1588, Elizabeth I was Queen of Great Britain. I recall that battle. Actually, God saves the Queen. The Spainard was bitterly defeated partly by the Royal Navy. The remaining were lost to the Atlantic storm sweeping from the west of Ireland towards the channel. That explains why bodies and wreckage were found in Northern Scotland and Ireland.

[This message has been edited by RON_Freak (edited 05-16-2004 @ 01:55 AM).]

posted 05-16-04 05:08 PM EDT (US)     8 / 11  
hahaha, the Spanish could've won that battle. I read a good essay about how if (like Hitler... thank god he was dumb enough to do this too) Phillip had let his generals and admirals do their own thing instead of trying to micro the battle, which take three weeks to send messages back to Spain, and the storm hadn't come, he would've won (not to mention if his fleet prepared for the fireship attack).

If you guys want to read the essay, buy the book "What If" It talks about all the different what if scenarios that could've changed history.

I be walking God like a dog...

And it won't take long to burn, "All Eyes On Me".
Through the nothing that you've learned, "All Eyes On Me".
And the things you choose to be, "All Eyes On Me".

posted 05-16-04 06:49 PM EDT (US)     9 / 11  
yeah, the spanish army was mostly defeated by the wind, not the royal navy. But then again, lots of history is forged by simple luck: take the mongolian invasions of Japan for example. Both times, the mongolian fleet was wrecked by a heavy wind. The Japanese priests called this "Kamikaze" the sacred wind, the protector of Japan.
posted 05-18-04 02:23 PM EDT (US)     10 / 11  
Absolutely. Remember Mid-way? Perhaps is the most spectacular battle in modern history.
posted 05-18-04 06:09 PM EDT (US)     11 / 11  
I took over britain fairly early (they had Canada as a colony and I couldn't leave the motherland in the hands of those stinking tea sippers) so I used 2 of the advisor cards, one to make portugal declare war, and the other for a temporary alliance. Here's where it got sort of weird...

When the scenario started, they had a small army and a bunch of peasants right in the middle of Britain. The army sat there shooting at a fort while the peasants started running willy-nilly all over the continent.

I had a 100 tribute navy (amazing how little you can buy for that) so I grabbed my bombards and helped take out the tower and the fort right away, then bombed the closest city. They took it over and started building up while I grabbed my army/navy and headed to the next city to set up a base then it got fairly easy after that. I suck at micromanaging navies so I let portugal handle sea battles while I started moving north on land.

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