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Topic Subject: The Alithes
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posted 04-16-05 08:26 PM EDT (US)   
The Inceptions

In the beginning, only Truth existed. Truth was all there was, and all there was, was Truth. Then Truth created matter, and Truth materialized into the greatest being, which became known as the Staff of Truth. The Staff of Truth then created the universe and the world. This was the beginning of existence.

The Staff of Truth saw matter and existence, and It was pleased; however, with existence came an opposite. This opposite was called non-existence. Non-existence was things that did not exist, and events that did not happen. The manifestation of non-existence in an existing universe was non-truth. Non-Truth became the eternal enemy of the Staff of Truth. This was the beginning of non-existence and Falsehood.

The Staff of Truth continued to be pleased with the universe and existence despite its unfortunate product. It decided it would create something better than plain matter, which is mere 'stuff'. On a particular planet, the Staff created life. Life was greater than ordinary matter because it could modify and interact with its environment. This planet which held life became known as Earth. This was the beginning of Life.

The Staff saw life and was pleased. In Its most glorious wisdom, the Staff decided to give life a means become greater. Eventually, through the Staff's means, Man became. Man could appreciate Truth and Falsehood because man possessed an intelligence beyond other life on man's planet. The Staff gave man the means to eventual dominion over all the life and all the matter, but forced this dominion to come gradually so as not to irreparably corrupt man. This was the beginning of Man.

Bunny of Falsehood
Falsehood, which had not yet manifested itself in matter because it was based on non-existence, was jealous of Truth's popularity with man. Falsehood knew that man could understand falsity and fall into its trap just as he could appreciate and understand truth. Thus, Falsehood corrupted another life form in order to come into touch with man. Falsehood chose the bunny because of the bunny's uncanny ability to increase its own numbers and its inability to realize the evil of non-existence. This was the beginning of the Bunny of Falsehood.

Bunnies of Lies
The Bunny of Falsehood saw its new advantage of existence and was pleased. When it realized that it needed more of itself to corrupt Man, it reproduced rapidly. Its children served its cause of falsity and non-truth. The Bunny of Falsehood was confident, and the Staff of Truth was displeased. This was the beginning of the Bunnies of Lies.

Predator Llama
The Staff of Truth saw that man was in mortal danger of succumbing to Falsehood. He decided that man need an ally to help protect it from the Bunnies of Lies. After going through many possible allies of man, the Staff of Truth chose a llama for its immaculate history of helpfulness, its impressive spitting ability, and its terrifying looks. The Staff gave its chosen llama the ability to become invisible and shoot lasers with its eyes. This was the beginning of the Predator Llama.

Inner Kitten
The Predator Llama was a powerful ally, but man still needed an inner defense--something to defend the heart and soul of each individual man. After searching far and wide for the perfect candidate for the inner defense, the Predator Llama recommended to the Staff of Truth that kittens be allowed to defend the soul of man. The Staff of Truth was pleased with the Predator Llama, and gave each and every person an Inner Kitten to act as a guide. This was the beginning of man's Inner Kitten.

The Histories

The Dark Ages and the Corruption of Man
Soon after the great Staff of Truth created man's Inner Kitten, the Bunny of Falsehood set its plan motion. It sent forth its dreaded Bunnies of Lies to all the men and women of the world. The Bunnies began corrupting man.

Because the Evil Bunny of Falsehood was based on non-existence, its main tactic was to convince man that Truth didn't exist and the Staff of Truth was an illusion.

The Staff of Truth and the Predator Llama held back, hoping that man was strong enough to listen to his Inner Kitten and stay with the Truth, but alas, humanity was too weak. Man forgot about the Truth. He forgot about the Staff. No longer was the Staff of Truth intimate with Its most blessed creation. The Staff saw this and was displeased.

All around the world, ignorance and suffering reigned. Man did not know right from wrong, good from bad, and truth from non-truth. Mankind fought amongst itself often. Death and terror was frequent. The world became a terrible place. Long lost were the days of paradise and Truth that had been so frequent when man knew the Staff of Truth. This was a time of Falsehood. These times became known as the Dark Ages.

Such was the story of Dark Ages and the corruption of man.

The Revival of Truth in the Societies of Man
The Staff of Truth and Its most loyal servant, the Predator Llama, were greatly disappointed in the weakness man showed in the face of Falsehood. The Predator Llama suggested destroying all mankind in a volcanic eruption. The Staff of Truth considered the prudent advice of the Predator Llama, but in Its infinite wisdom knew that all was not lost in the hearts of man, and that with some coaxing the Truth could reenter their hearts.

And so the great Staff set in motion the events that would bring the societies of man back to paradise. The Predator Llama was sent forth to ward off Bunnies of Lies that continued to corrupt human souls. The Staff then provided objects of highest beauty, which represented Truth. These objects came in the form of art, sport, other humans, and various other joyous aspects. Man loved beauty, and thus he opened his heart to it. It was then that the Inner Kittens of many men showed that beauty was Truth, and Truth was beatiful. Whilst not all persons could recognize beauty and Truth, many did. The Staff of Truth was pleased and the Bunny of Falsehood was in anguish. These times were known as the Revival.

Such was the story of the Revival of Truth in the societies of man.

The Earliest Organized Movement Back to Truth
In the early times of the Revival, persons who appreciated beauty and Truth realized that they would need to unite in order to convince the whole world that the Truth existed. They also needed to distinguish between correctness and incorrectness, Truth and Falsehood. Thus they began to draw lines in the sand.

The lines they drew were based on color. The most beautiful color, they thought, was blue. The color blue became known as the color of Truth. They believed the color which possessed the most opposite nature to blue was red. Red became known as the color of Falsehood. They deemed their movement the Blue Movement. Things which were beautiful and true were categorized as Blue. Things which possessed no beauty or truthfulness were categorized as Red.

As time went on, they realized that some things did not easily fit into either category. They created new categories to aid. Gold became the color of neutrality. The creators of the Blue Movement believed that some things could possess either Truth or Falsehood, and these were the things which became Gold. They also created a Green category, in which things that were not yet able to be categorized were placed.

People also were categorized. The initiators of the Movement became known as Movement Officers, and the most untruthful people became mortal enemies of the Blue. Often times, those who were most Red would idolize objects or people who they falsely claimed were beautiful whilst claiming that the Blue's true beauty was not beauty at all. Fierce battles were fought between the categories. It was a time of war, but Truth was known in many parts of the world. The Staff of Truth knew that eventual victory was likely, but the Bunny of Falsehood was convinced that victory could go to either side.

Such was the story of the earliest organized movement back to Truth.

The Reintroduction of the Staff as the Root of Truth
Eventually, the Blue Movement conflicts began to peter out. Although the harsh categorizations ended, the appreciation of Truth in the hearts of many persons in the societies of man did not end. It was in this open-hearted condition of man that the Inner Kittens of those who had accepted the Truth began to do their work.

Those who were members of the Blue Movement were the first to hear their Inner Kitten. Through mostly indirect means, these people learned about how Truth was in the form of a staff, and how Falsehood and bunnies went together. Although they did not really understand the true nature of Truth and Falsehood, it was a step in the right direction. This was because Inner Kittens are fleeting, secretive creatures who live the in hearts of all people; they do not speak loudly to humans so as not to jeopardize man's free will.

And so the Staff became recognized in a polytheistic system of beliefs. These early beliefs held that there were many staffs of truth and of justice. Each staff represented a different aspect of the one Staff of Truth, although they did not realize this at the time. Bunnies of Lies became rightly associated with Evil.

The lines that had been drawn during the Blue Movement began to fade. The believers became more open, and people who had been Red were accepted into the community of believers. No longer was Truth and Falsehood attached to such things as colors. Indeed, the categories were almost completely forgotten, except in legends and myths about the past. The new polytheistic appreciation of Truth pleased the Staff of Truth, but greatly disturbed the Bunny of Falsehood, who prefered the more clear cut method of conflict. It was to its advantage, though, that Falsehood was largely forgotten as an active player; Falsehood is based in non-existence, and forgotten things are related to non-existent things.

Such was the story of the reintroduction of the Staff as the root of Truth.

The Bunny of Falsehood's Second Attack on Truth
The latest development of man's appreciation of Truth greatly distressed the Bunny of Falsehood. Its mortal enemy, the Staff of Truth, seemed to be winning the battle for the hearts of man. And thus the Bunny of Falsehood initiated another plan to take back man and reintroduce the world of darkness.

The second attack went much like the first, with the Bunnies of Lies attempting to corrupt man. The major difference was that this time the Staff of Truth sent the Predator Llama to aid man, and that man was better prepared to listen to his Inner Kittens. And so most of the true believers were able to stand the attempted incursions of the Bunnies of Lies into their hearts, but many of the weak believers and the non-believers were corrupted to an even deeper state than they ever were before. Now, they not only believed outlandish things such as the non-existence of the Staff, which is inherently contradictory, but they also persecuted true believers.

Because of the persecution and conflict between non-believers and true believers, societies of man became polarized. Most of the believers remained in the countryside and rural lands, where beauty was still prominent and still reminded them of truth. Most of the non-believers huddled together in close quarters, thus forming large metropolises and urban centers.

Some good things did come out of the crisis. Since the true believers had to listen to their Inner Kittens to withstand the Bunnies of Lies, they became better acquainted with the true nature of Truth and the Staff. Their polytheistic tendencies faded away, and a realization that there is just one true Staff of Truth became widespread in the rural communities.

During this time, some Falsehood based heresies sprang up. One of these concerned a false staff of truth, which was really a staff of falsity. Many people were tricked into following the false staff. This heresy produced a harsh conflict between true believers and heretics. Whilst the conflict was short lived, it did show how dangerous and cunning the Bunny of Falsehood could be.

Such was the story of the Bunny of Falsehood's second attack on Truth.

The Revelations

Edicts concerning the natures of Truth, as decreed by the most wise Staff of Truth and interpreted by Its most faithful believers
All true believers must accept that there is a Staff of Truth and that Its judgement is infinitely wise and thus final on all matters. Believers will understand Its judgement through the direction of learned prophets and one's personal Inner Kitten. The Staff is never wrong.

The Staff of Truth is genderless since infinite truth is not bound by such categorization; thus, while it is often customary to refer to the Staff as an "It," other pronouns such as "He" or "She" are perfectly acceptable to the Staff. The Staff recognizes the boundaries of human language and is content on being referred to as any gender.

The Staff of Truth is to be respected and revered by all persons. His greatness cannot be fully appreciated by the limited human mind, but all persons can embrace this fact and achieve the same effect as full appreciation.

The glory of the Staff of Truth is perpetual and limitless. Nothing, neither alive nor dead, existent nor non-existent, mortal nor immortal, can rival the Staff of Truth.

The Staff of Truth has granted all mankind certain gifts. These gifts include each individual's special talents, any privileges, money, or property a man or a woman is born with, man's ability as a species to understand language and develop technology, the beauty of the world and the environment, and existence itself. These gifts are known as Staff-given gifts.

Edicts concerning the natures of Falsehood, as decreed by the most wise Staff of Truth and interpreted by Its most faithful believers
All true believers must accept that the Bunny of Falsehood is the root of all evil. It is based in non-existence and falsity, and is always trying to corrupt the human heart with such falsity. The Bunny of Falsehood is the extreme counterpart and exact opposite of the Staff of Truth.

The Bunny of Falsehood is also genderless, and thus may be referred to as any gender, much like the great Staff of Truth. Just like with the Staff of Truth, it is also customary to refer to the Bunny as an it.

Those who accept the Bunny of Falsehood's lies should not be trusted. Whilst it is not required to persecute them, all true believers should be wary around such weak-hearted folk.

The Bunny of Falsehood has no glory and no greatness. It is to be respected and revered by no one, and it has no redeeming characteristics. All that comes from the Bunny is false.

Edicts concerning the expected behavior of true believers, as decreed by the most wise Staff of Truth and interpreted by Its most faithful believers
No believer shall ever deny the truthfulness, wisdom, greatness, glory, or existence of the Staff of Truth. Nor may any believer deny that the opposite characteristics belong to the Bunny of Falsehood.

No believer shall speak any falsity.

No believer shall disrespect, either with pure speech or symbolic speech, the Staff of Truth.

No believer shall harm another believer.

No believer shall kill another man except with just cause.

No believer shall steal another man's wife, property, or liberty.

No male believer shall act rudely or obscenely in the presence of a female.

No male believer shall harm or rape a female.

No believer shall disrespect his elders, except in the case where they are clearly and without a doubt in the wrong. In such cases where there is doubt, the elders shall get the benefit of such doubt.

No believer shall squander his Staff-given truths needlessly.

All believers must keep in mind the Truth at all times.

All believers must respect his Staff-given gifts.

All believers must act kindly and charitably to each other.

All believers must aid their fellow believers in resisting the Bunny of Falsehood and its cohorts.

All believers must respect all things divine.

All believers must obey the Predator Llama, who is the Staff's most loyal servant.

All believers must recognize that additional edicts remain unwritten, and that these are given to a person through their Inner Kitten. Doubt about such edicts will be cleared up by scholarly believers in the case where one's Inner Kitten is not fully understood.

Punishments for non-believers or overly sinful believers
For non-believers who never had a true chance to become a believer due to uncontrollable circumstances, the Staff of Truth makes some allowances. They suffer the same fate as sinful believers.

The Predator Llama typically administers the punishment for most non-believers. These non-believers are those who had a chance to accept the Truth, but did not listen to their Inner Kitten. Most non-believers fall into this category. The Predator Llama devours their heart and soul, thus condemning them to an afterlife void of free will. This life is often thought to be a torturous but tolerable and deserved fate.

For overly sinful believers, the Predator Llama greatly damages their heart and soul, which condemns them to a time with no free will. However, after a while, their soul will heal and free will will return. If the believers then more truly accept the Truth, they will receive the reward of true believers. If not, they suffer the fate of non-believers.

For the non-believers who are truly the worst, the Staff of Truth itself administers the punishment. These are the people who act as servants to the Bunny of Falsehood. They not only deny the Truth, but they heavily persecute true believers. The Staff of Truth destroys their very consciousness, condemning them to a perpetual coma for all of eternity. This is thought to be the worst fate possible, and those who suffer it are said to be impaled by the Staff of Truth.

Rewards for true believers or repentant non-believers and sinful believers
The typical reward for a believer is eternity in paradise. Those who passed a test after death, such as non-believers or sinful believers, also get this paradise, but they have less of an enjoyment of it because their appreciation of the Truth has existed for less time.

For the most loyal and faithful believers, or those believers who had been martyred for their belief in the Truth, a special reward is given. They get to spend eternity in paradise like any believer, but they also get limited, special powers of manipulation as well as some special privileges. Thus they may manipulate parts of the universe and fight for the Staff of Truth against the Bunnies of Lies. And because they were so faithful, it is certain that they will not abuse their powers and that they will use them as the Staff wishes. Martyrs also get several beautiful virgins in paradise.

Thus ends the Holy Alithes as inspired by the most wise Staff of Truth and interpreted by Its holiest of believers. Praise be to the Staff of Truth!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

[This message has been edited by Meteora (edited 01-12-2008 @ 01:03 PM).]

posted 04-16-05 08:27 PM EDT (US)     1 / 49  
This is the inspired word of the Staff as recorded by Its believers. This Holy Scriptures is known as the Alithes. The name comes from an ancient Greek word meaning "True". Its origins are unclear, but most of it is thought to be written around the second attack period.

The earliest is the Revelations book. Parts of it were written during the Movement and Revival periods, with the latest additions coming in the Reintroduction period. It is believed that parts were changed during the Second Attack period, however.

The next book chronologically is the Inceptions book. It is based on oral tradition that probably started sometime shortly after the Revival period, but wasn't finalized and written until around the time of the Second Attack.

The Histories was the last book written, although parts of it originated as oral tradition perhaps as early as the Inceptions' oral tradition. The earliest written copy dates back to the late Second Attack period.

It is recommended that all true believers, which is basically all good members of our nice little country community, be acquainted with the scripture. If the length overwhelms you, it might be a good idea just to read a random chapter each day, or even one chapter from each book every night. It is really up to you, and by no means is it necessary to read the whole Scripture from front to back in one sitting (though it isn't impossible to do so).

I'd just like to wrap up by mentioning that it is good to keep the Scripture in mind whenever an issue concerning the Staff of Truth or Its evil counterpart arises.

Go now in loving reverence of the Staff. Truth bless you.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

[This message has been edited by Meteora (edited 04-16-2005 @ 08:28 PM).]

posted 04-16-05 08:31 PM EDT (US)     2 / 49  

posted 04-16-05 08:48 PM EDT (US)     3 / 49  



forum troll
posted 04-16-05 09:01 PM EDT (US)     4 / 49  
Those darn Alith-thumpers again...

I mean, Amen!

posted 04-16-05 10:36 PM EDT (US)     5 / 49  

The staff is omniscient.

posted 04-17-05 01:44 AM EDT (US)     6 / 49  


It is really up to you, and by no means is it necessary to read the whole Scripture from front to back in one sitting (though it isn't impossible to do so).

No, it isn't. I just read the whole thing.


Red became known as the color of Falsehood.

Should I take red out of my sig. Will it offend the almighty Staff of Truth?

I thank you Mete, for enlightening us all by reviving this most holy scripture. You have made me a much better follower of the Staff of Truth. I nominate you as the Pope of RONH, the chief follower of the Staff of Truth here on Earth. All who agree with me that Mete should be our Pope, speak now.


posted 04-17-05 08:14 AM EDT (US)     7 / 49  
Staff be praised!

    
posted 04-17-05 09:11 AM EDT (US)     8 / 49  

Strange, but interesting...

I may not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
- Voltaire
posted 04-17-05 09:44 AM EDT (US)     9 / 49  


interpreted by Its holiest of believers

I smell corr...


posted 04-17-05 12:02 PM EDT (US)     10 / 49  


Should I take red out of my sig. Will it offend the almighty Staff of Truth?

The practice of using colors to categorize holiness is long since over. While the general notion is that the Staff doesn't worry too much about colors, you are free to interpret the scripture as you feel best pleases the Staff.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

[This message has been edited by Meteora (edited 04-17-2005 @ 12:03 PM).]

posted 04-17-05 09:15 PM EDT (US)     11 / 49  
Free your mind from the sham enslavement of the Staff of Truth! It knows only pain and torment, and forgives with the cold steel of impalement!

I accept you with loving arms all and all who choose to follow the right path of Truth and Love, such values this false idol of a staff does and will never recognize!

posted 04-17-05 09:42 PM EDT (US)     12 / 49  



(to the original post)

posted 04-17-05 11:17 PM EDT (US)     13 / 49  
It is good to see that you all appreciate the Truth as much as I do.

Go in peace and serve our Staff.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
posted 04-18-05 06:45 AM EDT (US)     14 / 49  
Mete, I have been hearing that t play with Lego's is sacred to the staff. Is that true?
posted 04-18-05 05:32 PM EDT (US)     15 / 49  
OMG I just got a great idea.

Look for Staff of Truth Alithes Legos coming soon!

posted 04-18-05 07:06 PM EDT (US)     16 / 49  


sacred to the staff

Capitalise the word Staff, heathen!

forum troll
posted 04-18-05 07:07 PM EDT (US)     17 / 49  


Mete, I have been hearing that t play with Lego's is sacred to the staff. Is that true?

It is not what you do so much as the manner in which you do it.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

[This message has been edited by Meteora (edited 04-18-2005 @ 09:41 PM).]

posted 04-19-05 12:14 PM EDT (US)     18 / 49  
I have recreated the Staff's marvelous architectral wonder out of Legos. I'll get a pic soon. It lies about 2 feet tall.

It is The Stepped Pyramid of Balance.

posted 04-20-05 01:01 AM EDT (US)     19 / 49  

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
posted 04-20-05 06:48 AM EDT (US)     20 / 49  
FD2 hast receievive the blessings of the gods
posted 04-20-05 08:10 PM EDT (US)     21 / 49  
I shall also post this political cartoon in this thread, because I believe it pleases Conejo.

From the Veritas, Degeneration 4;14
"Conejo had condemed his replicate to eternal weakness, conjuring it into a thin slice and casting the Staff down onto his Earth.
posted 04-20-05 11:11 PM EDT (US)     22 / 49  
That is spam, and Elpea will now ban you, simply because you have a diffetant mindset than the rest of the fine people at RoNH.

    Parrothead Sines- Loveable Asshole
    Music ||Food || Womens
    jjohn is better than Elpea,and the Fonz put together - BK 101
    You're lucky I love you - Elpea
posted 04-20-05 11:22 PM EDT (US)     23 / 49  
Unstickying until we can come up with ONE religion.

posted 04-21-05 02:14 AM EDT (US)     24 / 49  
I believe the majority of the RoNH community trusts in the Staff, as we always have.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
posted 04-21-05 02:59 AM EDT (US)     25 / 49  
O mighty Staff of Truth, help us convert the heathens of Falsehood!

    
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