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Topic Subject: I am forced to avoid girls
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posted 26 April 2006 21:13 EDT (US)   
heres my problem. I have to stay away from any girl who could ask for my AOL thingy, phone, etc. infact i MUST stay away from talking to females just incase i get into a conversation. i must stay away from hugs also.

the reason you ask? im paranoid about the way i smell and the way i act, and my blushing problem. i use old spice, unscented deoderant, brush my teeth, etc but i still feel as if i smell like a poo and i have no idea what to do. also whenever i talk to a pretty girl i cant help but turn a bright red, get sweaty, and have an adrenaline rush (not down there you pervert).

also im afraid of talking to girls because of the way i act. i have no idea how to talk to people. i have nothing to actually talk about and i suck at pretending to care about everything they can throw at me. i might as well live in a hole. can someone help me before i become a virgin at 99?

posted 26 April 2006 21:15 EDT (US)     1 / 36  
Yeah, restraining orders suck!

"All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?"

"Sometimes, a view from sinless eyes,
Centers our perspective and pacifies our cries..."

posted 26 April 2006 21:18 EDT (US)     2 / 36  
You may call them restraining orders; I call them time apart.
On a more serious note, you may wish to read through the women and dating thread; there are a lot of people who share similar "problems" (although its usually natural and you'll get over it, so don't sweat it).

Cats, Sex and Nazis...That's why they call me Mr. Happy
Proud Purveyor of Panda Porn...You know you want it!
Things I'm Not Allowed To Do While Gaming
posted 26 April 2006 21:25 EDT (US)     3 / 36  
then why is EVERYONE else so good with girls while im not. i dont go to amusement parks or on school buses because no girl wants to talk to a guy who has his parents next to him. and i dont think this is natural im in HIGH SCHOOL
posted 26 April 2006 21:49 EDT (US)     4 / 36  


im paranoid about the way i smell

I'm the same way. But there's really nothing to worry about. Me, for example, I take a shower every morning. I also wear Old Spice deoderant (pure sport), and to top it off, I wear Stetson Black cologne.

As long as you take a shower and make sure you get all the areas that sweat the most (armpits, nether regions, etc.) you should be fine.

Perhaps we should continue this in the dating thread?

(¯`•._.•[ .:^:. ]•._.•´¯)
KaiserWinterfeldt ¨‘°ºO.:.Oº°‘¨
R.I.P. Kayla Renee Winterfeldt & Jet Jetboy Winterfeldt
(¯`•._.•[ .::. ]•._.•´¯)
posted 26 April 2006 21:59 EDT (US)     5 / 36  
well...seems like these thoughts are screwing you.

it's all in your mind. affraid of your smell?, get some really expensive cologne for men.

you probably don't have friends that are girls in your life at the moment. like everything... you have to get used to it.

i suggest.... maybe going somewhere, bar or something, where talking to girls, mainly waitresses/bar maid would be an ease, no pressure. a few questions about something to do with the bar or their service of drinks/food is always a good way to start then go on to general conversation.

but i do hope you know every woman is different have to be aware of the way they talk, what they wear or if they are carrying a book or magazine etc etc paying attention to their clothing or something will give you a bit of detail to start talking about their interests.

to actually talk to them, you need confidence...thats about it.... there nothing to lose, give it ago. plus...i find out that some/most men always wish that a girl would walk up to them and try to pick them up or start a convo....although funny, it's the reason why some men are still single. This rarely happens and if a woman does that it might not be the clean women your after...if you catch my drift.....

if you want to stay away from them....thats fine...but you'll be missing out....i can tell you that.

if your under 18 and can't go anyway besides mac donalds or arcade stores then...i can't help you.

"Maybe someday we could become friends. Friends who ride majestic, translucent steeds, shooting flaming arrows across the bridge of Hemdale."
posted 26 April 2006 22:03 EDT (US)     6 / 36  
Eh same problems here. In person around the girls I liek I act like a complete idiot, or an ass. I always think my breath smells (I was like, born with halitosis) and I always feel like I smell.

I'm the guy who comforts girls after deuche bag boyfriends break their hearts. It's a shitty job that rarely pays off.

"It's not true. Some have great stories, pretty stories that take place at lakes with boats and friends and noodle salad. Just no one in this car. But, a lot of people, that's their story. Good times, noodle salad. What makes it so hard is not that you had it bad, but that you're that pissed that so many others had it good." Jack Nicholson
posted 26 April 2006 22:10 EDT (US)     7 / 36  
Haha, I used to be scared of girls as well. I don't know why. I'm sure you'll get over it... if you're a teen and experiencing this, it's probably a phase.

I used to just not care about appearance and such. Then I really cared. Now, it's routine to do a little to make myself look or smell decent, but mostly, it's for other reasons (morning shower to keep myself awake and wash off residual oil, nice shampoo because I like the smell myself, mints so I don't need to worry about smelling like a garbage heap when I talk)... or maybe I'm rationalizing it, but I doubt it's harmful.

So... it sounds like you're really shy. Here's a really blunt question: do you have any friends who are girls? Another one: have you had any bad experiences with girls, particularly where you or another man or the girl(s) had bad hygiene? Anything like that? It could be negative conditioning of some sort... you don't need to tell us though, because it's more for you to think about.

I understand the restrictive parents part also (hey, I'm Asian and my parents are paranoid), as well as the blushing part. When I was a freshman, I was still shy around girls... just getting into my element. You could use the cliche that I was like a seal easing into water, or something like that. I had a blushing problem whenever I talked to nice-looking girls too... they think it's cute, especially if you're young.

Anyways, is it so important to lose your virginity so quickly? I've had lots of urges, but when I'm still rational/lucid, I generally agree that it's best to wait until marriage- engagement if you're impatient. Of course, that's an ideal, and ideals are rarely upheld...

In any case, good luck! And sorry for hogging so much space on your thread.

我送你離開 千里之外 你無聲黑白
沈默年代 或許不該 太遙遠的相愛
我送你離開 天涯之外 你是否還在
琴聲何來 生死難猜 用一生 去等待

As Water on Rock
posted 26 April 2006 22:23 EDT (US)     8 / 36  
I thought this was gonna be a boner problem one.

Skid, I have the same problem, not so much pretty girls, but smart pretty girls I like.

posted 26 April 2006 22:48 EDT (US)     9 / 36  
same with dio, put brains with looks and a nice personality and I can't resist. The one girl I like in particular (for 2 years now) I still have trouble being "suave" around and I often say stupid htings. Good thing is she usually laughs any ways. Also, when I dance with girls I usually get very sweaty (even slow dances) and get very excited (also, not in the pants)

I guess soem guys (usually assholes) were meant to have girls at a young age, but when we all mature it reverses.

Or at least I hope so . . . .

"It's not true. Some have great stories, pretty stories that take place at lakes with boats and friends and noodle salad. Just no one in this car. But, a lot of people, that's their story. Good times, noodle salad. What makes it so hard is not that you had it bad, but that you're that pissed that so many others had it good." Jack Nicholson
posted 26 April 2006 23:12 EDT (US)     10 / 36  
Skid, how old are you? If you are a teenager, then problems like that of self insecurity occurs naturally. Don't think of them as big deals and just go on with your life/hobbies/things you like to do. Your love/humping will come in due time. No worries.

Misplaced, I know how you feel. Back in my senior year of high school in USA, I had a crush on this drop dead gorgeous girl who had 4.5 GPA and a personality of a goddess(IMO). Too bad she also had a boyfriend who bench presses 400. LOL.

Michael Jackson

[This message has been edited by el_bandito (edited 04-26-2006 @ 11:16 PM).]

posted 26 April 2006 23:14 EDT (US)     11 / 36  


I'm the guy who comforts girls after deuche bag boyfriends break their hearts. It's a shitty job that rarely pays off.

Same here. You gotta remember though, that those girls will remember you when they get dumped a number of times and give you a call someday. How do you like to console? I'm a proponent of the "give me your number and I'll call you tomorrow to go to the movies or mall so you can forget about that f***er" method.

Sir, I have not yet begun to defile myself.
Swallow my pride? No thank you, Im too full of myself.
I bring you nothing but love and a shopping bag full of sexual depravity.
I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.
Tied with Meteora (****er) for Best Sig Award.
posted 26 April 2006 23:44 EDT (US)     12 / 36  
Spend a lot of time with girls in whom you have little interest. It will still be tough at first, but it will teach you how to act around them and because you're not interested in them, you have little to lose.

And really, almost everyone feels uncomfortable around girls once they reach a certain point. Don't be too self-concious about it.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
posted 27 April 2006 00:42 EDT (US)     13 / 36  
Wheee. That must suck. How old are you? Because this depends on how weird it is. Unless you're a nerd, loser, and dork. You should find a friend that's a girl, and everything will unfold. Get familiar with a single female, and it will be easy to change. And don't just go up to a random girl and say "hey" or something. See if one of your friends (unless you don't have any ) has a girlfriend or a friend that's a girl, and try to be friends. Unless she's a total asshole, because then, I wonder why she has any friends at all. And about the poo thing, just take a shower everyday and use deodorant. Also, Aussie shampoo smells hella good. That's what I use. Australians kick ass.

posted 27 April 2006 01:18 EDT (US)     14 / 36  

Break their line
Break their hearts
Break their legs
posted 27 April 2006 01:55 EDT (US)     15 / 36  
I'm a complete jerk among girls, but if I somehow manage to worm my way into a conversation with one, I become serius. Then, under pressure from my friends, I asked out a girl which I had been getting along with for a long time. It was the scariest thing I'd ever done, so now I don't stammer an excuse and run away any more

And I shall go Softly into the Night Taking my Dreams As will You
posted 27 April 2006 03:30 EDT (US)     16 / 36  
Or you could turn gay.

I have no problem so much around girls. It's new people that I aren't confident with. So long as I've known you for a few months, however, I'll basically say anytihing in front of you

house won this
posted 27 April 2006 05:42 EDT (US)     17 / 36  
I don't know your age but I'm guessing it's early to mid teens. These are "interesting" years. Whether they are fun is another matter.

Things WILL get better. Not everybody can be the Paul Newman character from the Hustler right off the bat. Some people will take time to develop social skills while others are lucky enough to have them right away. I was in the same boat as you back at that age and now I have a decent circle of friends and a lovely girlfriend.

And another thing. Love alone doesn't bring happiness. You need to find contentment first before love can really have a chance, i.e. seek and you shall not find.

Tips: get a hobby that involves other people. If you're not into football, baseball or other jock sports, try hiking or something. Not every activity has to be competitive to be enjoyed. Once you have something to enjoy, keep doing it and with other like minded people. These people become friends. Step 1 has been achieved.

posted 27 April 2006 06:30 EDT (US)     18 / 36  
Eh, usually I just compliment them and tell them they deserve better and they thank me and then maybe we hang out and she has a good time and then I find out she likes a new asshole, its amazing how foolish they can be.

Yea, when I got my first friend that was a girl I started getting alot better.

"It's not true. Some have great stories, pretty stories that take place at lakes with boats and friends and noodle salad. Just no one in this car. But, a lot of people, that's their story. Good times, noodle salad. What makes it so hard is not that you had it bad, but that you're that pissed that so many others had it good." Jack Nicholson
posted 27 April 2006 07:02 EDT (US)     19 / 36  
Don't talk to the girls ! Talk to their mom's way more easy to pull you know how flatted a yummy mommy gets when a young fella such as yourself chats them up and your blushing problem would work to your advantage the lady would thinks it cute.

Failing that get stoned.

posted 27 April 2006 10:34 EDT (US)     20 / 36  


Don't talk to the girls ! Talk to their mom's way more easy to pull you know how flatted a yummy mommy gets when a young fella such as yourself chats them up and your blushing problem would work to your advantage the lady would thinks it cute.

...And you know how the father finds out that your chatting up his wife and starts chasing you with a hatchet and you see all this red stuff...and you fall down.

as if you'd chat up their mums/moms....bad idea. lol

walkerbow....seems to me you like vintage women...ay?

keep your fantasies to yourself or at least post them in the Roman party.....

"Maybe someday we could become friends. Friends who ride majestic, translucent steeds, shooting flaming arrows across the bridge of Hemdale."
posted 27 April 2006 16:42 EDT (US)     21 / 36  
Just act like it is a game and that you can start over anytime you want. Don't to be afraid to act a little crazy. Women like people who are spontaneous.

"The most virtuous are those who content themselves with being virtuous without seeking to appear so."-Plato
posted 27 April 2006 16:47 EDT (US)     22 / 36  
I almost always have bad breath most of the day so as soon as I wake up and eat, I chew some gum and always hve a pack of gum on hand.

In fact, I'm probably going to assemble a squad of the most dedicated ODers and siege your house. Then we'll capture you and execute you publicly, making sure that you have absolutely no dignity left.-Vaarsuvius
posted 27 April 2006 19:02 EDT (US)     23 / 36  
Starts to talk like a internet date site add.

Every one in life has a true soulmate out there, finding some one with great looks is all and well in the short run. But if you want a relationship to last you have to clearly find some one who enjoys your interests, and is compatable on the deepest levels. Step one walk up to a lady and ask for her name. Then start telling about your self.

I say i'm a godzilla fan, who plays with legos, loves strategy games, thinks that anime cartoons are just Japans atempt to brain wash the youth into causing insurection atemps though out america, loves old scfi films, loves chickens, plans to take over the world, avid fan of anime, draws, and plans to make a entire reproduction of the godfather with transformers.

Oddly not many ladys like that sort of stuff, but I found someone who does and we have been togather ever since.

For me it has never been of question of how to talk to ladys but weather if they talk the same way as me, you know? Having a good relationship is like good friend execpt that you have sex. If you find ladys who you share alot in coman with then the little things don't matter.

Only the good guys win...
Not because they nice but because they get to write it down in the books.

In other news check out this my first sig add...
Its to good old uh, halo the conquerers forums, if you like halo, and you like AoK then go on down!!

posted 27 April 2006 19:14 EDT (US)     24 / 36  
Deary me, Skidbladnir. You've made very similar threads to this in the past. I can only roll my eyes in despair.

posted 27 April 2006 19:14 EDT (US)     25 / 36  
you guys got some good replies thank you. and for those of you who wanted to know, im 15. the ironic thingto mythread iis i have a few girls who are friends but i dont think they would ever do any of the things im avoiding. kinda sucks that they are attractive and i cant do anything about it
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