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Topic Subject: Roman Risk: Game Thread
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posted 31 January 2006 21:59 EDT (US)   
The year is 267 BC, and Europe is deeply divided. There are the barbarians to the north and west, uncivilized and ancient, but numerous and feirce fighters. To the south are Carthage and Numidia, a naval power an a desert faction respeoctively. To the east is Greece, one of the first true civilisations, and even further east there are the massive Seleucids and Egyptians ready to go toe-to-toe. In the midst of it all are the Romans, new but powerful, how will they fair in amongst all this war and imperial ambitions? The lines are drawn, the soldiers readied...

Attack Phase

The Basics

Attack Phase

In attack phase, you can then make as many attacking moves as you want from your provinces into adjacent ones, always leaving at least one man behind. Also more than one army can attack the same province from adjacent provinces, and so can allied armies if you sort out who gets the province.

Every turn you receive army points. You can use these to create one army or navy.

Please post your attacks like this:
X number of armies (or fleets) from X province to Y province

Deployement Phase

In this phase, you tell me your moves from one of your provinces to an adjacent one. For instance, if I owned 5 armies in Central Gaul, I could move 1 to 4 armies from Central Gaul to Amorica.

The other thing you do in the Free Move phase is post your troop deployments. This depends on the amount of troops ou get (Next to your name). Tell me where you want your new armies/navies and I'll put them there.

e.g. Deploy 3 armies in Province X

NOTE: No secret deployements.

Each phase is 6 months, so a turn lasts for a year.

If you have the words "infantry", "cavalry", or "Artillery" next to your name, then it means you have a card. You get a maximum of one card per province you conquer. If you get 3 of a kind, or 1 of each, you can trade them for a general which can be placed in any friendly country, but you can only have one general in an army.

The general gives you an extra dice to roll (so if you have 3 men and a general, you get 4 dice).

Every faction starts off with one (1) general at the beginning of the game. They can earn them through taking provinces, and every now and again one will randomly spawn in a province.

You can use generals for two things:
1. For attacking and defending. Having a general in an army gives every unit an extra dice, which can be very useful.

2. As a governer. As a goverener the general will double the production of the province he is governer of. If you use your general as a governer he can no longer give armies any advantages. He is stuck in the province you made him governer of for 4 turns.

Victory and Defeat

Victory is determined by either of two ways. By consensus or by controlling the map. When it is obvious one player is dominating a vote may be called, and if all the players vote that they will win, then the dominating player will win.

The other way is if a faction controls 40 + provinces and Rome.

Defeat is when a nation's army production goes below 1 army per turn.


Nations may propose a large variety of diplomatic actions:

Players may ask for alliances, in which they may or may not give certain incentives, such as provinces or army points. These are not binding, and can be broken without reprocussions.
Players may trade army points or provinces on return for other things of value, such as cards, or attacks on rivals, or anything else really. Provinces can only be traded if both sides share the border of that particular province.
Non-Agression pacts:
Non-Agression pacts are agreements that state that both parties may not attack each other for a certain amount of time, from 1 to 10 turns. Incentives may be provided to make the agreement more attractive. These can be broken at any time.
In a protectoracy, the protectorate pays tribute to their protector in the form of a percent of their armies created. In return the protectorate is brought under the protection of the other empire. The protectorate's oppressor may force the protectorate into a conflict or force them to make peace – even allying one move and declaring war the next. The protectorate has no say in what happens, but beware; if you push a protectorate too hard they may declare independence from you and declare war!

NOTE: You must declare war on a nation before attacking. Just Say: I declare war on ______ and then post your moves. Thankyou.

Change number 3: Encirclement

Encirclement occurs when you have a province that is sorrounded by enemy provinces, and your nor an ally have a border or an enemy free ocean region. e.g Say I have Assyria and Babylonia, and my opponent took Assyria, then Babylonia would now be encircled.

When a province is encircled it may not be re-inforced with armies from deployement. The only way you can reinforce the province is by taking a province next to it, so that it has a common border with the whole front, or if your ally has a border with the province.

Encircled province still produces armies, however, they can only be placed in the encircled province. The encircled armies would not starve, until it reaches 4X the production of the region. eg, Babylonia can hold 12 armies before it could not gain anymore, while Assyria can only hold 4.


Navies are produced the same way as armies. They cost 1 army point to make, and they take a phase to build. They can only be deployed in provinces with a port (Red dot on the map). Navies can move 2 sea provinces in free move phase. Navies attack like armies do, by attacking a navy in an adjacent sea province in the attack phase.

You can load a maximum of 4 armies onto a single navy. Once on a navy the army acts like a regular one. Once the navy stops in a coastal zone the army can attack any adjacent province. There is a 1 dice advantage for defenders in sea landings.

If a province is taken with navies in port then half the navies are destroyed and the other half captured by the assaulting force.


After much deliberation I've decided to scrap cavalry. There will just be 1 unit type, to be know as an "army" or "Legion" or whatever you wish to call it . It has 1 offensive HP, 1 defensive HP and costs 1 army point to make.


Note about the Roman factions
For a Roman faction to win this game they must have 40 regions and Rome. To be able to declare war on Rome the faction must have at least 25 provinces. An attack on Rome is an automatic attack on any loyal Roman factions.

Tell me where you want to be based and I’ll put you there. When I’m done, tell me your attacking moves and I’ll post up how many men you get each attack phase.

Everyone be nice to Nelson and post the alliances now.



(6) Senate - Admiral_Nelson - Purple
(18) House of Julii - Shrink - Red
(18) House of Brutii - Centurion_13 - Green
(6) House of Scipii - Jax - Dark Blue
(11) Carthage - Johndisp - White
(19) Greek City States - KaiserWinterfeldt - Cream
(7) Macedon - Bk 101 - Dark Grey
(28 + 2 OM) Seleucid Empire - Doitzel - Silver
(14 + 2 OM) Ptolemaic Egypt - NotSpecified - Yellow
(11) Parthia - Emperor Augustus - Light Purple
(12) Pontus - Watchful One - Blue
(9) Dacia - Aeneas2 - Brown
(13) Scythia - Stone_12345 - Orange
(19) Germania - NA Lord Blaine - Maroon
(11) Britannia - Ichbinian - Light Blue
(14) Iberia - Tarquinius - Dark Yellow
(6) Numidia - MaximusDecimus - Royal Blue[/b]




(48) Roman City States:
(6) The Senate
(6) House of Scipii
(18) House of Julii
(18) House of Brutii
This alliance is binding for 10 turns, and there are big reprocussions for breaking it

(68) Northern Armies Alliance
(17)Germania (NA Lord Blaine)
(9)Dacia (Aeneas2)
(10)Britannia (Ichbinian)
(18)House of Julii (Shrink)
(14)Iberia (Tarquinius)

(53) Seleucid Alliance
(30) Seleucid Empire (Doitzel)
(12) Pontus (Watchful One)
(11) Parthia (Emperor Augustus)

(36) Carthaginian Alliance
(11) Carthage (Johndisp)
(19) Greek City States (KaiserWinterfeldt)
(6) Numidia (MaximusDecimus)


Independant Alliances
Parthia - Scythia. (Emperor Augustus, Stone)
Numidia - Seleucid Empire. (MaximusDecimus, Doitzel)
Greek City States - Seleucid Empire. (KaiserWintefeldt, Doitzel)
Roman City States - Macedon. (Nelson, Bk)

Non-Aggression Pacts
Scythia - Thrace, 6 turns. (Stone, Dio)
Carthaginian Alliance - Seleucid Alliance, 8 turns. (Johndisp, Doitzel)
Greek City States - Scipii, 1 turn. (KaiserWinterfeldt, Jax)

Seleucid Alliance - Ptolemaic Egypt. (Doitzel, Steace43)
Dacia - Macedon. (Aeneas, Bk)
House of Brutii - Dacia (Centy, Aeneas)
The Senate - Dacia (Nelson, Aeneas)

Note: If the Senate (me) is in a war against another nation together with a Roman faction it means the attack was either planned or endorsed by the Senate.

Please post all deployments/attacks/tributes/diplomatic offers in bold please, it's much easier to find when I'm updating the map and thread.

Also, feel free to rename/name your alliances.

Need help? Contact me via email at:

Or via MSN on:

Yes, I know, I need a new one.

< Jarrod Nelson>
Nelson looks good in his pics - Gaurdian_112
Wow, Nelson's awfully cute... - HP Lovesauce
Thanks for ruining something that I've waited over 6 years for. - Redneck93
It might be a bit of an odd moment to say so, but I still think Nelson's smile is awesome. - Hnossa

[This message has been edited by Admiral_Nelson (edited 03-08-2006 @ 05:44 AM).]

posted 31 January 2006 22:09 EDT (US)     1 / 1475  
*does diplomacy*
Ichbinian has stated a need for the great Barbbarian allaince, and the germans and iberians have agreed to it. I hope thrace, dacia, Gaul, scythia, and britan do as well.

(- ₤ o r d B l a i n Ʃ -)
RTWH | ETWH | OD [ Hark Upon the Gale ] [¯¯¯¯¯]†λ†[¯¯¯¯¯]
«Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.»
~Albert Einstein
posted 31 January 2006 22:11 EDT (US)     2 / 1475  
@ Nelson

If you would, on the intro post show the Alliances as they are announced please. I know that Carthage, Greece, and Numidia are allied. I saw something about the Barbarians forming up. I guess that only leaves the Romans to ally, and the Egyptian/Sele/Asia Minorites to form up if they desire.

This is gonna be good!!! Muah, ha ha ha!

Life is full of challenges. You can either step up to them, or step out of the way. The ones who step up, are the ones who will someday rule the world.
posted 31 January 2006 22:19 EDT (US)     3 / 1475  
John considers the good Thracians Barbaric.
posted 31 January 2006 22:26 EDT (US)     4 / 1475  
@ Nelson

Aeneas2 said he would take Dacia earlier in the sign up thread.

Life is full of challenges. You can either step up to them, or step out of the way. The ones who step up, are the ones who will someday rule the world.
posted 31 January 2006 22:27 EDT (US)     5 / 1475  


and britan do as well.

I am Britannia.

Oldie from RTWH!
posted 31 January 2006 22:29 EDT (US)     6 / 1475  
Nelson, fix your bold bbcode in the post.

/I've got nothin...I'm fo like'a bajillion!\
posted 31 January 2006 22:30 EDT (US)     7 / 1475  
I thought you were spain...oops. Bah...

(- ₤ o r d B l a i n Ʃ -)
RTWH | ETWH | OD [ Hark Upon the Gale ] [¯¯¯¯¯]†λ†[¯¯¯¯¯]
«Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.»
~Albert Einstein
posted 31 January 2006 22:34 EDT (US)     8 / 1475  
So what's the deal with the alliances and pacts and whatnot? Are they binding, are they trust-based, what?

Until I find this out and examine the map, I shan't start making any official diplomatic offers. However, there are several nations I should like to speak to: Pontus, Macedon, Parthia, the Independent Greek City-States, Carthage, and Ptolemaic Egypt.

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
posted 31 January 2006 22:41 EDT (US)     9 / 1475  
I would like to talk to the GCS, after I see the map.

[This message has been edited by Dio (edited 01-31-2006 @ 10:56 PM).]

posted 31 January 2006 22:52 EDT (US)     10 / 1475  

(- ₤ o r d B l a i n Ʃ -)
RTWH | ETWH | OD [ Hark Upon the Gale ] [¯¯¯¯¯]†λ†[¯¯¯¯¯]
«Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.»
~Albert Einstein
posted 31 January 2006 23:08 EDT (US)     11 / 1475  
GCS- Greek City States

GTC? Grand Theft Cleavage....

/I've got nothin...I'm fo like'a bajillion!\
posted 31 January 2006 23:27 EDT (US)     12 / 1475  


GTC? Grand Theft Cleavage

That'd be awesome.

I know the names aren't right in the title post, it's from my old Risk. Give me a chance.

< Jarrod Nelson>
Nelson looks good in his pics - Gaurdian_112
Wow, Nelson's awfully cute... - HP Lovesauce
Thanks for ruining something that I've waited over 6 years for. - Redneck93
It might be a bit of an odd moment to say so, but I still think Nelson's smile is awesome. - Hnossa
posted 01 February 2006 00:00 EDT (US)     13 / 1475  
@ Nelson

Start me in Lilybaeum. Also, Maximus and I have agreed that I get to start with Tingi.

BTW, I know your busy Nelson, but Aeneas2 wants Dacia. I'll keep telling you till you change it.

Life is full of challenges. You can either step up to them, or step out of the way. The ones who step up, are the ones who will someday rule the world.
posted 01 February 2006 00:06 EDT (US)     14 / 1475  
Pfft, no map yet? You sicken me, Nelson.

posted 01 February 2006 00:11 EDT (US)     15 / 1475  
The family of the Julii looks forward to good relations with their Roman brethren as well as the Barbarians.

posted 01 February 2006 00:32 EDT (US)     16 / 1475  
Doitzel, Steace_12345 and MEGAS_ALEXANDROS I want to be your ally. Much good can happen if we work together...yes it can...

And Nelson, I want to be based in Arsakia. Or since we're using the MTW map, somewhere in that general vicinity.

posted 01 February 2006 01:06 EDT (US)     17 / 1475  
Okay boys, we're not using city name we're using region names. So pop out the map you got with RTW or download it from the DL section, because I'm not accepting deployements otherwise. I'm not taking any deployements right now, and the production map is 3/4 done.

< Jarrod Nelson>
Nelson looks good in his pics - Gaurdian_112
Wow, Nelson's awfully cute... - HP Lovesauce
Thanks for ruining something that I've waited over 6 years for. - Redneck93
It might be a bit of an odd moment to say so, but I still think Nelson's smile is awesome. - Hnossa
posted 01 February 2006 01:10 EDT (US)     18 / 1475  
Be that way then. I'll take Media. If we can take more than one then I'll have Atropatene as well.
posted 01 February 2006 01:44 EDT (US)     19 / 1475  
"Doitzel, Steace_12345 and MEGAS_ALEXANDROS I want to be your ally. Much good can happen if we work together...yes it can..."<--quoted from Emperor Augustus

Are you talking with me or stone_12345?

posted 01 February 2006 02:09 EDT (US)     20 / 1475  
Wow... my RTW map is still so crisp... so fresh!

So, this deployment phase: do we start out with the terretories the factions start with in the game, and the city we mention is our capital, or do we start out with just that one city?

In either case, deploy me in Laconia. (Sparta for all you weak-minded fools )



I'm not taking any deployements right now

Doit.... (that's not addressed to Doitzel, that's an interjection)

(¯`•._.•[ .:^:. ]•._.•´¯)
KaiserWinterfeldt ¨‘°ºO.:.Oº°‘¨
R.I.P. Kayla Renee Winterfeldt & Jet Jetboy Winterfeldt
(¯`•._.•[ .::. ]•._.•´¯)

[This message has been edited by KaiserWinterfeldt (edited 02-01-2006 @ 02:13 AM).]

posted 01 February 2006 02:10 EDT (US)     21 / 1475  
I'm not joining an alliance of any kind untill I see the map and the production point

<Add signature here>
posted 01 February 2006 02:20 EDT (US)     22 / 1475  

Quoted from Maximus in the other Risk thread:

John and Kaiser. Do you each agree to open territory, open trade, and open sea?

** nods ** (yes )

(¯`•._.•[ .:^:. ]•._.•´¯)
KaiserWinterfeldt ¨‘°ºO.:.Oº°‘¨
R.I.P. Kayla Renee Winterfeldt & Jet Jetboy Winterfeldt
(¯`•._.•[ .::. ]•._.•´¯)
posted 01 February 2006 02:23 EDT (US)     23 / 1475  


So, this deployment phase: do we start out with the terretories the factions start with in the game, and the city we mention is our capital, or do we start out with just that one city?

I think(and hope) Nelson will add some more provinces to the map and I guess you would like to wait deploying your armies yet

<Add signature here>
posted 01 February 2006 03:02 EDT (US)     24 / 1475  
As for now, until I see the map, the Scipii also wish to remain neutral, although would like to form ties with its Roman brethren.

house won this
posted 01 February 2006 03:27 EDT (US)     25 / 1475  
My Female Scythian virgins will rain fire and death upon your corpulent and corrupt empires.
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