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Forgotten World

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Map Size: 400x400 (Large)
Difficulty: Normal
Made with version: 1
Forgotten World

We write the year 1333. Nearly every week there are arriving bad news at King Arthur’s residence, that his royal trading vessels sailing back from the orient were captured by evil pirates somewhere lurking in the Southern Seas outside the Atlantic Ocean. The cargo like gold, diamonds, oriental spices, silk or china totally were robbed. The ships themselves are sunken and the crew partially killed or enslaved. Now King Arthur is compelled to put an end to this devilish doings. So he ordered you, Sire Francis Baltimore, equipped with three privateers and letters of marque to find out those pirates’ nest and to call to account for piracy - dead or alive.

A few survivors of these massacres, who have been sold on the slave-markets, reported on a strange unknown island, somewhere located in the Atlantic Ocean surrounded by a white seemingly impenetrable foggy wall. This mysterious island of course mentioned in many mythic legends was avoided by all sailors for the last two hundred years because of the big epidemics in former times. Actually it’s rumoured that these pirates, leaded by two cruel captains “The Snake” and “The Pig” have chosen this island for base. On this secure location they’re planning their criminal raids. For that case King Arthur has ordered you, being his best man for this task, to find out this island, that nobody drew in any sea chart in those days…

Some excerpts of Captain Baltimore’s log book (in September, 1333)

…After 30 days of wandering in “unknown waters”, we suddenly reached a huge fog-bank passing through for seven days at total calm. Only when the fog disappeared in the morning of the 8th day our look-out announced: “Land is in sight!”….

…Our despairing attempts to drop anchor around this damned island failed and we’ve lost two of our three ships torn to pieces on rough reefs. Finally we’ve found a more flat zone southside, suitable to drop anchor…

On this wet and feverish marshland we’ve built up a small and provisional keep by the planks and beams of our shipwrecks. My spies announced that they actually have found the pirates’ nest of the “Snake” in the northwestern area. The “Pig” and his brutal gang seem to be absent going out for raid. But I think we’ve to be carefully prepared for the forthcoming assaults of the “Pig”. So I’ve sent back our remaining ship “The Good Faith” for reinforcements, hopefully coming soon…

…Likewise my men discovered an old native settlement also occupied by some pirates and hunters and finally some ruins of a former missionary’s station where ferocious wolves took possession of it…

…it’s me, Captain Francis Baltimore, who has ordered my men to drain the swampy meadows around our keep to gain fertile arable land for a continuous food supply. Fortunately there are enough deer, but the wolves, the bandits and fever are threatening us. We’ve learned cruelty by the pirates and we’ll use it, too. From time to time a group of trading natives is visiting us selling spears and maces, urgently needed to defend our lives against roaming wolves in the nights. Besides the natives have just a delicious beverage called “Mate” that is to compare with our “Ale” and it tastes very well…

This ecovasion is rated as "normal", but I recommend to play it on "hard" or "very hard" for more experienced players.
There is an attached hint-doc you will find in the zip-file if you need.

Good luck and enjoy it!
Reviews are always welcome

Best regards
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Andy Baz
Map Design5.0
Forgotten World.

This is a truly excellent map that is worthy of nothing less than a great review. This is, in my opinion Stratego’s finest work up to date and a fine example of what can be achieved with creative imagination and sublime vision. Once again the bar’s been raised and the Stronghold community can only be thankful.
Forgotten World isn’t simply a map that looks stylish and creative but a benchmark and an institution into map making . Forgotten World boasts a plethora of qualities in it’s own right, from a superb scenario to a informative story line, it stretches the boundaries of Stronghold. I can only praise such fine work and if i had had half a chance would probably have run out of superlatives in an great effort to try and big up this beauty….In essence this is a ‘must get’ if you’re looking for a map to play, or if you’ve been disillusioned with Stronghold in the past it’s the one to ignite a familiar flame.

Why is it so cool?

Basically the fundamental ingredients in FW are good – it looks superb, plays well and keeps you active to the very end. The way Forgotten World has been put together is really very good, all the essential criteria has been addressed thoroughly and you just feel whilst playing that a lot of time and energy has been used to get things just right.

Map Design
Having a good idea is one thing but executing creative vision is another. No doubt if you’ve ever tried making a map yourself or had the odd idea here or there, it’s pretty difficult to transfer what’s in your head into the map editor with the same style and grace you see in some maps. Stratego’s Forgotten World is a classic example of technical mastery and although it’s not littered with loads of eye candy like some, he seems to have found the art of putting his thoughts into a playable design.

Notably very good indeed, the dinosaur shaped islands are very realistic and quite refreshing – But the look isn’t what makes the map stand out. Forgotten World takes an ordinary concept of: achieving goals and defeating invasions and spins it on it’s head. Space is there for growth, building your own settlement to cope with games demands is something we all like to do and it’s there. And the inevitable adventure into no-mans land also offers it’s own pitfalls to try and evade – excellent stuff that captures the imagination. The Scenario works well and doesn’t let the map down. As i might speak for most who’ve played it, creativity in this map is class. Must see to believe.

This area is arguably the hardest part of making a great map…Without balance all the hard work, energy and creative flair fly straight out the window and into the garbage can. It’s not easy to make an engaging map, but this one does deliver.
The options available to succeed the map aren’t unrealistic and you always feel comfortably in control. As you’d expect from a seasoned map maker the tools for success and the invasions are in complete tandom with the actual game and goals. The invasions are timed nicely and the time difference between events cannot be questioned – The one bone i will pick though, is the fact; i believe too many archers’ are given for gratis. When my economy was in place and defenses set i had no problems picking off oncoming enemy troops. This is not in any way detrimental to the whole game, otherwise brilliant.

The story/background is great, well written and to the point without pouring too much water. As Sire Francis Baltimore the you immediately feel the need to kick some ass! The story is realistic and sets the scene well for the game. The extract from his log book is a nice touch of creative writing and offers a slightly different angle in which to take the story…All in all a very nice.

This map has bags of playability – I can’t do it justice by writing a few lines, (i guess that’d be tantamount to slander :o) but i will say that you’ll enjoy it – Why??? Because it’s good! ….

Andy Baz.
File Author
Hello my friends,

thanks a lot for your splendid reviews so far, I'm glad that you enjoy this map. Thanks, Andy Baz for your detailed statement.

Best regards


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