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Map Size: 400x400 (Large)
Difficulty: Normal

Greetings, and welcome to ancient Rome. The first map ever, to be worthy of the bold name; Rome.
Check out the new version: Rome the freebuild!
Also, check out this Rome Invasion, as player red. As quoted from my map Happytown 'There are alot of things that was originally planned for Rome that I used here... and also to play as red'. Duc de Noisiel was kind enough to surprise me with an email than contained this red version of the map. So, thank you. Here it is, ready for you to play it.

Heh, I will have to cut it into chapters...
1 - Introduction
2 - History behind the map, and those who contributed.
3 - "Ok, so... Rome... What type of map could a Rome map be?"

Ok, for those who don't want to read so much...
I hope you will enjoy the Rome themed map. Alot of people have helped, and alot of time has been spent, to complete this map. Most by me... and i'm not kidding. It's mostly an economic map, but there might be some attacks by the barbarians....

Ok, now for those who actually want to hear what I have to say...
Wow, it's finally done. I have worked alot with this map, and I hope you will enjoy playing as much as I've enjoyed making it.
This map has alot of work behind it, and alot history to it.
It all began somewhere early in January when I read Kesters article about stadiums. I was thinking....'wow, what a cool idea, but why hasn't anyone made a Colloseum?'. Yepp...that's how it began, I wanted to make the Colloseum. So I was thinking...Hell, Colloseum itself could be a map, so how cool wouldn't it be if I made the whole Rome as well.

I made the Colloseum, and spent 7 hours solely on building it. I decided I wanted it round. After that, I made Forum Romanum, and then Circus Maximus. After that, I wouldn't dare starting on the bold project of building Rome - the houses. So after a while of doing nothing with it, I started to getting the idea of making it a community map, after seeing the Crusader Community map which was active by then. So I did. But frankly, SH didn't seem to eager to build a Rome map. Only a few dared to join. But still...
I dare saying this, because I have spent so much TIME, blood, sweat and tears to this map - I consider it my map, but with help from others. Yeah, my map. But I still am guilty to thank those who helped, without them, I wouldn’t be able to do this map.
Of all the placements that I made, only these got filled:

-Houses - North East - Stretch 23 (I don't bother to explain what NE was...)
-Designing the outside of the wall - Jasper Tudor
-An aquaduct which should lead to the bath, and the bath itself - ILikeMistyWaters
-Story/instruction writer - Darkslave Master

The rest I’ve done myself…
And speaking of members that contributed to this map, I want to thank Arthus and Alexus (Warlord Designs) who both playtested this map.
Additional thanks to

This map is mostly an economic map, but be aware of that there will be barbarians attacking... This map is about the time, right before Rome will fall. The official date of when it fell was year 456 or something near that. This map starts at year 202. The city is falling apart because of several reasons, and it's your job to maintain the situation at its current state.

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lollard97367 Playability: 5
Had a limited movement problem with horse knights at first. Otherwise this jewel is exceptional quality and should be acknoledged as such. A FIVE for all the remarkable eyecandy (full coluseum with other statues and water works) you can actually play. You can work the gates at the coluseum and dont forget a complete city to build and manage.

Balance: 5
I like the balance to keep you working and not too much idle time. The Roman Road is itself worth enough to get a five for the map. Truly awesome.

Creativity: 5
Good job everyone who worked on this, special commendation to Douglass for such a great way to set this up. I remember getting the map in the inital stages and I passed on it because it seemed like it would be impossible to make it really represent ROME. I mean the real ROME not a cheap mock up of it. This delivers the goods on that part. Its a full city with a visible ghost and other special features ( the full city square looks like its out of a history book)! The Main City walls look good.

Map Design: 5
This is the best Stronghold 1 map I have seen on this website so far, IMHO. AWESOME WORK, and if this lives on to be the top downloaded I will not be surprised in the least. I like how the gladiator battles were represented.

Story/Instructions: 5
I noticed that my name was not included, even though I was really the only one who showed intrest in the map at the start. I intially contacted Douglass and wanted a copy of just the coluseum he had done at that time. All water under the bridge and I will say again this map is the BEST ON HERE!!!

Additional Comments:
Thumbs Up and if you only download one map from this website, click on the download map button -- you wont be disappointed.


[Edited on 05/05/06 @ 05:11 PM]

File Author
Thanks for the review Lollard! I am glad to see that people enjoy it, because i've spent so much time with it. I'm very glad to see it recieved a 5.0
Btw, you're now mentioned in the text hehe

I have added some stuff to the folder. I was thinking of adding an old version of the map, where there is audience in the arenas and theatres. It's a freebuild. But i'm not sure... would you guys want it?

I hope to see more reviews, but I can't expect too much.

[Edited on 05/06/06 @ 01:16 PM]

the big T Playability: 5
It was nice and challenging with all the fires and such. Attackers kept you on your toes

Balance: 5
It was great. I could play it on easy just to admire it, or very hard if I wanted a challenge
Creativity: 5
I don't think anyone has done an ancient Rome except Lord Karpathea

Map Design: 5
Beautiful. I love the colluseum! It must have taken you hours!

Story/Instructions: 5
Interesting story-keep Rome alive for as long as possible. I kept it alive for about 17 game years.

Additional Comments:
I'll have to say this is the best EC/Invasion map I have Ever played! Keep the good maps coming!
File Author
Thanks alot - both of you for the kind words. The best map in SH? Thank you ^^

I'm sure all the others that contributed are also happy to see the reviews.

Still waiting for a story by Darkslave. He apparently has problems, but it'll be up soon I think.

I'm still updating very, very minor things with the map. If I spot something, then I do something about it, so the map is getting constant (very small) updates.
alwaysready is this a stronghold or a crusader map?
darn, if it was crusader i would download it but i cant since i dont have original. perhaps you could also make essentially a duplicate in crusader with same design?

[Edited on 05/09/06 @ 04:31 PM]

File Author
It's a Stronghold map.
Wizards Playability: 5
Playability, wow, one of the few good maps that actually give you much thought and stress!

Balance: 5
Perfect Balance for me. Extremely good balancing and good use of events.

Creativity: 5
Creativity was beyond astonishing, from the colleseum to the various stadiums, it was all breathtaking and creative.

Map Design: 5
Can't say anything that can describe the brilliance in the map design. 1 word sums it up....Extrodinary

Story/Instructions: 5
Brilliantly written story. Very nice concept of keeping Rome Alive

Additional Comments: If i could, i would give it a 6.0.
Full of wonders and creation.
A job very well done

MS13 Playability: 4
The map is pretty good, however its way too crowded, and i understand the author cant help that. Also the defenses are not that good, Im sure Rome deserves much more defenses.

Balance: 5
Economically the map is great. However as i said before militarily it is not so good.

Creativity: 5
Good Job !

Map Design: 4
The Colosseum could have been made much better, it doesnt look that realistic. The aqueducts could also be improved, however the circus maximus is great.

Story/Instructions: 5
Good, not bad.

Additional Comments:
A map like this should not be given a limited time to play with, since it is really big and when you focus on the hazards that come along, you dont have much time to play around with it. I also have an idea for the author. If you had made some space for the army, you could have groups of soldiers like the roman legionaries, that would be really creative.
Personally I loveee anything tht has to do with the Romans, the best game so far is Rome:Total War, try it. Oh and im a new user here, hi to all.

[Edited on 05/11/06 @ 08:16 AM]

File Author
ok, well uh... Can you say what I can improve on the Colloseum?
MS13 Yeah sure,

its hard but you can try,

the colloseum was not really square like, it was circular, i mean even the seats not just the outer shape, if you can make the arena and the stadium itself circular, that would be great, and since the emperor of rome always used to watch gladiator games, you can have the keep actually in the walls of the colloseum so that the lord can go there from time to time. However im not saying the colloseum is bad
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