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Stronghold Crusader: Invasions » 4Brothers-Attack

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Map Size: 400x400 (Large)
Difficulty: Impossible
Made with version: 1.1
4 Brothers

An AI castle with 36 defensive siege engines and more than 400 bowmen in the towers. Can you capture it?


This is the continuation game of the economy mission "4BrothersDefense". In this game you will try to invade a heavily defended enemy castle where four brothers live.

The opening scene is a little busy, so you might want to let the game run for a minute and see what's going on. Then exit and start the game again (don't use 'Restart' though, Crusader might crash).


Admiral Saladin on the right flank: I am in grave danger, my friend! I have great need of your help! Heavily armored enemies are approaching! We cannot hold out much longer! -- Sgt Phillip on the left flank: Our defenzez are in tatterz! I am zurrounded! Zend your armiez to my aid! -- Your orders: Reatreat! Retreat! Mount as many traps as you can before you leave. We are short on food, so bring anything
you have and all the weapons too. Any other valuable goods is appreciated, but leave it if it slows down your retreat. -- This surprise attack was not part of your plans. You need
to regroup and recover. Your two advanced camps are just about gone, so you desperately need to improve the defenses of your planning headquarters. At the same time, you would really like to save the large towers at the front in the hope that you can repel the enemy and then rebuild stronger forward defenses.
-- Save the large towers in your allies' castles and then kick some enemy butt!


Don't 'Restart' this game. Crusader will either crash or it will be a completely different game. You can still 'Save' and
'Load' a saved game.

Don't produce crossbows. You can't use them anyway. I cannot disable this production in the game.


The large towers in the allies' castles actually belongs to you, so you can place engines in them. At the same time, your allies can place engines here too. So if you can keep your allies alive and save the towers, you can have double engines in the towers.
If any of the towers fall, you cannot rebuild them. However, if you can keep your ally alive, he will rebuild the towers and place a ballista here. In this case, you cannot place an engine in them.
If you can save the towers, but not your allies, you can repair your towers and place engines in them.

Knights, xbows, slingers, cats, and trebs are disabled.

It is beneficial (but not necessary) to play the economic mission "4BrothersDefense" before trying this one.

You most likely need the 'bonus AIs' installed (Sheriff, Frederick, and Phillip). They can be found on the heavengames website under the 'miscellaneous' download section (or maybe under 'utility files').

There is space for two mines, one quarry, and two small farms southwest of your keep. But you cannot place all of these at the same time. You can collect pitch up in the northwest corner of
the map.

Have fun and good luck in your desperate struggle!
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peter2008 1st dl - that's the sign for attack I've been waiting for.

Edit: Survived the massive starting attack with both allies. Meanwhile, the Sheriff has run out of gold, and the Wolf I have brought down to around zero, too.
They can't come out any more without being shot. But I can't go in without being massacred. Prescibed myself a creative pause. Perhaps I'll throw one ally to the wolves to be able to train a larger army.

Great job - great task.

[Edited on 05/21/09 @ 10:56 AM]

File Author

Did you save both your allies on first try?
Blast and thunder, I made this game to easy then ...

peter2008 Nonono, of course not. Needed many tries to see what's going on in that running battle and how I'd like to react. Still lost one large tower on each side.

The map is very hard eco-wise and very very hard as for attack (how about "impossible"?). Congratulations to this super installation. The dunes and hills are no ornaments but neccessary for outposts.

File Author

To Peter:

But if you lost two towers, the magic strategy question is: Maybe it is better to save the towers instead of your allies?

Sethyboy You should definitely change the difficulty to impossible.

I tried it once and got owned in no time.

I tried it again at 20 speed and managed to save Phillip.

Several tries later, things were not looking good:

I used the in-game cheats, glitches to cripple the enemy economy and save my allies at first, AND I used an auto-clicker to make a huge mass of horse archers.

Those horse archers I made charged at the enemy. They were all mutilated without a single enemy casualty.

Phillip is nearly useless, and Saladin runs into constant stockpile trouble because he cannot sell goods to make room for wheat or flour. Even when he sends an army, it is destroyed in seconds by the 12452354 enemy crossbowmen and practically 16 ballistae per tower.

Has anyone even come remotely close to beating this?
File Author

This game is now updated for MUCH more enjoyable gaming. As some have indicated, this game was plainly too hard to be any fun. I have now updates this to allow:
Catapults, shields, and trading of wood.


It is still a hard nut to crack, but the attack mission is now more a real attack mission than plain 'pain-and-suffering'.

I would be grateful if anyone with Crusader Extreme could see if this game is playable. In standard Crusader, you will run into a 'maximum army' around 300 troops, which is a great disappointment (but somewhat expected).

One more little piece of info: It is possible to save both allies and all four towers in the opening scene. A challenge for all of you hardcore players. Please feel free to brag about your glorious strategy and achievements on this site.

peter2008 Cats, shields, wood trading - how nice.
In a new course [Edit: of the "old" version], I saved the four towers (but only one ally, Saladin) and ... won the map. :)
Had good householding with trees. Cultivated them in a tree nursery. Blocked the enemy from chopping on the flanks. Boosted my population with ale (2 fields must stay).
A middle period will be to raid the economy of the AIs and block the outer resources. First had assasins sitting on stone and iron deposits. Then learned to use bad things instead. Slowly you can bring the enemies down to zero gold, even Richard. But Frederick will treasure uo gold and not use it (he had more than 500,000 in the end). When that point was reached I threw Saladin to the wolves to get a larger amount of troops.
The clue is the right AI to attack. Tried it against the xbows of the Sheriff and lost 200 horse archers and my swordsmen.
Giving up? Due to taxes from high population, I could send 5-6 armies of horse archers and made them walk around the big castle to clear two towers. With crossfire reduced, I could start charging the first one of the opponents.
Nevertheless, it took 3 tries to finish the Lord.
After that, with the possibility to train ever larger armies, the other enemies fell quickly.
The mission took 175.5 game years.
I found the castle concept very impressive.
- Triple siege engines and mixed troops on the towers.
- Clever combination of AIs. The Sheriff who sends raiding macemen. Richard who is best in attack (never saw these MASSES of engines and units). The Wolf is ok. Frederick sucks in frequence and size of attack but he makes up a reliable backbone of defence, never runs out of gold, sends his engineers quickly. Stunning to watch how he reorganizes the castle walls after an AI has been killed.

Qt, thanks for such a very great scenario.

Late attack on Richard:

Sweet victory:

[Edited on 05/28/09 @ 08:10 PM]

File Author

Congrats to Peter, our most determined Crusader player!

Did you finish it with the 'old game' or the update which allows cats and shields?

If you didn't try the cats yet, I recommend a quick try. During my testing, I sent 30 cats towards the castle,...and I was still massacred!

peter2008 Sorry for writing unclear. I won the old and brutal version. Lack of shields is the reason why it took so long. Had 200-s of horse archers being wiped out in no-time. Saved so much gold that I could send 5 times of about 250 ha's to empty some large towers.

Still massacred? I'll try to play the new version, too, and will report (edit):

Have fully enjoyed the new version. It is great and hard and epic.
Trading of wood makes the start easier. Nevertheless, I'd recommend to place a cathedral early for some steady tax income. Had the minor problem of clearing trees now (lol).
Shields turn my defences into invincible fortresses - if not some Sheriff macemen enter the tower.
And catapults are of great fun, of course only if protected by shields, archers and melees. These mixed troops create a "round" and varied feeling. The map is more playable now. Still very bloody due to cross fire. Tip: stockpile many stones to be able reload the catapults often. However, given the troops limit of the skirmish map and with engineers taking part in the charge, one has to think strategically which unit types to use for which wave of the attack.
It took me only 57 game years now to win it.
There are many fascinating details. A special one is that different parts of the walls belong to different AIs, towers and layers of the walls. So, under fire, the entire brotherhood rebuilds and repairs far more quickly than a single AI. My horse archers destroyed new tower engines on one side while the cats smashed a newly built tower on the other. For the pikemen need a long time to get the tricky moat partially filled in.
As icing on the cake, I rewarded something that in most other skirmishes is just boring. Became greatest Lord in November 1315, seems I did a thrashing to bring Frederick down to few gold.

[Edited on 05/23/13 @ 03:27 AM]

svenjo Yo man that mission is really too hard i saved my 2 allies on the 5th try and now im gonna build up my castle^^
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