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Stronghold: Invasions » Château-Gaillard

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Map Size: 300x300 (Medium)
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Richard I of England, simultaneously feudal Duke of Normandy, ordered that the construction of the castle. The goal was to protect Rouen and Richard's duchy of Normandy from the French kings, but Richard died due to an infected arrow wound on his shoulder before the fortress was complete. The site of Château-Gaillard had not been fortified before, and the town of Les Andelys was constructed at the same time. The work at Château Gaillard cost an estimated £15,000 to £20,000 between 1196 and 1198. Not only was the castle built at considerable expense to The Crown, but it was built relatively rapidly; construction of large stone castle often took the best part of a decade, and the work at Dover Castle between 1112 and 1191 cost £7,000.
It is said that Philip II of France boasted that his troops would take the château "were the walls made of iron"; Richard retorted that his troops would hold the castle "were the walls made of butter".
The construction of Château Gaillard was taken over by his brother John. The building of the castle continued but for two alterations at John's request: one was to have an extra window built on the chapel's outer wall and the other was to have an extra toilet in the chapel.
The outer bailey had the signature characteristic of Château Gaillard in that the wall was formed in arcs of stone. This feature, that was an innovation for 12th-century France, had two advantages: first, the round wall absorbed the damage from siege engines much better—the wall did not provide a perfect angle to aim at; second, the arrow slits in the curved wall allowed arrows to be fired at all angles. Sir Charles Oman wrote of it: Château Gaillard, as we have already had occasion to mention, was considered the masterpiece of its time. The reputation of its builder, Coeur de Lion, as a great military engineer might stand firm on this single structure. He was no mere copyist of the models he had seen in the East, but introduced many original details of his own invention into the stronghold.

France year 1203. French possession are from former occupied by England. King Philip II organizes expedition which has on aim conquest castle Chateau Gaillard in Normandy. The most prominent engineers and commander from whole France be in demand as well, clever to win this powerful fortress.

To knight Gotfryd de Gisors arrived messenger with news about prepared expedition. In letter be written, that will be this the very difficult expedition which will take with me many victims. However Gotfryd, participant I crusade, there in addition was clever commander. Several days Gotfryd later de Gisors together with one's soldiers leaves to Paris, where march has to begin on Chateau Gaillard. After week of trip it reaches to Paris and it becomes appointed the commander of expedition, what he didn't expect.

After tiring expedition through English estates Gotfryd together with army reaches under walls of fortress. Castle impress swing, on walls to be visible already archers and crossbowmen ready to fight. Gotfryd orders to break camp and to build siege machines. After several hours of conferences all commanders and he engineers of expedition the began fire from trebuchet . Siege tower with knights moved from left side, hidden with for movable shields archers bring closer to walls. Siege started...
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Lord Galandros Excellent work.

It is not that hard to some people less skilled in attacking like me.
Just noticed a few things: the swordsmen near the lord are passive to its death and maceman inside the castle don't stop the way...
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Oh, I forgot including defensive stature ;) Thanks for comment.
evil_space_cows Looks good.
will review.
agh, It only downloads something called '"

[Edited on 12/20/09 @ 05:02 AM]

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