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Topic Subject: The Clone Wars
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posted 03-17-05 04:41 PM EDT (US)   
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...



The Battle of Praesitlyn left the Republic
in disarray. The Republic's worst fears
were coming true, the Confederacy was
winning the war.

On Coruscant, in the heart of the Republic,
a decision is made. The Republic needs more
troops, orders are sent out to Kuat, Corellia,
Kamino, and every major military supplier in
the galaxy. After six months, the orders are ready.

Hope arises as Anakin Skywalker goes to liberate
Naboo and Obi-Wan Kenobi leads an attack on
Muunilist. Victory is critical if the Republic
hopes to win the war...


~Chapter I~
1. 1st Battle of Fondor: REPUBLIC VICTORY
2. 2nd Battle of Fondor: REPUBLIC VICTORY
3. Battle of Sluis Van: CONFEDERATE VICTORY

~Chapter II~
1. Battle of Bespin: REPUBLIC VICTORY
3. Battle of Bakura: CONFEDERATE VICTORY
4. Battle of Praesitlyn: CONFEDERATE VICTORY

~Chapter III~
1. 2nd Battle of Naboo: REPUBLIC VICTORY
2. Battle of Muunilist: REPUBLIC VICTORY

~Chapter IV~

If you wish to join use this to create your character:

Owned by: (your name here)
Faction: (Republic or Separatists)
Occupation: (Jedi Knight, Admiral, etc.)
Bio: (blah, blah, blah, all the crap you want us to know about your character)


No flaming
No godmoding (ie: I make 100 Death Stars and blow up everybody)
Keep OOC posts to a minimum
No killing other people's characters without my permission
Have fun
No being newbish (ie: u guys r all LusorZ, u guys r teh suxXorZ)
The Battle of Coruscant will end the RPG, you can't attack Coruscant until we've gone through at least 5 or 6 chapters and the rest of the RP'ers agree to
Although in AOTC the Confederacy has plans for the Death Star, you can't build it in this RPG unless we all agree on it

List of Characters:

Name: Anakin Skywalker
Owned by: Mister Bigglesworth
Faction: Republic
Occupation: Jedi Knight
Bio: Born and raised on Tatooine, no one knows his real father. He is thought to be teh Chosen One who will bring balance to the force

Name: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Owned by: Mister Bigglesworth
Faction: Republic
Occupation: Jedi Master/General
Bio: Anakin's mentor and a fatherlike person to the boy, he is a powerful Jedi with a great deal of experience being the only Jedi who killed a Sith in 1000 years.

Name: None (Clone troopers don't really have names)
ID: Delta 001 (D1 for short)
Faction: Republic
Owned By: MPK
Occupation: Advanced Recon Commando (ARC Trooper
Bio: The clone troopers of the Galactic Republic exhibited exacting uniformity in skill and appearance, but a few were designed to stand apart from the masses. The ultimate in the clone trooper ranks were the Advanced Recon Commandos, or ARC troopers, elite infantry hand-trained by Jango Fett.
Only a select number of ARC troopers were bred and trained before Fett's untimely demise at the Battle of Geonosis, and they were used sparingly during the Clone Wars. At the Battle of Kamino, Prime Minister Lama Su personally activated the ARC troopers to defend Tipoca City from Separatist attack. They have also served in campaigns on Muunilinst, Jabiim and Pengalan IV. ARC troopers were used for only the most dangerous missions that require a substantial amount of independent thought. Though these troopers undergo growth acceleration like the standard clones, their docility and independence has not been at all altered. ARC troopers employ an advanced version of the clone trooper armor, and carry heavier weaponry or mission-specific gear such as reverse-polarity pulse grenades or PLEX-1 portable missile launchers. This particular ARC Trooper, Delta 001, was is known throughout the Clone Wars as one of the most formidable of the Republic Elites. Seperatist bases would be captured, rebelling planets would fall, enemy armies would be destroyed. And much of It thanks to this brave soldier, working behind enemy lines and in other dangerous situations, acomplishing what others sometimes could not.[/c]

Name: Admiral Screed
Owned by: Admiral Fyyar
Faction: Separatists
Occupation: Commander

Name: General Grievous
Owned by: Commander Merai
Faction: Separatists
Occupation: Seperatist General; Jedi Killer
Bio: Psychotic alien military genius who was so badly damaged he has a droid body; commands from flagship The Invisible Hand. Third in command of the Confederacy after Sid and Dooku.

Name: Count Dooku of Serenno/Darth Tyranus
Owned by: Commander Merai
Faction: Separatists
Occupation: Political leader of the Separatists; Sith apprentice; Count of Serenno
Bio: In his youth, Dooku was possibly the most gifted student the Jedi Order had ever seen. Although not his Master, Yoda was amongst his closest friends and mentors, even moreso than normal with Jedi padawans and the old Grand Master of the Jedi Order. As time passed, Dooku trained Qui-Gon Jinn and went on to become a Jedi Master. But Master Dooku was not satisfied. As he grew older, he realised the true depth of the corruption in the Republic. Disgusted, he left the order when he was 70, becoming once more Count of Serenno. In this time, he met Darth Sidious, and became his student. Dooku replaced Maul as a Lord of the Sith, and soon he united the Commerce Guild, InterGalactic Banking Clan, Trade Federation, Corporate Alliance and many other factions into a Separatist Union. At Geonosis they formed the Confederacy of Independant Star Systems. Dooku ordered the death of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala, but in the subsequent Battle of Geonosis, he retreated to the War Room. In his private hanger he defeated both Obi-Wan and Anakin, before retreating from master Yoda to secure the safety of the plans he carried for the Ultimate Weapon...

Name: Delocrates
Owned by: Welsh
Faction: Seperatists
Occupation: Mercenary

Name: Keraon Teron
Owned by: sithlordmichael
Faction: Republic
Occupation: Leader of the task force Reducator
Rank: Admiral
Bio: The older brother of Zer Teron he was selected at an early age to begin training in fleet operations. He is an fresh Admiral in the Republic navy. He and his brother were selected at an early age for a secret project that implanted cloned DNA into them giving them all their abilaties.

Name: Zer Teron
Owned by: sithlordmichael
Faction: Republic
Owned by: sithlordmichael
Occupation: Jedi Knight leading a force of Republic Droids
Bio: a Jedi Knight he was a clone of Jango Fett and Count Dooku, he is currently leading a small force of Republic Droids. He and his brother were selected at an early age for a secret project that implanted cloned DNA into them giving them all their abilaties.

Name: Aether Tethine
Owned by: British Patriot
Faction: Separatists.
Occupation: Viceroy's military adjutant.
Bio: A son-in-law of one of Gunray's previous subordinates, Daultay Dofine (deceased), Tethine has ascended rapidly through the ranks of the Trade Federation (having purchased his commission) to become adjutant to the Viceroy. He is a kind of Neimoidian Machiavelli/Sir Humphrey Appleby.

Name: Viceroy Nute Gunray
Owned by: British Patriot
Faction: Separatists.
Occupation: Trade Viceroy, head of Trade Federation.
Bio: Neimoidians are known for their exceptional organizational and business skills, but Nute Gunray was more cutthroat than most. His unscrupulous nature saw him ascend to the position of Viceroy of the Trade Federation. As the executive officer of the Trade Federation, it was Gunray who led the blockade and subsequent invasion of Naboo. The assurances of Darth Sidious, his shadowy Sith benefactor, led Gunray down this ambitious and blatantly illegal path. Once Naboo was under siege, Gunray attempted to force the planet's monarch, Queen Amidala, to sign a treaty that would legitimize the occupation. During the subjugation of the planet, Gunray proved that he was willing to commit any atrocity in pursuit of commercial gain and power. He boldly set himself up in the Queen's former throne room, taunting the planet's governor, Sio Bibble, while Naboo's population suffered the effects of the embargo. Gunray's cowardly true colors showed themselves when Naboo freedom fighters stormed the Royal Palace. The Neimoidian cowered behind squads of battle droids, fearing that the fighting would spill too close to his throne room. Queen Amidala infiltrated her own palace and blasted through Gunray's protectors. At gunpoint, Amidala declared Gunray's occupation over. Arrested by Republic officials, Gunray and his lieutenant, Rune Haako, were carted off to answer for their crimes. They risked losing their lucrative trade franchise from this botched endeavour. But even justice could be bought in the final corrupt years of the Republic. After four trials in the Supreme Court, Gunray still held his position of Viceroy. When Count Dooku's Separatist movement began tearing apart the Republic, many of the galaxy's largest business concerns were attracted to the idea of galactic reforms that would benefit commerce. Gunray was one of them, though he made his allegiance to the newly formed Confederacy of Independent Systems contingent on the assassination of Padmé Amidala. To that end, the bounty hunter Jango Fett recruited Zam Wesell to kill the Senator of Naboo. Though Wesell failed, Amidala was eventually captured by Separatist forces and was to be executed before Gunray. Amidala proved hard to kill, and when the shooting started at the first engagement of the Clone Wars, Gunray again turned coward and fled the conflict.

Name: Yoda
Owned by: kypjargon
Occupation; head of the Jedi Coouncil
Bio: Kyp didn't fill out the proper sign up thingy so there is no bio!

Name: Mace Windu
Owned by: not_really_here
Occupation: Member of Jedi Council
Bio: A respected Jedi on par with the venerable Yoda, Mace Windu was a senior member of the Jedi High Council. His wisdom and experience were legendary, and his words carried great weight. In the later years of the Republic, Windu spent most of his time in the Jedi Temple of Coruscant. He regularly conferred with Yoda and the ten other members of the Council, contemplating the very nature of the Force and the affairs of the Jedi Knights. Windu was well schooled in Jedi philosophy and history. He knew of the ancient prophecy of the Chosen One who would return balance to the Force. When maverick Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn approached the Council with a prospective candidate to fulfill that prophecy, Windu was hesitant. With reservations, he agreed that the child, Anakin Skywalker, could be tested for Jedi potential. Though Anakin had the highest midi-chlorian count on record, and indeed showed great potential, the Council and Windu decided that he was not to be trained. He was too old to begin the life of a Jedi. After Qui-Gon's death, the Council rescinded their original decision, and granted Obi-Wan Kenobi permission to train Anakin Skywalker. Windu, a diplomat by nature, believed in the power of words over action. But as the galaxy found itself increasingly fragmented by the rise of a powerful secessionist movement, he grew to question some of his firmest held beliefs. He thought it impossible that the Separatist leader, former Jedi Count Dooku, could be behind the escalating flashpoints of violence in the galaxy. Such aggression was not in his character, Mace reasoned. When an intelligence report from Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi revealed the Separatists gearing up for war, Windu came to realize that the time for negotiation had passed. Though he reminded the Supreme Chancellor that the Jedi were peacekeepers and not soldiers, as the Clone Wars began, the Jedi found themselves leading platoons of clone troopers into battle. Reversals such as these troubled Master Windu, for they came about too suddenly, and the usually prescient Jedi were unprepared. Something was clouding the future, and the order's very connection to the Force was weakening. That a Sith Lord existed, somewhere in the galaxy, was not in doubt, but could this shadowy villain really bring this much imbalance to the Force? At the first engagement on Geonosis, Windu arrived ahead of the clone trooper army with a Jedi taskforce. He was there to free Jedi held captive by Count Dooku. In the battle that ensued, Windu faced Dooku's hired gun, bounty hunter Jango Fett. Though Fett had proven himself deadly against other Jedi, he was no match against Windu. The Jedi Master repeatedly deflected Jango's incoming blasts, and quickly decapitated the hunter with his lightsaber. As the Clone Wars erupted on Geonosis, Windu led a special squad of commando clone troopers into the thick of battle. He would be one of the few Jedi to return unscathed from that first engagement.

Name: Commodore Mazarin
Owned by: British Patriot
Faction: Separatists
Occupation: Commander of the Naboo Occupation and all Navcal forces in that area, Political Officer.
Bio: Mazarin is a young man of royal blood. At the age of sixteen he was granted a commission in the fleet of his uncle, a senior military officer for his homeworld. When he was 22, the clone wars broke out. His uncle brought his homeworld into the Confederacy, and Mazarin was posted as an attache with the Trade Federation. He has a natural flair for military strategy, and has since been appointed commander of the Separatist forces occupying Naboo. (He is dissapointed with this posting, however, and longs for a more active role in the conflict.) He often shows off his royal blood by wearing various military orders on his uniform.

Name: Cees Gray
Owned by: Nebb
Faction: Republic
Occupation: Fighter Pilot/Slicer
Bio: Cees has always had a nack for all things reflex based. He calls it luck, he just has a 'feeling' of what's about to happen. A jedi once saw that Cees had the capability to be a Jedi, but Cees gave up after a year to pursue a carrer in the Republic Navy. Cees doesn't burden himself with many possessions, just a datapad, his Z95, a blaster pistol, his old lightsaber (It's been so long since it's use, Cees isn't even sure hy he keeps it with him anymore) and his speeder bike (same model as Maul's). Cees can be trusted, even if he does possess the almost suicidal mentality of a Pilot.

Name: Gedson Marik
Owned by: Dead Nation
Faction: Republic
Occupation: Jedi Knight
Bio: Born on Naboo, Gedson was recruited into the Jedi order, and trained under the personal eye of Plo Koon. Although, Plo Koon was too busy with Council work to greatly pay close attention to his padawan, Gedson took it on his own time to find out as much as he could of the force. Eventually, he was offered a seat at the Jedi Council, to be the only jedi knight, along with Ki-Adi-Mundi, of course to be seated at the Jedi Council. Although he refused, Gedson was still appointed to A General in the Clone Wars. After being wounded in the Battle od Geonosis, Gedson rertired to giving orders to ground forces from an armored capital ship until he heals properly.

Name: Kiranus Kan
Owned by: Alexus
Faction: Scarlet Dawn
Occupation: Warlord
Bio: The grandfather of Alexus Kan, who fought in the Vong war, he started the faction SCARLETDAWN. It is rumoured he has force powers.

Name: Haanu Gunem
Owned by: Billy9
Faction: Trade Federation
Occupation: Admiral
Race: Nemoidian
Bio: Haanu Gunem is the grandfather of Gunnu Gunnem, The Trade Federation Viceroy during the Vong Wars and a co-founder of the Consortium of Common Interests(See New Jedi Order RPG). Haanu is an Admiral in the Trade Federation. He is much like his grandson, the opposite of most Nemoidians. He is strong, fearless, cunning and brave. He can't decide sides though. He fights for the Confederacy but supplies the Republic. He vacations on Naboo but will blockade a planet. Haanu only takes orders from Count Dooku and General Greivous. If you pay Haanu handsomely he could help you out. Even the Republic.

Name: Plo Koon
Owned by: Stormtrooper88
Faction: Republic/The Jedi
Occupation: Jedi Master
Bio: A member of a Jedi council, Plo Koon is one of the very few Kel'Dor who had the potential to use the force. He is also one of the best in lightsaber skills. Fearless,yet fierce when fighting, Plo Koon is one of the deadliest of all Jedi in the Council.

Name: Aurra Sing
Owned by: Victor von Doom
Faction: None
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Bio: Events such as the Boonta Eve Classic Podrace attract beings from all reaches of the Outer Rim Territories. Drawn by the prospect of winning a fortune by gambling on the outcome of the race, even wanted criminals surface from the shadows. Following them are bounty hunters such as Aurra Sing, who keep a close eye on the proceedings.
Aurra Sing is a laconic humanoid alien with chalk-white skin and long, bloodletting fingers. Surgically attached to her skull is a long, thin sensor implant that aids her in her hunts. Sing is clad in a functional red jumpsuit and wears little armor.

Name: San Hill
Owned by: Victor von Doom
Faction: CIS
Occupation: Sepratist Leader
Bio: A Muun from Munnilinst, the gaunt Hill had a pale complexion from years of working indoors. In the economic turbulence that accompanied the Separatist movement, the Banking Clan executives profited handsomely from numerous worlds minting their own independent currencies.

Name: Eeth Koth
Owned by: DarkSideFire
Faction: Republic
Occupation: Jedi Master
Bio: Eeth Koth is one of the estemed members of the Jedi Council. He was found to be very strong with the force at a young age and was almost not trained, but he managed to prove himself a worthy master of the force and has since grown in stature. He is an amazing master, brilliant with a blade yet strong with the force. He is a Zabrak as was the Sith Darth Maul and it is obvious both of them are amazing fighter. He never shys away from a fight and is always one of the first ones to draw his blade. At the moment he took the postion of a General in the Clone Wars and is helping lead the grown attack on Naboo.

Name: Terz Quelth
Owned by: DarkSideFire
Faction: Republic
Occupation: Jedi Padawan
Bio: Terz Quelth is the Padawan to the Jedi Master Eeth Koth. He is young being only 15 years of age, very young for his speices. He goes with Master Eeth Koth everywhere and often sits with him on the Jedi Council. Though he is young he is one of the most promising members of the Jedi order, great with a lightsaber and also powerful when it comes to wielding the force. He is with his master helpng lead the attack on Naboo.

Name: Ki-Adi-Mundi
Owned by: Darth Kiev
Faction: Republic
Occupation: Jedi Master
Bio: One of the leading Jedi on the Council, Ki-Adi led the Republic to many victories in the Clone Wars

Name: Shaak Ti
Owned by: Darth Kiev
Faction: Republic
Occupation: Jedi Master
Bio: One of the leading Jedi on the Council, Shaak Ti led the mission on Brentaal IV, but after her confrontation with General Grievous, she was moved to bodyguard to the Chancellor

Name: Asaij Ventress
Owned by: Darth Kiev
Faction: Confederacy
Occupation: Dark Jedi (aspiring Sith)
Bio: Ex-Jedi Asaij Ventress turned to the Dark Side when her master died due to the complacency of the Council. She was later recruited by Dooku himself on Rattatak. She has led many victories.

Name: Wilhuff Tarkin
Owned By: Melkor1
Faction: Galactic Republic
Occupation: Governor of Seswenna Sector/Admiral
BIO: The wily Eriadan Tarkin is well regarded as one of the most dangerous men in the galaxy, certainly rivaling Count Dooku in political skill and influence. Recently comissioned as an Admiral in the Republic Navy, mostly to garner the support of the Outer Rim, he is still green in the ways of combat. Yet with an intellect like his, a minor military defeat could turn into a major political victory.

Name: Wedraw Therk
Owned by; Melkor1
Faction: CIS
Occupation: Captain
BIO: A former Jedi-in-training, Therk commandeered a Rendili Dreadnaught, Liberty's Price with the help of a crew of disgruntled Republic naval officers. Presumably chasing after the ill-fated "Outbound Flight," he disappeared. Recently resurfacing among General Grievous' forces, Therk could prove to be a problem for the Republic.

List of Republic/Confederacy ships: (Thanks to Admiral Fyyar for providing the list)


Capital Ships:
Mandator-class Star Dreadnought, Mk. I & II (pre-Clone Wars)
Procurator-class Star Battlecruiser (pre-Clone Wars)
Light Assault Cruiser, refitted Republic Cruiser (pre-Clone Wars)
Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser(pre-Clone Wars)
Acclamator-class Assault Cruiser (around by AOTC)
Carrack-class Light Cruiser (possibly launched during the Clone Wars)
Marauder-class Corvette (pre-Clone Wars)
Centax-class Heavy Frigate (possibly launched during the Clone Wars)
Victory-class Star Destroyer (launched sometime during the second year of the Clone Wars)
Venator-class Star Destroyer (launched sometime during the final year of the Clone Wars)

Delta-7 Aethersprite-class Light Interceptor (pre-Clone Wars)
Delta-7A Advanced Starfighter (launched sometime during the Clone Wars)
ARC-170 Space Superiorty Starfighter (launched shortly before ROTS)
V-19 Torrent-class Starfighter (launched shortly after AOTC)
V-Wing Interceptor (launched sometime during the Clone Wars)
Z-95 Headhunter Starfighter (pre-Clone Wars)

General Confederacy:

Capital Ships:
Modified Providence-class Carrier/Destroyer, the Invisible Hand (launched sometime during the final stages of the Clone Wars)
Providence-class Carrier/Destroyer (launched sometime during the Clone Wars)

Modifed Belbullab-22 Starfighter, Grievous' personal fighter (possibly launched sometime during the Clone Wars)
Tri-Fighter Droid
Droid Gunship

Trade Federation:

Capital Ships:
Droid Control Ship (pre-Clone Wars)
Battle Ship (pre-Clone Wars)
Light Cruiser (pre-Clone Wars)
Missile Frigate (pre-Clone Wars)

Vulture-class Droid Starfighter (pre-Clone Wars)
Scarab-class Heavy Droid Starfighter (pre-Clone Wars)

Commerce Guild:

Capital Ships:
Diamond-class Cruiser (pre-Clone Wars)
Recusant-class Support Destroyer (around by AOTC)
Presidente-class Starship (pre-Clone Wars)


Techno Union:

Capital Ships:
Hardcell-class Starship (around by AOTC)

Techno Union Starfighter, no class name (possibly launched sometime during the Clone Wars)

InterGalactic Banking Clan:

Capital Ships:
IBC Frigate, no class name



Capital Ships:
Geonosian Dreadnaught, no class name (around by AOTC, since they coulden't be able to make anything since)

Nantex-class Starfighter (around by AOTC)

Super-duper in-depth stats: (Thanks again, to Fyyar, for providing them)

Providence-class Carrier/Destroyer:
length: 1,088 meters
propulsion: 4 Nubian Creveld-4 radial ion drives
max acceleration: 2,500 G
max speed: 2000 KPH
hyperdrive class 1.5
crew: 600 and up to 1.5 million battle droids
armament: 14 quad turbolaser turrets, 34 dual laser cannons, 2 ion cannons, 12 point-defense ion cannons, 102 proton torpedo tubes.
complement: 120 droid tri-fighters, 120 vulture fighters, 160 MTTs, 280 assorted droid armored vehicles.

Venator Star Destroyer:
length: 1,137 meters
max acceleration: 3000 G
hyperdrive class 1.0
crew: 7400
armament: 8 heavy turbolaser turrets, 2 medium dual turbolaser cannons, 52 point-defense laser cannons, 4 proton torpedo tubes, 6 tractor beam projectors.
complement: 192 V-Wing fighters, 192 Eta-2 Actis Interceptors, 36 ARC-170 Fighters, 24 military walkers, 40 LAAT/i gunships and misc. shuttles.

Tri-Fighter Droid:
5.4 meters long, 1.96 m wing diameter, 3.45 m wide.
3600 G
37,000 KPH max air speed
No hyperdrive.
Droid brain.
1 medium laser cannon, 3 light laser cannons, 2-6 buzz droid missiles.

Droid Gunship:
12.3 meters long, 11 meters wide
100G max acceleration
14,200 KPH max air speed
armament: 14 missiles, 2 laser cannon turrets, 1 medium laser cannon, 2 light laser cannons.

Commerce Guild Support Destroyer, Recusant-class:
1,187 meters long, 157 meters wide, 163 meters tall
hyperdrive class 2.0
30,000 light year effective range
300 crew, up to 40,000 deactivated battle droids
1 prow heavy turbolaser cannon, 4 heavy turbolaser cannons, 6 heavy turbolaser turrets, 5 turbolaser cannons, 30 dual laser cannons, 12 dual light laser cannons, 60 point-defense laser cannons.

Banking Clan Frigate:
Manufacturer: Hoersch-Kessel Drive Inc. and Gwori Revolutionary Industries
Make: Munificent-class Star Frigate
Dimensions: Length 825m; width 426m; heght 243m
Max. Acceleration: (linear, in open space) 2,300G
Hyperdrive: Class 1.0; 150,000 light year effective range
Crew: 200; up to 150,000 deactivated Battle Droids
Weapons: 2 heavy turbolaser cannons; 2 long range ion cannons; 26 twin turbolaser cannons; 20 light turbolaser turrets; 38 point-defence laser cannons

~Ãû$tïñ Powrs~

[This message has been edited by Mister Bigglesworth (edited 05-06-2005 @ 08:20 AM).]

posted 03-17-05 04:51 PM EDT (US)     1 / 710  
To alleveryone will need to pick a color for their post:

I choose yellow

Let's begin!

3 days after the Battle of Geonosis:

Mas Amedda: "Order! Order!"

Palpatine: "Senators, friends, I bid you welcome"

Palpatine: "War is upon us, whether we want it or not-thousands of systems join the Separatists under the rule of Count Dooku-if we do not act now..."

Another Senator moves his hover-platform to speak:

Senator: "With all due respect Chancellor, I'm sure a perfectly peaceful solution will be found if you give us time"

Palpatine pauses for a while:


The Senator room is eerily quiet.

Palpatine: "Meeting, Concluded!"

Note: This is just a starter post for the whole thing okay, I'm not trying to control Palpatine or anything.

~Ãû$tïñ Powrs~

[This message has been edited by Mister Bigglesworth (edited 03-17-2005 @ 04:56 PM).]

posted 03-17-05 04:51 PM EDT (US)     2 / 710  
I pick red!

Sev watched the landscape go by as the gunship flew towards the LZ. He watched as Homing Spider Droids were pummeled Republic Vehicles and visa-versa. Suddenly, the gunship came to a hault. The clone by Sev looked down, and was shot in the head by a super battle droid. Sev attached his line to the door and repeled to the ground. He unslung his D-17 blaster rifle and unloaded the clips into a squad of battle droids and Super battle droids. A droideka approached behind him, and opened fire. Sev rolled left, turned on his Cyan Lightsaber and delected the bullets. He rushed the droid, sliced its arms off, and finished it off with a slash to the head.

You rock dood - Nanosaur

[This message has been edited by Darth Fett (edited 03-18-2005 @ 02:43 PM).]

posted 03-17-05 04:55 PM EDT (US)     3 / 710  

~Ãû$tïñ Powrs~

[This message has been edited by Mister Bigglesworth (edited 03-17-2005 @ 04:55 PM).]

posted 03-17-05 04:59 PM EDT (US)     4 / 710  
Edited as well

You rock dood - Nanosaur
posted 03-17-05 06:01 PM EDT (US)     5 / 710  

Unproud Creator of Campaign which got lost when I wiped my computer, Return of Dash Rendar!
Looks like I pwned myself...
"Plo, I am awed by your 1337 paint skills. Funny s*** too."-KevintheKing
SWGBH - The Comic: Episode II: Sorry Mace, we're a little short...

[This message has been edited by mAStER_PLO_KOON1 (edited 03-17-2005 @ 07:05 PM).]

posted 03-17-05 06:44 PM EDT (US)     6 / 710  
Remember this takes place 3 days AFTER the Battle of Geonosis. Unless you are "cleaning up" Separatist forces please edit your post.

~Ãû$tïñ Powrs~
posted 03-17-05 07:05 PM EDT (US)     7 / 710  

Unproud Creator of Campaign which got lost when I wiped my computer, Return of Dash Rendar!
Looks like I pwned myself...
"Plo, I am awed by your 1337 paint skills. Funny s*** too."-KevintheKing
SWGBH - The Comic: Episode II: Sorry Mace, we're a little short...
posted 03-17-05 07:12 PM EDT (US)     8 / 710  
It is the clean up crew

You rock dood - Nanosaur
posted 03-17-05 07:25 PM EDT (US)     9 / 710  
lol lets start now okay, everybody read teh starter post, then post with your own character.

~Ãû$tïñ Powrs~
posted 03-18-05 03:29 AM EDT (US)     10 / 710  
Er... how do you change colour? I'll try Blue; is this it?

<BLUE> General Grievous stared out the viewport of his Trade Federation Core Ship at the last vestages of the battle taking place far below. Vulture Starfighters and Geonosian fighters were mopping up the last of the Fondor Planatery Defence Force.

Fondor was a major shipyard... but unfortunately for the Republic, the Clone Army had not reached it in time and now it was owned by the Separatists. Fondor was necessary for Project Invisible Hand. Grievous bent over the console "Recall all fighters; move the Mostus Prime Dreadnought to point 0-6-4" he barked. The Nemoidian turned to look at him. "But sir, there's nothing..." he trailed off at the look in Grievous' reptilian yellow eyes.

At that moment, 4 Republic Assault Ships leapt from Hyperspace. They were caught by surprise for a moment, then opened fire. "Interesting..." Grievous murmured. "This could be a challenge after all..."

"I vote we rename this thread to Merai: Kicking Ass and Taking Names"- Scn Jedi
"Merai is awesome cause he makes me one badass mother****er, or as Dane Cook says, a BAMF"- The Crazy Person
"I actually prefer Merai's opinion over everyone else's. You can quote me on that."- Sarthos
posted 03-18-05 07:10 AM EDT (US)     11 / 710  

If you aren't a Christian and are ashamed of them put this in your signature.

[This message has been edited by sithlordmichael (edited 03-18-2005 @ 07:14 AM).]

posted 03-18-05 07:13 AM EDT (US)     12 / 710  
i choose light red

As Palpatine watched the live battle at Fodor he decides to send half his personal fleet 6 Republic star destroyers to attack their gunships.

should we put the faction stats up?

and Commander Merai [COLOR=color][/COLOR] put your color where the second color is written and your words between the ][

If you aren't a Christian and are ashamed of them put this in your signature.

[This message has been edited by sithlordmichael (edited 03-18-2005 @ 07:24 AM).]

posted 03-18-05 07:25 AM EDT (US)     13 / 710  
can I join as Mace Windu (even though I don't know anything about Episode III either?)


Haruun Kal



1.88 meters


Jedi Council

A respected Jedi on par with the venerable Yoda, Mace Windu was a senior member of the Jedi High Council. His wisdom and experience were legendary, and his words carried great weight.
In the later years of the Republic, Windu spent most of his time in the Jedi Temple of Coruscant. He regularly conferred with Yoda and the ten other members of the Council, contemplating the very nature of the Force and the affairs of the Jedi Knights.

Windu was well schooled in Jedi philosophy and history. He knew of the ancient prophecy of the Chosen One who would return balance to the Force. When maverick Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn approached the Council with a prospective candidate to fulfill that prophecy, Windu was hesitant. With reservations, he agreed that the child, Anakin Skywalker, could be tested for Jedi potential.

Though Anakin had the highest midi-chlorian count on record, and indeed showed great potential, the Council and Windu decided that he was not to be trained. He was too old to begin the life of a Jedi. After Qui-Gon's death, the Council rescinded their original decision, and granted Obi-Wan Kenobi permission to train Anakin Skywalker.

Windu, a diplomat by nature, believed in the power of words over action. But as the galaxy found itself increasingly fragmented by the rise of a powerful secessionist movement, he grew to question some of his firmest held beliefs.

He thought it impossible that the Separatist leader, former Jedi Count Dooku, could be behind the escalating flashpoints of violence in the galaxy. Such aggression was not in his character, Mace reasoned.

When an intelligence report from Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi revealed the Separatists gearing up for war, Windu came to realize that the time for negotiation had passed. Though he reminded the Supreme Chancellor that the Jedi were peacekeepers and not soldiers, as the Clone Wars began, the Jedi found themselves leading platoons of clone troopers into battle.

Reversals such as these troubled Master Windu, for they came about too suddenly, and the usually prescient Jedi were unprepared. Something was clouding the future, and the order's very connection to the Force was weakening. That a Sith Lord existed, somewhere in the galaxy, was not in doubt, but could this shadowy villain really bring this much imbalance to the Force?

At the first engagement on Geonosis, Windu arrived ahead of the clone trooper army with a Jedi taskforce. He was there to free Jedi held captive by Count Dooku. In the battle that ensued, Windu faced Dooku's hired gun, bounty hunter Jango Fett. Though Fett had proven himself deadly against other Jedi, he was no match against Windu. The Jedi Master repeatedly deflected Jango's incoming blasts, and quickly decapitated the hunter with his lightsaber.

As the Clone Wars erupted on Geonosis, Windu led a special squad of commando clone troopers into the thick of battle. He would be one of the few Jedi to return unscathed from that first engagement.

Not - Really - Here
<< Even though I'm here, I'm also in 99 other places, so don't expect my full attention >>
<< or the 99 other people I'm talking to won't get my full attention >>

The question is, why use bow when throwing knife has double arrow's range and is more precise than any sniper rifle? -DJ
Why does everyone always ignore my right shoulderblade?

[This message has been edited by not really here (edited 03-18-2005 @ 10:35 AM).]

posted 03-18-05 07:36 AM EDT (US)     14 / 710  
At Nallastia

Sir, communications from the Chancller
we are to go to Fondor and repel the Cofederacy from there.

map of the star wars galaxy

If you aren't a Christian and are ashamed of them put this in your signature.

[This message has been edited by sithlordmichael (edited 03-18-2005 @ 12:23 PM).]

posted 03-18-05 10:33 AM EDT (US)     15 / 710  
Mister Bigglesworth: I think the title post is way too small. We need ship stats, soldier stats, faction stats, planets, and way more.

Unproud Creator of Campaign which got lost when I wiped my computer, Return of Dash Rendar!
Looks like I pwned myself...
"Plo, I am awed by your 1337 paint skills. Funny s*** too."-KevintheKing
SWGBH - The Comic: Episode II: Sorry Mace, we're a little short...
posted 03-18-05 12:14 PM EDT (US)     16 / 710  
er... Sithlord Michael. Communications from the Emperor? Which Emperor would this be?

Oh, and thanks for the whole Colour thing.

"I vote we rename this thread to Merai: Kicking Ass and Taking Names"- Scn Jedi
"Merai is awesome cause he makes me one badass mother****er, or as Dane Cook says, a BAMF"- The Crazy Person
"I actually prefer Merai's opinion over everyone else's. You can quote me on that."- Sarthos
posted 03-18-05 12:22 PM EDT (US)     17 / 710  
I guess my color will be this.

Unproud Creator of Campaign which got lost when I wiped my computer, Return of Dash Rendar!
Looks like I pwned myself...
"Plo, I am awed by your 1337 paint skills. Funny s*** too."-KevintheKing
SWGBH - The Comic: Episode II: Sorry Mace, we're a little short...

[This message has been edited by mAStER_PLO_KOON1 (edited 03-18-2005 @ 12:32 PM).]

posted 03-18-05 12:24 PM EDT (US)     18 / 710  
sorry edited

If you aren't a Christian and are ashamed of them put this in your signature.
posted 03-18-05 12:25 PM EDT (US)     19 / 710  
You spelled "chancellor" wrong


Republic star destroyers

"Republic Star Destroyers"?? Or are you talking about the Republic Assault Ships?


1. Who is going to make the faction stats?
2. Is It going to be realistic(i.e, not have 10,000 capital ships)?

Unproud Creator of Campaign which got lost when I wiped my computer, Return of Dash Rendar!
Looks like I pwned myself...
"Plo, I am awed by your 1337 paint skills. Funny s*** too."-KevintheKing
SWGBH - The Comic: Episode II: Sorry Mace, we're a little short...

[This message has been edited by mAStER_PLO_KOON1 (edited 03-18-2005 @ 12:30 PM).]

posted 03-18-05 02:53 PM EDT (US)     20 / 710  
Sev entered the Spire, Count Dooku stood in the center. He shot, and the bullet phased through, and Dooku faded. "A Hologram? Blast, its a trap!" A door in the side of the room opened, and a Nexu entered. The beast struck at Sev, causing him to drop his rifle, and knocked him to the ground. The fangs were inches away from Sevs face, and within seconds, they were pressed up against his screen. Sev smiled. The helmet cleaner activated, and began to burn through the Nexus teeth. The beast roared, Sev kicked it off and grabbed his Dc-17 and blasted it with his A-Armor attachement.

"Clone Pilot 17, this is Sev, calling for extraction, no ones here."
"Roger that 07, we're heading there now."

You rock dood - Nanosaur
posted 03-18-05 04:09 PM EDT (US)     21 / 710  
To All:

Its not "Republic" Star Destroyer, its called a Venator Star Destroyer, there are also Acclamator Assault Cruisers, the Venator's predecessors.

[EDIT]: God dammit! TFN's Star Wars Encyclopedia is still down.


Anakin rolled his starfighter, two of the Spearatists dorid fighters screamed down in front of him, he fired twice and two brilliant explosions erupted in front of him. He pulled his fighter upward into space. A couple of teh Republic's Acclamator Assault Cruisers were firing on a Trade Fedration Battleship. Anakin paused, one of the Cores of the Trade Federation ships was dropping toward Fondor, at first he thought it had been blown off, but he saw no signs of external damage:

"Oh boy" Anakin said sarcastically.

He signaled Obi-Wan through the starfighter's comm device.

Anakin: "Master, the Separatists are trying to land on Fondor-the Core Ships are entering the atmosphere"

Obi-Wan: "We saw them too, signal all fighters to attack and destroy the Core ships"

Anakin rolled his fighter again and dove toward the Core Ships, if they reached the ground, the droids inside them could reak unimaginable havoc. Luckily, while unattached ot the main part of the ship, the TF battleships had bad shielding-so a couple good hits with a concussion missle could do a lot of damage. His fighter only carried proton torpedos so he relied on the larger ships to blast away the shields. Diving down he unleased a storm of laser fire against a Core Ship, then launched a proton torpedo at teh command bridge, it exploded-taking down sensors and turrets, but nothing vital. An Acclamator traded fire with two of the Core Ships, blasting one to oblivion, it came down on the other twice as hard. Seeing the Core Ship tied up with a cruiser he ordered a squadron of Clone Pilots to attack:

Clone Pilot: "i have a readin, the shi[s shields are down"

Anakin: "good, get into attack formation"

The squadron of fighters dove in, cannons blazing. Anakin launched a proton torpedo at the bridge, again-it exploded, and took the brdige with it. Once the bridge was destroyed the Republic Cruiser chewwed up the Core Ship, blowing it to bits. The invasion of Fondor had been halted, for now...


1. Who is going to make the faction stats?
2. Is It going to be realistic(i.e, not have 10,000 capital ships)?

1. Well, I'll do the Republic's British Patriot can do teh Separatists as he is Count Dooku.

2. Yes, definately

Can anyone get me a list of Republic ships? I'll need that before I do the stats

Oh, and not_really_here, yes you can join.

~Ãû$tïñ Powrs~

[This message has been edited by Mister Bigglesworth (edited 03-18-2005 @ 04:41 PM).]

posted 03-18-05 04:47 PM EDT (US)     22 / 710  
General Grievous bent low over the comm console and surveyed the two Jedi Starfighters carving a bloody path through the Vulture Droid Fighters. Anakin Skywalker. No-one else flew so recklessly. For a moment Grievous longed to duel the young Jedi, but no. He could not reveal himself yet. The destruction of a Core Ship signalled the retreat of the rest. The invasion was stalled.

Darth Sidious had commanded he take Fondor so that they could construct the behemothic Command Cruiser Grievous had designed- he planned to call it the Invisible Hand. And Fondor would fall. One way or another.

Grievous briefly considered the relative merits of retreating to hit a more undefended shipyard like Sluis Van. Then he abruptly decided against it. "Call in the reinforcements!" he ordered, and bent forwards. "All ships concentrate fire on the Republic Command Cruiser and prepare to attack. The planet isn't important; capture the shipyards. Do not, repeat, do not damage the shipyards under any circumstances.

Grievous sat back and watched 3 Geonosian Dreadnoughts and a Commerce Guild Heavy Cruiser decant from hyperspace. The Battle was not over yet...

"I vote we rename this thread to Merai: Kicking Ass and Taking Names"- Scn Jedi
"Merai is awesome cause he makes me one badass mother****er, or as Dane Cook says, a BAMF"- The Crazy Person
"I actually prefer Merai's opinion over everyone else's. You can quote me on that."- Sarthos
posted 03-18-05 05:32 PM EDT (US)     23 / 710  
To All: The best map of the glaxy is located sadly on the same we've seen before-it's just bigger


Republic Admiral: "This is the Admiral to all fighters, break off and attack those reinforcements, they're trying to take the shipyards, not the planet-this was all a diversion!"

"Sithspawn" Anakin yelled.

He turned his fighter toward one of the orbital shipyards. It was the larger of the four in this sector and was very important. Anakin knew the Separatists wouldn't fire on the shipyards which he knew was why the Republic was going to win. He sent a transmission to Obi-Wan, who was aboard the Republic Command ship:

Anakin: "Master, I have an idea"

Obi-Wan: "Be quick Anakin!"

Anakin: "The Separatists aren't firing on the shipyards so they don't risk destroying anything vital. Right now those shipyards have routed most power to the shields, where it's uneeded"

Obi-Wan: "What are you talking about, are you saying we shut the shields down?"

Anakin: "That's exactly what I'm saying Master, if we reroute all power to the shipyards trubolasers and ion cannons, we'll blow the Separatist Fleet to bits"

Obi-Wan: "Anakin it's too risky"

Anakin: "Just trust me for once Master Obi-Wan"

Obi-Wan [sighs]: "All right, all right-but this better work Anakin"

Anakin watched as the turbolasers firing soon became brighter and thicker. They were tearing the Confederacy's fleet apart. No one had ever attempted what had just been done as in most situations it would have been suicide. Anakin watched as his plan unfolded beautifully. But, soon, his happiness turned to horror as one of the crippled enemy ships drove itself into the shipyard using the last of its power. The explosion was enormous, it ripped through a third of the shipyard and singed the rest, the shockwave from the blast took out two of the Acclamator Class Cruisers and atomized a hundred fighters. He watched as the few remaining Separatist ships escaped into hyperspace, his plan had worked, but the consequences had been terrible.

Anakin [sigh]: "Oh boy, here comes another lecture from Obi-Wan"

~Ãû$tïñ Powrs~

[This message has been edited by Mister Bigglesworth (edited 03-18-2005 @ 05:42 PM).]

posted 03-18-05 05:55 PM EDT (US)     24 / 710  

Alarms were sounding everywhere. The halls were lit with flashing red lights. Clone Pilots and Jedi were rushing to starfighters and turret stations.

Out the window Delta 001 could see hundreds of starfighters swarming around. In addition to the crimson lights, any rooms with windows constantly flashed many different colors as a result of lasers being everywhere, making for a peculiar looking environment.

While manning a turbolaser turret, Delta 001 glanced at the shipyards, seeing a Seperatist Battleship heading toward It. Needless to say, the ship crashed in the the yards, creating a titanic explosion that anhialated hundreds of ships and a large portion of the shipyard in a spectacular ball of flaming plasma.

But not so spectacular for the Republic.

All the Clone Troopers who saw It(everyone) stared at where a lot of the shipyard used to be. "What the **** was going on!??!" Delta 1 yelled. "If I ever find the idiot who deactivated those shields, I'll use his head as target practice!"

Even though his ratio of droid fighters destroyed per minute was unaffected, D1 wondered what he was fighting over. What's the point of fighting over a crippled shipyard? he thought. This is almost pointless.

Unproud Creator of Campaign which got lost when I wiped my computer, Return of Dash Rendar!
Looks like I pwned myself...
"Plo, I am awed by your 1337 paint skills. Funny s*** too."-KevintheKing
SWGBH - The Comic: Episode II: Sorry Mace, we're a little short...

[This message has been edited by mAStER_PLO_KOON1 (edited 03-18-2005 @ 09:39 PM).]

posted 03-18-05 05:59 PM EDT (US)     25 / 710  
Wait, Commander, Master Plo.

One of you is gonna have to change your color okay, I don't wanna get mixed up. Thank you.


Obi-Wan: "What were you thinking Anakin!"

Anakin: "Well you were to one who..."

Obi-Wan: "Yes, I agreed with you, but only because there was nothing else to do at the time!"

Admiral Frael Kre'fey, a Bothan, approached them.

Frael: "Master Obi-Wan, it has come to my attention that your apprentice was responsible for the...incident on Fondor"

Obi-Wan: "Well he won't do anything like it again, I'm sorry Admiral, for listening to him"

Frael: "It was too agressive and cost us two cruisers! Agressive behavior is against the Jedi Code, perhaps this one isn't meant to be in the Order"

Anakin ignited his lightsaber

Anakin: "Shut up, you decroded furball, you don't know who you're dealing with, I'm gonna..."

But before he could finish, Obi-Wan kicked his lightsaber out of his hands and shoved him to the floor:

Obi-Wan: "Admiral, I think it best that you leave"

Obi-Wan: "Get up Anakin! If you ever do that again you'll be expelled from the Jedi Order! Now, I won't tell the council about what just happened and I used a mind trick on Kre'fey so he won't talk, but do that again and you're done. Got it!"

Anakin got up and moaned. The next day he was taken to teh Jedi Council, they scolded him and kept lecturing him about how anger is the way to the dark side, luckily they didn't know about yesterday's little...quarrel with Admiral Kre'fey or they would've expelled him. After the scolding he went to Palpatine's office, the one person, he felt, truly understood him.

Palpatine: "There is nothing wrong with what you have done, Anakin, sacrifices must be made to achieve your goals"

Palpatine: "Would you rather have the Separatists capture the entire shipyard facility?"

Anakin: "No, Chancellor"

Palpatine: "Nothing else could be done, your solution was best, you should be comemorated, not scolded"

Anakin: "Thank you Chancellor"

Anakin smiled.

Palpatine: "Now boy, I'm sorry we can not talk longer, but I have matters to attend to"

With that Palpatine left the room, and Anakin went back to his sleeping quarters.

~Ãû$tïñ Powrs~

[This message has been edited by Mister Bigglesworth (edited 03-18-2005 @ 06:24 PM).]

posted 03-18-05 07:23 PM EDT (US)     26 / 710  
Okay Bigglesworth, my new color will be orange.

Unproud Creator of Campaign which got lost when I wiped my computer, Return of Dash Rendar!
Looks like I pwned myself...
"Plo, I am awed by your 1337 paint skills. Funny s*** too."-KevintheKing
SWGBH - The Comic: Episode II: Sorry Mace, we're a little short...
posted 03-18-05 07:30 PM EDT (US)     27 / 710  
Thank you Plo, it helps a lot. Also I like all teh pretty colors.

Please change you above post to orange Plo.

~Ãû$tïñ Powrs~

[This message has been edited by Mister Bigglesworth (edited 03-18-2005 @ 07:31 PM).]

posted 03-18-05 09:40 PM EDT (US)     28 / 710  
Color changed.

Unproud Creator of Campaign which got lost when I wiped my computer, Return of Dash Rendar!
Looks like I pwned myself...
"Plo, I am awed by your 1337 paint skills. Funny s*** too."-KevintheKing
SWGBH - The Comic: Episode II: Sorry Mace, we're a little short...
posted 03-19-05 03:53 AM EDT (US)     29 / 710  
General Grievous was unconcerned by the loss at Fondor. The Republic had taken heavy casualties themselves, and the shipyards were all but useless until they were repaired. HE had other concerns to attend to.

He stepped down stairs and activated the door panel. THe door slid out to reveal a strange being standing behind it. "You are the Gen'Dai bounty hunter, Durge?" he asked, his yellow reptilian eyes percing the being in front of him.

"I am," confirmed the bounty hunter. "Count Dooku said I was wanted here?" Grievous nodded. "Indeed. I am going to Sluis Van at all speed. I want you to go to the planet who's co-ordinates I am giving you and oversee the construction of a bunker there." Durge looked up. "What planet is it?" For a moment Grievous paused, then replied "Mustafar."

"I vote we rename this thread to Merai: Kicking Ass and Taking Names"- Scn Jedi
"Merai is awesome cause he makes me one badass mother****er, or as Dane Cook says, a BAMF"- The Crazy Person
"I actually prefer Merai's opinion over everyone else's. You can quote me on that."- Sarthos

[This message has been edited by Commander Merai (edited 03-19-2005 @ 07:08 AM).]

posted 03-19-05 06:50 AM EDT (US)     30 / 710  
Hey commander, remember you have to do the color thing the right way which was posted previously.


Anakin watched as the shipyards had been repaired, the shipyards people were accusing him of destroying. But, those same people failed to realize that if he hadn't shut off the shields, the shipyards would now be producing droids and ships for the Confederacy. As he watched he heard a crash, and the sound of laser fire. He ignited his lightsaber and ran toward it. As he expected, there were 6 Confederacy Assasin Droids attacking the workers. They were shooting construction workers and tearing apart everything. He ran in and attacked one, it pulled out a rifle and shot at him, but Anakin chopped the gun in half with his lightsaber. He swooped up and put a hole in the droid's leg, sparks flew as the droid's wiring came apart. He then plunged his lightsaber into the droid's chestplate and it crumpled to the ground. The other 5 droids all came in and circled him. They all shot at him but Anakin deflected all the bolts, then one of the droids pulled out something-a Hard Sound Gun, it fired. The noise struck Anakin's ears like a hammer, and blood immediatly began to rush from them. Anakin got up, his face bloody, and slashed at one of the droids, the force guided his lightsaber bringing it down on the droids head, it split open and the droid crumpled to the ground. The droids with teh Sound Gun fired again, this time it was all the more painful. It looked as if the droids were going to kill Anakin, but when Anakin looked up he saw Obi-Wan, his blue lightsaber blazing as he took down one of the droids. Anakin got up and using the last of his strength, battle one of the droids. Obi-Wan came up behind the droid Anakin was fighting and stabbed it in the back, Anakin, seeing the droid crippled, chopped off its head. The fight was over, and Anakin barely escaped with his life. The workers left the room as they cheered Anakin, he forced a smile even under all the pain. Obi-Wan left the room to go to the med center to get bacta patches for his wounds. Just as Obi-Wan left, Anakin felt a warm presence enter the room, he turned around, and saw Padme looking at him, he smiled. He gave her a hug and kissed her on the cheek:

Anakin: "Why are you here?"

Padme: "After I heard what happened I wanted to see if you were all right"

They left to go to the med center so Anakin could get his wounds treated.

A few hours later...

Obi-Wan: "Anakin, Anakin wake up"

Anakin: "What? What happened?"

Obi-Wan: "You lost a lot of blood and went unconscious because of the wounds"

Obi-Wan: "The workers who you saved pretty much told everyone on Fondor about what you did"

Master Windu came over to Anakin:

Mace: "Well done Anakin, that was a noble thing you did"

Anakin: "Thank you Master Windu"

Anakin: "Yesterday I was an idiot aand now I'm some kind of hero? Wow!"

Anakin got up and stumbled down to the cafeteria, he hadn't eaten in hours.

~Ãû$tïñ Powrs~

[This message has been edited by Mister Bigglesworth (edited 03-19-2005 @ 09:25 AM).]

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