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Topic Subject: Star Wars: Return of the Jedi RPG
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posted 11-09-03 12:21 PM EDT (US)   
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi RPG

This thread is an RPG that is going to be starting at the beginning of Return of the Jedi. I have chosen this time period because many things happen in that movie, and it had huge effect of the future in the Star Wars Universe. Currently I am not going to do anything with regular prices on what is sold and how much credits you have, but if I find people who our going to be just saying that there guy buys thousands of things and yet has no job. Also no godmoding is allowed.

Here is the basic information needed for if you make a character and you may add extra information if you want,

Here is basic information needed for if you want to create or own a faction and you may add extra information if you want,
Army Size(Amount of starships, veichles, soldiers, ext, ext)
Planets(Planets under its control)

Just as a reminder that factions and characters in the movie or in the EU at that time you may use. And hopefully this thread will actually be a sucess.


Hutt Cartell
(Part of the Imperial Federation, and stats only include its private forces.)
Leader: Siac
Planets: Tatooine, Hutt Space
24 Star Destroyers
1,000 CloackShape Fighters
10,000 Mercanaries
75,000 Gamorrean Guards
50,000 Weequay Guards
20,000 Vodran
7,000 T'landa Til
500,000 Mercanaries
500 Nimbanel
250 Other

The Imperial Federation
Supreme Viceroy: Thrawn
Viceroys: Aridus Kaine, Siac the Hutt, San Hill, Nil Spaar, Ssiliak, Kuat of Kuat, Raith Sienar
Admirals: Cortes, Galak Fyyar, Zsinj, Sarron, Dar Bille, Teradoc, Harrsk, Ivpikkes, Dall'or, Qelan-Par
Capital: Byss
Shipyards: Kuat, Fondor, Gyndine, N'zoth, Rendili, Rothana
Imperial Remnants (The Core and serval other systems)
Hutt Cartell (Hutt Space)
CIS Remnants (Muunilist and neighbor systems)
Duskhan League (Koornacht Cluster)
Ssi-ruuk (Ssi-ruuk Cluster)
Kuat Drive Yards (Kuat Sector)
Rendili StarDrive (Rendili Sector)
Sienar Fleet Systems (Terrox Sector)
6 Super Star Destroyers (Imidiator, Precessesor, Conquer, Crippler, Reaper, Iron Fist)
1 Doomgiver Heavy Star Destroyer
1 Ssi-ruuk Battlecruiser
15,000 Imperial Star Destroyers
8,000 Victory Star Destroyers
1,000 Ssi-ruuk Battleships
10,000 Dreadnaughts
4,000 Protector Light Destroyers
5,000 Ssi-ruuk Cruisers
6,000 Ssi-ruuk Destroyers
1,500 Muun Star Cruisers
3,000 Ssi-ruuk Frigates
5,000 Yevethan Thrustships
20,000 Assorted Frigates and Corvettes

Garm bel Iblis's private army
Ruler: Garm bel iblis/me
Space fleet5 Katana heavy dreadnoughts.
25 Heavy cruisers
30 Assult frigates
300 Headhunters
200 Pirate starfighters
Ground forces:
10,000 Troopers
7000 Rocket troopers
5000 War droids
2000 Portable missile turrets
2000 Heavy plasma cannons
1000 Bazooka troopers
Currently operating from Rhen var.
Credits(used for hiring mercenarys and bounty hunters)

Rebel Alliance
Army status-
1,500 volunteer troopers
500 rebel commandos
500 Ground mechs (various)
500 X wing fighters
400 A wing fighters
300 B wing fighters
200 Y wing fighters
30 Marauder Corvettes
40 Marauder fighters
20 Acmalator class assult ships
30 Alpha model howlrunners
25 Mon Calamri Cruiers
20 Nubian war cruisers
14 Neimoidian Warships
30 Captured Imperial craft (various)
Planets-Mon Calamari, various hiddedn outposts
Rebel Alliance Squadrons;
Grey Squadron (X-Wing's):
Leader (Grey 1) - Keyan Farlander
Grey 2 - ?
Grey 3 - ?
Grey 4 - ?
Grey 5 - ?
Grey 6 - ?
Grey 7 - ?
Grey 8 - ?
Grey 9 - ?
Grey 10 - ?
Grey 11 - ?
Grey 12 - ?
Raider Squadron:
Leader (Raider 1)- Adlon Merove (Male)
Raider 2- Eylen Cara (Female)
Raider 3- Fomleth Shek (Male)
Raider 4- Gendrom Yene (Male)
Raider 5- Halgep Den (Male)
Raider 6- Imol Shek (Male)
Raider 7- Jala Dara (Male)
Raider 8- Kerla Beynol (Female)

Yuuzhan Vong Scout Force: Admiral Fyyar
Leader: Executor Nom Anor
Capital:StarGate (The place were the Vong enter the galaxy)
1 SuperWorldship
30 Yuuzhan Vong Cruisers
1,000 Yuuzhan Vong Elite Troopers
30,000 Yuuzhan Vong Troopers

Faction: G.I.A.
2'000'000 Gorbian Soldiers.
42'000 Solar Runners (Command Ships)
100'000 Assault Cruisers
50'000 Starfighters
45'000 Starbombers
10'000 Land Assault Ship (L.A.S.)
15'000 Water Terrain Walkers (W.T.W.)
15'000 Underwater Walkers (U-W.W)
25'000 Land Assault Walkers (L.A.W.)
50'000 Single Soldier Walkers (S-S.W.)
5'000 Gorbian Army Captains
100'000 Land Glider Transports (L.G.T.)
350'000 Gorbian Knights
20'000 Knight Carriers.
Planets Under Control:
Bespin. Gorabian's started construction on a Anti-Gravity Battlestation.
Yavin. Gorabian race has begun construction on a space station and a command center circulating Yavin. Gorabian's also created a anti-gravity prison cell in Yavin's atmosphere.
Current battle position:
Gorabian Knights were attacked on Yavin IV by Jedi Knights. Lost a total of 150 Knights and the Gorabians are researching the new lightsaber technology. The Gorabian's have sent miners to Dagobah for 'force crystals.' The miners were attack by the Galactic Empire. 50'000 miners made it to Dagobah. A total of 100'000 Soldiers were killed. In that battle.

Faction Name: United Leaders of the Mid-Rim
Plants of Involvement: Ambria, Tholatin, Sneeve, Anzat, Telti, Toygoria and Zeltros.
Affiliations: Ambrian Security Force, Tholatin Alliance, Republic of Sneeve, Democracy of Telti and Zeltros, Federation of Toygaria and the Freedom Couse of Anzat.
Leaders: Lial Mya'r (Ambria), Sir Kakkusan (Sneeve), Minister Yultrosia (Tholatin), Senator Kilbran (Telti), Senator Kyuu Oper (Zeltros), General Grovir (Toygoria), Ala Miah (Anzat).
Fleet: 6 Capital Cruisers
200 Support Fighters
12 Planet Orbiters
600 Satelitte Arrays
Position: Peaceful Alliance


Name: Siac
Species: Hutt
Job: a Viceroy of The Imperial Federation, and leader of Hutt Cartell
Faction: Hutt Cartell
Bio: A hutt that took revenge on Jabba

Name: Darth Vader
Species: Human
Job: Dark Lord of the Sith
Faction: Empire
Bio: Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith, was the scourge of the Jedi, a master of the dark side of the Force, and one of the Emperor's most trusted servants.

Name: Keyan Farlander
Specie: Human
Job: I don't know a pilot or a general (in the end of X-Wing Collector's CD (in X-Wing you play as Farlander), you are promotted to General.....) But I think I will youse a squadron commander... Let's say :
Job: Grey Squadron Commander
Faction: Rebel Alliance
Bio: A pilot with the powers of the force. Hasn't been trained seriously with the way of the force until the destruction of DSII, bt still can use normal skills (Push, Jump, Pull, and Speed), and Lightsaber.

Name: Hayrel Nickel
Species: Human
Job: Stormtrooper General
Faction: Galactic Empire
Bio: A Stormtrooper who were once a Dark Jedi training in the Shadow Academy.He quitted when he were called by the Empire to command an army of ground forces to destroy a Wookie Village.Because of his force powers that he has mastered,he easily find the Village and are able to detect dangers.The mission was more then successful,and he were promoted to become a general.

Name: Thrawn
Species: Chiss
Position: Grand Admiral
Ship: Customised SSD Admonitor (5 KM long)
Faction: Empire
Bio: The strongest GA in the empire, he is known for out-thinking impossible strategys

Name: Cortes
Species: Human
Position: High Admiral, Commander of Byss
Ship: SSD Dead's Message
Faction: Empire
Bio: The commander of Byss, the Emperor's personnel retreat, currently inspecting the construction of the Eclipse Star Destroyer.

Name - Bib Fortuna
Species - Twi'Lek
Job - Jabba's right hand man
Faction - Hutt Cartel
Bio - Bib Fortuna is Jabba's second in command, and a good friend of Jabba. He controls a siezable portion of the Hutt Cartel. When he leaves for a period of time, he likes to bring Jabba "gifts", usually attractive females of his own species. He got into this job because he likes watching Jabba torment his slave girls. Deep down inside, under layers of greed and perversion, he is really an OK guy.

Name : Luke Skywalker
Species :Human
Job : Jedi Knight
Faction :Rebel Alliance
Bio : Son of Darth Vader. This Jedi Knight was only a farmboy 3 years ago, but with brief training from Ben Kenobi and Yoda, Luke had gained the Jedi Power. He is currently on Ben Kenobi's hut, planning to free Han from Jabba.

Name - Kyp Jargon
Species - Shi'ido
Job - Squadron Leader (Green X-Wing Squadron)
Faction - Rebel Alliance
Bio - Kyp was born on Alderaan. Despite having two eminent Jedi as parents, Kyp has no trace of the gift himself. He is however, a crack pilot, and has many a medal adorning his cabin on board the Calamari Cruiser, Liberty.

Name - Captain Nydar
Species - Human
Job - Rebel commander/pilot
Faction - Rebel Alliance
Bio - Nydar was once a security officer at the wealthy Jugun'Fy spaceport. Jugun'Fy was a vital link to numerous important trade routes, so natrually, it got the attention of the Hutt Cartel. When Bib Fortuna deployed mercenary forces to invade Jugun'Fy, Nydar ran to the Rebel Alliance for help. The Rebels had their hands full with Imperial space attacks, so Nydar decided to join the alliance until they could aid Jugun'Fy. His strategic skills quickly got his promoted to Captain.

Name: Irek
Species: Human
Job: NA
Faction: Empire
Bio: Irek has an implant that allows him to control machinery through the force. He is a bit mischevious and often uses it to amuse himself.

Name: Nom Anor
Species: Yuuzhan Vong
Job: Executor/Spy
Faction: Yuuzhan Vong
Bio: The nightmarish-looking Executor of the Yuuzhan Vong scout force

Name - Durk Ziridan
Species- Human
Job - Imperial Captain
Faction - Galactic Empire
Bio - Captain Ziridan was promoted to his position by Admiral Fyyar, after successfully destroying several Rebel assults on some supply convoys that were carrying minerals to the Death Star II construction site.

Name: Adlon Merove
Specie's: Human
Gender: Male
Job: Spy
Age: 41
Faction: Rebel's
Home Planet: Correlia
When Adlon was young he could find the best hiding place's and sneak up on people without a sound. He did this just to scare them though and it worked realy well. One day he decided to pick on a nikto. He snuck up on the nikto and as he was about to scare him the nikto turned around real fast and shot adlon in the leg's. Then adlon was taken to a rebel medical center. And now he's a spy.

Name: Alex Xelop
Species: Human
Job: Personal Aid to Darth Vader. (Like Mara Jade to the Emperor)
Faction: Galactic Empire
Bio: Born and raised on Corrilea, Alex was taken from his family by Darth Vader when he was a baby. Vader took him the Emperor where the Emperor saw great talent with the force. The Emperor ordered Vader to take the boy as his aid, and Vader did. Alex was secretly involled in all of Vader's moves. Vader sent him to places from the dry world of Tatoonie to the lush swamps of Naboo. However Vader always made sure that Alex never stepped foot one Correlia again for fear he would learn the truth of his orign and turn on him. Alex is now 19 years old and stands six feet one inch tall and has brown hair and brown eyes. Vader has been teaching Alex the force and taught him how to build his own lightsaber. Alex built it at the amazing age of three and has built 3 others. His latest one is now a single green saber. He is trained in the best combat skills the emperor had to give at it's height. Alex is now on his way to Bespin to meet with Darth Vader on Lando Calrission's Cloud City...

Name: Lee Yun Tyu
Species: Gorabian Human
Job: Leader of the Gorabian Invasion Army (G.I.A.)
Bio: Earned his current position by pointing out to the Minister of Gorbia-Myul, about the Star Wars Galaxy. He also was a key General to many Battles fought in the Solerikay Wars. Although the Gorabia's came from another galaxy, they have very limited technology than the habitants of the Star Wars Galaxy.

Name: Bevel Lemelisk
Species: Human
Faction: Imperial Federation
Occupation: Chief Engineer
Bio: Bevel has created numerous weapons during Palpatine's reign and during failure was killed and reborn in a new clone body. Now he is part of the Imperial Federation following Palpatine's death and been told to help in the creation of numerous new weaponry. For this task he has asked for more engineers. Bevel then asked if blue prints and technology of other factions to be given to him.

Name: Lial Mya'r
Job: Employer of M.S./Leader of the Ambria System
Position with GIA: Ally
Homeworld: Ambria
Faction: United Leaders of the Mid-Rim
Vehicle: Ambrian Starfighter T4Y
Weapon: Ambrian Staff / Lightsaber

[This message has been edited by Shadow_Droid (edited 01-04-2004 @ 10:39 AM).]

posted 02-03-04 05:15 AM EDT (US)     331 / 363  
Kyp was yanked out of hyperspace to a rather impressive sight.

Ten Chiss corvettes and and four squadrons of clawcraft were arranged on either side of an interdictor cruiser.

"Attention unidentified craft! You have entered Chiss space, you have fifteen seconds to state your intentions or you will be fired upon."
"Negative I do not come seeking a fight."
"You have twelve seconds remaining."
"I come seeking allies in the fight for control of the rest of the galaxy." Kyp said quickly.
"I'm listening."
"Okay ... ummm as you are probably aware, there are three factions battling for supremecy, The Empire, The New Republic and the Sith."
"I was under the impression that Emperor Palpatine was the last of the Sith."
"As were we."
"The Rebel Alliance."
"Became the New Republic, did it not?"
"So you are really asking for aid for your New Republic"
"I do not understand your intentions."
"I am sorry to change the subject but i have been looking for the Chiss for several weeks ..."
"Yes we are aware of this."
"I have not been able to refuel in that time so my fuel is almost depleted. May I land aboard your ship to refuel and perhaps meet in person with representitives from the four families."
"How do we know this is not an elaborate ruse to destroy us."
"If your destruction was my intention i would have headed straight for Csilla."
"By blundering around for weeks?"
"No i would have headed straight here," kyp said as he rattled off a string of numbers.
"And those are the coordinates for Csilla i suppose. And next you will tell me that One of the planets in our territory has grown another moon?"
"Are you familiar with the Star Destroyer Liberator?"
"It spent some time in orbit around Csilla did it not?"
"I do not know where your information came from but you would do well to shoot them."
"Yeah i guess i had better shoot the CHISS NAVICOMPUTER that was installed in it. Now may i please board."
"Shut down you engines. We will pull you in ourselves."

Kyp was put into a holding cell until the Chiss could verify his story.

posted 02-03-04 06:12 AM EDT (US)     332 / 363  
The Black Shadow Stat's
Ship Name: The Black Shadow
Ship Class: Raider Transport
Ship Design: it is similar design to the correlian corvette. It is grey almost going into black.
Hight: 56 Meter's.
Leingth: 64 Meter's.
Width: 58 Meter's
Moddification's: Cloaking Device, Boarding Tube It attach's to whatever ship and cut's through the armor so the raider squadron can jump in, Sonic Charge's seen in episode2 aotc when obi'wan was chasing jango, Solar panneled armor Extract's energy from heat, Hyper Drive, Ion Cannon's, Advanced Shield Generator, Small Tractor Beam For extracting small recource's like ship wreckage, Busted droid part's, Ect, Ect..
Speed: 90 MPH.

OOC: There it is again. So if you want to edit it in i've found it again and put it up!

posted 02-03-04 10:48 AM EDT (US)     333 / 363  
OOC: Ok thanks, and can everyone post all of the stats for their characters, factions, or anything else that hasn't been posted recently so it will be easier for me to update the stats now? Thanks in advance and sorry for any annoyances caused by this. Next time I'll try not to put off updating stats for so long.
posted 02-03-04 08:05 PM EDT (US)     334 / 363  
Several transport ship's landed near nar shadaa. When they landed each dropped off 50 dark jedi warrior's who came into bib fortuna's sight and bowed filling the room. Fortuna was amazed that these were real dark jedi bowing to him. Exitment enveloped him and he couldent help smiling. Beloth came out to the front and bowed to fortuna. "Welcome back Beloth!" Beloth looked up and smiled then stood. The rest of the dark jedi stood up and turned on their saber's placing them in front of their face's. "We are ready for siac my lord! With 250 dark jedi in this very room!" He raised his saber in front of his face "The enemy of this alliance will fear!"
posted 02-03-04 09:32 PM EDT (US)     335 / 363  
Nar Shaada

Irek noticed Beloth was nearby. When he sensed Beloth was alone he walked over.

"So you finished healing up? If you try to force me into doing stuff again, I'm going to be forced to do that again. I'm fine being or working with you, but you can't force me to do things," said Irek.

Irek then went to his room.

posted 02-04-04 05:37 AM EDT (US)     336 / 363  
Name - Kyp Jargon
Age - 36
Species - Shi'ido
Job - Captain Super Star Destroyer Predictable
Faction - Rebel Alliance
Bio - Kyp was born on Alderaan. Despite having two eminent Jedi as parents, Kyp has no trace of the gift himself. He is however, a crack pilot and brilliant strategiser, and has amassed a sizeable fleet due to his skills as both a pilot and a leader. He left the New Republic shortly after its formation because he felt that the New Republic was moving in the wrong direction by giving control over to the beaurecrats.

Kyp's Private Army
1 Super Star Destroyer (Predictable)
10 Imperial Star Destroyers (Kanaba, Interlude, Sentinel, Diablos, Codemaster, Dergister, Toska, Dekarr, Darnell, Kodaire)
5 Calamari Cruisers (Antellach, Imt, Rendan, Naxos, Tenga)
3 Victory Star Destroyers (Pheric, Blasta, Wampa's Fury)
10 Chiss corvettes
100 Smaller cruisers and gunships
60 Chiss Clawcraft
200 X-Wings
50 A-Wings
30 B-Wings

5 Luxury cruisers (sightseeing tours and cruises are part of his legitimate enterprises)
5 Gargantuan Cruisers (Roughly the size of a mon cal cruiser, but three times the height, consists of a cockpit, engines and a massive storage area)(Kyp sells these to the public as another part of the legitimate side of his operation)

80,000 SD 10 War Droids
100,000 Z-Type Droid Fighters

Rattatak (Droid Foundry and Starship construction facility)

EDIT: I added the chiss craft.

[This message has been edited by kypjargon (edited 02-05-2004 @ 06:41 AM).]

posted 02-04-04 07:05 AM EDT (US)     337 / 363  
9 Parsec's north of correlia-[Space Station Narunka]
A lambda class shuttle flew by the station. 2 tie intercepter's flew by it's side's. "Sir. Three imperial ship's are passing us! They are low on fuel and apear to have been riding through for two day's now." General Quel Barm looked at them on the scope's. "Disable their engine's!" The turret's fired off and landed streight onto the lambda shuttle's engine's causing it to twirl out of control. One of the wing's destroyed one of the tie's wing's. The other one gracefully swooped over and started to spin blazing green particle's of energy toward's narunka but was destroyed easily. "Aparantly they needed better defence. Set the lambda shuttle in a tractor beam and pull it in!" The raider team came through the coridor's to capture any cargo or imperial officer's.

Byss-[Thrawn's command deck]
A private looked at the reading's and got a frightened look on his face. "Thrawn's not going to like this!" he thought. Thrawn noticed he wasent very happy with his reading's. "What is it private?" he said. The private gulped and looked over. "We just lost communication's with the imperial weapon's designer." Thrawn flamed out in rage "WHAAAATTT?!?!?"

OOC: no this is not the one's who are building the star destroyer's and stuff these are some new guy's who were hopefully small enough not to be noticed and deliver some special weapon's design's. Just to make it interesting

posted 02-05-04 06:38 AM EDT (US)     338 / 363  
Five days after Kyp was placed in the holding cell he was released and brought to the bridge where representitives from the Four Families were waiting.

"Kyp Jargon, we are intrigued by your proposal, but do not think that at this stage we will not dismiss you outright. State your case."
Kyp took a deep breath and then began,
"The Rebel Alliance was a brilliant team of strategists, war coordinators and personnel. It worked because of this fact. I was a part of this team. With the destruction of the death star and the emperor this team desecrated its perfection by giving control over to the beaurecrats. Now the New Republic is threatened by a resurgence of the empire and the sith. These two are not working together as they did once before, but unless steps are taken to end this bloodshed quickly I fear that the galaxy will be scarred by many years of pointless bloodshed. The Chiss Empire is, and will always be, stronger than that of the rest of the galaxy. If you act now, you will unite the galaxy under the Chiss, and bring about a time of prosperity and change."

There was silence for several moments before the representitives requested that Kyp give them a moment to confer.

When he was called back the representitive of the Nurudo family stood.

"Kyp Jargon, the Chiss have decided to aid you in your fight for peace. Take this battle group with you and give us coordinates to the place where you want reinforcements."
"Thank you. The people of the galaxy will thank you when this is over."

Kyp returned to his missile boat, launched and returned to Rattatak with his new Chiss allies.

posted 02-05-04 08:18 AM EDT (US)     339 / 363  
Prison Camp

Hayrel ran for shelter as lasers from above darted towards the ground.By the sound of the laser blasts,Hayrel was very sure it came from the X-Wings.

"Run for cover!" Hayrel shouted into his voice transmitter as he dive into a room,an empty room.

Hayrel stretch his hand as soon as an X-wing flew above the room,clouding up the mind of the pilot with the force.Bursts of explosions fill the air as the helpless pilot crashed into a rebel's guard towers.

The walkers then starts their attack on the X-Wings,as their
lasers are strong enough in penetrating the starfighters' shields.

Member Since: 11-19-2002
Proud winner of "Zara's Challenge #2 - Funny Screenshot" award
Han Katarn's tribute thread to Stormtrooper88
posted 02-05-04 10:19 AM EDT (US)     340 / 363  
Kyppy, if you think the Chiss has any chance of winning against the Imperial Federation, you're wrong.

And Nai, the New Republic dosen't do anything, i allways have to attack, can't the New Republic strike somewhere? So i can beat them.


The Eclipse returned to Byss, the world continued to produce war material, it was one of the most industrialized planets in the Galaxy

Thrawn considered where he should strike next, the Outer Rim had a great deal of oppertunities, Sluis Van! The only shipyard the New Republic had, Thrawn prepared the Assault Navy for departure.

The RPG & Election Ruiner
Lord Fooby & Lord Fyyarby '09 - The Superior Choice
posted 02-06-04 05:06 AM EDT (US)     341 / 363  
OOC: Remember your best strategist is a chiss, my whole army is made up of Chiss. And besides who says I need to destroy you outright. All I need to do is help the New Republic and Sith now and then to slowly whittle away your forces. And just as i cannot hope to destroy your home fleet, the same can be said for you and the Chiss home fleet.

And btw the droid foundries of Rattatak are below the poisonous cloud formed by its many volcanoes. Scanners cannot penetrate this cloud.



Kyp and the Chiss arrived home and set about establishing themselves around the equator. They ran some drills to familiarise the Chiss withi his existing pilots.
posted 02-06-04 12:05 PM EDT (US)     342 / 363  
Just you know it Kyp, Thrawn is the best tactican in the galaxy, maybe some Chiss is good tacticans, but a single Chiss soldier isen't much better than a Stormtrooper, and the Chiss Fleet can never be counted as strong as the Empire's, and the idea with the Siths allied with the New Republic is RIDICILUS!

The RPG & Election Ruiner
Lord Fooby & Lord Fyyarby '09 - The Superior Choice

[This message has been edited by Admiral Fyyar (edited 02-06-2004 @ 12:08 PM).]

posted 02-06-04 04:27 PM EDT (US)     343 / 363  


A single chiss soldier isent better than a stormtrooper!

OOC: HAHAAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAAAHAAHAHAHAHAAAHAAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAAAHAHAA AAHAAHHAAAHAAHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dident you watch a new hope-empire strike's back-return of the jedi?! They missed almost every shot!! You actualy made me laugh in REAL life!

[This message has been edited by Robock (edited 02-06-2004 @ 04:32 PM).]

posted 02-06-04 09:13 PM EDT (US)     344 / 363  
OOC: Robock, in the movies they give enemies incredibly bad aim so the hero doesn't die.
posted 02-07-04 10:58 AM EDT (US)     345 / 363  
OOC: Stormtroopers rule forever!!!

When the X-Wings concentrated their fire against the walkers,Hayrel and his troops covering him walk up through a blasted door,leading to several prison cells.

"Search for Captain Durk,on the double!We have little time left before the Rebel send in reinforcements!" Hayrel shouted in his voice amplifier as he walk hastily while searching for Durk Ziridan..

Member Since: 11-19-2002
Proud winner of "Zara's Challenge #2 - Funny Screenshot" award
Han Katarn's tribute thread to Stormtrooper88
posted 02-07-04 11:54 AM EDT (US)     346 / 363  
OOC: We are now past the time period of RotJ, I think. One question should I make a new thread or should we continue using this one?
posted 02-07-04 02:41 PM EDT (US)     347 / 363  
create a new one

The RPG & Election Ruiner
Lord Fooby & Lord Fyyarby '09 - The Superior Choice
posted 02-07-04 04:15 PM EDT (US)     348 / 363  
Yeah the name is alittle bit far off here
posted 02-07-04 05:30 PM EDT (US)     349 / 363  


OOC: Any guesses who the mysterious leader might be?

OMG IT'S EVIL JAR JAR BINKS! I guess that makes snese that he's now eveil and leader of the Gungans, after all, he was thr father of the Empire. In the new thread have a thing that explains the story so far. You know:

Leia still enslaved, no sign of Han, Luke or Chewie. Also The warring Impeirial factions allied with Siac, plus the alliance between Fortuna, Droid Army, and Sith all fighting against Siac.


"Excellent!" Fortuna bellowed. He stood up, spread his arms, and adressed all the Sith. "Friends! I have already formulated a flawless plan to crsuh the pathetic slug, Siac. But that need not concern you. Your job is to assult Siac's palace, without delay!" He handed the leading Sith small comm devices. "I will stay in contact! If... or should I say, WHEN, you suceed, your reward will be riches beyond your imagination, as well as the location of a Certain Sith Holocron that I have discovered! Go now, slaughter annything that moves in Siac's palace with extreme prejudice!" As the eager sith filed out of the room, Fortuna signaled to a group of his henchmen.
"The strike must begin before Siac has recovered from the previous attack. Irek's robotic armies will support the Sith during the assult. Even if the droids and Sith fail, I have a backup plan ready to go!" He glanced at some sensor displays near his throne. "The Sith are already leaving on their shuttles!" he said exitedly, and lekkus swining. "Contact Irek without delay. Tell him to launch his droid armies immediatley. Offer him the same rewards i promised the Sith if he wins!"

Tha gaurds started to leave, but heasitated.
"M'lord..." One of them began. "There is only ONE Sith Holocron that we know of. How can we give it to both the Sith and Irek?"
Fortuna smiled. "I said i'd give them the LOCATION of the Holocron, not the holocron itself. We'll just have to see which one of them gets it first!"
The gaurds laughed, and ran from the room immediatley to find Irek.
An even larger group of armed gaurds filed into the room and moved into protective formation around Fortuna's throne. With complete confidence, Fortuna reclined in his throne.
"No worries, Jabba, old friend. This time, I shal avenge you!"


I figure that's a good way to leave off before Shadow starts the new Episode 7 thread.

Darth Nai, Co-leader of ASD (For AgeS we have been Dead)
Bet kindchen bet, morgen kommt der Schwed.
Stupidity quote of the week:
"We should invade their Muslim countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity!"
-Ann Coulter
posted 02-07-04 07:06 PM EDT (US)     350 / 363  
OOC: Yeah the leader is an evil Jar Jar Binks, you guessed it. Also Jar Jar is evil, because one day Anakin attacked him and when surgery was done people decided his IQ should be increase. They messed up and he went evil. I will make the new thread in a couple of hours. I'm going to be doing something else soon so I can't do it now.
posted 02-07-04 07:31 PM EDT (US)     351 / 363  

Oh yeah, you should make your Gungan characters (besides Jar Jar) talk in their wierd Gunganeese/Basic mix. It will be funny to have a stupid accent coming from sinister characters.


"How dare yousa defy mesa! Now yousa gonna be puunished!"
"Yousa not worthy to even SPAKE to maxibig Gungan mightiness! Gaurds, kill himsa!"


Darth Nai, Co-leader of ASD (For AgeS we have been Dead)
Bet kindchen bet, morgen kommt der Schwed.
Stupidity quote of the week:
"We should invade their Muslim countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity!"
-Ann Coulter

[This message has been edited by Darth Nai (edited 02-07-2004 @ 07:31 PM).]

posted 02-08-04 04:35 AM EDT (US)     352 / 363  
I didnt say that they were allies i said that they were both fighting the empire.
posted 02-08-04 08:45 AM EDT (US)     353 / 363  
OOC: Sorry didn't make the new thread yesterday. I will today as soon as I figure out what the title should be.
posted 02-08-04 11:48 AM EDT (US)     354 / 363  
What about "The Imperial Federation Thread"?:P

The RPG & Election Ruiner
Lord Fooby & Lord Fyyarby '09 - The Superior Choice
posted 02-08-04 11:52 AM EDT (US)     355 / 363  
OOC: "How about storm trooper buiscut's parade?"
posted 02-08-04 11:56 AM EDT (US)     356 / 363  
OOC: "The Imperial Federation Thread" as a title would make it seem like the whole thing revolved around the Imerpial Federation. Also Robock, I'm not going to be using that title. I'm thinking maybe "RotJ RPG 2: A Worse War" as a title, but am not sure.
posted 02-08-04 12:06 PM EDT (US)     357 / 363  
OOC: I was teasing him shadow. But Rotj II doesent sound like it. Rotj is just episode VI not episode VII. But im just giving advice not any rude comment's.
posted 02-08-04 12:17 PM EDT (US)     358 / 363  
Or what about "The Thread where the ultimate n00b, Robock RPs"

The RPG & Election Ruiner
Lord Fooby & Lord Fyyarby '09 - The Superior Choice
posted 02-08-04 12:27 PM EDT (US)     359 / 363  
OOC: Admiral Fyyar, behave. Robock, I knew you were joking. Also Robock you gave me an idea, how about the tile is "The Episode VII RPG" or "The Third Trilogy RPG"?

[This message has been edited by Shadow_Droid (edited 02-08-2004 @ 12:28 PM).]

posted 02-08-04 12:34 PM EDT (US)     360 / 363  
I'm just jokeing

The RPG & Election Ruiner
Lord Fooby & Lord Fyyarby '09 - The Superior Choice
posted 02-08-04 01:00 PM EDT (US)     361 / 363  
OOC: Ok, and what do you think of the two new title ideas?
posted 02-08-04 03:06 PM EDT (US)     362 / 363  

I like "The Episode VII RPG"

Darth Nai, Co-leader of ASD (For AgeS we have been Dead)
Bet kindchen bet, morgen kommt der Schwed.
Stupidity quote of the week:
"We should invade their Muslim countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity!"
-Ann Coulter
posted 02-08-04 03:38 PM EDT (US)     363 / 363  
OOC: Ok, then that will be the new title. The new thread will be up shortly.
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