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Poseidon: Completed cities » Alexandria - Completed city

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Alexandria - Completed city

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Adventure: Custom
Difficulty: Olympian
Population: 9900
Just a challenge to reach the agora limit ^^.

But a gigantic housing block with 149 houses and 8940 people is not enough to discourage the courageous food vendor (That's more 2 big blocks with a common agora). The housing block is very stable and i haven't got a single glitch in the entire game. I've not said my last word T_T.

Edit :

A second try with 2 diamond blocks with 179 houses and 10740 people have almost beaten the food vendor. Even with a supersonic food vendor (1 tile from the granary), there are some micro food storage. But the houses manage to have enough food to be supplied one every 2 turns.

The zip include 2 saves with the 2 housing blocks (the diamonds adventure isn't completed)
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File Author
The food vendor can support anything I think ...

I've just made a block with 176 houses and 10516 people. 3 houses don't evolve at max(-2, -1, -1). I will try to add a few more houses and solve this appeal problem.

[Edited on 04/15/09 @ 07:55 AM]

File Author
A second try with 2 diamond blocks and 179 fully upgraded houses is almost enough to beat the food vendor. But the houses manage to be supplied in food only once every 2 passages.

Even if some glitch are possible. I didn't get one in the entire game. I guess the houses that need to get an entire food supply will provoke the shortage for the next ones and so on. So there is no housing devolve.

[Edited on 04/15/09 @ 04:13 PM]

LovelyEKM Okay, How many people should I do with my food thing.

[Edited on 05/25/09 @ 05:37 PM]

File Author
Sorry, but i don't understand the comment !? I've just tried to do the biggest block possible with only one agora to see if it can supply all the houses.
For info,the houses manage to be supplied in food once every 2 passages, but with the 2 loops, the supplied is required every passage for oil and fleece.
DMDMRulz Ok, have you ever gotten a bigger housing block than the ones showed in your completed adventures? If not, is there a specific way to build the housing blocks?
DMDMRulz Sissy says thanks.
File Author
That's the first time i make such a big housing block. Anyway i won't use it ... that's just for the challenge. The problem is that even if max house require only a supply every two passage for food, every level below require the food supply every passage. So the last houses take a long time to evolve and you need to build them at the right time. A little error or a god attack would be a disaster for this block.

Usually, i use the trojan war block or the one you have seen in veni vino vobbli or woody woes colony. If the terrain is hard i use to construct blocks like in the parent city of woody woes. So you can manage to save a lot of workers with a good path of science.
The base of the construction is often the use of fountain/infirmary to choose if you make a block of 2*27, 2*35 or 2*44 tiles.
Anyway i wouldn't use a single agora like in this game for 2 big blocks. It's better for the supply to duplicate it.
DMDMRulz Thanks
Rating: 4
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Additional Comments:

i cant challenge you in the housing blocks, in fact i liked the diamond shape (it's the first time to see it..thats brilliant)

but i may compete with you in the over all of the city ;), i uploaded it in this forum, you can take a look and tell me your comments..

c ya
File Author
I will take a look at your city. But i don't see the point in comparing the 2 cities. I've not tried to make a beautiful city. I've just tried to make the biggest housing block possible with one agora (that's my limit). So there's nothing to compete.
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