Composite Editor

for Age of Empires and Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome Expansion

Source Code Available

Well, for all you modders out there I decided to make Composite Editor “open-source”. Do whatever you want with it, just be clear that you are making your own modifications, and credit me for the original.

There are loads of different files of various versions, totaling several hundred megabytes, and some of the patches have to be applied in a certain order (which I've forgotten) as some will reverse the effects of others... in other words, a huge unorganized mess.

Use is at your own risk. Errors and crashes and other bad stuff probably will happen if you try to compile/use this stuff.

Generally, though, the latest version of a text file should be the one that works.

I did write comments inside the patches files but reading them again they are not very useful.

I think it may be easier to just reverse-engineer it from the finished product - just decompile the empires.dat with the features you want, using AoEd/RoRd, and then compare the differences between the Composite Editor and original empires.dat.
I recommend using the Text Differences feature in PSPad.

Anyway if you are feeling brave...

Download Composite Editor Source Package from the AoEH Granary

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