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Lord Achilles

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Version: AoM: The Titans
Lord Achilles
By: Lord DiGangi

To Install~

Just run the auto installer and read the read me to find out how to intall the proto stats

If you wish to manually install I have included the files for you, just place the files in the folders of AOM that I have named for you

Example: textures go in the textures folder

To Uninstall-

Run the uninstaller (found in your programs menu) and remove proto stats, the read me file is there for a reason! use it! Or you can remove the files placed in the AOM folders

Lord Achilles is based on Brad Pitt from the movie Troy and is a new unit based on the mrymidon. This is only version 1 and in about a week I will realease version 2 with many new features.

-Notes on Achilles-

~This is my first published mod, hope you guys are pleased

~Cinematic Version is also going to be added soon
Achilles is a strong unit that is not to be underestimated by himself, escpecially with his special attack. I can assure this new unit is really great for Troy campaigns and scenarios

Alright Updated
August 9, 2004

sounds file is updated and I am sorry but I am working to get the icons working im having problems :S

I thought you guys might want a look at the history of Achilles....its been updated


Achilles was the son of the mortal Peleus and the Nereid Thetis. He was the mightiest of the Greeks who fought in the Trojan War, and was the hero of Homer's Iliad.
Thetis attempted unsuccessfully to make her son immortal. There are two versions of the story. In the earlier version, Thetis anointed the infant with ambrosia and then placed him upon a fire to burn away his mortal portions; she was interrupted by Peleus, whereupon she abandoned both father and son in a rage. Peleus placed the child in the care of the Centaur Chiron, who raised and educated the boy. In the later version, she held the young Achilles by the heel and dipped him in the river Styx; everything the sacred waters touched became invulnerable, but the heel remained dry and therefore unprotected.
When Achilles was a boy, the seer Calchas prophesied that the city of Troy could not be taken without his help. Thetis knew that, if her son went to Troy, he would die an early death, so she sent him to the court of Lycomedes, in Scyros; there he was hidden, disguised as a young girl. During his stay he had an affair with Lycomedes' daughter, Deidameia, and she had a son, Pyrrhus (or Neoptolemus), by him..........

That is only a small taste of history file included in the download.
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[Edited on 08/08/04 @ 07:16 PM]

Rating: 0
Your Lord Achilles textures were really hard to define cause its all black. Also there are no icons or existing icons you used. The texture of the face doesn't look too good. I didn't know Lord achilles has a cape. Your histroy file was detailed enough. I like your way of giving the Lord Achilles a different sword and sheild than the mryidoms, but other than that.....

Additional Comments:
Some people may not like to use auto-installers. Try and include the auto installers and your files in your zip folder. Also try not to use microsoft words for readmes and proto files - they need to load so notepad is a lot more efficient. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh but i'm just trying to help you on your mod so you could make better ones in the future

Edit: Your links to the screenshots DO NOT work. Please update them. I look forward to Version 2.

[Edited on 08/14/04 @ 06:45 AM]

File Author
ummmmm yea i cant believe you give a mrymidon texture mod a 5.0 but a full new unit a 2.0

but as i said this is based on brad pitts armor from the movie troy so your wrong the textures are nice, espcecially since photoshop is working for me right now

i know for a fact that my mod is not worth the same rating as your warg rider, its much better
Rating: 3
i give this a 3 beacuse i know for a fact that Lord Di Gangi has worked his arse off on it, and it is also his first new unit, so i am giving him a middle rating to help encourgae people like him to mod, i mean, my first file got two fives (and a 1 lol) i was expecting all 1's(and the 1 result came from a m8 of mine taking the piss), the good results made me work harder on my next ones, so hopefully, although it's not perfect, the Lord Achilles mod will become better and more refined as we see new versions being made, good luck to u m8
Good Points:
obviusly a lot of time put into this
good resemblence of Achillies from Troy
Good Stats

Bad Points:
Although a good likness the textures do need to be touched up on
Auto Installers are frowned upon by most people, except maybe snuggins lol (no offence m8 but u do ask for them a lot)

[Edited on 08/08/04 @ 04:15 PM]

File Author
thanks nox i think i did pretty dam well for my first mod, i got a ton of mod projects being worked right now

but with your review i was also looking for a review on what was good and bad :P

and theorg sent you email about the mercenary mod by the way
Nox thanx for that m8

i will edit my review accordingly :D

btw Lord_DiGangi, do u want to help work on the Mercenary Mod, becuase there more people on it the better, and you would be excedingly welcome.

21.33 british time

looks like that e-mail from Theorg was just asking if u could join, like i said, if u want to your in

[Edited on 08/08/04 @ 04:24 PM]

File Author
thanks for the review nox, i updated it so now you get the namual installation files and the auto installer, also i included some new screenies in the pack you download :)

[Edited on 08/08/04 @ 07:15 PM]

Deathscythe092 Why didn't you just call him Achilles (hero) or something (p.s. nice textures. are they copied from pictures?)?
File Author
i wanted a unique name for him and also i did not copy the textures i painted them myself, took me awhile and by the way if ya download use him at all please give a review

thanks :)
Celer I wanted to give you a 2.5 but there was none so I gave you a 2 and I know your mod was better alright?
Just giving you some suggestions to improve your mod

Yea and I gave the myridom texture a 5 cause you could see all the armor DISTINCTLY, but your textures since they're all black, are very hard to see sometimes. And I know that brad pitts armor from the movie troy doesn't look all black. You could see acurve in the armor, and everything, so stop saying I gave you a bad rating.

[Edited on 08/08/04 @ 10:46 PM]

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